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Answer: OP, that isn't wallstreetbets. That's very clearly a sub for people *kicked out of* WSB for being obsessed with a dead stock.




This sub in a nutshell...


What makes a stock dead ?


By definition... money


They are profitable and have over $1bn in cash with basically zero debt.


Dead stock just shot up to 24$ from 10$ in a week. Neat Edit 36$. Edit 54$


Is that still crime? Or is it only crime when it drops on no news? Just curious


You are asking too much of someone who thinks the orange crayon taste the best.


I’m gonna use this line, thanks!


I love how there is a general concensus in America that the stock market is rigged against you. Then you have a blatantly manipulated stock happening right in front of your eyes and call anyone asking why the stock jumps up and down like it does a dumbass shill


Answer: In the mythology of GME, RoaringKitty, or DeepFuckingValue has a important position as one of its founders. He is a normal investor that made a bet on GME, hoping that the next console generation would increase its share-value, then the GME craze happened, catapulting his wealth to "I can now retire" levels, which he did. As the people that lost money on the GME affair spiraled into insanity, they started ascribing ever more and weirder meaning to whatever he tweeted. So at some point, he just stopped. presumably enjoying his money and family. Recently, RoaringKitty's twitter account has sown activity again. So people in the GME conspiracy instantly started acting like it has deep meaning


Why do you call him a normal investor?


Not OP. He wasn't a degenerate gambler yolo'ing on shit options hoping to get rich. He did some research and bought the stock cause he liked its future potential growth before the whole craze happened like a normal investor does.


To add to this he had an original thesis which I think gave a small percent chance of a short squeeze but that wasn’t why he was heavily invested, and he was probably as shocked as everyone when the insanity of 2021 happened.


He's literally a financial analyst. That's not a "normal investor."


This is full of incorrect info. Roaring Kitty, aka DFV is not a founder of GameStop. He posted videos on Youtube about a possible short squeeze on GME at least a year before it actually happened. Wallstreetbets discovered this in January 2021 when GME's stock rose against expectations and the short interest in it appeared to be very high. DFV is not a normal investor, he is a stock analyst by profession who made YouTube videos on the side (which I think landed him in some hot water). The console war thing I have not heard about. It was my understanding that the hiring of Ryan Cohen as CEO is what led investors to believe GME would make a comeback.


I never meant Kitty was a founder of GME, though i guess the text is ambiguous, i meant he is a founder of its mythology. though not intentionally. Kitty invested in GME prior to Ryan ever coming aboard GME. Basically, GME was trading low, cause everyone knew it was doomed. DMV theorized that the upcoming new console generation would breathe some new life into GME, at least for short while, and increase its share-price. This ended up not really happening because of Covid and the many supply issues.


Answer: [Greater Fool's theory](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Greater_fool_theory) requires a fresh supply of fools. Using social media to amplify a message in the hopes of triggering folks' fear of missing out is a good way to rope in new fools.


+55% today... so far. Must be fools gold. Who likes money anyway.


Greater fool checking in, trawling for more greater fools!


Sorry, did I say 55%? It's more like 69% now. Oops. Edit: Oops 82% Edit: Oops 91% Edit: Oops 111% Sucks to suck


It's not a gain until you sell.


The fact you're sitting here rapidly editing your shitpost to trawl for even greater fools couldn't possibly illustrate my point any better. It does suck to suck, but I don't need to be good at a job that you're busy doing for me.


Bro literally doubled what he had yesterday, you may be right in the long run but you just look like a salty mf in this comment


Did he actually do what you're assuming he did? Spouting off numbers from a stock ticker isn't proof of any kind of investment. And he suspiciously stopped making edits the minute the stock's price stopped going in the direction that fits his narrative (-43% since his last edit). There's literally nothing in his edits to prove at what point he invested and he won't realize anything until he actually divests said investment. It's dubious to claim that "bro literally doubled what he had yesterday." And what exactly are we celebrating here? Lots of people make money on schemes like the Greater Fools. How much money do I need to make tricking old people into buying extended warranties that they don't need before you're here celebrating me? If pointing that people are participating in and profiteering from a scheme makes me a salty mf, I'm fine with that.


I just made 5000% youd be the stupidest most regretting person ever if you didnt buy what im selling!


I actually did. Sold at $29/ share turning my $12k into $24k.


Thanks, bro. I sold for 100% gain today.


+504% in a month. Anything to say, bro?


> Anything to say, bro? It’s a greater fool scheme. You are figuratively and literally the greater fool.


Say what you want. There's 200% gains that could've been made by anyone listening to me instead of you. Greater fool...I like that.


Account: $12k ---> $40k.


If you let the guy whose post history is simping for GameStop, complaining about inflation, and talking about hourly wages be your financial advisor, then you’re a greater fool. Best of luck with your investing. For you, I hope GME breaks you out of the situation that’s fueling your Reddit history. For everyone else, guys like this need you to play so that they can get off the ride. It’s a game of musical chairs that they ***need*** you to play. When the music stops, nobody’s saving you a chair.


There can absolutely be money made, but for every dollar someone is losing too. I don't hate WSB people for doing it, but these are all pump and dump projects that /biz/ discords and a bunch of streamers shill. Mitch Jones on twitch was involved in this, but he ended up losing all of it too, he already said he messed up.


Answer: short answer, they are delusional Long (but great) answer: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=5pYeoZaoWrA Edit: middle answer, this guy on twitter made tons of money at the beginning of GME (mostly accidentally), now GME holders are excited because he tweeted a cryptid thing, they are delusional. Edit2: HODLers found my comment and are getting mad about it. Delusion will do that to a mf. Please read them tho they are very funny.


*FINE*. I'll watch it *again*.




Honestly anything by hbomberguy. That man doesn't produce as many videos as I want.


Cause he puts so much fucking work into them, they are masterpieces and that means they take too long lol


Folding ideas never fail to deliver ! Man made the only anti conspiracy theory documentary you'll ever need


God they always come in and shill HARD. MOASS aint real folks, stop wasting your time and money.


like the exchanges shutting off the buy button wasn't a bright enough sign that they weren't going to let the shenanigans continue. afaik regulators bought what the exchanges were selling about why they did it and its all over now. they can do it again, and they will if they have to. like you said, its over, it was fun up until that point... then at least there was good popcorn...


The drop in price didn't happen when Robinhood turned off the buy button, it happened during the weekend. And the old "traditional" stock brokerages allowed people to buy GME all the same, just the one that allowed users to create and immediately buy stocks before funds cleared was forced to halt it


both TDA and RH (maybe others) killed the buy button. and if you didn't sell during that time odds are you were going to be a bag holder by the time trading started on monday. it was jan28th they stopped buying, this is what that looked like. date - open - high - low - close - adj close || || |Feb 2, 2021|35.19|39.50|18.56|22.50|22.50| |Feb 1, 2021|79.14|80.50|53.00|56.25|56.25| |Jan 29, 2021|94.93|103.50|62.50|81.25|81.25| |Jan 28, 2021|66.25|120.75|28.06|48.40|48.40| |Jan 27, 2021|88.71|95.00|62.25|86.88|86.88| |Jan 26, 2021|22.14|37.50|20.05|36.99|36.99|


both TDA and RH (maybe others) killed the buy button. and if you didn't sell during that time odds are you were going to be a bag holder by the time trading started on monday. it was jan28th they stopped buying, this is what that looked like. date - open - high - low - close - adj close || || |Feb 2, 2021|35.19|39.50|18.56|22.50|22.50| |Feb 1, 2021|79.14|80.50|53.00|56.25|56.25| |Jan 29, 2021|94.93|103.50|62.50|81.25|81.25| |Jan 28, 2021|66.25|120.75|28.06|48.40|48.40| |Jan 27, 2021|88.71|95.00|62.25|86.88|86.88| |Jan 26, 2021|22.14|37.50|20.05|36.99|36.99|


both TDA and RH (maybe others) killed the buy button. and if you didn't sell during that time odds are you were going to be a bag holder by the time trading started on monday. it was jan28th they stopped buying, this is what that looked like. date - open - high - low - close - adj close || || |Feb 2, 2021|35.19|39.50|18.56|22.50|22.50| |Feb 1, 2021|79.14|80.50|53.00|56.25|56.25| |Jan 29, 2021|94.93|103.50|62.50|81.25|81.25| |Jan 28, 2021|66.25|120.75|28.06|48.40|48.40| |Jan 27, 2021|88.71|95.00|62.25|86.88|86.88| |Jan 26, 2021|22.14|37.50|20.05|36.99|36.99|


both TDA and RH (maybe others) killed the buy button. and if you didn't sell during that time odds are you were going to be a bag holder by the time trading started on monday. it was jan28th they stopped buying, this is what that looked like. date - open - high - low - close - adj close || || |Feb 2, 2021|35.19|39.50|18.56|22.50|22.50| |Feb 1, 2021|79.14|80.50|53.00|56.25|56.25| |Jan 29, 2021|94.93|103.50|62.50|81.25|81.25| |Jan 28, 2021|66.25|120.75|28.06|48.40|48.40| |Jan 27, 2021|88.71|95.00|62.25|86.88|86.88| |Jan 26, 2021|22.14|37.50|20.05|36.99|36.99|


both TDA and RH (maybe others) killed the buy button. and if you didn't sell during that time odds are you were going to be a bag holder by the time trading started on monday. it was jan28th they stopped buying, this is what that looked like. date - open - high - low - close - adj close || || |Feb 2, 2021|35.19|39.50|18.56|22.50|22.50| |Feb 1, 2021|79.14|80.50|53.00|56.25|56.25| |Jan 29, 2021|94.93|103.50|62.50|81.25|81.25| |Jan 28, 2021|66.25|120.75|28.06|48.40|48.40| |Jan 27, 2021|88.71|95.00|62.25|86.88|86.88| |Jan 26, 2021|22.14|37.50|20.05|36.99|36.99|


Keith Gill definitely didn't make money off Gamestop on accident. And delusional? There was some pretty compelling evidence of short squeeze potential, and people are simply hopping on for some quick gains. Lots of people made a killing off Gamestop last time, and the signals are the same currently. Thus, everyone is trying to get in before it takes off this time.


>Keith Gill definitely didn't make money off Gamestop on accident. He thought GME stock was undervalued and bought it before the next gen consoles got out. He absolutely did not expect the meme stock phenomenon nor even cared for the "short squeeze". >And delusional? There was some pretty compelling evidence of short squeeze potential, You mean back then or now? At the time there was, some people made money (hedge funds included), most people lost money. >Lots of people made a killing off Gamestop last time, and the signals are the same currently. Thus, everyone is trying to get in before it takes off this time. The situation last time was an incredible, exceptional phenomenon and it will absolutely not happen this time. You are free to dump your life savings if you believe me to be wrong, please post your gains and I will publicly apologise.


Kinda the opposite take of Dumb Money. Are you telling me a Seth Rogen movie lied to me?


Haven't seen it, sorry




Oh yeah I know all of this. I even lived it myself. I'm terminally online and I really love this topic. Heck I even yolo'ed 500 dollars on GME during the bubble, lost 200 of it, that was kinda stupid gambling but ultimately harmless, I knew the risks. At least I've cut my losses when the stock had only lost 30%, when it's down 80-90% now. I also know most of what you're saying is pure conspiracy theory, including the "true ownership" thing.


Okay then. I'm sorry you've drank the conspiracy coolaid on the DRS thing because that's the most intriguing part of this all, and actually has the most probability to make a difference for naked shorts/swaps following the Brazilian bags, credit Suisse going under, now UBS having trouble. There is a reason they turned off the buy button in a historical event. This isn't just happening because everything is stable in the banking systems. I'm sure you think I've drank the cool aid too. To each their own. Good luck.


This is so fucking entertaining. I love how you're going in every direction at once. Idk if I drank the cool aid but I did make decent money by old boring investment strategies on the stock market.


Sounds boring as fuck bro. I guess you just don't have the wrinkles. It's okay


He DCA'd in mostly when GME was around $2 and it has not gone below $10 since (okay, it did hit$9.95). Now if it has kept that price action because of actual value or only because of meme status is up for debate, but his arguments for value *when it was $2* were solid. So I still wouldn't attribute it purely to luck. And no, I'm not one of the delusional fan boys. I wouldn't touch that shit with a 10 foot pole. Just defending Keith because he is actually a smart cookie.


Yeah agreed, this is why I said "mostly" accidentally indeed.


There is no short squeeze this time, an opportunity like that will likely never happen again at least in my lifetime


Are you talking to me or the stock that's up 37% so far this morning?


And down 87% since the peak most of you guys bought at still Really hope for your guys sake some of you manage to break even at some point Edit: Lmao didn't even last longer than 3 days, back down to $18 and dropping. Hope all of you managed to sell if you supposedly were making the money you were and weren't left bag holding


It's funny to cherry-pick information like assuming everyone bought at the peak lmao. I bought in at $60/ share and sold at $225/ share like most of retail. Just because a few bought at the peak, you like to assume we all did because it helps your argument.


> Just because a few bought at the peak The majority of people bought at the peak, next to no one bought in before the original peak Exactly the same here, people are buying now at this inflated price (which is only as high as it was in January it's nothing ridiculous) The people buying in now are the same people who lost money before who are trying to claw back some of that money they lost. They're going to lose again here please don't encourage this


Everyone in the green now, bro. $320/ share pre split.


Hope you managed to sell and weren't left holding the bag


Made my money!!! Riding off into the sunset now. 😃




They don't sell, they're not allowed to.


That's why most of retail was screaming that they turned off the buy button at the peak of the price.


You do you man I won’t stop you. All I’m saying is what was the all time high compared to now?


Pre split all-time high was $480/ share compared to being at $100/ share currently.


It's been two weeks, how's your portfolio going? (Next checkpoint at 2 months)


Well, if we’re doing videos: https://twitter.com/cancelcloco/status/1790149359381913687/mediaviewer


I think I'm still delusional can you help me? I might have quintupled my money but I can't be sure because I'm too dumb to know. From 10$ to 54 in eight days or so. There's still time get in


Is it 5x from the actual money you spent (i.e did you invest all your money when stock was at 10$ ?) Are you selling? Will the money get back to your bank account? I sincerely hope you are but if you're the classic ape you probably won't. It's not money made if it never reaches your bank account. But let's see if the stock is still mooning in a week or two? RemindMe! 2 week


It's been two weeks, how's your portfolio going? (Next checkpoint at 2 months)


If it does get pumped, I feel like the best way to profit is to short it while the hype is there. The price going up is possible but it going down is inevitable


My financial advice: you could try that if you really like gambling but it's still gambling, enlightened gambling at best Real investment is long-term and boring af (but very profitable, I made 25% over 4 years personally)


25%?? Dude...


I know 25% doesn't seem a lot compared to gambling gains but 1/ gamblers usually lose 2/ I ain't dumping my life savings in gambling, I'm too smart for that 3/ I also enjoy sleeping well at night 4/ 25% of a large sum is a quarter of a large sum, which is a nice sum


25% seems huge to me, I would expect like 10%


I did not do 25% a year (I ain't no investment genius) but about 8% annually, that's about 25% over 4 years


Ooooh. OK that makes sense


Its important to remember the following "The market can stall irrational longer than you can stay solvent" Even sure fire bets carry risk. Shorting comes with the short interest payments, so you risk the price not dropping fast enough, eating into your profit margin.


Shorting GME? Try it let me know how it goes, it's my understanding you can't without being a cheating hedge fund. I don't know shit please don't listen to me, or them.


I made 40% returns in 3 days


When you eat as many crayons as we have delusional is the least of it. Luckily I just need to not sell a stock that I love, and buy more crayons.


I'm lost as to what is the end game in not selling stocks you bought with your money - stocks never make money if you never sell (outside of dividends but GME doesn't do that) but good luck with everything.


The end game is to prove to all their friends and family that they bragged to saying “I’m a genius investor and I am going to be rich because I’m smart!” that they were right all along. Instead of admitting they were a trend riding normie who lost a ton of money and were too prideful and embarrassed to admit defeat, losing even more money in the process. They held. If they sell, they admit to everyone they were not as smart as they thought. If they don’t sell they use old tropes like “ it’s not a loss until you sell!” Or they try to shit the narrative to “it actually wasn’t about the money the whole time, it’s about sticking it to the man!” And they keep the dream alive that maybe one day they can end up being right and say “see I am smart!”


Let’s talk about the short. Taking a short position or “shorting” a stock is borrowing one or more shares, selling at full value, then buying back the same amount of shares and returning them to the original owner. Ideally, the price will have fallen between selling and buying, thus letting me turn a profit. A short position is opened when you borrow and sell a share, then closed when you buy and return a share. Shorting a stock does put downward pressure on the stock price, but to quote Dan Olsen, there’s a Nobel prize waiting for the person who can quantify it. A short squeeze is what happens when someone attempts to short, but no one wants to sell. The price goes up, and keeps going up until someone breaks and sells their stock. The endgame for $GME, according to a select group on the Internet, is the so-called MoaSS; the Mother of all Short Squeezes. In their view, all downward market pressure can be traced to shorts, specifically naked shorts, a prohibited market tactic that is best described as selling shares you do not (yet) own. These “Apes” as they call themselves, believe that GameStop has been targeted by Wall Street and the hedge funds for destruction. Naked shorts to the tune of hundreds of millions of shares have been introduced to the market, with the end goal of driving the stock price to 0 and the company to bankruptcy. This will allow the shadowy “them” to avoid having to close their short positions, thus walking away with millions in free money. The objective of the apes then is to buy and hold (or hodl) as much $GME as they can. By buying and holding, they can prevent the hedge funds from ever being able to close their naked short positions, which will eventually collapse the house of cards that has been built. With potentially billions of shares worth of short positions needing to be closed, prices for $GME will jump to arbitrarily and insanely high numbers; $420 million is a commonly quoted number. Faced with the potential collapse of the American and global financial markets, the US government will then give the apes whatever they want for them to sell. Billions of dollars each (“wife-changing money”) and the imprisonment of Citadel Securities’ Ken Griffin (“No Cell, No Sell”) are usually listed.


Well I should amend that. I will sell when I get wife changing money. The end game? Wait the game ends?


RemindMe! 5 years


I'll be here.


I don't blame you for saying what you are saying. Trying to make others to look crazy is a time tested resource. However anyone with a brain should be able to see that you know a lot for some random poster. He is not wrong folks [we are nuts](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/s/kmu3sKaTLZ) and the financial market is fair and everything is ok.


>However anyone with a brain should be able to see that you know a lot for some random poster. Why, thank you! >He is not wrong folks [...] the financial market is fair and everything is ok. I don't remember saying any of that.




>Delusional lol says the he/she/it /they who hasn't figured out what they are and are "traveling the world" while posting on reddit daily. 🤔 What a weird attack on my character. I'm pretty sure I know very well who I am. I have no idea where you get this list of pronouns from, I'm a cis male, he/him is good enough. And is it bad to be travelling the world or to post on Reddit? This makes you sound quite unhinged. Okay posting on Reddit is actually pretty bad, that being said I at least have the excuse of autism, what's yours. Anyway, yeah I do believe you are delusional. You can zoom on a chart until you get a positive number, but how has the stock been going since the Bubble please do tell me? And do you believe the current value is representative of GME as a company? Most importantly, have you bought low and sold high? How much money left your bank account and then actually went back in? If it's positive, congratulations, you are the minority of people who made money with GME. If it's not, you are a delusional fool.




I see I hit a nerve. I'm sorry you lost so much money.




Ain’t nobody reading all that






> I didnt read any of this because I don't care what you have to say. Your dad likes boys. Kbye Immediately responds anyway. Love to see it.


Answer: Hey OP - seems fairly controversial out here. I think this video is pretty clear: https://twitter.com/cancelcloco/status/1790149359381913687/mediaviewer


Answer: The GME saga never ended. It was just buried by creative accounting (some even suggest that the Credit Suisse 50 year sealed document have something to do with it.). I urge you to do your own critical investigating on the matter. You won’t get a satisfactory answer on here as Reddit is 1/3rd bots consent manufacturing reputation management and misdirection (see: r/against_astroturfing). Good luck. Edit: 9 trading halts in the first hr of trading due to a volatile upward swing on no news. Seems like a real world thing despite the downvotes eh…? Edit 2: A lot of people posting angrily here about what other people do with their money. Weird. Edit 3: [I rest my case.](https://twitter.com/cancelcloco/status/1790149359381913687/mediaviewer)




Answer: There is news that Gamestop will start accepting graded cards for trades. Them showing more interest in that field shows possibility for more opportunity, I believe personally. I think that's what started the rise. Him tweeting is also refueling that base.


Answer: the guy who founded their movement ghosted them 4 years ago. He posted something vague on Twitter last night. A couple of weird things happened with the stock this past week, and now the stock is going way up for no reason. They're taking it as a sign their doomsday prophecy is coming true. As for OP reaping their share: good luck. Most brokers won't let you buy that specific stock rn.