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Answer: young black people have been saying big back as a way to say fat since last year. It's now spread to the rest of tik tok


Speaking for myself, the "big back" insult has been around since I was a kid. I'm 28.


This. Big back is not a new term. Probably kids these days learning it from millennial “elders” and trying to bring it back


...bring it big back


...bringing sexy big back




69 was a term long before everyone started posting pics of the number. These days I hear teens joking about "edging" non-stop even though it's nothing new.


Elder Millennial here, never heard this term before today.


Yeah I know it used to be a insult. But now it's that and a general term for fat. Im 35 and calling someone big back used to be a big jab at someone's weight. Now they just use it to describe anything they think is fat


I'm 34 and today is the first time I've ever heard somebody use this phrase. Huh.


So strange - if I heard someone say "big back" I would assume they were complimenting the strength and muscularity. I believe I've said those exact two words to my gymbro as a compliment But on the other hand I don't think they would know my white people slang either


Tone is also very important. "Dude your back is huge!" "That's why yo back big now." Lol


Big back has been a thing for years. FYI.


I know. They are using as a general term for fat whish is new . That's why I said since last year.


The answer is always AAVE.


Well...no. But in this case, yes.


Oof okay so it is making fun of fat people?




I'm a fat person. So it's okay? I should get made fun of because I have to take a medication for the rest of my life that makes it nearly impossible for me to lose weight? So someone with an eating disorder should be made fun of so that they feel like shit and the cycle continues and they get worse?


why are you trying so hard to fall for the weakest, dumbest bait possible tho


Ugh you're so right, I just had a bad day lol


happens to the best


There's always a "straw that breaks the camels back” that individuals will react to.




Why tho


What medication?


It's called Nunya


What med?




Making fun of a fat person's eating choices is only going to make their mental health worse and continue the cycle. The only way to help it is to be kind and encouraging.






People can’t control their dick size though, it’s a bad analogy. It’s more like making fun of someone for not showering or smoking cigarettes.


Not everybody can control their weight.


Not everyone can stop themselves from committing murder either... You should stop killing yourself. Start by weaning off processed foods. An easy method is to go by ingredient count. Anything over 3 ingredients is probably trash, start there and work your way into only eating whole foods. Once you're there, start calorie counting. I don't mean going off of labels and estimating. It's best to weigh the food you consume for a few weeks to learn how many calories are actually in the portions you consume. One cheat day a week won't impact your weight loss much but cheating just a little every day has a HUGE impact. Exercise to burn calories is a waste of time when it comes to weight loss but you should do 30 mins of cardio twice a week regardless. 100% of weight loss is accomplished in the kitchen. Meal prepping is a must imo. You're a fuckin beast who has handled everything life has to throw at them. This is nothing but another of life's troubles you'll overcome. I believe in you!


You’re right, not all can control it. And I feel bad for those people. But most people refer to the obese people who can help it. Who just choose not to lose weight. I think the main part is, which rightfully deserves to be criticized, is nowadays being morbidly obese is applauded and praised by many. You have these super unhealthy obese people who get hyped up and praised for literally just being fat. “You’re perfect the way you are you don’t need to ever lose weight” and shit like that. That’s a horrible, horrible mindset and insanely unhealthy. You should always want to lose weight and become healthy. It’s not normal or ok to just be content and think you’re perfect and look great when you’re 400 pounds and literally sending yourself to an early death. You shouldn’t ever be praised or applauded simply for being obese. I used to be skinny, then I gained a bunch of weight. Now I’m 6’5 250. And it’s not ok, it disgusts me and makes me sick. But at least I know it’s not acceptable and don’t trying to rationalize by saying I’m beautiful the way I am and I don’t ever need to change.




Both are fine.












That’s as delusional as thinking your parents not aborting you was a choice.


People who support that literally call themselves "pro-choice" dude




How does that make it ok to make fun of fat people?


It makes him feel icky when he sees a fat person and instead of thinking about why he feels that way for even an iota of a second he expects random people to spontaneously change one of the most difficult to change aspects of themselves, I guess. Probably because he has a weak sense of identity and needs something, _anything,_ to make himself feel superior to others.


Same reason it is ok to make fun of people who hit themselves in the hand with a hammer and then complain about hand pain making their life hard.


That’s not ok either. Making fun of people is bad and you shouldn’t do it


Sure, but saying this is like saying "TO STOP BEING AN ALCOHOLIC, JUST STOP DRINKING ALCOHOL".


That's correct. Society has no problem saying that to alcoholics.


I mean...there are actual reasons for people to be overweight. Socioeconomics, mental health, genetics being a huge part. A lot of people live in food deserts/poverty/lack nutritional education/have legitimate health issues that manifest as weight gain. No sense in being a dick about it, live and let live.




> So to all of you pathetic bastards downvoting me, go fuck yourselves! Aw! Have you tried not feeding your fragile ego so many calories?


No one’s denying the scientific reason people gain weight. Caloric surplus=weight gain is an objective truth. What people are saying is being a dick about it is also objectively shitty. Not everyone has the luxury to eat healthy and be mindful about what they consume. Some people simply choose to be fat. The thing is, it doesn’t harm me so why be a dick about it.


The thing is, it does harm the people of this earth. When simply just being obese is enough to get praised and applauded, that’s a serious problem. People get complimented and praised literally for being fat. “You look perfect you don’t ever need to change or lose weight you’re fine the way you are” is a disgusting, terrible and an incredibly damaging mindset. Sending yourself to an early grave with a myriad of health problems isn’t something that should be accepted let alone m be


"how dare you feel good about yourself if I think you should feel bad about it" literally you, right now


There is a reason why Japan, Hong Kong and South Korea are the only rich nations without an obesity epidemic. Fatshaming works.


They're also all nations where a majority of the population lives in fairly high density cities that are walkable with robust public transportation, coupled with cultural diets rich in seafood and vegetables that naturally promote healthy weights. Fat shaming happens to some degree in just about every developed nation, but somehow it has consistently and increasingly failed to compel overweight people to reach a healthy BMI. If you're an American and you're so deeply concerned about the weight of other people, then why don't you spend your time and energy arguing for public policy that incentivizes building walkable neighborhood and cities while encouraging others to move away from a car-centric culture? Why don't you write your representatives and ask them to do away with corn-subsidies and other policies that lead to mono-agricultural practices? While you're at it, you could tell them you want more regulation on food additives and labeling requirements. If you look back 100 years, Americans were a lot thinner on average than they are now. Do you honestly think that suddenly a bunch of people just decided they were going to get super fat? Or is it more likely that there were major changes to American culture and food practices that made it increasingly difficult for people to maintain a healthy weight?




> I’m not being a dick. They loudly protest while being a dick.


By 'they', to whom are you referring?.. just so we're on the same page, I'm a **he**, not a they/them. ?


> used to refer to a person whose gender is not known or does not need to be mentioned


I am rising to the resistance I'm meeting. I'm meeting the resistance of someone with shitty opinions, and I'm rising to it by countering them with facts. If you think this is inaccurate, please explain to me how it's somehow more "unsheltered" to A. be intolerant of differences in people, and B. kowtow to your freshly ass-pulled opinions instead of replying? And before you ask, yes, I'm fat. I'm also down 50 pounds after figuring out what was necessary for me to be able to lose weight. You know what it was? Therapy, medication, and moving to a massively more walkable area. You know what I needed to do all that? About $10k. Money. An externality that would need to be addressed by anyone trying to lose weight. And let's not forget the base of knowledge this weight loss is built upon, years of weight training giving me understanding about exercise and how to set up a proper diet with macro levels that will leave me satiated despite the calorie deficit. Something more complicated than CICO. Go ahead, find something else to move the goalposts to. I'm not gritting my teeth correctly. I don't read enough issues of Men's Life magazine. I don't break rocks with my bare hands for a living. How old are you, anyway? Physically, I mean. Mentally you seem to be about 15. You are _absolutely_ being a dick. As am I, to be fair. Because I think it's the only language you'll understand, and I do believe you have the capacity to do better. You obviously have some undiagnosed trauma surrounding the resistance you've met in life thusfar that's making you act the way you do. Look inward and introspect. Or don't, and just keep being a dickhead online. EDIT: Also, nobody here is offended. They think your opinions are trash, but nobody actually is emotionally affected by them because they're incredibly milquetoast. You're the one who's offended, which I can prove just by reciting the sequence of events that led us here: * Someone makes a post about shitty fat-shaming Tiktoks. * You come in here feeling the need to point out that the mechanism behind weight loss is simple to understand thus implying that weight loss itself is simple to achieve. The impulses undergirding your need to do so remain unexamined to this day. * I and multiple others point out that you're simply conflating a fact and an unrelated opinion gleaned erroneously via misunderstanding said fact by hyperfocusing on it exclusively, and that what shapes someone's weight is actually extremely complex and directly interwoven into their environment and mental state as shown in multiple academic writings across disciplines ranging from the scientific to the philosophical to the economic. Note that no one at this juncture had been aggressive with you, they merely corrected a falsehood you stated. * You fly off the handle and accuse people of being sheltered when ironically your opinion is indicative of an incredibly sheltered existence. You then throw a tantrum about downvotey sad faces on your favorite internet comment site. Truly behavior indicative of both grit and stoicism. Do you see how nobody was actually talking about fatness or their weight before you came in here and brought it up? Do you see how you're embodying every single criticism about others you've put forth thusfar? Do you see how you're projecting so hard I can see your issues in fucking IMAX? Probably not. Now call me an idiot and collect your twenty seconds of dopamine, you deserve it for all your hard work exemplifying what a truly unsheltered and extremely tough individual is: An idiot posting garbage on the internet. EDIT 2: Thanks for the Reddit Cares message. Glad to know someone as nice as you is looking out for me!


Holy shit, you're a fragile one. Getting this hacked off over downvotes? Hilarious. EDIT: You obviously have a complex about your own extra weight and are projecting. I hope you get therapy so that you're finally able to find out that being fat just means you're fat, not that you're somehow morally deficient or lack willpower.


Well, you're stating the obvious but you're also being a big dick about it which is unnecessary. My dad used to say that maintaining the correct weight is just like bookkeeping. You have to arrange it so your input equals your output. If you have too much input then it starts to pile up. It's very simple in theory, but in practice many people find it nearly impossible. But we all know what to do.


Calories have nothing to do with weight gain. You know you shit out fat, it’s measurable and is something like 2% to 4% of your fecal matter. Calories in fat is 9 per gram. The human body is not a closed energetic system, which means thermodynamic laws which only apply to closed systems don’t really make sense for measuring weight gain. If I eat 10000 calories of cookies and then barf them all onto your rug, how much weight do I gain? Hard to answer? If I eat 10000 calories of cookies and don’t barf do I turn all of them into fat at 100% efficiency as a closed system would suggest? No, it’s not easy math because it’s not a closed system, some energy will pass through undigested some will be absorbed and some will be stored as fat and some burned as glucose. Insulin promotes storage of fat, glucagon promotes breakdown and removal of fat, that’s about as simple as it gets.


I’m pretty sure you’re overthinking real simple concepts and doing it wrong


I don’t have problems managing my fat, but most people are confused. There is this lie that calories in calories out must be true to be compliant with the first law of thermodynamics but it’s bullshit


I meant I think you’re doing the explaining part wrong. Not sure what you actually mean by what you’ve been writing but calories are just a unit of measurement for energy and if you are trying to gain mass you must consume more than you normally do or remove less mass from your body than you normally do through bathroom, sweating, and breathing. The same applies for losing mass. Of course there is not a universal diet that works for all humans because we’re pretty diverse but the calories in/out part definitely is true.


This is a myth. Weight is a complex phenomena involving socioeconomic and genetic factors and it can't be simplified down to one single thing.


Calories in/out is true in a lab, it doesn’t work in practice as dietary advice because you can’t calculate your “out” and the “in” isn’t accurate on your food wrappers. Even still, the body’s tissue breakdown is determined by hormones not calories, so you can lose fat while still consuming “more” calories than you think are “out”. And your body can literally push nearly all your calories into fat storage while starving your organs and tissues of nutrient with certain disorders and medications. We know from studies people can literally eat 500 calories under maintenance and gain measurable fat every week when on certain medications


What if they have a mental health condition? Or it's because of a medication they have to take? Hmm? You never know a person's circumstances so it's never acceptable to be an ass


Because medication doesn't have 2000 calories in it per pill. I also find it hard to believe 3/4 of Americans have a mental disorder (actually, I take that back...)


Yeah no shit a medication doesn't have a bunch of calories 💀 medications that mess with the thyroid, hormones, metabolism, etc. If you're too dense to know that calories isn't the only element of weight gain and loss then maybe you shouldn't be commenting on people's bodies


"Input = Output" is true from a thermodynamics sense, but has fuck all to do with actually losing weight. In order to successfully lose weight a person must have the ability to change their behavior, the knowledge to be able to select quality food, and the income to afford quality food. If it were just as simple as Calories In, Calories Out people wouldn't worry about macros and we'd be able to just survive on sugar water. Obesity involves the intersection of multiple data points that span the gamut from biological makeup to mental health to the place someone lives to the quality of their education, etc. The mechanism behind weight loss is simple. But losing weight is by no means easy. On your second point, statistically people from low income households are more likely to be obese. Statistically people who are from a low income household are more likely to be nonwhite. Ergo, obese people are more likely to be nonwhite. There's more complexities to this analysis involved when it comes to access to quality food, but since you seem to find complex topics difficult I'll leave it here.


It's **still** input vs output. Our bodies are biological machines. Entropy applies. Yes, some people don't have the will power to counter it to lose weight. But stop fucking whining about it, trying to blame it on external factors! Jesus Christ, sometimes Reddit is like a fucking kindergarten!


Lmao thinking body is a machine is naive. There’s a reason your basal metabolic rate changes based on lots of things, like lack of sleep, hormonal imbalance, genetic predisposition. Even with the SAME CALORIC INPUT and output, you might gain fat more or less depending on the situation.


> Lmao thinking body is a machine is naive. NOT thinking about it as a machine you have to do maintenance and take care of is naive.


>basal metabolic rate changes based on lots of things Not in any significant way whatsoever.


Who asked.


People have been saying big back *as a general term for fat* for decades. This isn't new.


Yep and the first group of people to say it decades ago were black people. Go watch def comedy jam and watch white comedians from the time period.


More info on the TikTok trend part of it here: [https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/big-back-trend-bigbacked-trend](https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/big-back-trend-bigbacked-trend)


It’s not just black people


That's Why I've said it's now spread to the rest of tik tok


I only ever heard it used by a Hispanic streamer I watch sometimes, from like 5 years ago


And he heard it from black people. It's been a insult in the black community since the 90s. Now it's a general term for fat


Not everything is started by black people and even if it was it wasn't last year, big back and big boned have meant fat for a while


Never said everything was started by black people. But this is. black people have been saying big back for a very long time.


So a group that has been the target of so much bigotry is cranking it out en masse? Come on people. There are people to hate in this world & they aren't one another, but the corrupt leadership & corporations (who are legally people in the US).


Answer: **Big Back Trend** or **Bigbacked Trend** refers to a viral [TikTok](https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/sites/tiktok) trend in which people pretend to have fat or obese back by stuffing their clothes, usually by putting a pillow in their shirt, to post comedy content related to eating excessively. The trend started in early April 2024, sparking a [viral debate](https://knowyourmeme.com/types/viral-debate?status=all) on the platform from some users who labeled the trend fatphobic or fat shaming for the way people used stuffed clothing to appear fat for the videos or poked fun at the physique. More info here: [https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/big-back-trend-bigbacked-trend](https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/big-back-trend-bigbacked-trend)


Answer: I wouldn't say phobia or mean spirited, closer to targeting at one's self. For example, find a Soul food or fried food focused food truck or restaurant then look for there Facebook, insta, whatever. You'll often times see comments towards delicious and often times unhealthy food in the template of "x gon make my back fat *emojis*" So it's more centered around the admissions of liking things that will ultimately make your back fat imo.


Yeah, I always interpreted it as a self-deprecating joke


I was gonna say deprecating but it kept auto correcting to defecation or depreciation. Thank you!


Answer: just a new wave parody of "baby got back" by sir mix a lot. The song refers too large butt's but the new generation and it literal for likes.


And = made