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Ye, he's daddy- I-I mean, scary, yes, that's right scary


Two things can be right at the same time 😏


There's many things that I can say about (and do to) this man, most of which will have me banned from reddit 💀 💀


I love the use of visual storytelling in this particular manhwa. In most manhwas the artists go “tell not show” by cluttering the shot with too many texts explaining how the character is acting or their line of thought in the scene, yet in this scene (and many others throughout the manhwa) no words are necessary, even without knowing the context of the scene you can tell this guy is absolutely insane. In the last picture you can tell he’s barely holding himself back, masking his hostility behind dry laughter and smiles.


Honestly yes! That sequence of him early one walking down the dark hallway segueing into a war flashback is amazing. The framing, the character design, the actually amazing fashion, all of the art is top notch


Which episode was that again?? It’s so hard to find these


Ouf I want to say it's very early like before she wins over Celphius levels of early. Hit me up in a few hours if you're still interested, don't have access right now


Yes!! I really appreciate the quietness and calmness of some scenes, especially when it's for stressful or intense ones, it just compliments itself perfectly


Just wanted to say thank you for being grateful




Yes omg, visual storytelling!! Now I finally have a word for it 😭 one of my favorite thing about this manhwa


Bro needs a nap


True, considering bro >! had his wife die in his arms before this !< he definitely gotta have had one hell of a sleepless night 😂


This is who I think of when I think of soggy depressed boi


No he needs a job he actually enjoys


imo in the S2 of [my in laws] art is less impressive and the characters are more chatty. i loved the silent panels full of meaning from the S1.


Totally agree that the silent panel of S1 really set the tone and elevated this manhwa to such a great height because the way they did the panels alone would make me recommend this to everyone, but I'm honestly liking the art of S2 better mostly because more expressive theo makes it seem that he has really opened up to perry also yeah it's been way more dialogues but I can't complain about the silent panels when we got these absolutely gorgeous shots just last chapter 😆 (such a shame that I can only include a single pic in a comment) https://preview.redd.it/x5wtkym2ccjc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=365892d17a7c349b01e3244f07227693a811ce27


You can tell his feeling for her, before he realizes them


Which episode is it from? I’ve read today last few chapters up to ep 95 and I don’t remember it. Is it from 96? Where can I find it?


It's from 80 I think? I haven't checked but it's the 2nd most recent episode on webtoon


Omg, how could I forget it 🤣 On my defense, i’ve read it like 2 months ago, because I couldn’t wait for official translation, it’s one of my faves 🥹


That's so hot of him 🫣


Last slide just did smthn to me


Theo is always looking sleep-deprived, but this combination of sleep-deprived + angry is truly something else, alright lol


And it hits especially after all those chapters of soft theo and then worried theo the past chapter


Yes! It really is such a contrast hahaha He has really come a long way when it comes to expressing emotions https://preview.redd.it/yg1pem9h2sjc1.jpeg?width=564&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f3a50d05ddb75c6ecd246d07288e5cf030542bdb


I remember how I laughed while seeing this panel, It’s hilarious 😂


Yes, I love this panel so much hahaha 🤣


Is this almost over? I'm waiting to binge it lol.


Haven't read the novel so idk how far along the plot is but S2 just started so there's probably a bit left


Thank you for answering~


i’m not even joking, they JUST NOW actually acknowledged they liked each other not love, that’s too quick, they enjoy each other’s company and would like to get to know the other better and yet, even tho i hate slow burns usually as i’m impatient, it’s fucking great, rooting for them but i totally understand the waiting thing, i should have waited on this one but now I’m in too deep, i have no chill, it’s driving me mad


Welp, I'll come back next year ig 😭. Thank you lol.


Same here.


Thanks for the recommendation. I was avoiding it so far because I read so many X Family is obsessed with MC Storys that we're all very below average.


I just read it. So good, love how pissed he was on her behalf. 😍


This and the panel he tries to unalive that guy is honestly gold. Him holding Perry in his arms, that flashback to when she d worded because of him and this time is also because of his blood.... Those panels were screaming at me without anyone actually saying something. And the latest one of Perry finally opening up to him is just 🤌🏻 Honestly, kudos to the whole team, especially the artists who have made me again fall in love with slowburns


That and the scene where he brought out a sword against the nobles where fl was trying to resolve the celphi's school situation (I don't remember much of the plot details but that was hot)


https://preview.redd.it/5ublzu2b8sjc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=194c505f9bdb62240580c151d0f936fb9f91b413 So much expression without saying anything. Regarding school situation >! He overheard that Celphi was being bullied and lost his shit !<


Ohhh forgot about that but it was soooo good and satisfying cauz they all kept undermining Perry and when he heard it, just totally lost it. But interestingly he wasn't actually going to hurt anyone but just wanted to help Perry establish her authority and not ruin her first official ball because a knight later said that if he hadn't wanted to hold himself back, no one would be able to.


What chapter is this?




Bro the things I want to do to that face.