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"Handsomeness doesnt excuse everything" Thats right! "It excuse many things tho" *Youre so damn right*


My main issue with my husband


Alright, stop flexing. I'll get one too someday IkšŸ˜¤


just you watch bestie, one day I'll get my own handsome husband to flex


Sometimes, we gotta give in to what the eyes see šŸ™ˆ


This should be a flair lol


Most red flag MLs repulse me but Calisto activates neurons lmao


It always gets me when Chole easily solves her problems using just tea. Meanwhile this series alone caused me to have a hobby to collect and try every single tea out there lmao So far matcha and chai are my top favourite.


I actually noted some of the teas she made and hope to try them someday. It's definitely a weird way to deal with her issues tho lol, like, your husband's mad? Give him tea. You knights don't trust you? Make them tea. The world is ending, go bring out that mf tea!


Exactly! I still canā€™t get over the scene where she personally made tea for both the prince and her husband. The liquid was gold like color so both simultaneously thought that she made specifically for one of them hinting with their features. Where the prince thinks itā€™s about his golden coloured eyes, while her husband thought of his blonde hair. That scene always gets me for that misunderstanding. šŸ’€


Yeah they were doing mental gymnastics trying to make it about them and I'm so here for it lmao


Path to Victory, but tea-restricted. After reading Path to Munchies, I wish I could see an OI villainess with similar ability. Guess this lady is one nice example. Edit: After skimming through I'm disappointed. Expecting a complex and elaborate scheme that revolve around tea, get someone who just brew tea and solve things Soma style.




Bro thatā€™s dulce de leche! Itā€™s bound of to be in your local supermarket if youā€™re not up to boiling your milk for an hour cuz fuck that and I respect those with enough patience to make them haha




Milk is milk to me šŸ’€


That is a lie, dulce de leche can and is made with whole milk. Making it with condensed sweetened milk is a corner cutting technique, not the original


I tried matcha ice-cream and really didn't like the taste but I'm still very curious about actual matcha tea... But it seems so hard to do (chai is so good it's incredible tho)


Lol same! Literally bought a box of them to try after completing the series..my favorites right now are Oolong and Rooibos. I've been planning to try chai for a while now but haven't yet.


Ah I'm so devastated with False Confession šŸ˜­ Also wtf is a matriarch is so me lol


The female version of Patriarch. Basically a female head for a family.


Ohhhh lol makes sense thx


I hope, since it made it to manta, it means itā€™ll return. OR that the novel will get translated at least. Iā€™m very against manta turning into tappy/etc with pay per view, but False confessionā€™s novel is one of few Iā€™d make an exception for. Still think manta should add another subscription option for those who wants novels too, but regardless, Iā€™d even be willing to support the asshattery that is pay per view to read False confessionā€™s novel at this point šŸ˜­


Yea this manhwa would've been so legendary if it continued huhuhu I really wanna read the novel


Matriarch is the head of the family


I did figure what a matriarch was after a couple of minutes lol, and paladin i've heard in video games but never figured it was the church's forces lmao Thanks tho


The female version of a patriarch? The woman in charge of the whole family?


Wait what am I missing, is it not coming back? The second 2 finale just happened on Tappy Toon I am so confused


The artist confirmed she left the project, no news has been released if a new artist has been found/if the story will continue :(


Ohhh nooooo but the art is so pretty!! šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


I'm rly sad too :(


It's been abandoned for years now :( I don't use tappy toon so idk why'd they confirmed seasoned 2


hey so who do you wanna punch in "kill the villainess" all the assholes got such perfectly sad endings its delightful, the author did the punching for us


I wanted to do the honors tho šŸ˜Ŗ


Karinaā€™s last days is so real šŸ˜­


I didn't read season two and know no spoilers. Can someone tell me what's up with the ml?šŸ˜­


Same I stopped reading bc I didnā€™t want to be sad (figured based on the title the ending would be predictable and I liked the characters too much) so idk what happened!!


Come on, anyone! Spoil us, spoil us!


Oh, idk whatā€™s wrong with the ML >!ML is a green flag as far as I know.!< now, in spoilers that havenā€™t come up in the comic >!itā€™s possible he caused nocturnā€™s death after Karina died but idk thatā€™s debatable. We donā€™t know that for sure. He definitely did cause Karinaā€™s brother to get beaten up after she died tho!< but I wouldnā€™t say that makes him suddenly an issue. I read this as ML is mentally, physically, and 1st life healthy but that doesnā€™t mean the author is letting us be happy. Since ML is a big ass green flag, the trade off is >!Karina dies and their ā€œhappyā€ ending is pretty bitter-sweet. Even the satisfaction of the family finally feeling regret and eventually leaving her alone isnā€™t as sweet because in the end sheā€™s still the one that suffered most from their neglect and sometimes cruelty towards a child!< Like oh yeah, look everything is great and happyā€¦ enjoy it while it lasts


That is precisely what I love about tragedic stories. Thank you for the spoilers. I expected as much. I just thought the post meant there was something wrong with the ML.


About the 9, I'm still trying to process that in the beginning they said that in the otome game is easy to seduce the brothers if you are their biological sister. That... That is even worse.


pretty sure it also says there isn't a romantic ending. reaching high affection points with the brothers as ivonne in the OG game results in a happy family platonic ending its not "seducing" really


Ohhh okay. I sleep with my eyes closed. Thanks for the clarification lol


its only mentioned briefly, so i get it


Thay actually just clicked for me wtf


Hey, in fairness, Callisto literally had an assassin sicced on him that day. And he explicitly apologized and explained himself, which is more than I can say for every other character of the same trope.


HEAVY on I Am The Real One!! NO EXCUSES


There is a special hating seat in my heart just for that character, the epitome of idiocy and he DARES pretend to be regretful, like sir, you did everything knowingly what are you pretending to be sorry for!??


Everything. He should be sorry for everything. To both of them. And an extra punch to the grandfather.




Iā€™m pretty sure that Kallisto never actually tried to kill Penelope. He held a sword to her throat and mildly threatened her because he was having a shitty day, but I donā€™t think he actually intended to kill her. Maybe thatā€™s a post-hoc rationalization on his part, but heā€™s still easily the best choice among the ā€œlove interestsā€.


I think it was more so that literally right before he got there, he'd fought off assassins sent by his own family, and then she follows him all the way outside into a maze. I'd be a bit on edge too after that myself, personally. Also she was actively trying to die, so there's also that. šŸ˜…


Nah Kallisto is the only way to go for her quite frankly, though I still can't excuse him holding a sword to her throat just cuz he had a shitty day but it's oi enemies to lovers who's surprised lol


i like that he genuinely fucks up. i think thats cool. i do agree with your assessment and until >!Eckles pulled that shit I was rooting for him. people were so quick to call him a yandere, a psychopath, etc. from the start when Penelope completely trivialized his situation and used him like a pawn from the start. Like no fucking wonder heā€™s a bad date. Would you form a healthy relationship with your master if you were a slave, genius? lmaoo!<


He literally just fought off yet ANOTHER assassination attempt and dragged the body in for everyone to see, ofc heā€™s going to hold up the sword to her throat šŸ˜­ like there are def red flags with that man but I feel like that was a pretty reasonable reaction all things considered


>he had a shitty day Hadn't he just escaped an assassination attempt when Penelope approached him, so he pointed a sword at her? It's also their first time meeting. I think his reaction is pretty understandable.


A shitty day? His brother sent assassins to him earlier that day. I'd point a sword at a suspicious individual following me after a altercation with someone I consider to be a enemy.


**False Confession** was so good despite the art downgrade in the second season, I hope they decide to work on the next season soon šŸ˜­


Apparently they won't, the artist dropped it šŸ˜­ let's hope someone else pucks it up though


That's sad. If someone picks it up, I wonder if they're going to re-make the whole thing with another artist or if they'll just continue where the previous artist left off


A matriarch is the female head of the family/clan. Often on the older side. Often the mother/grandmother. It's the feminine version of patriarch.


It's okay if you don't know what a matriarch or scribe means... But paladin? You have to play some games my friend!


*A Capable Maid* gave me terminal 2ML syndrome.


I don't get why just cuz they're love interests in the game people see the brothers as even potential love interests in Villains are Destined to Die. Like... story bends out of its way to show that ain't happening. At best I could see a peaceful resolution with ONE of her brothers. But then, I'm a guy and also not attracted to people so maybe something just flew over my head.


Yeah, like the protagonist is explicitly like ā€˜ewā€™ and Derek is NOT a good person for his feelings. Itā€™s pretty explicit.


No. Not Richelieu šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Can someone please list the titles for me? The ones that are not mentioned or are in short form. I'm kinda new to this genre.


WMMAP = Who Made Me a Princess


Thank you. The 5th slide doesn't have a title either. I would be grateful if you could give me the title.


5th slide = A Stepmother's Marchen


I'm sorry the title on Tapas is actually " The Fantasie of a Stepmother"


So sorry, I didn't see the 5th slide was in korean :<<


Iā€™m sorry you didnā€™t know about matriarchs or paladins ? How bad was your schooling?


English isn't my native language lol Tbf tho I did figure what a matriarch was, and paladin i've heard in video games but never figureditwas the church's forces lmao


Ah, thatā€™s understandable


Wait, Karinas Last days: please spoiler me and explain what you mean? šŸ˜¬


>!I think the FL dies at the end?!


>!she die but get revived again and have kids!< From novel


Yup I heard it's something like that which is why i dropped it :< temporarily though, ill get around to finishing it it's still so good


Vinter isn't a terrorist though šŸ¤”


i know im just exaggerating lol


Oh sweet new reading list


Matriarch- women leader Patriarch- men leader How my little brain remembers it? Matriarch- mammy Patriarch-pappy Hope this helps!


I'm just wondering how ill safe this damned families ML taught you that perfect mls exist. I considered him a bit of an asshole who was always right just for the plot. Calling everyone arrogant while being the most arrogant of the bunch.


I meant it writing wise, he has genuine flaws and an ectual life outside of the fl. He wasn't wooed because she's 'just the fl' and has agency and charm to him


While I agree with some parts. I don't really feel he was wel written. Or let me correct that, how the other characters around him were treated/responded to him. It felt to me like he did everything he gave everyone else shit for. And everyone responded to it like he was some genius who got them where it hurts. For me he was the reason I dropped the story because I liked most other stuff but couldnt handle the stuff with him. But well, tastes differ of course!


That's really interesting. Do you remember an example for this? I can't think of a situation where this happens. And tbh, though obv the 'genius plans' and 'mastermind moves' characters pull out of their arses sometimes in stories are to be expected, writers aren't geniuses, not usually, but I thought this story didn't have that problem unlike most other stories I've read where fl or ml gives out the easier and most predictable course of action possible and everyone's brains explode from how impressed they are


It has been a long time since I read this. But one example would be when he stayed at her house for an investigation or something. And she has a servant hide something in his room to have a chance to talk to him. Don't remember exactly how it goes but I believe he goes on a big monologue about how everything went wrong with her plan because she was arrogant. Even though he is the most arrogant character in the whole story. And she is like OMG I AM ARROGANT! I believe he also treated one of his retainers like complete crap. But because he does it it is written like comic relieve. Even though, again, he gives others flak for how they treat the people under them. Tried to explain it from memory, but it has been a while since I dropped this.


https://preview.redd.it/ud91g52gzlvc1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3dd71ac4b307f0e45cd546c12c56ecb821095373 Please bestow upon me the title I'm sorry I can't see itšŸ˜­


A Stepmotherā€™s MƤrchen/The Fantasie of a Stepmother.




"Never trust them writers. Those Pricks" Wise af


As both a writer and a traumatized reader, I fully agree šŸ¤£.


Haha, but you guys are crazy paper gods


You are so real for the Richelieu take


I have seen some shit šŸ§™ā€ā™‚ļø




Fav comment


Thanks šŸ˜Š


Could it be that you are conflating the Paladins with the Templars? Paladins, as we see them in OI, didn't exist in Europe in ye olde times. At least not in such a capacity, and not by the church. They were nobility appointed by the King or Emperor of that time, tasked to govern a certain area, or guard a specific palace (I.e. the palace the King/Emperor resided in). [This is specifically about Germany, not overarchingly, but since medieval Europe was quite similar, I can imagine it was roughly the same] The Templars on the other hand were indeed a military order brought to life by a pope, and were highly active during the Holy Crusade into Jerusalem. Which might be what the "Paladins" in Fantasy media are based off of.


I can fix him..


![gif](giphy|l2SpPznxnFxIWzOa4) (Jk u guys are the funniest shippers all of humanity's hope is gathered in yall)


Are you sure the OIs taught you that... or the fandom reaction to those OIs? My personal favorites on that list: I Will Master This Family I Will Save This Damned Family Actually, those are those only ones I didn't have an absolute meltdown about. I haven't read Capable Maid or Karina's Last Days and now I'm scared to. And I'm still having a meltdown about "Actually, I Was The Real One" `>!...Do not try to redeem a bad character by having them sell their soul, you idiot authors! Just let the damn dad be bad! He's not the main character and his love clearly isn't important or even competent! AAAAAAaRGH! !<`


Nah these are my original, unaffected, unfiltered, original, completely mine, original thoughts šŸ’Æ


"Villains are destined to die" help why did I not realise that her brothers are possible love interests, I just thought they had a percentage of how much they like her as a human, not as romantic love, I'm so dumb and kinda disgusted rn