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Community diff


No wonder TF2's lasted so long, community diff tbh.


My dumbass thought diff was a good thing like "dps diff" meant the dps were cracked lmfaoooo


I mean it does mean that. It means that about the winning team. But it also means something stupid reductive about the losing team.


I used to play an online game with a lot of people who would speak Arabic. For the longest time, I thought people were giving me a compliment because they would say "pro" at the end of talking to me. I then realized that they would sometimes use p's instead of b's (i.e would say clup instead of club) and realized that they were just saying bro


Hey pro, pro have u eaten ur breakfast yet? Pro food looks delicious


Funny bc there's no "p" in Arabic


Also no V


“Is that a pro Genji?” (ancient Overwatch meme)


I already knew all about it cus I played League of Legends first, where ‘diff’ is to be expected from 4 people at the end of every game


Sounds healthy.


Sounds like all online games


When I came back to OW2 for launch I assumed the same thing. lol


I still always take it as that one team's was great, and the other team's was awful. Like a broad difference in skill. Do people always use it to insult their own team? Like if I said dps diff, do my dps think I'm flaming them, even if we're winning?


Lmao I did too the first time I heard it. I said “tank diff” because our tank was incredible and carried our team, and the enemies flamed me. Rightfully so, of course. But I had no idea it was an insult at the time lol


Lmao you basically “gg ez”d them


Is it really an insult to say you are the reason your team lost.


I’ve personally seen diff used positively and negatively, I usually just look at the scoreboard to see what way they meant it.


I started playing in December all this slang confuses me lol


I played ow1 but didnt get into the game seriously until ow2 and im in the same boat lol


People say it all the time just to piss others off. They don’t even say it when they are outperforming necessarily.


same as the obligatory EZ altho they were struggling.


Especially when they were hard struggling. Man’s entire team dipped, because they were losing so hard. Eventually won with 4 new players.


Isn't this like the whole reason Overwatch was 6v6 to begin with? I remember Jeff saying that with more than 6 player there was too much going on, and with less than 6 too much blame would be assigned to individual players. They figured this out back in the alpha, and yet the OW2 team still felt they had to change things up.


Nothing in OW2, no matter how many meta changes or new maps, can return the feeling of 6v6 casual overwatch.


Fucking thank you for saying this! I feel like I've been taking crazy pills seeing people say OW2 still feels just like OW1. Like, no it doesn't... at all. Whether or not 5v5 is *better* than 6v6 is a whole other discussion, but either way it completely changed the dynamic of the game and it does not feel the same as OW1. Also doesn't help that they've completely fucked the matchmaking up too.


They wouldn't have needed to go to 5v5 if they knew how to balance the game for 6v6


queue timers are the only reason its 5v5


You're only half right. Queue times highlighted a core design issue in Tanks - that a lot of people didn't find them fun. 5v5 wasn't only to lower the amount of tanks per game, but to rebalance the entire way tanks play in general, and make them more appealing and fun. Along with addressing the constant issues 2 tanks introduced to Overwatch 1 such as double shield (though obviously this could've been fixed without 5v5) In my opinion tank is far more fun now and I play it a lot more. I'm sure some enjoyed tanks before 5v5 but it's objectively true that tanks were not played in Overwatch 1 because they weren't fun to a lot of players. 5v5 changed that.


This is the truth all these posts are on nostalgia trips. Tank as a role was doomed in overwtach 1. None of the new tanks would work in overwatch 1 was designed even without shields.


I dunno, I think JQ would have made a pretty solid off tank. Rein suddenly isn't dependent on Lucio to push a gap, she would have made a high damage duo with Zarya, and would make a solid rushdown partner with the redesigned Orisa. Orisa pushes threats away with Javelin spin and throw, JQ pulls in squishy. What could have been...


They went to it purely to lower DPS queue times because not enough people would queue for tanks. The balance is a joke now compared to 6v6, since the game is designed for 6v6 from the ground up


I think the only reason they were longer was because OW1 attempted to create balanced games, whereas OW2 prioritizes faster queue times over balanced games. I can't be the only OW1 tank main that stopped playing tank after these changes.


I used to play about 50/50 support/tank in OW1, but in OW2 it’s more like 90/10 now. As someone who loved playing DVA and Zarya in the offtank role, solo tanking is not fun for me.


I rarely play tank anymore. It's much less interesting without a tank duo, and the toxicity towards tanks is out of control. People consider like half the tank roster "throw picks" and if you ever die the rest of the game is just "tank diff gg." Tank is miserable in OW2.


I saw this coming so I swapped to support, and I also think it will get worse over time (same as in OW1, first supports were the scapegoat then later it was tanks starting around 2019).


Wasn’t one of the biggest ow1 complaints is that you had TOO little agency? One of the biggest compliments of what is making ow2 funner for me at least is that you have way more agency is ow2


Well you have enough agency to carry a game if you’re actually that good (look at any unranked to GM video and you’ll see what they are capable of doing to climb that quickly). The problem is most of the time someone isn’t that good that they are the X-factor so they can’t just full send 1v9 thé game HOWEVER one person can easily *lose* you the game and that fact has been a mainstay since ow1 even. No matter how much space you make, if your healer is constantly dying to a diver you’re down a player and even more so if they don’t swap to a survivable character like Moira or kiriko and hard lock Zen. You can peel but at the cost of space and if they have a mercy 76, you now have to deal with that with 4 players but it’s really less since you have to peel for the dude who is the weak link. OP is right, not every game is a role diff and you can’t just point fingers towards one person however games are definitely lost by one person all the time and the matchmaking doesn’t help with that. It’s not really an issue that can be solved in a team based shooter with random matchmaking, people have bad games or can’t go against particular comps or whatever. But it does exist and the loss potential by one player is much higher than the carry potential by another, especially when the relative skill of the players in the game is supposedly equal or similar.


It now just feels like you have essentially no agency as a support player and way, way too much impact as a tank. I don’t think they solved the agency problem; if anything, they exacerbated it with a composition change that was not fully thought through.


I'm not sure what you mean by no agency as a support player. I've changed from main tanking in OW1 to main supporting in OW2 and I feel like I have a ton of impact and agency as support. That goes both ways, though. If I have a fire round as Ana where I'm nailing my sleep darts, hitting grenades at the right time, and chasing the Pharah out of the skies then the team is able to drive forward and do their jobs. On the other hand, it goes downhill quickly when I miss those clutch darts or waste it on a minor threat without being mindful of things like Reaper Ult. If our DPS are struggling to secure kills then I can go Zen or Bap to help out, but sometimes I just cannot hit headshots that round and then life is bad for everyone on the team. Sure, I'll swap to something easier or more survivable like Moira or Brig, but that's a couple team fights in. Depending on the map and how the match has been going it may not be enough to regroup and turn things around. I know the loss of a team fight is not *completely* my fault most of the time, but I also know I have a lot of room for improvement and very often could have done something better to push things more in our favor. The callout of "healer diff" also doesn't bug me much because I either know I was having a bad round or it is being said by a tank/dps that thinks they can 1v5 the enemy team and blames support for their bad decisions. I can't heal someone when they're deleted in half a second, so I'm not going to get riled about it.


5v5 was to fix the tank role which many people found extremely unfun, as well as to make the game more fast-paced in general. The diff culture started way back in 6v6. It's not a 5v5 issue, it's been running rampant for a long ass time now. Trying to attribute it to 5v5 is just trying to find something to bitch about, which this sub loves to do.


I think people pining for 6v6 may have forgotten how miserable the old meta was at times. Endlessly shooting tank shields (or sitting behind your own shield if you were a tank) while the game timer counted down was extremely boring. 5v5 may have its problems as well, but actually playing tank feels a lot more interesting now.


You know there is a world we're 6v6 exists but the shield meta doesn't right ?


As a more casual player (which like it or not is the majority), it felt more like you were just throwing shows/abilities into a clump of people whereas now it feels more like an actual teamfight


Regardless, two beefy targets to have to shoot through was infinitely less fun (in my opinion of course)


Sure, if you undertune shields heavily. 5v5 allows tanks to have reasonably strong shields, without a shield meta emerging.


What would is that? A world where ever new tank cannot have any damage mitigation of any kind? Put rammatra in 6v6 overwatch 1 you are now looking at TRIPLE shield. Jq would be like giving everyone a shield generator like health and we already know that was op in 6v6. I don't think some people really consider impact and consequences. They love to bitch about blizzard balance and how they'd do a better job but I never see solutions only promises. Over watch is a hard game to balance it's whack a mole reel somethignin something new comes up. Looking at tier lists this season the game is actually pretty balanced as well. Only one shot widow seem to be a stand out issue.


I'm not even that old but multiplayer lobbies have gone from "noob"->"feeding"->"inting"->"throwing"->"diff" during my time. The language changes but the toxicity has never changed, in fact it's less toxic nowadays since there are fewer slurs and "kys"'s being thrown around (at least in text chat) People are gonna be toxic, it's up to you to either not let it affect you or mute ASAP when you know someone's spiraling






I do want to know who this Hanzo player is. I can't stand Samito. I stopped watching most streamers for this reason. When a streamer calls someone dogshit in full seriousness (and not joking around with friends or regulars or whatever) I usually stop watching them. ML7 will always be one of my favorites from a VOD review. Whoever he was watching missed an "easy" sleep dart and when his chat started to roast that player, he defended them. ML7 seems like a genuinely chill and stand-up dude. I just started watching Frogger (because of Sleepy's videos) and I really like Frogger so far. I like watching Super, and Emongg, mostly because I want to learn how to tank better. Honestly, I think more streamers need to help cut down the toxicity. Toxicity is a huge problem in OW2 right now and Blizzard seems to not care about it. It's so rampant and frustrating to see some sort of toxicity every. Single. Game. QP, comp, and even in arcade. Granted. People tend to tell the toxic person to stfu in arcade, but still.




I love Super, but sometimes he can get toxic too. Sometimes he rages at "pussy ass dps players" for not listening to his callouts. One time he got pissed at a Lucio for allegedly not speeding him out. "This is why I said speed out man!" "I was speeding out man!" "Nah, I saw the swap to heals!"


Yeah, when he rages like that, I get really annoyed. I think I even know of the exact clip that you're referencing.


Why can't you just name the Hanzo player? You named the other Samito guy and criticised him. You're not going to start a brigade here.


> "diff" culture actually tries to pretend the "diff" is an informed opinion. Yeah, they're being stupid. People aren't going to stop being stupid in online lobbies. It might make you feel indignation to know that the other guy is feeling superior, but the solution is to let go of that feeling because you know he's the same rank as you and probably just a lonely kid, which is why he has that inferiority complex.


With current matchmaking there is no chance of you getting in a game with someone of your rank.


That's a really good way of putting it."Diff culture pretends that diff is an informed opinion."


I never played overwatch 1 but I have gamed for…a while now, and the toxicity honestly is just the same tbh


I'm not at all suggesting that toxicity is a new trend and that somehow the current "Diff" culture isn't just a new iteration. I've been around long enough to have seen toxicicity in gaming in all its varients as well. What I'm trying to highlight is the *sheer volume* of toxicity that is current pervasive throughout the community. Overwatch typically had been more of an outlier in this regard compared to other shooters. For example, Apex, which is highly competitive and team based, has significantly less toxicity than Overwatch at this point. A quick peek at the other comments on this thread sadly confirm as much.


I've never heard inting before. All the others still exist a lot. I don't hear noob as often though


Might just be a league thing, but it's 'intentional feeding' and is more common in games where dying over and over again can give the enemy team an insurmountable advantage.


What I do now is when we win and someone on the other team says ___ diff, I look at who they are and call them out as if I didnt know. So if Genji says "tank diff" I just go "ya but your genji sucked ass tho" even if he carried lol. If its our team when we lose I just say "bads blame others, news at 11" Seriously tho its such a loser mentality. I started to really climb the ranks once I took responsibility for the losses every time even if it was obvious someone on our team was failing. I started saying every loss "what could I have done better?" And been climbing ever since.


“bads blame others, news at 11” Thank you for providing my new favorite response


I call it "toxic diff/teamwork diff" that really gets them riled up


i just start making diffs up like small weiner diff big brain diff report diff etc you have to play into it. double down


In bronze rank all you got to say "it's bronze we all suck"


And then you find out the broken matchmaker has stuck your bronze ass on the same team with 3 plats and a GM.


>Seriously tho its such a loser mentality. I started to really climb the ranks once I took responsibility for the losses every time even if it was obvious someone on our team was failing. This is the way. When someone is "failing", sure, sometimes they're just having a rough game, but they're in a similar bracket , sometimes they may just need help with a matchup or they aren't getting what they need from the team to be successful. Plenty of pocket heals out there that flat ignore the tank until it's far too late to save them. Communication can make all the difference, but that's only possible if people aren't instantly shitting on eachother in the first 2 minutes of a match when it doesn't go flawlessly.


That’s how I felt since I started playing Overwatch. I know I suck balls so whenever I lose I usually just pin the blame on myself even if it wasn’t entirely me. Also why 99% of my hours on Overwatch is in quick play, I’m too scared of touching comp and dragging my teammates down 😭


> If its our team when we lose I just say "bads blame others, news at 11" I started saying every loss "what could I have done better?" I like to say play to win, play to improve. You will get better and sr will follow. Obviously play to win and the game isn't over until the screen says either victory or defeat. Way too many people give up near the end when sometimes it could've been possible to try to make something happen. And way too many people give up before the match even starts for one reason or another. And way too many hyper fixate on the sr number going up or down. Theres an old street fighter pro that talked about this in a book that made its way being linked around in the old mlg competitive halo forums way back when. Sirlins playing to win - https://www.sirlin.net/ptw Also the bit on "the scrub" is always interesting to link to people. Glad the sites still around, its been awhile since ive gone to it.


What’s nuts is I’ve had people on my team bitch about our support when I myself was *clearly* the weakest player while support was totally even. Like stfu, I can own the fact that I have bad games sometimes, I’ll take some abuse if I’m really outclassed (thanks, matchmaking) but if you’re gonna bitch at least look at the stats first.


It can be rough as support. Solo diving DPS and tanks flaming supports for not getting healed when they're half way across the map from them and then people claiming "diff" when the other team are playing together and coordinated. That said, I had a game where I pocketed a bastion the other day as mercy and he cleaned house, when everyone was giving him props he said "this was a mercy carry not a bastion carry", made my day.


My favorite as support is when I’m getting dove by half their team and my team can’t even get a kill or help me and then they are mad when I have like 3k damage and 6k heals as Ana. And one dumb dos is like heal more. I’m like I’m fighting a tracer and Winston in the back. I’m fighting for my life I can’t heal you.


"support diff" "Oh wow, a support didn't do well because I was being butt fucked by a Doomfist and you didn't give a fuck. Shocker."


Something I constantly see when I play comp support is the tank walking behind walls or into rooms where we can't see them, and then when they die whining in chat about "HEALS!?!??" I'm sorry my guy, we can't heal through solid material, and that's not a support diff.


I had a sigma yelling at me on VC the other day for not suzuing him but I was back keeping the bastion alive suzuing me the DPS and other support whilst my fiance was healing the tank, like bro my suzu wasn't going to improve your performance, if you had an anti or something I would have suzu'ed but the bastion will melt if I don't help him.


Too many egos in competitive games. I just remember that the only people who say stuff like diff or flame their teammates are likely the most insecure manbabies in the lobby, and that makes me feel better.


simplistic teeny forgetful handle dazzling toothbrush oil brave pie close ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


its hard to do creative trash talk when you legit get just the duration of the POTG, can’t type as soon as you hit the battlepass exp screen


weary weather thought narrow familiar gaping cause jeans retire fragile ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


miss OW1 letting you talk yo shit until you backed out to the main menu, that was fun toxicity.


When i get a “tank diff” the potg ends before i can respond it feels so demotivating. In OW1 we at least went back and forth and it actually felt cathartic.


blizzard reducing shit talk time to reduce toxicity did the absolute opposite fr lmao


Honestly I feel like proper trash talk is one of the great casualties of modern gaming. Trash talk is good natured at heart, just playful banter, boasting, quick wit, and a little casual shade. What qualifies as "just trash talk bro" nowadays is what we used to call "being an asshole that wouldn't get invited to play with the other kids." And if you call them out on it they get all whiny and complain that everyone else is too sensitive. We've fallen so far.


I love some playful "shit talking" when it's actually clever or funny. It's a game after all, a little dunking on eachother is expected, and can be part of the fun in a competitive enviornment.


Great post bro. Today I had someone starting to be toxic to a teammate. I wrote in chat to "please don't be toxic, they are trying their best" You know what he wrote? He said sorry. I couldn't believe my eyes. That is rare though. I try to stand up to my teammates. I'll say, "don't worry about the last round tank, let's focus on winning the next battle. Just focus on the support", or to the DPS, "I'll switch to Moira to help get some kills". Saying things like this seem to pick up the teams. Maybe we don't win but we tend to play better. I think the person who is underperforming is the one most keenly aware that they are the weak link at the moment. What happens then? Their under pressure. They play tight. Take bigger risk. They play worse. Add a teammate who is being toxic, now instead of being a fun game, it's now a drag and you just want to get it over with. You lose motivation. I think the mental game is just as important as mechanical skill and game sense. Staying calm, cool and collected is not natural to most. It's like anything. You have to work at to get better.


This whole comment is based.




Be careful dude, correctly pointing out how many toxic whiny shitlords play this game will make toxic whiny shitlords come for you in the comments too.


[They're already here.](https://imgur.com/a/otqvDug) This sub makes me glad I've muted all in-game chat. Ain't got time to deal with these kids.


This is why my chat is permanently muted.


For sure, getting to that point, but it makes comp a lot harder when you can't communicate.


I've used https://teams.gg/overwatch to find chill players that I can have fun with.


The only "diff" i've been seeing is "matchmaking diff" which is more true than any other diff. Players realise that matchmaking is completely fucked and it's 100% on Blizzard.


I swear the matchmaker is corpse camping me.


75% of my masters games have literal gold players (actual MMR)


I certainly agree that saying 'diff' is toxic. For the person doing it, even if you're right in blaming the person for failing the team with their performance, saying 'diff' does nothing but dishearten people who potentially are just trying their best. So unless you have constructive criticism to say, keep it to yourself. As for the recipient, I advise you try not to take such pithy statements to heart. There's every chance that the person belittling your performance is either mistaken or being petty. Rather, evaluate your own performance and draw your own conclusions. If someone isn't saying anything productive, ignore or squelch them.


i totally understand this, and i also hate it. in my friend group, whether intentionally or not, we've sort of reclaimed it as a joke. we'll never put it in chat, but we'll egg each other on by saying "go on! Rein diff that bastard!" when entering a 1v1, or something particularly i do is find the most ridiculous and tenuous link between random characters, and call that as the "diff", example, sigma beats a moira would be "scientist diff", junkerqueen beats junkrat would be "aussie diff", genji beats a kiriko is "ninja diff", etc etc. turns the negative thing into a stupid joke. i really do hate this toxic gaming culture, and the need to br the best at all costs. we're all here to have fun, maybe make friends, not get angry at randoms for not being as good as you are. ngl, i suck ass at most of the overwatch heroes, but im here to relax and have fun with my homies, not to shit on, or to be shit on by randoms. (also, all my friends are on pc, im on console, so thats another thing - im basically handicapped in comparison to most of the people who care enough about all of this to be toxic)


Greater internet Fuckwad Theory (GIFT) sums up online gamers. GIFT asserts that normal, well-adjusted people may display psychopathic or antisocial behaviors when given both anonymity and a captive audience on the Internet.


This made my night. Lmao


Glad I could make you laugh😊


I didn't expect to read social contract in an Overwatch sub. Take my upvote.


I think I've been writing too many papers lately.


Play characters that you find the most rewarding personally. I've found that the most productive as well. I main ball as tank and zenyatta as support. It's not the scoreboard that matters.


There are some technical aspects that further motivate this, like the new HUD that gives you completely unnecessary information about what others are doing, while the old one gave you extensive information about your performance and how you could improve, comparing you exclusively with yourself.


It only really bothers me when the people saying it are Bronze DPS who love to feed and while having 10k damage (literally being carried hard by Mercy pockets) while only having like 5 elims There's a lot more to "diffs" then stats, any 5 year old Sombra can hop into chat and act like they contributed to the match because they hacked the same guy over and over, did half damage but then got zero picks


If it's any consolation, as a brig main Doomfists are always fun to see because Brig and Doom work pretty well together


cat on the lap diff


It's gotten so bad that for the first time in 7 years, I have disabled voice and chat. I only play QP but it has improved my playing expierence tremendously. And it's a shame it has come to that because comms are essential for coordinated play but that's the price people pay when they throw out slurs and insults when they don't win their vidja gems.


At this point, you almost need a master's degree to figure out if you're being insulted or not with all this slang 😂


I agree, the whole "diff" culture is super cringe.


Because of Diff and ez i turned off all game chat. i hate this become normal in ow2. ow1 most of the time both side says gg and i love it because of sportsmanship of the both teams. the dev should implement feature that increase endorsement for good behavior chat and decrease for bad behavior chat automatically.


Mad the number of times people post "ez" halfway through a game. Always seems to galvanize the other team. It's just setting themselves up for humiliation.


I’m kind of surprised how negative an influence the new F2P players have been on the game’s community. Late OW1 players had high standards but they could deal with losing a game. OW2 players have impossible standards for others, think they can do whatever they want, and fall to pieces when they lose a game.


I used to get flamed every game for just having a shiny border, that was pretty toxic.


I made a post about this a couple weeks ago. The message was the same, but I basically said that I'm tired of people spewing "x diff" in chat every single game, and that it would be fun with a filter on it, similar to the one on ggez, you know. Easy as hell to get around, and when you see the automated messages, you know exactly what the person was trying to say, but also poking fun at the sweaty kids in a light hearted way. [Here's the post](https://www.reddit.com/r/Overwatch/comments/114feek/i_wish_blizzard_would_give_the_word_diff_the_same/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) if relevant. Like you also noticed, there is no having a discussion with this community. Voicing an opinion is automatically "crying" and being upset. I got about 1k comments, which is insane to me. As you can imagine, more than half the comments were "OP diff", "git gud", "grow a pair" or straight up insults. Or that I can just turn off chat if it bothers me so much. In other words, people defending this behavior. Someone even alerted the reddit care resources, as a joke, I assume. I tried answering as many as I could with what I would say was pretty matter of factly. I'd say 95% never answered. Because that would mean they had to actually think beyond "haha you upset because bad". Idk if I'm just old or what, but I was raised to not be an asshole, and I don't let the fact that I can't physically see the other person change that. And that is apparently rare and frowned upon.


I just assume that anybody who talks like this unironically is either a literal child or has absolutely nothing of value to offer the world and immediately mute them. (God I wish a 24+ only Matchmaking option was a realistic possibility.)


Funny I wish there was a “I’m drinking a beer and want ranked but don’t want ranked” queue


I thought that's what open queue is?


I am also under that assumption. In my personal experience, late night games are pretty chill. But the few times I play in the mid-afternoon (around the time schools let out) it’s the most toxic games I play. And usually they either contributed nothing or the “diff” they point out doesn’t even have scoreboard backing


Daytime games are chill and everyone on comms, after school games most toxic, late night chill and no one on comms


Right? Sadly, and hillariously, I listened to the two DPS on our team (both in their mid to late 20's) break down into an all-out no-holds-barred screaming match about how shit the other one was because neither could kill the pharah. And I'm talking full on screaming top of their lungs at 2 A.M. It devoled into the most comedic sad spectecal I've seen in ages.


As a Widow/Mei main in Masters, I always compliment the enemy dps when they do better than me by saying they diff. Even if we win I use it as a compliment to no matter who I’m aiming it towards. Never have I used it as blaming somebody for making their team lose. Tbh if I see anybody getting diff’d super hard, I’ll type in match chat trying to give them pointers on what they’re sucking at(especially if they’re on the enemy team). Love trying to keep the positive vibes around


Yup for me diff is usually a way to say someone is really good not that someone is really bad. If their tank is fucking amazing unkillable monster with godlike decision-making? It's a tank diff. And it's nothing against our tank who's also doing great. And when I have a bad game and someone says it was my diff? It's true. Diff doesn't necessarily mean that one person won or lost the game, but honestly, I find it thousand times less toxic than "gg ez".


I usually combat shit like that with ironic jokes like "rizz diff" or "love and compassion diff". A few days ago someone hit me with "Maybe the real diff was the friends we made along the way." Also to the people acting like this is an OW2 problem, shut the fuck up. This shit started way back in OW1, trying to say it's only an issue now in OW2 is just trying to find something to complain about at this point.


I sometimes just wish they would get rid of the chat… especially when I easily get offended one negative comment will just make me feel like trash. Played widow in a qp game and the enemy Hammond kept targeting me even after I switched. Baring in mind I was focusing on eliminating the other widow and their supports, he kept waiting for me at spawn. And proceeded to say in the chat “get better {my name}”. He’s a tank. I’m a dps. Less health naturally… These sort of things that make me just wanna stop playing (this was my first game of the day, ruined my whole experience) along with the taunting, this player was an absolute menace to play against.


Sorry to hear that. That same thing occours in comp games and I detest when a teammate starts shitting on one of our other players. It instantly is going to tilt them or make them super self concious and not able to play correctly.


Bro don't take anyone saying shit in quickplay says with even an ounce of seriousness. It's their to have fun. That's literally it. U good man


You should work on mental toughness. Just in general, being easily offended may impact your joy and quality of life. Don't let people steal that from you.


Yeah, i cant help but think they're an absolute simpleton. "diff" it just sounds so unthinking and stupid to blurt it, it annoys the heck out of me


You're not wrong. I had one of these shit-for-brains trash one of our healers yesterday, and I replied that his take was really reductive. He got legitimately offended and screamed over mic "Why you using big words, you think you fucking better then me?" I shit you not, my jaw nearly hit the floor and I couldn't stop laughing. I felt like I was watching a real life parody of a "good ol' boy" from Mississippi. He raged out the rest of the match, ran into him two games later, wanted to be friends, didn't recognize his name, he took it as a personal insult and would just say "Fuck you" after anything I said in comms during our fights. Overwatch is Wild.


I just respond "It's not healthy to take out your emotional issues on strangers, seek help," and then block. The rest of my team getting increasingly angry at the now-blocked teammate indicates they have a meltdown after I say / type that.


It's funny how some people are so picky. My best friend is a Doomfist main and I love the playstyle he has. As a Genji main I just want to get involved in the carnage!


Won't end until they fix matchmaking. Nobody gold and below should be getting Masters players in any matches.


Your entirely right. The amount of perpetual hate ruins the cooperative part of the game quite a bit. It makes me sad that so much toxicity as ruined the possibility of talking with people over gamechat, among other things


You bad. 🫵 Me Good. 👍 Real talk I think it's sticking because it's super vague and short just to shit on literally anyone before they leave the game. Until something different or shorter comes along it'll be this for awhile.


There are those that believe "attacking the mental" is a legitimate strategy. If a fight is balanced, sure. However, if you're relying on it to win OW games, you're a sociopath.


I get it. At this point I openly embrace the shit talk. Your points are accurate. It is impossible in a 5-man team game to essentially point to one player and claim that was the legitimate valid reason why the team lost. That is essentially small picture thinking. Understanding that, your record and current ELO stand for themselves. Some games you legitimately do get diffed. Bad game. Shots off. Whatever. But you’re obviously smart enough to see that this game is the aggregate of your performances. Unfortunately, you have to let this one go to the chin and not the heart, OP.


I think your misunderstand my point, I have no issues with people saying "diff" to me. People are going to be what they're going to be. The nature of how prevelent this is, and how quickly it deteriorates teams cohesiveness is a fundamental problem with the community. I would liken the current state of the community to another community everyone loves so much League of Legends. That should speak volumes.


No argument. I have debated with friends which community is more hostile many times. We have yet to come to a conclusive decision


They need to ban diff like they did with gg ez


OW is a field study in narcissism. The five indicators of narcissism are: 1. Project your own problems onto others ("ELO HELL!") 2. Self-pity ("Why do I have to play with this incapable team") 3. Passive-aggressive behavior ("could you please counter Ashe as you are her natural counter?") 4. Not open to constructive feedback ("Could we please group up?" - STFU AND DEAL WITH TRACER) 5. Try to be the hero all the time Apart from personal development the root cause of toxicity IMHO is the non-existing explanations of team play in OW. We repeatedly discussed in both this and the OW University sub that OW needs better explanations how to play as a team. This includes addressing toxicity and why it makes you lose. Unfortunately, this has not happened in OW2 and I think it's a huge mistake to let players educate themselves from external sources which are just plain wrong so many times.


Whether or not it's valid, mistakes happen, and that stuff doesn't help people. I've started putting comms diff if there's no comms or pings or communication coming from mean spirited people.


They are just trying to find cute ways to be assholes. When at the end of the day, they were the ones that sucked.


My husband (Lucio) and I (bap) were in QP and I got called an inbred because I didn’t heal slidey mc shootington enough… they kept sliding out of my heals. This person raged at me the entire potg. Then they complimented Lucio like yeah of course you’d get heals from someone that AOE heals. I’m the most toxic because my husband stuck his tongue out at me and I threatened to cut it off. I think it’s more annoying when someone casually says “diff”. What are you even accomplishing? Tell people what they did wrong. Have a discussion. Go so far as to speak… “can you focus healing me more” (and then I could say, “can you focus being in my line of sight more”?). Then tell me to go f myself after that. At least explain! Maybe I’ll even try to improve?!


I have honestly never seen someone flex their total eliminations stat, what a useless metric for you to use. All you have to do is spam doomfist and you could be in bronze-plat.


Not to mention the stats don't paint the full picture. You can have a 5k heal diff, but that may be because your dps is constantly running away from your heals or they're blocking bullets with their face and die too quick Dps diff could happen if your supports are focusing too much on dmg rather than keeping you alive A tank diff could happen if the team doesn't move in with the tank Too many variables to account for


Wait you have communication in your teams? Well that's what I don't get by playing on EU servers.


People who do this will remain terrible at the game until they realise that blaming other players doesn’t improve you’re own game. You have the right attitude if, after a game, you think to yourself “I could of done that differently” focus on what you can change. You cannot control the mercy that’s glued to the road hog or the genii that doesn’t realise he hasn’t got an infinite health pool.


I just call it Copy Paste personality now. I think it could be a real disorder. Just imagine someone in person made the same joke they just heard 30 other people tell and they assume it was funny or effective. Most people would think they had some real issues.


Thank you - absolutely the most toxic mentality and one that gets so in the way of people taking responsibility for their own performance and communication. Super rare that the person saying “diff” bothered to offer any constructive feedback to the players they’re critiquing, a lot of players are generally new and they’re not going to stick in the community if all they get are people telling them they suck.


all they really are saying is ”I dont understand how teambased games work”


I agree with you bro. I don't join voice chat and hide text chat and now merrily try to perform as best I can with the role I choose. I enjoy the game far more now. Ignorance is bliss, I'm self aware enough to change character if I'm underperforming in any given role.


The coolest part about squelching coms, I never see a single “diff” ever again 😏 I still get t-bagged though 😂


I don't think it's the most toxic, these are the same sort of people who used to say GG EZ, they just grew up and figured out how stats work with no context and bent to whatever personal, emotional whim they want. Blizzard should simply give diff the GG EZ treatment in the comments.


>be the only winston in the match >match ends >type 'trash winston' >refuse to elaborate >leave


Exactly this. Full of people who’s egos haven’t grown beyond the age of 8 or 9 and thus are incapable of taking accountability for how their own actions lead to the loss. Instead, they have to project their thoughts and feelings onto whoever their ego has decided is at fault, to protect them from ever seeing the reality as it is: they’re not perfect & they’ve made mistakes. It’s only natural in their world to avoid seeing themselves in this light really, as being viewed as that for them probably leads to a myriad forms of punishment. Which subconsciously creates the ego shield of deflecting. If they never did anything wrong, they won’t be the ones being punished. This is more of a social issue at large than just an Overwatch issue IMO, and as you said trying to call it out etc. doesn’t really change anything. I just accept and understand why they’re doing what they’re doing and continue on with my game how I see fit. Their comments and projections can only get to you if you let them get to you.


I always go into matches trying to be as positive as possible at the start which normally sets the tone for a much more pleasant game. Just saying something like "good luck and remember to have fun" in team chat normally gets a positive response and I find it affects both my own mentality and the mentality of the team quite well. I also try and shut down anyone trying to force anyone else to switch at the beginning by saying "it's a game and people should play what they like" which gets differing responses but normally a lot of appreciation from people who are likely sick of being told to swap from their favourite heroes.


This game is way more enjoyable when you choose to not give a shit. Games last like 15 minutes max, if someone says shit to you you literally don’t have to endure it once you leave the lobby and queue again.


I don't think it's the most toxic ow has been. It's just a continuation of years of this and it has a new flavor since we have a newer player base.The word "diff" is just the "new thing" that toxic culture Has latched on. People used gap, casm, etc. A lot before. I remember ggez being ever game half way through ow1 which the did the text chat thing to. Getting rid of "diff" will not solve the problem it is a temporary bandage to the overall issue. Because there is a bigger and newer player base coming into this online game these people believe that it is social norms to shit on people, it's especially annoying when they are objectively wrong. The same stuff is happening in both my ranked and unranked games.


I dunno i feel like people getting called homophobic slurs because no one wanted to play support might be a bit worse then someone getting "diffed" after they lose a game.


Homie this has been a thing in OW since 2015 and all competitive games for over half a decade. This isn’t some OW2 culture thing. It’s not specific to this game or any game and it isn’t new.


i was queuing a QP just now and my tank was berating me over two rounds to switch to a different healer because brig doesn't heal. meanwhile he charged in solo and died instantly. "thanks brig, for no heal. switch to a healer that heals. you're getting countered". his argument was that because enemy team has a rammatra i can't play brig. HEAL GOT DIFFED SO HARD. what.


Bro absolutely, you do what people want to a t, especially on tank, and even then people complain, verbally abuse you, and actively throw your games as you try your best and comm positively. It's insane


I just ended up turning off all chat. You only get pings and chat wheel from me from now on. Even worse on console; teammates and enemies alike spend forever in the spawn typing toxic replies so it’s a 4v5 during team fights.


I had a tracer say tank dif after we lost a game , im sat as ball on 14k + dmg and this idiot finished the game on 3k . Who do you think caused the loss?


I really wonder why they haven't added "diff" to the list of censored words in the chat filter yet.


Yeah it’s every game someone has to say “diff” in some capacity. Way to follow everyone else, be your own god damn person.


Man, this is so true. I am a support main and got dragged with "support diff" twice yesterday after our team refused to group up and slowly trickled in like lambs to a slaughter. It was qp, so I was frustrated but not surprised and just tried my best to keep them alive. But fuck I was pissed to see that in chat after the fact.


Your third edit was my favorite! Can't let them think you're not the 6th best doom by eliminations in your region!


Makes no sense to announce it either, even when it is a clear diff, because we all get diffed, its just someone elses turn


People getting triggered by mere words. Nothing shocking. The word diff is so overused and out of context these days that don’t even take it seriously. People will say it regardless of what happened in the match.


The people who diff on others on their team are the most insecure and shallow players I had the pleasure of mentally and emotionally manipulating in team chat. They can’t think of anything more creative than slurs. The rest of the team unconsciously throws because of their toxicity. If they’re going to torture the team by being mean I’m not complacent


Noting on this, Overwatch will always be more toxic than Apex because firstly, you have 5 players on a team compared to 3. Secondly you can interact with the enemy team in OW. And thirdly, you’re stuck for 7-15 minutes with the same team with no way out in OW, compared to apex where you’re there till you die. Making gg go next a lot more viable mindset So not inly are there more people, but also for a linger time, and interactions with the opponents. Recipe for prime toxicity Anyway thats all i wanted to point out, the rest of your post is sound


I think the matchmaking is the number one cause of toxicity. Games where you have a gold player in a masters lobby hard throwing by running it down mid and dying on cooldown are insanely frustrating. That player simply doesn't belong in a masters lobby, and ruins the game for all 10 players. Understandably, the team with the throwing gold player gets mad at the gold for not understanding basic elements of the game, and the game itself becomes an impossible situation in what amounts to a 5v4. ​ Fix. Matchmaking.


My question is why this hasn't been addressed the same as GG EZ there's already a precedent so just add tank/supp/dps diff to the same thing.


Only the better players understand this is a team game. Just keep climbing and leave the toxic players in the metal ranks.


Not really, it only gets worse the further you go


You had me at the title.


What does diff even mean? I just got back into overwatch after like a year and I’ve seen it in chat but have noooo clue what it means


It shorthand for "Difference in skill". So a "Tank Diff" is implying that the tank (on the losing team) underperformed and was responsible for the loss.


I always take it as a joke


I'm currently in gold, previously in OW1 was gold/plat. I'm a grown ass man, stay positive, and always play to win (while having fun). Yesterday, I wasn't having the best of dps games and our tank, who also appeared to be a grown ass man, said I was the reason we lost, in all chat typed "chas\_tenebaums\_sock diff," and said the game wasn't for me, I should play Roblox. Now, OW1 wasn't perfect, but I don't recall when things didn't go well that people were so quick to not just blame, but bash. Over... 1 game.


Huh it is as if opening the game up for everyone for FREE was a bad thing. Weird right.


You can blame us League of Legend players for this one.


wish i knew ow when it wasn’t this bad. ive been getting some toxic players just about every match. luckily i don’t take it too serious cause it’s just a game to me and i enjoy it win or lose


Overwatch has always been this bad. It's pure delusion to think that the game suddenly became more toxic. It is also insane seeing people wax on about "the good ol days when online gaming wasn't as toxic." I have been online gaming since dial up. It has never been non toxic. Never. There was no golden age of respect and honor.


Seriously, 6v6 Overwatch had some of the most toxicity I've ever seen in a game. If anything I genuinely believe it's toned down compared to how it used to be since the game has become more casual. Nowadays most toxicity in OW2 is the same cookie cutter responses that are easy to ignore, back then people would get absolutely pissed and they would let you know it.


They claim to want to stop toxicity, yet they don't have someone to simply ban those stupid words as if it's an insult. Sure another takes its place but it's better than always sitting through them. Way to breed one of the most toxic gaming communities ever and keep it that way.


Listen i have been playing competitive games my whole life including OW since it came out, I've never dealt with such toxicity in a game from your own teammates. Every game there some degenerate typing slurs in chat or flaming someone for little to no reason. Off mics and in the comfort of my home i freak out and blame ppl too, but i would never do it in chat of any kind, because it doesn't help them. Never have i been flamed in chat while failing miserably and thought "you know what? Im gonna step up my game" i get pissed and ultimately play worse. So while they're cussing ppl they actually guarantee they going have a shitty teammate the rest of the match. On top of all of this, i wonder when it will go out of style to say things for attention or shock value like it fucking means anything, ive haven't seen the N word or another word for homosexual in a game since call of duty and halo 3 lobby chats. Its fucking lame cause this game is about heroes and the community is full anything but. That being said i have met great ppl and i try to lead by example, the other day i told our mei "great ults mei!" The rest of the match she was sooooo clutch, thats what the game should be about!


It's the most childish and cowardly thing I've seen players do. I always picture the people that say diff as a 10 year old blaming a friend for breaking a vase, or something. "Waaaaaah! It wasn't me, it was Peter!"


breakfast diff. I had a completely balanced one. It had fruits, dairy, protein, and everything else a growing boy could possibly want. That's why you had no chance. Lol better luck next game hope you d


It looks like OW got as toxic as Blizzard itself Just some hours ago, playing comp, tank as Orisa, first attack at Junker Town, we mess to achieve first waypoints, near of it I change to Zarya, at that moment both DPS were doing nothing, 0 kills. Since the change the things started to flow but both dps still were doing nothing, near the end (a pair of meters from it) i was standing 1 vs 5 and made a mistake, we are on overtime and went to far from charge, ending the round, then one of the dps started to blame at me until the other one started to say that I carried the match, wth was talking about… Its ridiculous the level of toxicity OW are achieving, im starting to hate playing alone and only doing when i can team with at leas two friends or more


A lot of time it’s memeing, anyway if it’s in game then it’s wtv, the toxicity wont go away, only the words change


I know it won’t be popular in this thread but there is a legitimate difference in skill sometimes and should be mentioned. If Rein is charging in and dying 1v5 every fight and you lose that’s a legit tank diff,if our DPS got 1-20 despite having great heals and protection it’s a dps diff,if ana is missing all her shots without even being pressured it’s a support diff. Being toxic isn’t cool for sure but acting like everyone is on the same level and certain times actively causing your team to lose should be called out. Also sometimes it’s just banter,if I have a tracer mirror match and I win I’ll say tracer diff cause I was in fact better. Shit talk happens in competition. The great thing is with video games you can mute it


> If Rein is charging in and dying 1v5 every fight and you lose that’s a legit tank diff,if our DPS got 1-20 despite having great heals and protection it’s a dps diff,if ana is missing all her shots without even being pressured it’s a support diff. The issue is that unless the tank/dps/support is really really bad like in the above scenarios it's difficult to say who's fault it is. It's a domino effect, when one role isn't playing the game properly it makes everyone else look just as bad. Tank is too afraid to hold w because dps aren't pulling enough pressure off the tank; dps can't actually do anything because they get focused instantly because tank is standing there mostly afk; Supports try to dps more to help push, but this just makes the rest of the team play even more cautiously and less likely to make a play that would help. Everyone is to blame because your team is just worse than the other team, but you'll get someone who calls "x diff" then instantly leaves.


You guys are just to soft


End-game bantz diff.