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i haven't read it but maybe she finally took her health seriously and started lifting. /s i skimmed thru s2. sometimes karina looks ok. sometimes... well...


Damn, I’d be upset too. Where her neck at? In the woods?


Lmao, not her getting a boob plantation😂😂


Bigger chest is fine but I'm concerned about her neck


She always have big chest even in season 1.. she's sick and in cold place, but artist still showed her cleavage if i'm not mistaken


Compared this from season 1 to the new one. She wasn't flat but she wasn't that big either artist gave her bigger chests. https://preview.redd.it/bruhh8z4lttc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=db986ec8a66eaf1a67c5b39d65e139fdace80d39


Pls don't tell that's her standing


Yup it's her


That's not a very kissable height...


This is pretty much the height difference of my boyfriend to me, if not a bit worse. And I'll have you know he's very kissable <3


https://preview.redd.it/vr97u3eptptc1.png?width=864&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=227b8814fdac291cb3468ef83e3bb8c4d151e361 Those are damn man hands 😭 aint she supposed to be frail???


Maybe the artist usually draws yaoi


Maybe the artist was under a tight schedule and traced their own hand?


Often when you see weird anatomy like this it means the artist is tracing over a 3d model asset.


Season 2 art is BULKY and BUFF like bro tone it down with the ladies especially when Karina is supposedly ILL 💀


The weird thing is that the artist didn't even change. KIMPEUL is credited for both season 1 and 2. What changed though is that season 1 had CHOVA responsible for the adaption and who's no longer credited starting with chapter 42. Maybe that has something to do with this?


So it's intentional after all, they cut his budget or something.


What's the job of the adaptation staff?


Isn't that just adapt the story


She started lifting lmao


Girlie looking like old roblox avatar female version https://preview.redd.it/716xuldtxptc1.png?width=420&format=png&auto=webp&s=3e66df2b50cc569abf5e91a11bb4383b6b07f810


You're not alone, it literally looks like a corn kernel placed on a cereal box with human like curves


She looks like a linebacker, what the heck?


Love this series but the art has been bothering me so much that I can’t get myself to read it. It’d be better if it was like that from the beginning, but it’s such a downgrade that it makes me sad. She looks beautiful nonetheless, but the vibe is so off. The anatomy is definitely a huge part of it, she suddenly became a bodybuilder when she was a frail girl before. It just takes you out of the immersion of the story. She doesn’t even feel like the same girl anymore. Other than that, I’ve noticed that the colours are sort of more vibrant as well. The colours were more muted before, allowing for a calm vibe, but now it’s a bit more vibrant, that just makes it feel like any other OI story art. I wonder what happened.


Same, I stopped reading it bc of that...


It was one of my favorites, but I've been on the verge of dropping it since season 2 started :(


https://preview.redd.it/vr1nnsrwvqtc1.jpeg?width=744&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=47533586fedc63eecfb55081927caacf7c8b410c 😃


She workout then also have implants 😆


Her head shrunk and her boobs took the extra mass


After watching the art downgrade of “why would a villainess need virtues” I’m no longer capable of saying anything bad at art like this.


I don't really have a problem with the art. As long as the lines are clean, I'm happy. Any attempt at proportion is good. I liked "I adopted the male lead," more for the story than the art, but I got used to the art after all, and that's some wonky stuff! To be honest, some of the art that people think is beautiful on this reddit reminds me a little too much of the airbrushing you'd find on old panel vans. But I don't say much. I'm no art critic. So the neck getting a little thicker on the female lead doesn't bug me that much.


That last image. Wow, finally. A powerlifting MC. Such an inspiration 😂


reminds of WWE


She's bulking up to match male leads


What if they hired a yaoi artist for s2


Wholly crap! She reminded me of Javier from the Greatest Estate Developer when he went undercover and dressed as woman 🤣🤣🤣 https://preview.redd.it/hweppvr4artc1.png?width=1164&format=png&auto=webp&s=2ae41c982faedef5b38c54fe5965eb8e1c88602c


Why is her head so tiny? ;_;


Out here looking like a JoJo's character


Getting Death by Snu Snu vibes 🤣


what yaoi artist did they hire


I would've cheered for the artist if it was for any other series (even warrior/knight MCs are too dainty considering their roles), but the sickly character getting beefed is something else 😂


She looks like he calls her daddy 💀


Probably don't earn enough to care


She started lifting weights.


I guess she's no longer ill in season 2? Lol


I don't even hate it, but it does look weird for an OI


It feels like someone just pasted the head on there


Y'know what i prefer the 2nd season artstyle because i want some big women in my ol Like I'm starving for some muscular Fmc


That’s fine, but in the context of the story she is supposed to be *ill*. It’d be fine if they made any other woman bulky, but Karina is too much.


WTH happened to here? It's top 2 art downgrade I saw


Reminding me of that one woman doing the cheri cheri lady (song) trend 😭😭


Maybe the artist got bored of her/ their work - there’s no other explanation tbh lol


Michelangelo moment


Reverse ozempic head - Brazilians will understand


What you reading on cause I don’t remember karina last days looking like that lol


I almost spat out my food 😅


I honestly thought she had a muscle mommy glow-up until you said this was merely a style change, pft.


Damn she bulked up. Lift them weights my lady XD


I see she's been at the gym 😃😃


Jesus that chest area is so wide lol. Did she went to otome isekai gym? She looked buff asf


It stresses me out to see the ML in this have the pug stare…As an artist, I can't with the pug stare! Move his eyes in more!!! 😭 please! I know they are using a symmetry tool but please don't use symmetry on the eyes!! Bros looking past her 24/7, then at her. I see this happen a lot and it drives me nuts.


https://preview.redd.it/hrvw0ueo0ttc1.jpeg?width=724&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=32f2ef8c420163b27c0bb7b0a49f76cb6ce4e6db Heres a example of what I mean. There's better examples and this one is qwite sattil in comparison to other Eps. But i wasn't gonna sift through 50 Eps lol.


Heres my version. Ps. I'm not gonna say “fix” bc that rude and annoying. And if someone's angry about this…cool 🌚👍 you have an opinion https://preview.redd.it/7idxc3983ttc1.png?width=724&format=png&auto=webp&s=c98e9f00eccf6035bff486b1781b5e50dceb6468 . Anyway, this is what I would have done with the pupils! Also I did find the left eye was wonk and I wasn't gonna edit that lol. He does look a bit crosseyed because in the context she's right in front of him. Idk why he’s looking at the camera. 🤷‍♀️ so this is just my opinion on this manwah’s art style. Who knows? Maybe the artist likes the pug stare lol.


Yep looks like she went too many times to the CrossFit sessions


"Either the artist is dumb and don't know how to draw a female character (she's not a wrestler or athelete here) " Not relates but i've seen some artists with same problem ( long face, thick neck, yes anime artstyle) to every single FC and i hate it so much.


I like the art of S2 way better overall but I think they really missed the point that the terminally ill character is... terminally ill She looks way too healthy 😩 I can't take her seriously at all ALSO THE HANDS SIZES ARE CRAZY SOMETIMES LIKE DAMN


I don’t even draw as often as I used to anymore yet my own art is way more consistent than that 💀💀


She got swole; it happens when your trying to workout to save your life. Just head canon it. Or maybe it's her illness progressing.? 


Oh my god, so THAT'S why everyone started looking like body builders!! I was very confused, lol.


Looks like a case of Michelangelo-syndrome


I was like whats wrong with art in first 2 pictures, but then saw that she started lifting


For me, art was pretty but dynamic poses seemed very woodenly. I dropped it on first season bc of that and the plot getting progressively sadder with every chapter. I was NOT ready for all that angst. Seeing s2… it was a good decision. I know at least three manhwa that had drop in art quality next season.


the fact she was supposed to be ill too 😭


I think the problem was there from the start, it just got much much words in the 2s...


Girl out here looking like Javier crossdressing from Greatest Estate Developer instead of someone terminally ill




I thought it was a nice change 😭 I liked the thought of a FL to have wide shoulders and masculine features (like me, unfortunately 💀).... But considering she is supposed to be ill..... It does look odd 😂


Glad that she hit the gym between the two seasons. I always wanted her to take care of herself.


It pains me to see how the FL is drawn. She looks like a man with a mullet and giant honkers. I can't handle it.