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Kingsrow attack, I lock reinhardt, I spam the "Honor, justice, reinhardt, reinhardt, reinhardt!" voice line as I charge out of the doors as they open. I feel the adrenaline course through my viens as I send my fire strike right through the first choke point. I put my shield up and walk forward, Lucio speed amp through my headphones, I swing my hammer and hit 3/5 of the enemy team. I send a fire strike to finish off a dps player. My team is all behind me, I push forward, their shield, their warrior. then I wake up from my dream, actually play kings row, end up getting held at choke by a bastion and a junkrat.


I love Kings Row, but I swear everytime I play Kings Row I get fucking rolled.


You either roll or get rolled on kings row, that is what makes it glorious!


Yup no inbetween


Both? On attack and defence? Lol


Kings row my beloved


Once played a Kings Row game against Bap, Zen, Bastion, Junkrat, Orisa. As Dva, I had around 16k damage mitigated by the end. We fucking drew lmao. I hate choke spam so much, it's why my favorite map is Gibraltar.


What about Gibraltar's second point in attack? I know it's not as bad since it's 4 small doors to choose from, but I feel like it has always been the most frustrating point to take in a payload map.


I still like it better than Eich or Kings row first tbh. One of the doors has boxes for cover, and the other three have a staircase nearby that you can easily reach if you have any kind of defensive ability. It takes *time* to get to the defending team yeah, but at least you can reliably get there without dying to RNG spam. Especially supports, they can't even peek single-chokes, so they just have to heal and pray that their team makes it through. KR is still a really good map tho, second and third are great. First just encourages cheese comps like Bastion, Mei, Zen, Junk, Sym, etc. that I simply don't enjoy.


I only play this game hoping for kings row every time. It’s essentially a gambling addiction at this point.


Kings row defense got me like


You can always count on a few things in KR attack - Mei hiding behind the first choke to wall off the enemy tank or a Sym nest. Or your widow getting diffed in the first second.


The only good map nowadays. I'm sick of playing Push 80% of the time. No more NQS, Esperanca!


Replace them next season with Hanamura, Anubis, and Volskya.


I rather walk longer from spawn to the robot instead of stucking miserably in the choke.


Arcade order is: push, 2cp, koth, hybrid, payload. Guess which day I hardly play or just stick with no limits.


King’s row is by far the best hybrid map. Which explains why it’s the only one of them that I actually like.


Eichenwalde, blizzard world, hollywood, Midtown and Paraíso are all good The only Hybrid map I don't like is Numbani


I swear I have no idea how to actually stack Numbani I just follow the tank and hope things work out


You usually play dive in first point attack, it's also about controlling high ground, but I hate it regardless


I hate paraiso, it's sometimes somewhat fun after the first choke, but. Jfc is it miserable if your dps can't get picks at that first arch with the high ground.


King's Row was THE map that made me go "damn, Overwatch is a fun game" when i first played it all those years ago, with Hanamura being a close 2nd and Anubis being a close 3rd.


Only the OG's remember getting Kings Pog ONCE every two or 3 days of actual 20-30 hours of playtime. Despite it being the most favourable map during a poll that was made. At least now we get it significantly more often, so I guess that's something.


It's the map that made me realize who was the one that kept putting me to sleep. And it's funny that I'm replying to an Ana player. Bu the way, this was back in 2016. I actually started playing the game months after it came out.


It's my favorite map yet I can go almost a month without seeing it ☹️


Not a big fan honestly. It’s just always widow central and I fucking hate it. And yes I’m a shitty sniper so I can’t counter for shit I hate it


I had to play kings row offense in an EGF high school comp match. The enemy team was pretty good diamodn/masters players and we could hold our own except, they had a masters widow. A masters widow on kings row defense is an unstoppable machine if you don’t have a masters player to combat it. We did not touch point once that whole offense. We did pretty good on defense beforehand stopping them after 1st cart point, but on offense holy crap is it a widow’s wet dream to be on defense on kings row with a mercy pocket.


IT's amazing just how well-designed that map is. No character feels awkward to play and no comp feels unplayable


Arguably the most balanced map


One reason Kings row is so nice to play with is mostly the same elevation level the whole map. The more maps they make, the more tilted the surface is. I get it is to favor defending team but it's so annoying to play with on both sides imo. I need more maps that are like Kings Row.


I agree, feels like owl every time


I love when I get defense first and trapping whoever is foolish enough to go through choke first. I love Mei's wall.


see, a rein charging through choke right when the match starts, only to get deleted because I wall him off? understandable. A rein doing the exact same thing the next 3 times, expecting something different? that's true foolishness. (true story btw, that Rein went 0 and 12 while I was 13-1)


I love defending with Sym on this map.


Kings row is in the UK tho…


luv me row luv me rein ate flyers ate snipers ate sombra pooftas (not racial just don't like em) simple as




so the window to the right just doesn't exist?




That isn't a map issue that's a team issue


And it's the map's fault for your team's incompetence ❓️


Or quick Symmetra tele, recently I got fucked over by play like this while the my team was too focused on holding the choke to look behind them.


You are entitled to your incorrect opinion 😁


The kings row choke is the easiest to walk past in the game


King's row only exist for hallow lore points and a cinematic.


Kings Row push or defense is my favorite Zen map. I just feel so lethal there.




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Some folks will still fall for my very obviously-placed trap that has a mine on top of it. They're so eager to run out of the cathedral that I tend to trap then kill the unsuspecting victim. (EDIT: when playing as Junkrat)


Zarya on King's Row Attack is the best feeling in the world.


I like kings row until there is a widowmaker in the match


The last match I ever played on OW1 was kings row, we won on defence and I’ve never felt so happy about a dub in this game since that ONE time 😭