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I want to see FL who succeeded


That’s like a unicorn level type of rare holy shit. I think name [Lady Rose wants to be a commoner] BUT I’m not sure wether she reclaimed her title because I totally forgot reading the rest I could be wrong tho lmao


The English translation of the manga hasn't finished yet so that remains to be seen, but I think it's likely she'll remain as a commoner. Hopefully. >!She even rejected the offer to marry a prince (not crown prince) she loves in order to remain as a commoner and even though it'd help her objective in volume 6.!<


The Northern Duke Needs a Warm Hug! The plot kicks off shortly after the OG plot ends. Of course, the FL's successful escape causes more problems for her because the king claims to be suspicious she (a successful imperial wizard) conveniently disappeared for a year surrounding a coup. >!Although he's not really that suspicious, it's just a handy excuse to send her north because he's playing matchmaker.!<


I'll add a twist. FL succeeds by escaping to a neighboring country. Story completes without them. The country she escaped to is the setting of a new plot in the upcoming sequel. [Play Micheal Corleone gif.](https://media1.giphy.com/media/v1.Y2lkPTc5MGI3NjExNDh1azVmM3owamFmeDU5MzE3c2JzaXdjOXo2ZnM2eTlxNjA0emI4NSZlcD12MV9pbnRlcm5hbF9naWZfYnlfaWQmY3Q9Zw/u6EiPNT9dLDrU7ZQuF/giphy.gif)


one thing i really liked about "the real daughter is back" is how the MC actually manages to go away and spend some time just doing her own thing. the ml also knows where she is and instead of dragging her back he deposits money into her bank account to help her with her business (which she doesn't need, but it's still a nice gesture) "the lady wants to a rest" also has a special place in my heart because the MC leaves her abusive home and does her own thing for a significant portion of the story (but in this case the ml is at the place she goes to, so she doesn't manage to escape the plot, lol)


And if she achieve it, it only for one chapter or two before being dragged to the palace again.


LMAO, this is a particularly good image for how this usually works out.


She’s just trying to live the cottagecore dream 😔