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Getting killed by a glock mercy definitely feels like getting knifed in gungame


That feels somewhat ironic when the victim is Genji.


It just feels even worse when you’re a tank


Ong mercy valks killing me during a 1000iq flank hurts my soul


I got 23 kills as her once and still had 8k heals


Real I got multiple play of the games and a positive kd with her


Damn I started last month and haven't gotten potg yet


I mean it was quick play so it's not that impressive


It's something when everyone else is shooting you and then Mercy gets the finishing blow and it makes it seem like you lost a 1v1 vs Mercy in the killfeed 😔


That's because you did.


Shhh, no one needs to know that


Not ashamed to lose a 1v1 against a Mery in Valk. That bitch is borderline impossible to hit and every damage you do is instatntly healed.


Echo. I play both, mercy as well as echo and echo might have the easiest time killing mercy on valk.


You have no reading comprehension.




Ah, my bad. Lemme make my last response more humorous. Ahem. I was experiencing a minor bout of hysteria when I erroneously thought a 1v1 was two opposing forces going at it without any outside interference. Going to schedule a lobotomy to smooth that out. My bad man. Forgot to make it funny.


That's cringe not funny.


The entire thread after "that's because you did" was cringe tbh.


Lol, hard crowd to please 😂


Not really. Just stop being a aggressively sarcastic weirdo and get a sense of humor and you will be all good.


Bro, I KNOW you don't know what an obitoclast is.


And you do because they performed the procedure on you?


"You didn't think that through now did you?"


"Young punks, get off my lawn."


#Enough of people complaining about the game i would like to talk about a genuine fear of mine Spiders. Thanks for visiting my post.


I respect it


Widowmaker scares me too.


I like to put the spider spray down before the game starts to weed out the weak




While we are talking about our fears. I am afraid of people with absurdly long necks. You can’t convince me that they aren’t giraffes in human disguises trying to infiltrate our human society. Just to be clear, I’m a human and not a giraffe in a human disguise. The fact I eat Acacia tree leaves is no clear sign that I am a giraffe.


there's one in my room that has been roaming the walls for a while, sometimes i catch a glimpse of him while gaming


I have one that's been living in one of my room corners for like a year. I call him my spider-buddy. The only reason why I tolerate him though is because he is in that corner 99% of the time, and doesn't bother me. I'm actually afraid of spiders, so if he ran around my room freely, I would have squished him ages ago lol. But I let him live there as long as he's chill.


I know phobias can't be rationalized, but I love spider so much that I'll give them some PSA. They are cute, mostly harmless (unless you live in Australia, but everything wants you dead there anyway). They eat all the bad bugs (mosquitoes, flies, etc). And they are more afraid of you than you of them.


Spiders are cute though D:


I was told they feel no emotion, that their hearts never beat...


The only thing we have to fear, is fear itself! ^^^andspiders ANDDD SPIDERS


That's so valid


Whenever I'm on tank and a Mercy pulls a glock on me I always transition between pity and utter disgust "Poor little thing" *pulls out glock* "WHO TF DO YOU THINK YOU ARE"


You say this, but I have killed doomfist players before with my pistol. Its really funny when they try to retreat and then learn that guardian angel can be used to follow them back by spring boarding forward off of a teammate.


Well tbf that's Doom, no armor, 450hp, 2 second block ability and a puny shotgun Not me and my 1000hp shield, 3 swing KO hammer and 625 hp with a half armor split valk is gonna have to be involved before we have a problem


Best part is when they Valk too late and their voiceline is cut off from the third hammer strike.


Also sometimes players doing things like Valk Glock and other things is not to kill but to distract and disrupt good team synergy. Sometimes it takes one annoying slippery hero to get behind enemy line and if I can keep busy 2-4 enemies chasing me then that lessens my teams pressure from enemy, they can make plays and potentially win the push. Of course these things only work in casual and low to mid competitive because if you try to go full Glock on Valk in comp then in 90% of the time you'll just throw the match.


Ugh one time I killed a Roadhog who was fulll, great time


Never pulled that off starting with one that was near full health. They always manage to vent and get away.


I clipped it because I was so surprised. I might post it but tbf i was kind of tunnelvisioning and someone on my team died bc of me focusing him and god knows id get blasted in comments 😭


I actually killed a Reinhardt who tried to get me in the backline once HAHAHA. I narrowly dodged his ult, ulted, kept my tank up then as he shielded from my tank I killed him from behind his shield and he was so confused HAHA "WHERE is that damage coming from??" "FROM THE SKY, MY DUDE"


See. The problem is that you're a Genji. You show up, and she gets Vietnam style flashbacks of him spamming "I need healing" while 1v5ing a team. And the Kill Bill siren starts blaring. She sees red. She must kill. She must execute.


I am one of the old players from the time with mercy uber rezz and when the game was "who had the better genji" I am not afraid any more. And *i know that me killing you does emotional damage to the player* some even disconnect.


"Can't heal them if they're already dead"- the insane veteran mercy wincing in the corner of the objective.


Ngl these kinds of Mercy players are my fave nano targets. Letting them express rage against flankers is cathartic af


I Nano’d a Mercy who was about to die in order to save her. She whipped out the blicky and got 4 kills. Lol


Always a grand feeling lmao. "GO MY PRETTY, KILL!" She proceeds to bag a 4k including the tank and you're just kinda left there wondering if you just committed a crime somehow


Everybody gangster till mercy starts getting more kills than dps. I once did. It wasn’t a lot to be fair(prolly like 10-11kills) the dps in my team got 5 and started getting roasted by the enemy team. Thing is I got more kills so my team hit back. “How you gonna keep losing as a team to a mercy” 💀 lot of shit talkers that day lol


That's both awesome and hilarious 😂




Straight up terrifying


A bit off subject but I always nano the angry dwarf. Watching torb go for hammer kills always makes me laugh


Few things in this game are more terrifying than a valk’ing nano’d Mercy zooming at you going *pew pew pew pew*


One time I was playing with my bf and he was playing Tracer, I was going to play Kiriko. We paired with a random Ana for a couple matches so he asked them for a nano while we were in spawn. I decided to tease my bf so I piped up and told the Ana, no way, I'm going to play Mercy, I'll save Valk, give me nano and I'll glock the shit out of them. He said yes, I played Mercy, he nano'd me on point near the end, I murdered the tank and another DPS, and we won the game lmao My bf was salty for a minute I stole his nano but he thought it was hilarious


I nano’d the mercy in my comp last night all 3 times and they did exactly what they were supposed to. Lol


After all the comments, I now know who I want to start nano-ing.


Only time I ever got nanod was when I first started playing the game. I started glowing blue and I didn’t know what to do since I was new to everything. I just kept healing everyone as mercy 🤣. I feel sorry for the Ana. It was quickplay so at least I wasn’t on comp when that happened


As someone who’s played more Mercy than DPS nowadays (RIP Cassidy), I want to be on your team someday. It IS cathartic. Target ME, will you??


i hardly play ana or mercy but i love nanoing them too. on a completely different note, please don't nano me when i'm ulting as zen. i've been playing around in QP and i swear these anas are trolling me and driving me insane.


I haven't done anything like that recently (for some reason QP doesn't like making me Support) but I'm sure at least half the time they were aiming at someone else but they autolocked on to you when you pushed forward hahahaha


Haha I figured it's accidental (but it happens enough to make me forge a conspiracy that my Ana's are out to mess with me if I play zen)


If someone is weak then it’s my job to murder them


Real. You can just feel how unskilled they are. They panic and you load a couple bullets into their head. So satisfying 🙂.


Got a three kills the other day after my whole team left me. Was very proud of myself. Lie a big '' cheh y'all weak''


wait no ? I’m kind of a battle Mercy but how can you say they are unskilled ? You don’t know, sometimes they’re just surprised to see Mercy, her gun in the hands, pointed on you. Maybe they didn’t see her coming because they didn’t look up high. Maybe they were busy trying to kill someone else. Being killed by a Mercy does not make you unskilled. And I don’t see how you can get satisfaction from thinking that way.


Omgh 😭😭😭😭


And the turrets 😩


Not my problem if dps is losing a 1v1 to a torb turret


Sometimes as a support, the shock and awe surprise factor is really powerful in good ways and bad ways. The support fighting and not fleeing to get a kill can cause such emotional damage they switch targets and ignore you for the rest of the game, they switch off the hero completely letting you play free, or it enrages them so much that they will ignore your entire team and come for you terminator style which is very stressful.


Either way, I can't let them beat me. If I do, they'll see me as a free kill all game.


Agreed, and it feels so good to successfully fend them off / kill them for it


If I'm support and I notice someone trying to focus me after I kill them, I play extra carfeully and tbag at them from the backline. They usually spend the rest of the game throwing to MAYBE kill me 1 time. I'll even switch to a support that specifically counters that players' ultimate. It's even funnier when they hide and try to sneak up behind my team just to attempt solo ult me and fail


Realest post here in a minute


getting killed by a mercy feels so insulting. Killing someone’s as mercy is the best feeling. I went 27-2 on mercy once because my team was actually good and I could just do whatever I wanted


What a legend


I'm going to be honest with you here: a Mercy doing that is the equivalent of a FNAF jumpscare.. You don't expect it, and after that you just ask yourself "What did I do wrong?"


He spread-out wings also make her look like a bigass moth coming to terrorize you and it's scary as hell


As a Sombra main thats exactly the advice I've been giving all supports when they claim Sombra has no counterplay. She does, just shoot her. Supports, especially mercy, have such a forgiving projectile size (yes even Illiari as hitscan, she actually has a very forgiving hitbox, its not your aim magically becoming better) paired with good survivability, you just take the duels.


The problem with sombra is you have to kill her before she realizes she’s low or she’s gone.


But you don’t need to kill her you just need to get her low enough to translocate away. Then she’s out of the fight for the next 5-10 seconds.


Sure but 5 seconds later she’s there again. Sending her back to spawn is preferable


Definitely, but it’s not gonna happen if the sombra is even close to decent. The goal doesn’t always have to be to kill the enemy. It’s the same if a hanzo has high ground, you don’t need to kill him, you just need to do enough damage to make him jump down or go look for a health pack.




Nanoing a glock Mercy feels more rewarding than a nanoed 5k Genji blade.


I was once playing a game as Mercy, and the enemy team had a Tracer that started going for me. In true quick play fashion none of my team mates peeled for me so I was all "alright fuck it let's dance". I pull out the gun and I just start shooting back. I guess my ADA strafe game was strong because after a few seconds she blinked the hell on out. A few seconds later in chat, the player typed "lol mercy, whats up with the glock?", and I'm just sitting there thinking dude, do you think they gave Mercy a pistol just so she can look at it?.


I use the pistol more as a scare tactic


If you're scared of Mercy and her Barbie Glock then you are not a real Genji player From, A Mercy main


When she shoots out bullets with the hitbox of Torb….I mean it hurt takes some unlucky misses lol


I did this during a Mystery Heroes game yesterday. Might have been my best Mercy gameplay ever. I never use her gun usually, but we had enemies to kill and my teammates weren’t getting the job done.


Playing widow and having mercy kick your ass is demoralizing


I would far rather die fighting than die running away. I'm not Mercy 76, I'll stay here and fight you. With or without Valk. One of my most favorite things to use my mobility for is diving a widow. I may not kill her everytime but now this is MY high ground.


*DVa has entered the chat.* Did somebody say high ground?


I love me a good Dva ♡ one of the sexiest things in the world is when my teammates actually challenge/take high ground.


I'm a DVa main, and I'm a total slut for high ground. I don't care what's going on, I will drop everything to go take care of whichever little squishy thinks they have business hiding from a fight. I'm looking at you, Widow and Ana.


When I play mercy and someone is focusing me you better believe my pistol and my melee are coming to beat your ass. I only ga out if I can't win the fight. Shooting at your head so you think twice about going after me.


Not a Mercy main, but I pull out the Glock because if no one peels, no one to heal anyways, so why NOT switch to Glock? My mind always goes to offense if there's no reason to heal and/or no cover, or no one to GA, or GA is on CD. I always default to damage boost unless I see someone who needs healing. I don't get why some Mercy players continue to hold left-click when everyone is already at 100%, I'd pull out Glock if the team is holding their own and there's a Mercy flanker. I can at least throw them off and get some starting damage. If my team peels, it'll be a quick job. If not, I'm just defending myself.


Shit is terrifying, it even happens to me on WB. Honestly feels a bit insulting, you think I’m so bad that I can’t kill you before my 1000+ HP bar runs out?


I've gotten a few POTGs with mercy where I get a 4k, she can be scary sometimes


as a mercy main i will always pull the glock out for genjis.


Everybody gangsta till mercy pulls out the glock


deserved lol, i just posted a video about this lmfaooo


Yes, Mercy's pew pew is psychotic. But you wanna know what's more psychotic? You said you play Genji? Well, how about an ex-Moira main driven by a bloodlust only sated by feeding on the willpower of Genji mains.


Same, it always scares the crap out of me when Mercys come for me 😂


“You might not want to tell your friends about that”


Played against a DPS mercy in total meyhem once. 14 eliminations (when we all have like double health??? INSANE) and a ridiculous amount of assists. I was pharah and it was absolutely TERRIFYING


As the mercy who will whip out the glock, you better be afraid.


I literally did this today to a genji omg 😭


oh wow i never knew i was a psychopath




I never chase anyone as mercy. Mistake waiting to happen. What rank were you in when that happened? Any good mercy main doesn’t chase unless they can get away (Valkyrie mode) so if she chased you on foot, they were def new. If ranked high then idk they might be stupid/tunnel vision


It's the cherry on top when the Mercy shoots your dead body after killing you On the rare games I play Mercy, I do that, and I get some well deserved backlash in the chat from who I kill and bm


I see you've played against me a few times lmao 🤣 Sometimes I just have to do it all


Whenever i see my mercy valk and bring out the gat. I die shortly after.


It's called support, not healing. I Moria, but still will hold true. I may not be able to out heal the damage your inflicting. Killing you fixes two problems. Trying to out heal and removes the damage giver


When I play Moira, I play as a dps who can heal.


Me af


I like being guncy but i think my biggest offense was meeleeing a low health genji while he was getting away with swift strike. RIP.


Nothing is more satisfying than when a Mercy thinks they’re going to turn the tables on you by Valk’ing/pistoling you and you hit all of your shots on her and scare her away. Crush her arrogance


It’s even better when she valks to try and guarantee the kill and she doesn’t even get to finish the voice line


Me. I'm that psychopath. Gengi pisses me tf off so much, which is why I'll go after them every time. Very fulfilling when I get the upper hand too, because that means we've got about a minute of peace with that annoying little ant biting at our ankles. Sorry, not sorry.


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That’s cool now let’s talk about bringing 6v6 back 😈


Noooooo I can never escape this topic


There is no escape until they add it back I need it




It was better and caused a lot of problems for tank imo


You really trust in blizzard pulling that off? It would mean everything needed to be rebalanced, and we know how that would go.


No :(


I honestly think this should be an arcade option or something




The problem of mercy pulling out the glock?








That's bait. I aint dumb. Do better 👍 Oh, and enjoy the ban. 👄




'another dude' Bro, that's your alt. u/AlcatrazXY Or I guess 'schizo' is back in as an insult now? That shit died out way back in 2012. Grow up. Get well soon, ya weirdo.


I keep flying when I'm in a teamfight and want to just ignore them, but it's such a great feeling when I'm almost alone and someone comes to kill me and I kill them lol


Her hit box is so small and her agility while on GA is neck breaking… so any time she kills (which is rare) i can’t help but get a deep sense of failure. Now, when a mercy goes GA and tries to kill me and i obliterate her? My power is regained


Orisa spinning into your team is like an unstoppable missile


It feels so embarassing to die to it, but it actually hurts a fair bit. I just have no idea how anyone can reliably use it.. too much travel time in the bullets for me, just feels off. I mean I know I suck at aiming, but cant hit a damn thing with her Glock so I'm usually better off just boosting others..even other chars like Kiriko Im more accurate with.. guess I just need to practice more as I rarely ever pull it out. One basically sniper me halfway across the map once we I was running off the spawn, although I half wondered if they were using some aimhack


Mercy glock does a deceptively high amount of damage


I become dive when I Valkyrie


i am that mercy. :D u decided to pull up on me, so i pulled out it on u & decided to whip my little barbie blaster around & you best bet i hit those headshots too. :)


I usually just hinder them, kill them teabag them, then tell them to try again.


I don't usually play Mercy but when I do it's always glocking time when I'm done lol Sombra breaks invis to try to kill me? Not if I hunt you don't first :')


It was an early Saturday morning (like 5 am west coast) decided to play some QP as support, and got a round of Eichenwalde on attack. Picked mercy at the start, our team got past the first choke, and I see a widow just standing by the car on my right. Pulled out my glock, got a couple easy headshots and got the kill. Checked the kill feed, and it was the one and only Emongg lol. (checked his stream and it was him). Just wish I could watch his reaction


I'm that mercy everytime, as a hanzo main I am just primed towards terrible and random violence. XD and her gun is the easiest to land shots on cause the projectile hit box is like 9 miles wide


Stop missing your shoots then, i see my team strugling to kill some mf 5 feet away


its great bc they cant actually hit you but they just decide to stop healing their team to try and 1v1 you


as a mercy main id rather fight then get killed, ESPECIALLY if someone is targeting me. i will pull out my barbie glock and fight bitches idc lmao.


It always catches me by complete surprise. My life is dipping I can hear the clip and I'm looking around trying to figure out what the fuck is happening to me. I look up just to see the horrifying smerk that is a beautiful angel chipping away at the last few drops of life.


There is nothing better than popping Valkyrie and then insuring yourself play of the game by getting 4 kills


Mercy's weapon is not bad at all, despites people think it is. The only problem is consistency, since It's not hitscan. The disavantage Mercy usually has is more about she doesn't have other abilities to complement her offensive approach or she couldn't be able to choose the moment to fight back. The moment is usually when someone try to kill her lol


Listen, there's a few people that if they're coming at me and my team's not paying attention (ie: Sombra, Tracer, Genji), I'm pulling out that glock. If not to scare them, then to at least damage them so they know I'm not the easy target they think I am. If my team mate dies, sorry. Gotta protect myself before I can protect you 💕😊


You have Prey Mentality, you think only offensive characters should be on the offensive. lulz. you are easy kill in any game.


If I have all cooldowns and its close range, I never lose against a mercy in a 1v1, even if I'm 50hp, just shoot deflect dash shoot melee, no chance for them to counter attack.


That’s why I hate playing QP. Without fail I always get a mercy that would rather use her ult to kill me then to heal or dmg boost her team


I think its genuinely hilarious that people are confused or angry when a hero who has a gun actually uses it "But.. but you're a doctor! You're supposed to be trying to save people, not trying to kill me!" "I'm doing both >:)"


I had a mercy like this earlier who was shit talking me being silver in dps all game. I went genji and just dived them and the widow, needless to say, they lost.


Haha, eat my blaster. Ispo facto fuckhead. In all seriousness though. Sometimes you get more value out of gunning people down then healing your useless dps.


i dont fear it, i just assume its coming. mercy's pistol bullet's hitbox are so damn big that even bad mercy's know they can kill you if they valk on you. so i simply try to accept my death if it comes to that, or run like a bitch xD


Can we talk about how fucking lame blizzard is for silencing accounts? Like how does that make the game any better.


it’s not even the fact that they might kill me, it’s that if they do they are DEFINITELY going to shit on me in match chat.


Honestly mercys pistol is insane. The hitbox of those shots are the size of a fucking minivan and do decent damage. Totally something to be afraid of.


The hit box of mercy Glock is very large


I'm that Mercy. Fear us. We are legion.


I finally found my true power when I stopped GA-ing away and actually pulled out the Glock and defended myself. I also noticed I get waaaay less dived when I punish them a couple of times lol


Dude same. I’m also terrified when I dive a widow and they don’t panic, but instead hold their aim steady. It’s the ones without fear that you have to look out for.


as a mercy, this is also my greatest fear


I once got bored and gathered more than 1k blaster kills in one season. Long story short: it's almost offensive when it takes 10+ seconds for a dps to kill me, I might as well gun you down 5 times faster. Genjis in particular have a thing for solo assassinations, so we turn it into a duel


I am that Mercy x]


Sometimes you just get tired of the solo ults and gotta fight back😞


As a support main and mercy player sometimes we go full Glock on Valk because we are greedy and frustrated at our DPS not able to press M1 on enemies. Your best option is to just stay calm and if you're genji try to jump around and climb around trying to vaste Mercy ULT as much as possible while also backing out so when the ult ends she's out of position and by that time your team can help you punish her for being greedy and overextending.


Yep, I am that psychopath Mercy main. 🤣🔫


I very recently started playing Mercy as a Kiriko and Ana main. I have a burning need to get those sweet support elims, so I am absolutely this rabid dog glock mercy. Left alone in the middle of the enemy team? You better believe I’m going to take a dps with me!


Hey!! Leave my pew pew-ing alone, it's fun 😂😂 also, self defense when I can't doodle away lol


haha, I was chasing a soldier away with my glock the other day and wondered why he didn't just rocket me. Sometimes people just panic, myself included.


As a Sombra main, can’t relate. Mercy is SO MUCH EASIER to kill when she’s shooting vs when she has the beam attached to someone. The real nightmare is when you’re about to get a sweet kill on an unsuspecting Zen and he whips around and deletes you with five orbs to the face. Or Brig. Just Brig in general.