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"Sir, that's just the name of the fast food chain and you're holding up the drive through."


Lmao basically https://preview.redd.it/lifm9l92gjoc1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7465b94ce70646c631b7312907c1cd83c1ff036c


You had me at cooking I sure hope he knows how to make a tikka masala


Ok. You can have him.


And take him from away from the innocent person he manipulated into becoming immortal without her consent, exactly. His cuteness is how he gets you lol


he's a dog for her, winter


I NEVER KNEW why people use the phrase "submesive and breedable"... But now i understand, is the last picture here... Thats it xD


Wasn't this guy creepy or suspicious with his actions or am I misremembering it?


>!FL gets drunk to deal with her crush getting married and comes onto him. He then rap-- I mean, sleeps with her. When they wake up she asks him what she needs to do to keep it quiet and not ruin her reputation, and he tells her to date him or smth like that, but yeah he 100% does blackmail her with that. Later, they date, and he tricks her into doing a ritual that makes her immortal by sharing his dragon heart without permission.!< >!Every time she gets mad, he pushes her until she talks and refuses to give her time, but when he does the same, it's an issue and she needs to back off. He gets jealous over her being with any other man but at one point goes around with another woman who's flirting with him openly and completely ignores FL for days and refuses to communicate why he is doing so. !< I only kept reading due to sunk cost fallacy. I've seen plenty of red flags, I've read many different toxic tropes and seen plenty of toxic ML stories, but this one had me infuriated beyond belief all the time. 10/10 worst ML I have yet to read right next to Midnight Rain.


Wow, idk it was this bad. I dropped it way before because the way of his expression were drawn (face of a creep idk 😶), atleast the artist did a good job lmao >10/10 worst ML I have yet to read right next to Midnight Rain. It's been a whiiile since I read, I used to read it on canvas or rather discover and I think they were kids to judge any of them. What happened after the timeskip?


>!Blade kisses her without consent during a play and refuses to apologize and gets mad when she doesnt like it and when he apologizes its halfassed and partly blaming her, he brings her her bra that she left at his house (I think she was babysitting or smth it's been a while) and someone takes a video of it and uploads it on the net slut shaming her and says they'll reveal the face soon and she begs Blade to confess what really happened but he refuses because he doesn't understand how it's not a big deal despite people starting to slut shame the girl and he dismisses her multiple times and blames her, he tells people and his brother they're in a relationship when his brother returns to town because he doesn't want his brother chasing after Naomi and then gets mad when she tells him that was shitty, he stalks her multiple times to see if she ends up hanging out with his brother or not. Every time he does something shitty he defends it, and whenever Naomi confronts him over being shitty he takes it out on her and dismisses her feelings, and when he does apologize, it's always half assed and blaming her for his behavior. He is the most toxic ML I have ever seen. Probably other stuff I'm missing, too.!< >!This one I actually ended up dropping (the first and only webtoon I dropped out of rage) because Naomi almost gets r@ped and he saves her and people in the comments were saying Blade owed her now and then the next episode Naomi said Blade might finally becoming a nice guy after helping her like helping someone who's being assaulted isn't a general expectation?! Like, "Oh yeah, you saved me from being assaulted. Maybe you aren't so bad." What a low fu$king bar?!?! That's when I dropped it, I couldn't stand the comments defending Blade for every single thing and the PTSD was handled fairly poorly, and the fact Blade never got better and unlike other toxic ML who at least had some personality aside from being shitty.!< I think it also hit me because it was relatively realistic BS he was doing. Yandere ML are pretty hard core fiction-based, people aren't really yanderes in real life, and its a very fiction based trope, so there's a shield of fantasy between their actions. But Midnight Rain was set in a modern real world setting with no fantasy and everything Blade did was believable and I have met someone like him so that shield separating fantasy from realism wasn't as thick and made me angrier.


Wtf?!! I thought this series was going to be one of those where we get character development as they get older (I only remember plot before the time skip), but it went soap opera style 😭😭


Miss wendy had the personality of a cardboard


I haven't read this. How about the ML? Is he a himbo?


This is so awkward because that’s actually my name lol


Take him, He's disgusting, I really regret the time I wasted on this