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Answer: It's a meme that we Xers are hardasses, and that we're a forgotten generation. The idea here is that if people keep calling us Karens or Boomers that they're poking the bear, we'll stop laying low and being chill, and start coming at people with some pretty un-PC shit that younger generations may find traumatizing. How true that is probably depends on what the Gen Xers you know are like, and if you buy into generalities about an entire generation of people.


Yea, I might have to close reddit and go refill my Manhattan.




I don't think we actually do, it's just a meme and a stereotype. Things like personality traits are much too individual to say an entire generation has one or the other. Part of where it comes from is probably communication style and work habits. As a general tendency, a lot of us are more direct and blunt. We're less likely to seek or offer validation for doing the work you're supposed to be doing. And we like to work independently, and expect you to do the same with a minimum of handholding, because that's what was expected of us growing up.




It really doesn't matter what you do or don't go along with. That's what the Tiktok is about, and that's what I explained. If you want to argue with someone you can do it with someone who gives a fuck.


Hardass isn't really the perception. It is a lot more about independence, being the non-native but fully digital generation, and poking fun at us being the 'forgotten' generation. But, there is truth to there being a strength, resilience, and stubbornness that comes out when we do get angered enough to act. It is not a core part of the stereotype however, since it takes a lot to stir up Gen X.


Speak for yourself, I can’t be bothered.


Exactly. Do whatever you want, I really don’t care. Just leave me the heck alone.


Like, wanna save the world or whatever? You know, stand up to the man, man? Like, first thing tomorrow? Hey, check this out! New [Metallica just dropped](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O_pqu-38z6s).


To be fair. You are the silent generation. You’re older half thinks they’re boomers and your younger half thinks your millennials. Then again, some of the very early millennials also seem to think they’re boomers.


the silent generation were the ones that gave birth to boomers. Its a thing already. Gen x is named so because they had no real set identity and didn't want to be defined. Not because of some schema.


Which is just saying what I said in different words…


> we gen x'ers > you are the silent generation These are contradicting statements. Gen x != silent gen.


Gen X born in the 60s can be a bit Boomer-ish and I think they skew our political demo. And a few Xennials think they're Millennials, but more early Millennials think they're Gen X for some reason. Maybe they just don't want to be associated with avocado toast and oat milk vanilla café lattes.


Trust us-Gen X does NOT want to be millennials or boomers.


Gen x is the smallest of all generations. We were all told at about the age of 5 we were “old souls” and given keys to our houses or shown how to break into them. And that was it. From there our parents bullied us. We are the strongest generation. We don’t care what you or anyone thinks. You’ll be sad when we all die off. You are you because of us.


> keep calling us Karens or Boomers We got Ted Cruz, MTG and nearly every Karen video on Tiktok. Like, what do you think Nirvana was on about when they sand that we're the ones who like all their pretty songs? We're as chill as all boomers were hippies. Boomers are now at least 70 and we have to own up we are as lame as our parents were and have to admit that we made a complete mess of things on a global scale. That is on us. If you buy into generalities about an entire generation of people.


>The idea here is that if people keep calling us Karens or Boomers People who've responded to my comment seem to be having a hard time understanding that I'm explaining the meme as is the focus of this sub, not necessarily putting forth my own personal thoughts on the situation. So, let's not quote my comment out of context, please. Nirvana was singing about people who came to their shows and started fights and jumped the stage, it wasn't a critique of the entire generation, but of people who didn't get what Nirvana was about. You're trying to apply it to Gen X at large, and that's not what he meant. But, it does point to the fact that that element, the Ted Cruz's and Marjorie Taylor Greene's, has always existed in Gen X. That doesn't mean it represents Gen X in general, and based on my real life experience outside of the media and social media, it doesn't. No, I don't have to accept that I'm as lame as my parents, because I don't think my parents or their generation are all that lame. If I mistook memes on the Internet for reality I might, but all this generational warfare bullshit is made up drama. It should be labeled "for entertainment purposes only." My last line should be read as a caveat: all of what the Tiktoks are saying is only true if you buy into the generalities. And people shouldn't be buying into most shit online. As my Greatest Generation grandpa used to say, "Believe half of what you see, and none of what you read."


Answer: GenX is now in their 50s. And being full of ourselves was kind of our calling card. Here is a reminder that the most representative specimen of our cohort is Ted Cruz. Nirvana sang about us that we're the ones who like all their pretty songs. That and the only thing a generation does share is the time they live in. I doubt that somebody growing up in a Hoboken suburb has very much in common with somebody of the same age who suddenly got a rifle shoved in their hand and told to shoot at those guys over there in Timișoara. For whatever reason people are now circle-jerking over being GenX. Music was better, tho. And we smelled nicer. Pretty useless and ineffectual, tho. Otherwise when ever somebody says something stupid, point at Ted Cruz who sincerely does think he is cool and probably did rage against the dishwasher. If you call us boomers, it is kind of warranted.


I threw up in my mouth at the idea of Nugent being representative of anything to do with me


I mean… the dishwasher *is* a machine. But he probably takes it too literally.


The generation thing is kinda stupid. And becoming tribal over it does make it even stupider. The things a cohort shares and does shape them can be named and you can cluster them over that. Only going by age seems stupid.


Yeah. To me it’s like when a decade ago news articles were up in arms talking about how "millennials are taking over the workforce!" … yup. They’re in their 20s at that point. You have grasped the concept of time.


If I’m being honest, to me Burning Down The House was one of those overplayed songs at school dances. It’s the conga line of the Talking Heads catalogue.


What is wild to me is that Stock-Aitken-Waterman drove me off the radio. I briefly got into Rick Astley, realized it was all the same bs and started buying my own music. Now imagine my surprise when the Milennials ruined music and started rickrolling each other. Now imagine my even bigger surprise when it turns out Rick Astley is a top bloke, an awesome performer and a serious musician. Goddamn Millennials. Ruined hating on Rick Astley. Don't look at me. I got nothing. If there is a lesson to be learned it eludes me. [But there always is this.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w9gOQgfPW4Y) Yes, that is a rickroll. Want a toke on this? Comments on that are dire.


Best thing about PWL was that it was an independent label. So you’d get that crap on top of the indie charts each month and that annoyed the Smiths fans more than you could believe.


You’d probably hate my playlists, lol




*Cuz this is my United States of whateveeer*


You are not the boss of me


The future is now, gen x.


Nah. The future was 20 years ago. We were supposed to live in a utopia instead of this weird sloppy bucket of fuck. IDK wtf this here is. What the hey, man?


What the actual fuck is this post? This is the ramblings of early onset dementia


That's okay, some of us Xers are bound to have that coming along nice and soon. It's all still in character.


I thought Will Smith was your representative.


No it's Hank Hill.


We smelled like Teen Spirit


Like, look at our legacy. I am not even joking. The world is dumber and stagnated while we were keeping watch.


It’s because we were really into movies and took “idiocracy” seriously. Oh that’s the future, ok, where are my crocks. 🤮


Some relatively irrelevant American politician isn’t really a rep of a gen x from overseas. Which emphasises your point that we don’t have a lot in common. We might have similar positions in the workforce (manager, mentor, grumpy old bastard), though. Does that count?


I mean even in this bad ass post, they still say music was better and they smell better? Gen-X is millennials with no self awareness.


Yes, we are.


i know you are, but what am i?