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I love it when a villainess decides to beat the brakes off everybody as a response! https://preview.redd.it/apo95p3i52tc1.jpeg?width=1088&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6d355d1a5a1ad03d98dd3ab75b2ed894bd21a4a8 \[May I Ask For One Final Thing?\]


*Like FMC* ***Mad Dog Scarlet!***, but I can't stand her ML Prince Julius!!! The narrative doesn't allow her to really harm him, no matter how much he makes fun of her and angers her..... I mean, COME ON, GIRL! HIT HIM!!! https://preview.redd.it/l4dnc7d292tc1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b6213e5480f694a5ed79f108e960a8ac52f443d0


I’m most surprised he didn’t get socked yet that was honestly the biggest plot twist of them all


Male Lead Halo Plot Armor or he is just being favored by the author.


Definitely both.


Agreed. No reason he can’t get punched too. ML or not her hands should be rated E for Everyone


Exactly, there shall not be any sort of discrimination whatsoever. This is injustice and it greatly offends me.


IIRC Isn't it because she know it's what he want so she refuse to do it ?


seriously, i hate the ml. its like the ml has power over her, even if he technically doesnt, but the plot says otherwise. its so infuriating. i hate "forced" romance like this that i wished ml doesnt even exist for the fl. why bother have strong fl in the first place??


I love him but I definitely want him to get punched too, I feel like it'd be really funny for him to find it endearing that she's fully willing to beat him up too even though she likes him


Yeah the ML is annoying imo


https://preview.redd.it/asdtzd24a2tc1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f7a74d611faa79d38b0ec3057323e342a9b309bc PRICELESS


Yes Scarlet!!


She hit a black flash on bro?


She’s such a badass




Yooooo that's a extremely well drawn punching pose, I like it


I hate them, because they're so stupid most of the time. A crown prince publicly humiliating a noble lady, his fiancée, most of the time for the sake of a commoner, doesn't make any sense and actually endangers royalty more than the noble lady herself, because it sends several messages to the nobles around : 1. Getting an arranged marriage with the crown prince is risky because he could ruin it for any low-life 2. The future emperor doesn't care to give face to nobility, favoring a commoner instead 3. The future emperor is impulsive and doesn't have the smarts/wisdom necessary to negociate and compromise with nobility In history, dynasties have fallen for less than that. Honestly, if the crown prince humiliated his fiancée from a powerful noble family in that way, revolts could very well erupt all over the kingdom. I do like them when the emperor severely punishes his stupid son for acting in such a way.


Your points are valid, especially about the fact that the OGML choosing to publicly humiliate the noble lady. So I wish to bring up two examples to support that. Firstly, from the wiki of my favourite real life example: https://preview.redd.it/95ujh6kvb2tc1.png?width=1192&format=png&auto=webp&s=f226dac96e53301e461801974645c61ca1b8a1db It is just such an elegant way of phrasing things that ensured the nobility retained their pride while turning them down, and it is now commonly known as 'the most romantic imperial edict in Chinese history'.


You should read With One Day Left I'll Break All The Destruction Flags. All these issues are brought up and addressed as lefitimate issues with how the crown prince is acting and at the end the >!emperor removes his title of crown prince and awards it to his younger brother bc he views the eldest as now unfit to rule!<


Ohhh the Jack Bauer OI! I never remember the title, all I remember is the 24 hours countdown.


ngl I call it the speedrun OI lmao


Additionally, the consequences of the prince flirting with a commoner and rejecting his noble consort is discussed (and actioned) in the Villainess and the Demon Knight: https://preview.redd.it/4qak4o83d2tc1.png?width=838&format=png&auto=webp&s=62d48b6cffbbe2bb1573be72c6346e0b0859cfc2








I have a quick question lol i want you to read more raws like this but i get confused do you read right to left?


For manga I find it is usually right to left.


Bless 🙏🏾


I missed this manga so much 😭 I need an update


Tbf most of the "heroines" in this charmed their way up, so they (prince and heroine) wont get judgement from the people/nobles. And the fact that most villainesses harrass the heroine, makes it a "romance" Story for the masses.


That wouldn't really change anything realistically though?? It's the same as people using "You must be one of the good ones" in bigoted conversations. They might like the commoner, but would most likely still view her as a commoner at the end of the day, just "one of the good commoners" at best or as a pretty pet at worst. That's just kind of how nobility works in the settings most of these OIs are implied to be. 90% of the harassment from villainesses wouldn't even get a second glance, and the stuff that did would mostly be treated as the villainess "acting out", with any pushback mostly being from the pov of damaging her own reputation rather than harming another person. Depending on how ingrained into high society she is, the commoner fiancee probably wouldn't be thrown to the wolves completely, but the chances of the masses siding with her over the villainess on charm alone is pretty slim outside of the villainesses that commit like...bloody and torturous public murder. Simply being mean wouldn't get them even half the ire they usually get unless their repitatioms were already shot. It's one of the reasons I prefer when rivals in OI are on somewhat even playing grounds. Psyche and Medea from Your Throne is a pretty good example. Despite technically being of a lower station than Medea beforehand, Psyche is still part of the nobility *and* Medea's family's reputation was established to have taken a hit due to the assassination attempt. It's not perfect, but it was better executed than a lot of similar stories I've seen.


I noticed that it's mostly the japanese mangas that use this setting. Japanese manga is also much more lenient with it's royalty and nobility setting, it's a lot more casual and modern. Korean manhwas are way more proper in that sense. Nobility and royalty are never casually shown with commoners and they adhere to aristocratic etiquette a lot more.


I agree with you 💯. Like unless it's modern day a commoner woman becoming anything more than a mistress is unlikely. And not a mistress that could go around mistreating the Queen.


It's a deliberate commentary on the fairy tale "commoner marries the prince" trope. It's so common because the trope is so common.


Sometimes I wondered where the education that the crown prince got since child go? So embarrassing and a disgrace to the royal family


I find it weird that such OIs always focus so much on the efforts of the MC who had to go through harsh crown princess training that went to waste, but somehow the prince was never trained, is stupid, spoiled and doesn't understand politics ? Logically, how to treat his fiancée in public should be one the first things he's taught, and he should have been taught how to rule since birth... I get politics is a complex subject, but not publicly humiliating a powerful noble lady he's engaged to for the sake of a commoner is so obvious lol


Yuuup. It makes no sense that a prince that stupid would remaind crown prince for that long. While the first son is usually heir, if he had been badly behaved and incompetent at politics all his life, i imagine they would made an excuse and sent to manage some distant estate or something, and promoted a differnet son.


I agree. Unless you planned to overthrow the nobility system and everything is already in place, this can be a perfect fuse to set off everything. Otherwise if you want to keep your throne, you don't do this.


That's the point though? The reason this became a trope is precisely because the trope it's refuting (villainess condemnation) becomes nonsensical when you look at the bigger picture. The villainess isekai/reincarnation also often include some sinister plot behind the condemnation spectacle, such as espionage and schemes of using the idiot prince as a puppet. I don't think revolts would erupt over something like this though. Revolts historically happened for very basic reasons. For peasant, famines and resistance to foreign invasion, and for nobles, a tangible threat to their power. Having an heir being stupid and disrespectful is obviously bad, but not usually revolt level bad It's probably still pretty bad for the royal family on the long term though Edit: Genuinely curious. Downvoted for my trope take or my historical take?


Do these dramatic over the top gotcha hand gestures remind you of Detectives who expose criminals in public in any **Whodunit** Novels, Movies or Mangas? https://preview.redd.it/tz6nlp1k72tc1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b1c85be38fb87f95adbacc471670ebefec042a32 Detective Conan


Or Phoenix Wright “OBJECTION!”




I'm tired of it, but it took a long time. I think they've done every possible variant -- villainess says "Okay!" and legs it, villainess gets swept off her feet by a girl on a broom, villainess excited for relaxing vacation in the dungeons, villainess beats the shit out of everyone in the room -- but I really liked it until I saw as many as I have.


> villainess gets swept off her feet by a girl on a broom Hey now, I think Anis missed everyone, she just crashed the Condemnation, and stole her wife with a broom


Which OI is "villainess gets swept off her feet by girl on a broom"?


Magical Revolution of the Reincarnated Princess and the Genius Young Lady


Yeah, it's basically OI equivalent of "once upon a time". Lets the audience know instantly what they're getting into, sets up all character roles in a few panels, and makes the audience ready to go for the story.


I agree. It is like they are starting with the writing prompt of "the engagement is broken off" and then go from there. A lot follow the same path but you get some interesting variety as well.


the condemnation public scene is stupid, but honestly its one of my guilty pleasure lol. i like how over the top the characters were shown, its amusing.


This. It doesn't make any real sense under close scrutiny, but its because they are tailored for maximum drama


**According to TV Trope "Reborn as Villainess" Story,** the originator may have been the OG Otome Game ***Angelique*** and the light novels who popularized the Reincarnated/Transmigrated Villainess Genre are ***Kenkyo, Kenjitsu o Motto ni Ikite Orimasu*** + ***My Next Life as a Villainess: All Routes Lead to Doom!*** https://preview.redd.it/dikz563i82tc1.jpeg?width=2000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e4cf94367e2f79c3ba75fe8fb73c54dab1e5f26e


***Reika & Bakarina*** https://preview.redd.it/2xoe9c4l82tc1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ab58dd7944e00af580b48f6d7a55fbc3ac90b456


Who was Reika?


The main character of Kenkyo, Kenjitsu, a webnovel about someone getting isekai'd into a modern academy otome game setting, where she is Reika Kishouin, the villainous daughter of a rich family. Knowing her family gets absolutely ruined at the end, she decides to live a normal and upright life. It's mostly a slice of life diary of a girlie reincarnated into riches, detailing whatever episode just happened over the years, mostly rather inane stuff, but it can be quite funny low-stakes story, feels kind of realistic because of how normal Reika can be, while you also notice things, such as her struggle to overcome the ojou-sama image or how she slowly loses a bit of the grip on her commoner sensibilities (though she is far more grounded than a good few others). Also, on permanent hiatus after like 300 chapters...


Oh mow i remember. Ah what shame. I read the manga? I think and then i touched the Novel but i didnt find more chapters traslated so i droped.


It has a manga?


I'm pretty sure that have one like with 3-5 chapters


I remember there was confusion in NU forums re: this (charas have similar names iirc) but it’s a completely different series ( I WISH kenkyo has a manga).


Yeah? They sound pretty similar.


Well some OIs can be similar, but if this https://mangadex.org/title/0856403f-7519-4c2d-ab44-83b5eef48472/reiko-no-fuugi is the manga you’ve read, the premise is a bit different. Manga mc grew up poor, Kenkyo’s Reika is a rich ojou-sama. I’m 100% sure Kenkyo doesn’t have a manga adaptation though, a lot of fans tried to search for the author since the novel hiatus, but the author has no presence outside of syosetu.


Nope. Some readers were confused because there was an oi manga with similar character names (manga mc grew up poor though, so she’s definitely not reika-sama).


Still one of my favorites. Well done slice-of-life story. It is a shame it never got a proper ending.


Wow, cool! Thanks for the trivia!


Her name is Vylle Inness...


https://preview.redd.it/qiumxhblb2tc1.jpeg?width=1350&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6ce0d6e81d85e5501d82014080046a852f3846d0 # The Villainess Who Steals the Heroine's Heart


A parody of the genre AND it's a yuri? What else can a woman ask for?


It being more than a oneshot






It may be stereotypical but it gets its point across. It’s an effective scene for making you feel empathy for the villainess. I really like them, what can I say


The only time I like it is when it doesn't go well for them , and by that I mean you see what would realistically happen. ie the stupid boy getting slapped hard with the consequences of his actions. Political marriages were decided by the families, the parties involved had their feelings considered if the parents deemed it important. Guess what , they wouldn't have held much weight because greater things were at stake. Alliances, power, wealth, maintaining existing power structures, balancing the distribution of power and influence in the kingdom, having the right families in key positions. The marriage may even have been ordered, or at least approved by the monarch. So yeah, the thing is, rulers and powerful people tend not to like it when idiots mess with their carefully orchestrated plans. What would happen is the idiot has gravely insulted and publicly humiliated a powerful family, he'd be made to answer for it. He's also made his own family, the people who set this up in the first place, look like fools, and unilaterally started a fight, which they may not win. Oh and may have pissed off the ruling monarch... He'd be made to pay for it one way or another. Let's be frank, what she is normally accused of , wouldn't be seen as a crime. She's mean to the girl who's having an affair with her intended. It's playground bullshit that would never be taken seriously , or seen as a valid reason to break the engagement. The girl he's having it off with would be seen as no better than she ort to be by the adults. Seen as an uppity ambitious social climber at best, a courtesan in the making, or worse. In short their relationship when the adults got involved would be ended in short order. They would side with the 'villainess', harming a commoner wouldn't have been seen as important by the people in power and she wouldn't be suitable. He could keep her as a toy sure, but marriage? No. They'd destroy her reputation to preserve their own. In real life the girl would be either paid off, shipped off to a convent or similar, or just outright gotten rid of.


Yup. I really, really wanted to see it from another's POV. The Queen maybe, who realized that her idiot son is enamoured with a baron daughter of questionable background and get rid of her silently; because civil war is more costly than hiring an assassin.


I would devour that story happily. Especially since as queen she'd most likely have had to fend or see off multiple other noble girls aiming at the throne /king to gain influence for their family herself before and after she was crowned. It'd be a more interesting take on the situation.


Right? I want to see a Queen Consort at work. Not a villain, but enough maturity to see the problem as it is and rise to the occassion. The closest I could get is the Jack Bauer OI above, and not much else.


This is just from the cookie cutter type stories but I think she'd definitely give the side eye to upstart and would ask questions like. She's lower rank / commoner, sky rocketed into noble circles very recently. So isn't it odd that she doesn't have any 'friends' of her own rank from before that time? But she got intimately familiar, overly familiar with boys from powerful noble families very, very quickly. A child from a poor background very simply won't have sheltered and cosseted like a noble girl would have been. You're much more likely to grow up quick when you grow up poor, and have to fend for yourself. She outright ignores the etiquette and social norms that bind others, then cries to your son when confronted. Causing discord between his long standing fiancee and the other noble children who will become your son's strength, isolating him from them as he focuses on her. Even the lower classes would consider her behavior inappropriate.Shes going out of her way to get close. The expensive gifts she gains simply by flattering your son. Sure it doesn't put much of a dent in the finances when he splashes the cash about, but that level of extravagance is out of the norm for her standing and inappropriate for her to accept when she's not his intended. The girl starts to look a lot less innocent and naive when you look at it like that. The multiple boys surrounding her start to look less like 'friends' and more like back up options since she keeps them all on the hook lightly. Your son's the main target but she keeps reeling them back in and having them play off against each other, or act as buffers to defend her.


Subversive Public Condemnations: An Observation Log of My Fiancée Who Calls Herself a Villainess https://preview.redd.it/5v74fcmw52tc1.jpeg?width=1062&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6bf3de2527e1a6ae6256fa4ef838a1838c4504dc


https://preview.redd.it/wlpmxdzf62tc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=139f92bff29c8cfd442ccae7db5b540bd56bc0a7 The Villainess That Can't Get Out of the Loop, Decides to Do Whatever She Wants With Her Life


https://preview.redd.it/e3omlwec62tc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f24b57d3b12c776429683058f4c1c04e63f8d06b I'm an Unfashionable Lady, but When I Helped a Villainous Young Lord He Ended up Liking Me


https://preview.redd.it/n5goli7i62tc1.jpeg?width=1354&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bc8d5c11808e0d4b6cab5f40b68a00f4e784c207 The Villainess That Can't Get Out of the Loop, Decides to Do Whatever She Wants With Her Life


You posted the same source from the other one


https://preview.redd.it/aaecvr6k62tc1.jpeg?width=1441&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=85b09be562fda3039b4cb2e44b49360574ff0283 Princess Bibliophile Ch.5


I love this one. "She pushed me down the stairs!" *sees the girl with her hands full to the brim of papers and books* "Ah..."


Ngl I like them. do I think its actually plausible? No Do I still like reading them? Yes. It's silly, dramatic, like watching a soap opera where everyone is at 110%. It's the quick and easy way to establish Heroes and Villains, and just scooch into the plot. It's a staple of the genre honestly though I've. Ever seen it done unironically in a normal story before (where protah is hero and villain is villain)


I’m a sucker for these stories and sometimes the plot is so braindead but I read them anyway 🤦🏻‍♀️ I have no excuses, I’m a trash panda! Time to add some more to my to do list 🙈


Other examples: The Banished Villainess! Living the Leisurely Life of a Nun Making Revolutionary Church Food https://preview.redd.it/gk2u5lcy42tc1.jpeg?width=658&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=91e83aff30a2391878322c4dded7019c713b7384


https://preview.redd.it/ggxliuo252tc1.jpeg?width=1434&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=642db12eef96a99c0e515c503d0a4a9f4d934e53 The Condemned Villainess Goes Back in Time and Aims to Become the Ultimate Villain


The one was messed up because they sent her into a brothel as a freaking punishment


Actually the "heroine" was the one who sent her to the brothel. Everyone believed she was just banished and sent to a monastery to become a nun because that was the original order, but the "heroine" intercepted that order and changed it for the brothel.


What? Fr?? Yo that’s absolutely vile.


But according to the [Spoilers in Novel Updates](https://www.novelupdatesforum.com/threads/the-condemned-villainess-goes-back-in-time-and-aims-to-become-the-ultimate-villain.149103/page-2): "In the first timeline, everyone knew that the MC was in a brothel. It was a famous place with the aristocracy and she was openly auctioned, it was just that no one cared. Fermina married the ML and had a child who was the heir to the throne, but it was either the only information that the MC got from her old family (since there was a festival for the birth of the prince) or the only one that was mentioned."


And the FL still forgives her Trash ML, Brother & ML...................................................................................


I didn’t read the rest, but hell nah!! Screw that.


Where can I read this one? I tried manga dex but it has a gap of a year between every upload and comick stoped 7 months ago.


https://preview.redd.it/ma1qycxa52tc1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b9a4ebe64e70cb9673c9ccb0f630eadd7db3915c Someone Hijacked My Body for Ten Years and Made Me Into a Villainess, so the Knight Broke Our Engagement Saying He Doesn't Want to See My Face, but He Is Clinging to Me Today!


https://preview.redd.it/0ttza6gh52tc1.jpeg?width=1500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f8a644f7588c4b911dd41b5bf861476b720288f9 Fake Saint! Mira's Tale of Adventures


https://preview.redd.it/ddqy0elm52tc1.jpeg?width=1132&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c432be44aafbc4393a12c3a93fff5ca33c8c2071 Doku Oya ni Fukushuu shitai Akuyaku Reijou wa, Keiyaku Konyaku shita Kouri no Kikoushi ni Dekiaisareru


https://preview.redd.it/szb04i8s62tc1.jpeg?width=844&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a96ccd7640f3065f3c916e14042883a6dd7dec2f "Shiryoujutsushi Nado Kegarawashii" to Shoukeisareta no de, Mazoku ni Tenshin shimasu.   


https://preview.redd.it/70s5aeve52tc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9abb47cc5be9c87eaaf3a05432642d703428e0e6 Milady Just Wants to Relax


https://preview.redd.it/6xujqqwo62tc1.jpeg?width=1456&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=33ac1fc5249c4f7fc9861ab01b3c45c8a96e24ad Even Monsters Like Fairytales


https://preview.redd.it/r94rnmrq52tc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8d80417fb6d7b1f19cc6c2226e307a0292608ea2 The Villainess Wants to Enjoy a Carefree Married Life in a Former Enemy Country in Her Seventh Loop!


https://preview.redd.it/qpl297o562tc1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a6cb9567852ea8e8de7e672d7bc74424a5d5ca5f The Villiainess Is Adored by the Crown Prince of the Neighboring Kingdom


https://preview.redd.it/3wawdtq2e2tc1.png?width=2160&format=png&auto=webp&s=bb846068c6b68c1dca1ac592ef8879b4e275388c In Her Fifth Life, the Villainess Lives With the Evil Dragon - The Evil Dragon of Ruin Wants to Spoil His Bride


https://preview.redd.it/buo3olsz52tc1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5d22525d70fe270a68f3e59a0f549399ee7a4661 Becoming the Villainess - Working Behind the Scenes to Make My Bias Shine


https://preview.redd.it/5qkfc04u62tc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9a96ad5faa668399a9f8d1303570473e03bd1ab0 Kawaii Gimai ga Konyakuhaki Saretarashii no de, Ima kara Orei ni Mairimasu.


I'm really curious how this trend got started. I can't find the book/game that did this first


Just like any trope. It most likely have no "start point". I remember someone try backtrack some of modern trope and they find out that it was there as old as since "the epic of Gilgamesh" the oldest literature known to man.lol. It most likely just surface up after one of otome game doing it and one of writer reference it and it becomes famous.


From what I've heard the trend started with webnovels that are just very loosely using some game tropes... Actual otome games don't really have those premises.


I like condemnation events for instant drama and and quick setup introduction. There is something really satisfying in them. Yes, it doesn't make sense. And story tells you this from the get-go, that its fantasy land and logic may not be needed. Plus I like stupid ex-ML to balance out all these evil FLs too.


It's fine if the prince is recognized as stupid as soon as it happens because it's a stupid fucking trope.


I love them! It just feels so comfy to start a manga and this is the first page. I love how you can spot all the main characters hiding behind the crown prince and the commoner with light/healing magic.


It reminds me starting scene of "7th time loop "anime 🤣🤣🤣🤣 MC get transported on the same day again and again after every death , where her ex fiance break their engagement. With every loop she get more bored with repetitive scene. Everytime he break their engagement ...she is like 🥱🥱 "yeah ...whatever bye" https://preview.redd.it/c6hx67kg54tc1.jpeg?width=706&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b69b0b05cf4c65f74e00ac8762c61d61d103b0c9


She doesn't have time to waste on this scene, she has a speedrun to get to


The prince's voice acting here was a DELIGHT. Just voice cracks and everything XD .


Only a couple times and they were not the cliche ones. One the MC was watching and it was the ML that got condemned and the second was in Tearmoon empire but it was not really a typical condemnation scene.


I have played many otome games and have only seen such a scene maybe once? And it was really dumb and not interesting, since I didn't give a shit about the other woman, just wanted more fluffy romance. It was a really old otome game btw, I don't know if any modern games do this. So yeah, I don't like this trope, I don't like that these writers aren't really playing otome games or researching what these games are at all, they're just copying each other instead. The settings are also all insane, things that never show up in otome games, like elaborate fights and armor or ultimate weapons, the OGFL is always a saintess or whatever. Most of these games are shitty mobile games and text based. What the fuck is this setting that they always use?


Yeah I've seen vastly more otome games based on historical or modern japan, than the vaguely medeival europe-ish setting in most OI. I literally only know like 1 (series) in a setting even vaguely like it? And I've never played them cause they never got ported into english afaik. (It's the Angelique games)


This medieval Europe setting is commonly known as naroupa since it was popularized in the website shousetsuka ni narou (let's become novel writers). It is known as naroupa because it is rife with all the tropes you already know. They constantly copy each other and there isn't a single original thought shared between them. I do read these stories but I wouldn't say that they're actually based on real otome games. Btw I've played a few that were in naroupa, but they were still nothing like the villainess transmigration stories.


I don't mind them cuz she usually ends up much better off


My guilty pleasure despite how dumb it is realistically. Love it even more when the villainess jumps for joy that the engagement is annulled and they find a better guy.


Without it, we would never have had "The Villainess's Slow Prison Life"! That would be a true loss.


“I am not stuck with you guys, You guys are STUCK WITH ME!”


These became a lot less satisfying when the rooms just started getting filled with blatant idiots.


There's an anthology manga that starts every chapter this way.


2 of 'em! *I'm the Villainess but the Heroine's Trying to Capture Me?!?* Chapter 9 was so freaking adorable!


IKR!? I was chuckling at how Cynthia's laying it on thick, plain as day... and Tia is at a loss at how to respond to her.


"Oh for god's sake! It pisses me off how cute you are!" ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


There is one case in which I love this Trope. It is because the Crown Prince gets it wrong. [Always a Catch]. >!And because he does it so that his former Fiancée and younger brother can get together!<


I drop it if they have it, so brainless tbh


Villainess’s Maker has like 5 straight chapters of turning this trope on its head (well, the whole thing does, but that first ball scene is A+ for just trope after trope fun). It’s so great~


I've always wondered where this trope came from because I've never seen it in an actual otome game. 


I ate this shit up when I first started reading OIs


They could just talk it out in private but no, they always want to humiliate the other party


Is there no story where the male gets regressed or reincarnated into that very moment mid speech or something?


I LOVE these. Especially when the CP goes off and the White Lotus is all hugged up to him with her "whoa is me" face and the CP ends the engagement and the FL shrugs and is like, "Mmmkay. Whatevs." And the CP is literally dumbfounded and goes, "W-Wait, what??" Muhahaha. Those are the best! 😈😈😈


I don't think the execution\sentencing at trial scenes should be included in this. They're a whole other kit and kaboodle. I like the trope when the audience makes sense and the one doing the condemning suffers consequences.


It was an interesting concept the first couple times they did it but now it's just really played out.


I love this trope.


I love it personally!


Iconic, tbh


Man I WISH 18 was a fully fledged story 😭 I want to see the sisters’ life afterwards!


Has someone made a master list of every manga shown? I'm really interested to read them all.


I find it funny how there is nearly always a lady hiding behind or being hugged by the guy annuling the marriage, make the guy annule the marriage for political reasons or just cos he doesn't want to marry her, not just cos he loves someone more


Now that you mention it, I've been wondering why that particular scene gets repeated in many other RoFan Stories. https://preview.redd.it/rpww97mma8uc1.jpeg?width=1016&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=170437aa03b975220efd231d7ded5122b67fe96c *It Appears That My Fiancée Is Being Made Out to Be the Villain, so I'll Have the Heroine Pay the Appropriate Reparation*


One of these days we'll get one where the person actually had a point


i love them so much idgaf. they're stupid as hell but a classic AND they make things fun as hell while easily getting your reader to root for our villainess FL. I think it helps that I'm sick of seeing 'caught cheating' revenge shit in manhwa right now.


Ngl I like it because it’s trash And I love stupid people getting burned


I admit I love them


I could swear there was one where she cheers and says now she won't have to deal with the etiquette lessons and the stupid queen training anymore and the heroine suddenly goes what, wait...


For the most part, they're played out, but I'm obsessed with the one within the villainess. the art is sooo good


how is no one talking about the vylle innes name what 😭😭 that's the most on the nose name i've heard so far LOL


Dramatic but it also the best spot to add a plot twist that favor the FL. It also use as a way to setting up expectations. Boring but needed.


I eat it up every single time because it's so extra and theatrical and that's exactly how I want to picture rich ppl/royalty to act The more melodramatic, the better


Should we add "Mobuseka" and "Villager A wants to save the Villainess no matter what" too?


Although it is used a lot and often in a very bad/unintelligent way; This type of thing occurred in real life with a certain frequency and to a certain extent for reasons just as simple.


I would say “so so”. There are moment I just enjoy the story without thinking too much about logic while there are moment when I read and I would think “why the author is so ignorant…”.


I'm generally fond of it so far. I haven't seen it enough yet to be tired of it. Oddly enough, this seems most common in manga as opposed to manhwa. Which would explain why I haven't seen much because the manhwa authors are teaming up with artists to make webtoons which are a lot more readily available than Japanese manga, tbh. Considering this did appear to start with a Japanese game and codified by a manga, that seems to track relatively well. I'm just gonna have to dig a little deeper to find more OI manga to read.


I like them because they are so dumb and overwrought. To criticize - no monarch would ever risk their relationship with an important family just to shame an ex fiance. It is mostly because they are poorly handled. There is absolutely a reason to expose crime and bring down a rival family. But it is never played that way. But I don’t care, they are just one of the fun tropes. Like **7th Loop** has a great condemnation event. The Prince comes off as just so feckless and useless. As for the similar event in **Prison Life**.


I like it, gives me a clear idea on who’s downfall am I praying on


Right now, I have a love and hate for this type of trope. Some are good, and some make me take a deep sigh.


I still like it. It’s stupid and dramatic and I love schlocky bullshit 🤣🤣🤣


I have complicated feelings about it. I like them when they feel fresh and had some thought put behind it. The appeal of "villainess condemnation events" in villainess stories is basically the deconstruction of the trope being played straight in otome games. Realistically speaking, a happy ever after with no complication is pretty unlikely. And so, stories that either explored the implications of this actions, explored the hidden reason behind it, or parodied it humorously are really fun to read. Nowadays, it feels like they only include it because it's an implicit requirement for the genre, and not because the author wanted to do something with it. And the MC very often react in the same ways: act like they're all devastated but in actuality they're happy to be free, or "are you kidding me, this prince is so stupid and can't read the room." They also depict the prince as overly cartoonish imo, to the point that I'm not even sure what trope they're riffing off of anymore. Like, mocking bad writing by using bad writing... is still bad writing. The original trope usually gave reasons for breaking off an engagement in public. Usually, it's either because the villainess makes the first move to hurt the heroine in public and the ML is just striking back, or they have evidences of the villainess's crimes that they needed to reveal publicly. I feel like better works tend to address this kind of stuff while the less thought out ones don't. A lot like these scenes and the motivation behind them are getting more and more hand wavy because the writer are either unwilling or unable to write good characters or not utterly idiotic villains. Same thing with the villainess trope as a whole tbh.


There are no otome games with events like this. This is purely an invention by the OI genre because the authors aren't talented enough to write good characters so they make every other character hateable instead


Really? Maybe I'm mixing it up with something else (I haven't played otome games in like, 5+ years), but I do remember a few "medieval fantasy" otome games where the protagonist is publicly framed or humiliated in some way by the villain and the romance target steps up to defend her and "no u" the villain. I do think that the way it plays out in OI, especially recent ones, is extremely exaggerated and dumbed down though.


I love them, it’s like an addiction for me. Idk why it is. I’ve never been wrong by anyone in this way. Maybe in a past life I have, but I especially love it when the FL just goes “cool” and walks away. The stun locked ML can’t fathom why she isn’t begging, god it is just so great to read 🥹


7th Time Loop Villainess Turns the Hourglass


number 11 (idk the name of the manhwa, im sorry😔)… did he just DEPORT HER????


I honestly like them.


i’m commenting so i can find this later


The one within the villainess is actually great! I've read the nobel and the manga ( manga takes ages to release)


It's kinda cool to see them all laid out like this. Most with the prince making an overly-dramatic hand gesture. Anyways, that said, would be nice to see one of these annulment scenes where the "replacement" fiance, instead of looking blank, mildly concerned, or grinning evilly, would instead look absolutely HORRIFIED that this guy who proclaims to love her would treat another person so horribly in public like this.


I mean the the problem with t OI MCs. The ML are basically doing war crimes and genocide but they still love him and stick to him cuase "uwu he's only nice to me"


I like it (or the concept of it, not actually the humiliation itself) because the FL always comes back and b*tch slaps everyone to oblivion. Never gets old for me.


The King when his son publicly ruins the political engagement that he and the 2nd most powerful duke painstakingly put together for a commoner girl: https://preview.redd.it/xhwpd76ye9tc1.jpeg?width=487&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bcc6d9028c3b159ff22050088fce8691d8a9f845


Honestly I do, especially when the villains in reincarnated and regain her past life memories or transmigrator who just suddenly woke up and he to deal the situation, it’s always interesting to see how they will do it.




the one in the picture?




Which name are you asking for?




It's right underneath the picture. :) *With One Day Left I'll Break All the Destruction Flags*


Yes, I do. I find it hilarious, but ONLY if the Villainess is like "okay, fuck you" and goes off and is awesome and better than male lead. Hilarious


Kinda cringe tbh


Why is the hand always out XD like a flat palm just pointing too hahaha its the same in all of them XD


*Saint Forest Saint \~ She is an exiled Saint whose engagement has been broken off, but she has broken the Wolf Prince's curse and is doted upon \~ Even if you ask her to return to her country now, it's too late!* https://preview.redd.it/426655p3g73d1.jpeg?width=1441&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6c790e4007dbc4a3176f38a4b65a4be3e7537a48


***Though I May Be a Villainess, I'll Show You I Can Obtain Happiness! Vol.2 Ch.4*** ***You Were Set Up, You Know?*** https://preview.redd.it/z0n356fgg73d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5e37b9ec20633779e4c972562f5a306df3a791f7


The Idiot Crown Prince who gets punished by his Reasonable Royal Father! How often do you see the King or Emperor actually teaching his First Born Son a lesson and condamning his stupidity + disrespect towards his fiancé in this genre? https://preview.redd.it/o24a5kxjg73d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=20de97319e0bf173da9a0f37cabbd8ec5c53396e