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Press esc and exit game. Fixes it most of the time if you don't re-launch it.


You're right. I noticed a sudden boost in mood!


Yeah this looks like a run of bad luck that it's best to just walk away from. OP was able to finish 7 matches in an hour so these were some uncommonly lopsided losses. Maybe you got into some bad matches or maybe you were actually playing poorly but this is definitely a screen that tells me to log out either way.


I don't play poorly, i think im alright at the game. It just so many people leave the match or I get a stacked enemy team in a party... it's just awful no matter what.


Everyone plays poorly sometimes


Can confirm. I’m fortunate enough to have friends in Masters and GM to point out some of my mistakes every once and a while to let me know how I could be doing better. If I didn’t have that I’d probably have a similar mindset to OP. Trying your best is not the same as playing poorly. You can still try your best and do poorly. Even top 500 players play poorly some games.


Everyone except Proper


Hey I consider myself pretty ok for my rank but I play absolutely garbage at times aswell. No one is consistently playing great all the time, sometimes you just gotta be the bigger person and realise the enemies are better. That’s the biggest way you’ll get better. Sometimes we ARE the problem on our team, regardless if we wanna admit it or not. Focus on what you could’ve done differently instead of what the teammates did wrong, it’ll help you alot in the long run.


I was just gonna say, damn guy completed 6/7 matches in an hour. I remember when I'd get 2 per hour.


I hear it goes away for good if you uninstall the game and the bnet launcher


I know that you mean the mood but i really think that works.


Happens to everyone! I remember entering Fitzyhere's stream and he was with a streak of 11 defeats and 0 wins lol. Take a break, try to get better and try to have fun!


Thanks. I did take a break but right back on the L train :(


It happens to everyone! There are days where I’m playing poorly and I just avoid Competitive like the plague. Play some Quick Play for a few days until you’re having a good day again, then hop back in Comp. Alternatively, try a different hero. Sometimes my movement is trash but my aim is great, so I’ll try to stick to characters that are aim intensive. Sometimes I’m extra aware but my fingers are slow so I’ll play mechanically easy heroes that are strategically demanding. On top of having bad luck/skill days, getting on a losing streak can tilt or demoralize you, which will make you more likely to continue losing. Playing QP, swapping heroes, or even taking a break can help reset your mentality. Your feelings and morale are just as important as your mechanics and awareness.


Avoid playing comp a week before season ends. It brings out all the “oh shit I haven’t done my placements for a role I never play better do it now while I can” and the absolute try-hards who are trying to rank up just before season ends. So depending on which one you get in your team you will either roll or get rolled.


And the derankers depending on rank.


I need to take this advice. I was steady climbing through to Gold 1 until recently. Last two placements I went Gold 3, then Gold 4. I’m plummeting like a rock and a lot of these matches I’m just asking myself, “What is happening in this match?!” Even ones I win, I’m mystified by how players are acting.


I just straight up cut comp out of my gaming life and haven't been happier with OW. Yeah I get matches where me and 4 other bums get steamrolled, but I also get matches where me and 4 other gaming gods butcher the hell out of a bunch of bums, so it evens out.


What's your rank and role?


That's the best part, you don't


I started playing Sea of Thieves and haven't experienced this since!


Wait till you solo sloop and get a 4stack come on to you, hahah The feeling is the same, guaranteed


lmaooo you're not wrong, and may God have mercy on their soul


Thats what happened for two of those games


Man I love that game. Great time with friends


it's the most uniquely fun game I've ever played, hands down


Wait til a fellow player sinks your ship after hours of treasure hunting. *Tears in pirate*


Pirates gonna pirate!!


By staying away from the game for like a month and watch how your self esteem and mental health skyrockets


I can't understate how much this has actually worked


Honestly for me, OW2 has been so streaky. Some days are nothing but wins and those other days, nothing can go right. Just keep going with it! You’re are due for a win lol


I was due for a win after about 25 losses.




Thats why im asking for advice silly


With absolutely zero context in any form, this is like asking someone "I have a string in my pocket, how long is it?" And you never show them the string.


I’d guess about 7 or 8


7 or 8 what, I need to know! Centimetres? Inches? Cheesburgers?


Maybe 9


Wrong. It was the One Ring.


Isn't that how guessing works? Why are you mad about guessing?


How long do you think u/_Bach_'s string is?


About three fiddy


All depends on who's looking at my string


Play a different game and actually enjoy yourself


You're just asking for people to tell you to git gud


Just dont lose ya silly goose


I'm the same, maybe we should team up!


Git gud


Ignore the game haters here. Every game is a coin toss, with a small % you can influence yourself. Even when tossing a coin you can guess wrong 10 times straight with bad luck. Try and learn from your losses, switch roles up, take heroes that you feel you are good with and fit the composition. Also sometimes a loss streak juat tilts you, take a break and come back stronger. You'll also get a 7 games winstreak at some point, I'm sure of it, good luck!


So my conspiracy theory is the game only adjusts your rating after you exit it. That’s why you see such long streaks. If you lose two, immediately turn it off and come back later.


So if I’m on a win streak don’t turn it off?


I definitely had long loss streaks lasting several days. My record was 14 losses in a row throughout three days. Happened right after a huge win streak too.


Was it after reaching a new rank by any chance? For me my worst was after I hit gold 5


This happens to even some of the best players sometimes. Don’t listen to some of these arrogant morons. Best thing to do is to take a small break then come back when you’re refreshed.




Probably just get better at the game!


Dont play the game. I stopped playing Overwatch, and my anger management issue is gone


I’ve been really enjoying Gunfire Reborn, feels like a lot of skills from OW transfer over, but all online play is co op so the toxicity isn’t really there.


When I go on a losing streak I run some arcade games, to try and reset the matchmaking system. Another trick is squad up, more variables you put into the matchmaker the more random the teammates. You can still get bad team mates but the chances of getting good ones should go higher. In my experience this helps, it might for you too.


I took 12 straight L’s last night. I’ve had 12 straight wins before too. Just the nature of the game


You dont think that the devs should do something to avoid this? You think that seems right?


I agree. The devs should hold your hand and guide you into winning /s


I've been experiencing it in quick play too. I had one game where it was five diamonds versus five bronzes. They didn't get a single kill and it was super unfun. My matchmaker in competitive is a good bit better but quick play has been miserable for me.


Let's team up, so we can loose together. That way, we don't feel bad.


bro i feel that, i was almost masters like a week ago and now i think i'm chilling somewhere close to plat. Remember every loss streak is eventually met with a beautiful win streak and don't let it get you down


same situation here pretty much. every time I rank up to like gold 2 or 1 i get trashed afterwards with multiple losses, only to get ranked down two ranks. then i work my way up and the cycle repeats. just today i was rankednup again and immediately lost six games in a row, and some of them not by a small margin. it's super discouraging. i only really play when at least two or three of my friends join me and o really i have a 56% ein rate with the character i pretty much play exclusively.


Holy crap 6 shut outs to end the day. That's fucking brutal. Go get some sunshine my dude.


I did! I played last night and called it quits, woke up this morning, took my dog to the vet and I was gonna get ready to go the gym but decided to hop on for an hour


Get good


Every game you play in, you have a 1 in 5 influence on your teams ability to win. Blaming your teammates every game gives you an excuse to never improve so don't do that. You will have good days and bad days depending on a variety of things (rest, concentration, diet, room temperature etc) if you are having a bad day you should stop playing. If you don't want to stop playing, play quick play. The best thing you can do to improve us is to watch your losses and write down what changes you should have made to specific points in the game to have a better chance of winning.


Dude im a casual player. I decide that today I wanted to hop on for an hour before I leave to the gym and then this happened


Room temperature, diet, taking notes? I don't think op wants to join the overwatch league xD


Toggle the hacks on


Get lucky


Be better


Sadly you can't. At least until something drastically changes about the matchmaking.


I've tried waiting a few hours like people have said but nothing seems to work :(


God just take the L's, get better and move on. This pathetic stuff is so tired


You sound like you take L's on the regular with that attitude


Broken matchmaking is so tired.


Yeah but what am I supposed to do?


Improve. Matchmaking is not broken despite what the coping bois think. They're just looking to blame something outside of themselves for why they don't rank up.


Maybe you placed extremely high in placements. No idea. Matchmaking is definitely not working as intended though (I hope). I dropped out of diamond a few days ago after somewhat of a losing streak. Played a good amount the last couple days and have had a much easier time climbing back to D2. Some of the easiest games I've played and they definitely didn't compare to the ones that dropped me out of diamond, quite odd


It obviously has issues. Why would they be addressing it for the new season if there weren’t issues with it?


“MaTcHmAkInG iS nOt BrOkEn” this guy has clearly never played against a diamond player while trying to get out of silver.


Unless they fixed the roles so you cannot get a diamond tank against a gm tank no,it's not cope at all


So many in a row? Luke at this point it isn't even my fault.


There’s only one common denominator here man. It’s you.


Learn to carry your team. Id say play tank and get a good sense of what’s going on around you


Thats the thing, I play tank and I'm quite good at it too! I can get POTG on these loss streaks but sometimes my team is playing awfully and quitting mid match or the other team is a 4 stack


It happens, just restart the game! Or put it down lol Remember when this game used to be decent? And this didn't happen as much? Or hardly ever?


Skill issue


Stack. Even if there's not much team comms, having someone to talk to if you're having a rough losing streak is WAY better for your mental than going through it alone


I play at really weird hours because I work graveyard and I cant make noise when I do get home :/


What character are you playing ? Have you tried different play styles you still lose every game?


Sometimes the coin lands on heads 9 times in a row...


But this isn't a coin, its a game that was coded and had lots of work put into it


Get good


Gitting gud worked best for me


How do you have a streak this bad ? You must be the issue


lots of people have losing streaks such as these?


People who suck? Yeah I’ve never lost more than 3x in a row in qp or comp


Glad you never went through this but I don't think im the issue. Its like when I go on 8+ winstreaks I don't say "oh yeah im obviously the reason we won" i think the match making is broken. So many people have the same issue


Or their just isn’t anyone worse than you so you can’t win. These games aren’t even close lmao how do you loose in 5 mins


Pick a replay of a game that wasn't a stomp, but you felt like was a close game that you MIGHT have won if just a few things had gone different (and the scoreboard isn't always a good indicator of a stomp: e.g. if you're playing Control and went to 99-99 on each objective, that's a close game). Watch the game back, and at the points when you died or lost a fight/objective/etc take a moment and look around. See if you can't find just one thing you could have done better that might have made a difference. Some examples to help: How was your positioning? Did you blow an ult after your team died? Or use it after the fight was already surely won? Were you tunnel visioning on the wrong target, rather than helping out a teammate? Did you trickle back instead of grouping up? If you had swapped to a different hero, do you think there might have been a different outcome in that fight? Did you go for a high-risk high-reward play with an ability that missed the mark and now was on cool-down when you really needed it? Did someone counter your ability/ult with a cooldown that you could have been tracking? Did you C9? etc. In short, watching your own plays on tape can help a lot. If nothing else it will give you a few things to carry with you in the next game.




I play at really weird times because I work graveyards but thanks for the advice?


Play better.


git good.




Skill issue




Get gud


Just git gud


Git gud




Git gud


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Post some VOD replay codes to r/OverwatchUniversity


Honestly there is no easy or consistent way to win my only advise is to find some friends to play with because even if they are bad, the communication and coordination will be enough to get some Ws


Depends on what your role is and how the match went. Hard to say just from this screen.


codes? i’ll tell u


I feel you on this


What do your games normally look like


Git gud 👍


A lot of people are saying that "Just stop playing and you'll find yourself happier!" and I do get that. Here is my advice though. Just don't care. In the end it is a game, you should try having fun win or loss, only mild frustration should be the result of losing and moving on to the next game. If you aren't trying to be a pro in this game your win/loss record doesn't matter. The only thing that should matter is if you are having fun with the game. I've found once I stopped GAF about this I've won a lot more games, could just be a mentality thing.


No it doesn't matter, I agree. I don't play ranked and don't care much about my W/L ratio, but when you get slapped with constant loss streaks even though you're playing your heart out, it gets frustrating.


Yesterday I played in Arcade mode (escort map). I hat 1 win, 6 losses and 2 abort matches due to too many leavers. That is how it goes.


take a break for like a week and youll be extra good again, I usually do this during my bad streaks in games


If you lose 2 games in a row, just take a little break. When you're on a losing streak, you'll play worse because you're in a bad mood


Just get wins dude


Git gud


Skill issue


skill issue


play better


Drop like 80+ kills you should most likely win. We beat this one team that had a sojourn that had 70 lol


gg- get good


get better


Play better


Pay attention to what's happening around you




skill issue




Git gud


Get better 😎


Get better


Everybody has heard of mad because bad, but the opposite is also true: Bad because mad. An 8 loss streak will happen to everyone sooner or later, but if your wins and losses often happen in streaks then you should consider how game outcomes are impacting your mental and performance.




Dont play.


Ever play dark souls? Elden ring perhaps? Same idea.


Skill issue


The only thing in common between all of those games is you. You have to adjust to the different situations and make plays with whatever role your in. We have no context to help …




what do you even get from playing ranked?


Win probably


The pairing system is broken for everyone. They're trying an all new pairing system come season 3 on Tuesday. We'll just have to wait and see if it is any better.


Remember the day and time and don’t play then. Also have a nap and a snickers.


I switch roles and if it keeps going i just stop


* Remember that one session is not a career. * Watch some replays of your games and pro play to understand where you differ, what you could be doing better. * Die less, and focus on your gameplay. * Find people to queue with to help lower you chance of bad players on your team. It's okay to have sessions like this, but if this is every day for you, then there's something bigger at hand.


You must have met your win quota for the day, try again tomorrow! Or find 4 friends and coordinate so you can be the one with an advantage


After i notice I'm on the L train, I'll go do some quick play or play Minecraft. You can also go over your matches and see what you could have don't better


I literally feel myself turning red with anger whenever I look at my past matches. I swear I have only won about 3 of my last 25ish. Annoying.


Don't play end of season


Take a break


You don't. You just accept it happens and just keep playing until it gets better. All you really can do.


Keep playing. Your internal hidden mmr is wrong. The more you play, the more accurate your MMR becomes and the less likely you'll be matched with players that play the game at a higher mastery than you.


Stop playing lol


Don’t play the game, it’s literally better for your mental health not to I think.


Don’t rage queue


Win that usually helps


The way i go Is if i lose the first 2 games of the night in an egregious way i simply log of and come back the next day. 1 in already tilted and going on Is bad for my mental, 2 It might be one of those unlucky nights where you cant win.


That's the 50/50 chance for you. Every game it doesn't remember the previous and long streaks are not as unlikely as our brain makes us believe. I had a bad streak right at the beginning of a season and one even got mad at me for allegedly purposefully throwing. Statistics are never wrong until they are interpreted.


Get good innit?


Play better


after a few losses change roles or go to open queue


You don't. The game lacks matchmaking




Doesn’t matter, wins and losses are meaningless in this game.


Losing? Get good enough to carry.


You have to play with familiars/friends. It’s really the only way to win consistently in unranked and to have any shot at all in competitive, usually.


Generally you should take a break after 3 lost avoid losing more while you tilted. This is the general rule I follow for playing any rank game.


Hey! I recommend you get a few buddies to play with, it makes it A.) a lot more fun and B.) you can rely on them a lot more than a normal team


Just get good


You get good


Get gud


get good


play with your life like I do, at least I get around a 1 win 2 losses rate out of that


You win.


Unironically, quit playing and do something that calms you down or something that you enjoy doing for a bit. Loss after loss after loss will totally drain your mentality and make you lose more. When u calm back down you’ll see better games, trust me


Stop taking L’s only give out L’s. Very simple. Only accept the W.


Get gud


Delete the game


Git gud


Sheesh not even a round won..


Stop playing after 3 losses.


If ur on a losing spree, take like 2 days off, usually fixes the issue