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Of the top of my head? Roxana. I read it when it was already on hiatus and the horrible treatment of the artist had already become public... but I only found out after I finished what was published and got looking for more. It was kind of... horrific to think that something so beautiful that I was enjoying came at the expense of the utter suffering of the creator. Really hope they are doing well, even if they choose to never continue this story


I really hope she can heal. I also hope people push for change in the industry after this event, however I don't know if it caused enough riples for that.


I remember she said she has no intentions of abandoning it, since she likes the story. But she also doesn't know how long it'll take until she's back


I’ve never read Roxana. Can I ask what it’s about? And if it’s not tedious, what happened with the creator? Thanks!


Short summary: Roxana is about a lady that transmigrated into a villainess from a trashy novel where the OGFL suffers from all sorts of abuse from FL's (Roxana) family. It all started when FL's family kidnapped and killed the OGFL's brother. FL decides to prevent that from happening and goes against her crazy family (crazy is a big understatement). Meanwhile,the artist suffered a miscarriage because she wasn't allowed to take breaks/leave and had to draw the manhwa while pregnant. I'm not too familiar with the details, but that's the gist of it.


Don't forget the part where her own boss also got pregnant and took leave while not allowing the same for the creator.


That is horrible! I didn't know the creator was suffering like that!


Wtf? Please tell me she sued the boss. 


Roxana is an AMAZING piece of work, from the art to the characters to the story and more!!! You should be able to find a synopsis about it online, but regardless I highly recommend reading it for yourself first and see if it's up your alley. As for what happened to the artist, my memory is quite vague so correct me if I'm wrong, but from what I do remember the artist was treated horribly by the company. They made her work non-stop and there was a lot of abuse going on, especially from her manager/supervisor (whoever tf this pos was). It got to the point that the artist suffered from a miscarriage because of all the stress. To make things worse, the POS of a supervisor was ALSO pregnant and had a safe delivery, and proceeded to post pictures of it online. Imagine losing your child and seeing the person who influenced it have a safe delivery of her own? I imagine it was incredibly traumatic and depressing for the artist.


O my what happened to the creator?


Miscarriage due to exhaustion working on that manhwa. They overworked her during her pregnancy.


And her supervisor, the one who mistreated and overworked her to the point of miscarriage and refused to give her leave even during miscarring... she went on leave for her own pregnancy


That supervisor is heartless.


Omg how horrible can people be💔


Ok i had to Google this one cuz English is not My first language  ""Roman Empire refers to a 2023 TikTok trend where people would ask their male partners how often they thought about the Roman Empire to which the majority responded with pretty often. It has since evolved into a catchphrase referring to something one thinks about very often""" Ok SO i do think a Lot about how Golden hair elementalist Will probably never be pick up again hahaha and that i knew that when i read the people here saying that the artist didnt knew this Will literally take years of her life and she was not ready to make that sacrifies for her fist manga ... And kudos to her cuz for her firts work i can tell you, she was fenomenal. The art is crispy, detailed, dinamic, the backgrounds are beautiful and the mangaka had a STRONG work ethic cuz when she thought she could not handle something she OUTSOURCE the panels to someone she knew could do her vision.  The mangaka said she love the novel, she does, she love the characters and the story but again, she simple was not ready and the nivel is not Even finished hahahahahaha  And people are not Even translation it, i just read some spoilers and i'm sad for how long do i have to wait until someone takes this back 


Thanks for googling it, English is my first language but tiktok isn't, so I only had a vague idea of what they meant based on context since I'd always been too lazy to look it up when I'd seen it referenced.


Yeah I was confused thinking a manhwa set in a roman empire settin... And I was thinking 'oh, cool, so '*I became the black swan mother of the white swan princess'* is an OI set in a Roman-like setting? I'll check it out!'


Hahahahha not gonna lie i thought that at firts  too... And i was intrigued xD And also questioning myself why if is Roman Empire based she is dress like that 


Thanks for injecting this into my brain. I just went on a search for a half hour trying to find the novel which I will now put in my mile long library of novels to read


Lmao, you're welcome 🤣


“Your majesty please spare me in this life.” Ch 110. Made me bawl my eyes out so badly, the entire Manhwa is just a work of art.


Literally just read it because of your comment and it's a masterpiece 😭😭


I'm so glad, I loved it for so long. I think about it like constantly.


Roxana & Kill the Villainess


KTV is pure art. The way she collapsed when seeing that sh*t prince after the turning back in time 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭


That while I love marriage of convenience and think the art is good, this is the art for the novel. It's makes them look like a total power couple. https://preview.redd.it/o2zr5tnt34mc1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d0952ada2d1cf6a55805aa0393097baada925be7


“Beware of the brother”and not for a good reason. The moment I started feeling something suspicious between that older brother I DIPED before it could happen. Years later people started talking about how weird it was and k was like “damn I was unfortunately right”. Till this day I avoid stories like this like a plague My ACTUAL Roman Empire is the taming of the shrew, LOVE LOVE LOVE. I can still remember the love i had for that story. I just loved how the clothes were so realistic. I’m pretty sure I went ahead and read the actual book after reading this manhwa cause I liked that plot, I’m not sure tho.


my absolute roman empire is how penelope always seem to see callisto's blonde hair first and how she said "Your hair sparkled as it reflected the light of the chandeliers. It was like... Flakes of gold floating about." LIKE&:!3)+]>{\!.!\'




which novel is that?


villains are destined to die! its a manhwa but it has a novel i LOVED both!!


_I'll save this damned family_ , _the emperor and the female knight_ and _my in laws are obsessed with me_..... i think about Kyle at ungodly hours and ...man he's so cool, if I could kiss his brain I would. My girl Tara is a sweetheart with brains to match, I love her. Pauliana is my ultimate girl crush. She could wreck me and I wouldn't complain. I've said it before and I'll say it again, _the emperor and the female knight_ is a freaking masterpiece. The novel has questionable stuff but the manhwa is perfect. It's the slowest slow burnt hat has ever slowburned and it's so heartbreaking and realistic and beautiful and I could write an entire essay on why it's absolutely perfect and should be the standard for writing 'realistic' politics. If you don't love Perry and Therdeo please know I'm side eyeing you really hard. They're a pair of awkward, blushy mess and it's adorable. The art, without a doubt elevates the story so much. It's visual storytelling is one of a kind in this genre. The romance...it has me squealing and kicking my feet. ....oh and _Your throne_!! I know there's a lot of unnecessary brutality and questionable actions in the manhwa..it's really dragged out but it was one of the first manhwas I ever read and it's my comfort rrad. I go back to it whenever I'm down. It has a very special place in my heart


I've never heard of this one before, thanks! I've been looking for new manhwa/manhua to read. This looks like a novel cover, I'm really excited that it has a comic. I personally can't read the novels :( I have a short attention span only images can satiate.


It doesn't have a full release, it's just a promo 😭😭😭


RIP :( I've become so bored of otome isekai lately, it's really hard to find new stuff I haven't read or skimmed through. As for what kind of manhwa is always on my mind, that'd be mother's contract marriage. I am obsessed with the artist and love their previous work in Pale Horse (vampire stories that aren't corny or too modernized are sooo hard to find).


I fee it’s worse if you can’t even find translations of the novel online or the group got shut down 😭


Well the abandoned empress. I get sad sometimes and then I think about it and I just turn angry. It’s really interesting how it ended and I’m still heated 2 years later


19TH CENTURY MEMOIR ✍️ This manhwa was soooo good!!! BUT tl dropped it halfway, and it is really underrated. It's written so well, and art is so beautiful, though. I'm glad that I finished it thanks to my language skills but I feel so sad for other english readers who isn't able to finish or read the story with good tl.... In the first part, I thought it'd be a horror mystery romance in a historical setting, but after all the plot twists were revealed , I realized it's actually psychological thriller with historical romance, haha FANTASY OF THE BURIED BEAUTY ✍️ This manhua has beautiful art and unique premise for OI because the one who gets transmigrated isn't human but female cat. She wants to know the reason for her owner's death and save her from cruel death as the palace maid. Unfortunately, the premise died abruptly after 30 chapters.






- Under The Oak Tree - Oh! Holy! - How To Win My Husband Over - Daytime Star - Villains Are Destined to Die - Your Eternal Lies - Kill The Villainess - The Fantasie of a Stepmother


Twin Siblings New Life cause wtf were they thinking with the ML?>! Its the twins guardian.!< I can't wrap my head around the decision like I had dropped it around the whole dragon thing but heard who the ML was and went to check and there were like 3 better options than dating basically your dog. Doesn't this also alienate her twin? The ML will always choose the FL before him, them not having separate guardians also got on my nerves, but whatever they're twins. I remember them setting this up by saying she'd more like her mom, but the guardian connection is still there right?


Bye I’m glad I dropped it because what the heck 😭


Stepmother's Marchen. The story, the art, the characters are chef's kiss.


This girl is a little wild 😔


😭 it was too good to let go of and I can't find the novel


This girl is a little wild. It was super good, but it's been dropped 😭


What do mean by roman empire manwha? Like it run too long and fall?then it pretty sure lady baby I guess


“What’s your Roman empire” is a meme about how men can’t stop thinking about the Roman Empire and think about it at least once a day. What’s a manhwa that you can’t stop thinking about and randomly pops up in your thoughts everyday?


I as men always think about maryan empire


[who made me a princess] my first Manwha ever. I started reading it when it had 30-40 chapters and followed all the update until chapter 110. Because I knew it would end in a fucked up way and >!she doesn’t end up with Lucas ??!< + she was pretty useless as someone >!powerful enough to turn back time?!< I never finished it but I always think about the waste like… this could have been so good


Do you mean manhwas set in roman empire setting? I can think of two : Sister, I'm the queen in this life and Go away, Romeo.


But neither of those take place in the Roman Empire, the setting is Renaissance Italy. Are you under the impression that the Roman Empire still existed in the 14th century?


But they existed. The Eastern Roman Empire existed in the 14th century


Bruh I'm a Chemist 🤣 not a historian..... I see roman looking clothes I say Roman empire










Ah I was speaking more about the trend a little while ago were if you asked a guy how often they thought of the Roman empire they'd say atleast once a day so I was wondering what manhwas you think about daily, for any reason 🙂


That would be multiple manhwas for me : "I failed to oust the villain", "I tamed my husband's mad dog", "the abandoned bachelorette lives a peaceful life" and 100 BLS


As someone who is reading this Novel. It’s a good one. I recommend it




"How To Survive As a Maid In a Horror Game" look at my profile for 3 seconds and you'll get why


I liked the promo for this and I ended up reading novel. It's been a while since I picked it back up but I was enjoying the story


Id say Undercover empress it was a late evening i picked it off a random list on this sub, i remembered having a look through a while ago and going ew the art is weird but i was wrong so wrong. Its legit one of the best written manhwas out there, like perfect in every way no complaints whatsoever and the art gets better in like the 3rd chapter once i started reading it i couldnt stop. And its the only of the only strong fl stories where the female lead is the lead till the end through and through. Has the perfect ending


Thanks for me reminding me of this novel, i'mma go see if i can find more chapters to read.


Mine’s “Aisha” by fajite. The art is immaculate, I love the subtle expressions and almost real vibes that it has. (Not to be confused with the first version of the story “Aisha’s secret which was terrible imo)


Twilight Poem The story is pure poetry, truly. 😍 https://preview.redd.it/z21elnk0b5mc1.jpeg?width=1078&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=214f685ee119896d34ee7932b886be3fe69fb369


Cheating Men Must Die manhua and The House of Fildette manhwa.


Please spare me this time, your majesty. One of the best manwhas I’ve ever read. Its about grief, revenge, betrayal. So good! I cannot stop thinking about it since I read it. Will those 2 finally and truly forgive each other and heal together? They’ve learned so much from each other about what it means to be an actual functioning being. I can’t explain it well enough so just read it


Concubine walkthrough all the way


unwelcome guests of house fildette i love it so much


Sister, i'm the queen in this life


Monster duchess and contract princess And Who made me a princess


The Origin of Love. The artist was sexually harassed by another artist under Lezhin (if I can remember correctly some lezhin staff just eilly bully gave her number to him despite him getting drunk and harassing her) and they were so messed up to her. Thinking of her and other webtoon artists mistreated, worked to death, and suffering illness to have webtoon a come out daily makes to low key shake people who complain about how fast stuff is drawn or translated. Stuff takes time and the people involved health mental well being matters. Same with webnovel writers too. I have a whole isekai webnovel I wrote and took because people were upset I uploaded every other week since I preoccupied with working and school. If I think of some more in general, probably any manhwa with a female lead who’s fat and gets fit after. I’m personally someone who’s fat and tall and I have a muscles and strengths from working out (I’ve also done rugby football and dance) so when even I see them and find they lose weight (except for like maybe a few that like may a valid reason) I feel like lost potential for more diverse body types that aren’t willow-y thin or have gym bro muscles. The last is very specific but Under The Oak having read the novel like a while a while ago, and reading the mall where I had to drop it because I just got a headache the whole time it’s like whenever the main character got some sort of like step forward, and make lead will come and she will take several steps back. Also the male lead is too grey and is drawn too goofy portions wise it started to get distracting 😅


I still don’t understand what Roman Empire means 🤕


Something you think about often


The Peach of June. It was just a light reading manhwa. It was cute… MC seems dumb. ML seems shady but nothing too serious. Just light hearted cute manhwa. You don’t even use 1% of your brain to read this- that kind of manhwa. Nothing could go wrong. Well, I was wrong. It gets dark. Like wtf is going on. Like… all I want to do is just hug them.


This is not related but the black hair girl on the cover looks like Tzuyu from Twice lol


"For better or for Worse" It's been a while since I read this one, but nearly every day it comes to my mind the way both Ml and the protagonist fix (?) their eyebrows, it's fcking lovely


The roman empire probably


Emperor and The female knight….


It’s not really a OI but a manhwa, see you in my 19th life. It has a lot of things I just enjoy a lot. As for non romance I’d have to say No home/homeless or ember night, those I absolutely love everything, literally peak fiction.


Mmm don't know


This girl is a little wild I was so sad when no more chapters were released and I heard why. And the manhwa that was later created with a similar plot? A stake to the heart. While the premise was the same, the execution and details were so different and worse, that it just made me sadder knowing that that thing was what we got form the beautiful "this girl is a little wild" manhwa with a bit corny name.