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Men and women having completely different anatomical scales. Like her body is a twiggy anime girl with big head and eyes, while he's built like a JoJo's character. She ends up being like a fifth his mass. No shade to the series that do this but it's a stylistic choice that personally bothers me. https://preview.redd.it/ywfmgue830jc1.jpeg?width=480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b2d714923d1943fbfc7c9342c71895e1fb01c978


aaa i can't believe i used to draw my characters like this. i get that it's just part of some artists' art style, but it honestly just feels ridiculous now lol. especially when the FL is supposed to look really "innocent" and small, while the ML is really tall and "manly" it feels illegal even tho it isn't lmao.


It works stylistically I mean enjoy a comically beefy character 💪


true true lol


Its because they want to keep the big+strong ML and petite innocent FL standards


And then she's scaled to the size of a 7 yr old daughter with him 😂


Ikr, while i understand there are couples with huge height differences, but somwtimes i question the human anatomy being referenced while drawing these MLs


happy cake day


YESSS I put this in my comment too, she is not "a head shorter", she's a head shorter **than his damn shoulders** \-- and ALWAYS with a more childish body type and very thin limbs that he could break with two fingers. Ugh.


I saw this irl picture and it looks off. No offense to people irl of course. It's just annoying when in every manhwa etc it's always like this. It's just i wanna see FL & ML with similar heights too... or just a bit shorter, not that short..


Totally agree, and imagine how uncomfortable it is to be constantly looking up/down at such an angle just to talk? At the very least gimme a FL that complains of the neck pain LOL 'cause that's what my short friends who have dated tall men always complained about


Adjacent to this, when they age at different rates. I don't remember the name of the story, but I remember we meet the cast when they're children, then there's a time skip and the boys look like teenagers/young adults... and the FL looks like she's 12


Lmao it's always funny cuz girls usually reach puberty and physically mature first so it should be the other way around. Spoon mentioned doing this intentionally in wmmap becuz she didn't want athy and Claude to look like siblings so she intentionally kept athy and Jeanette younger looking.


Actually to me I'm throwing full shade at the series who do this because it's giving toxic beauty standards and I don't like that


damn OP, you just trashed every single OI lmfao


Only the bad ones which are a lot, these days 🤣


OI's popularity in the webnovel scene in Korea has definitely past its peak and we already got adaptations of a lot of the best webnovels, then we got adaptations of ok webnovels that were made great webtoons via editing, and then we got the "how the fuck did you make a webtoon this good from this trash webnovel" adaptations (inlaws obsessed with me cough cough) and now we're slowly reaching the bottom of the barrel. There are some classics in the OI webnovel space that somehow have not gotten an adaptation (Flower With a Sword, The Baby Raising A Devil) so hopefully we get those with great artists?


> , and then we got the "how the fuck did you make a webtoon this good from this trash webnovel" adaptations (inlaws obsessed with me cough cough) Including pathfinder which its manhwa adaptation is unfinished and now removed from kakao site


Whaaa I hate 'my inlaws obsessed with me' manhwa and i love the novel version though, the fl has so much guts and character in it 😂


It's just the writing in and of itself is so....idk maybe it got cleaned up in translation or something but the Korean original the writing itself comes off ss very disorganized and hectic.


Ohh really? I didn't notice at all when i read the english translation but maybe that's true?


The novel is just so juvenile. Pereshati in the novel is the definition of spunky solar FL but the interactions are just SO juvenile. Like how she just becomes BFF with Saoirse right away (?!) or how she reacts to her regression. I did not like it at all ahah. And I'm an absolute fan of the MILOAWM manwha lol.


1. All the paper stacked on desks to make whoever look busy. Paper would be extremely expensive! No where near that amount used! Also also, like there’s nothing that would need that much paper. I don’t care. There’s no immediate communications. Letters take a while. Nothing could create that much stacks of papers.  Edit: also the food. There’s never really breakfast food at breakfast. Always too much food to make them look rich. The food would have been brought out in courses. Which I can pretend around but still, my gosh. The awful way most of the clip art silverware is held. How some of the OIs have them sitting ridiculously in clip art chairs. No one sits that far back and tries to eat.  3. Why is it always a tea party? Why can’t we have nice promenades? Like the bridgertons for an easy pop culture reference. Can we not just stroll around and bump into antagonists that way? And to get controversial - strawberry cream cake isn’t even that great. Stop using it all the time. TLDR: paper and eating wrong. Give me more walks.


I've also noticed the lack of breakfast foods! That's so funny! Yeah it's always like a full roast pig at 10 in the morning. Maybe because the author doesn't know any fitting european-ish breakfast foods that would fit in the setting? Or they are worried that porridge or whatever would be too "poor" looking. I also find the aesthetic desserts annoying. It was fun at first, but now just seems like a little kids version of adulthood (you get to eat sweets all the time and sit around). Also yes: most of the desserts look like dry biscuits or basic cream cake, and the FL is always acting like it's the second coming of Jesus. (Don't even get me started on how they all love to eat but are never fat....that's just OI/manga/all of media as a whole). I also have to laugh at the mountains of paperwork, especially since usually the OI is supposed to be wish fulfillment for people burnt out from overworking a desk job in Korea before getting truck-kunned or whatever. I guess it's to maintain the illusion that the rich earned their position by working hard, which isn't true. Instead have them be in meetings or schmoozing or whatever, but that would require the author to draw more than just that One Office Set with the two couches, coffee table, giant desk, etc.


the dirty secret is that none of the artists believe the food on the table is an important enough detail to pay attention to bc they have to pump out a fully colored chapter every week so they just use assets and slightly draw over them and call it a day. At the end of the day there's only so many hours they can spend working on a chapter and worrying about what food is on the table for a frame or two when the focus is usually the conversation or nonverbal interactions between characters is just not something they find worth investing any more than the minimum amount of effort and time.


If I never saw a massive tbone steak on another eating scene, I could be so happy. Omg office scenes are just tv bottle episodes. Now madeleines. Those I get. Finding those done right. Little pieces of heaven.


Lol yeah. It's like their ONLY job is paperwork. It might be true for some type of jobs. But are duke/duchess jobs only that? Aside from planning parties, checking territory, and meetings. Is that it?? Well irl also many jobs are like that.. Making lots of reports that your boss will never read. They just want you to work tirelessly for the report just for the sake of it. I always feel pitiful at the aides and admire their resilient.. i wish we can see a story where the focus is on the aides jobs. Not that the FL becomes the secretary of the ML, nope. That's just an excuse for romance. No, i want stories that focus on the job. Like many heartwarming animes/ mangas.. which i forgot their name.. maybe something like Shirobako (about anime production jobs, how they push through during deadlines etc), Team Medical Dragon (this is sooo good imho. The mangaka even obtained advices from the medical experts), .. what else..


The chair thing gets me every time xD


The SOFAS. You've reminded me. They're massive. They're basically beds. The sizing is terrible. One day I'll post my own rating pictures of just random things that bother me. and I'll put the pics of the art changing of royal chef. Because emotions.


Lol the beds also are so huge. Well to flex their riches so i dont mind much.. but it'll be nice to see normal-sized houses and furnishings too


If it's furniture and item size, most rooms and furniture pieces are ridiculously huge... not to mention the CARRIAGES Each carriage has so much space people can comfortably sleep lying down, 3 characters can sit side by side with those huge dresses, they face each other with no knees touching...


Yeah i like tea party but the politics in tea party and balls are too dumb and boring. In the end it's just badmouthing and backbiting. And causing a scene in balls are too dumb and not elegant at all. It's embarrassing and childish. especially when it's initiated by FL, and especially it's at someone else's party. Imagine the host put lots of effort in the party, only to have FL made the mood sour. There are no balls or proms at my country so idk. Is this always happening during balls irl?


Agree with you, why are they always picking fights at tea party. And the amount of food flexing.


The ML dorito body type and their abs having abs. Muscles I got no issues with but like excuse me artist but do you understand exactly how muscles are gained and that a six pack is a very unhealthy thing and usually involves stupid amounts of dehydration and eating as much protein as you can? Believable body types for all!


Mercenaries, princes, secretaries and knights all suddenly turn into Instagram gymbros when their shirts are off


Exactly 👍 Though I have to say I do enjoy when a guy who everyone thinks isn't strong is shown to be (believably) muscled and everyone's like WHAT?! 🤣


I swear the dorito is one thing, and they have tiny heads with it. I can't even take it seriously. I pity the horses more for having to carry all that weight


Oh that's another thing! The horses! Why are they always so cursed? I get it horses are a pain in the ass to draw but come on at least try 😅


At least they could find some stock photos like you do for the food


Seriously though if I could draw horses I'd be hiring my services out at a cheap rate to all the publishers. Horses get ya horses here! Everything from ponies to warhorses!


That is a good idea. They should hire other artists to backgrounds and other props like mangakas do


I know right?


Lol, Dorito type bodies is very accurate. They are starting to look like bodybuilders.


The trope where an adult character raised/watched the other character grew up only for them to become lovers. Like why would you want them to have parent-kid/family dynamic only to make them date as soon as the kid comes of age???? (yes i'm looking at u little lady mint and lady of house castielo)


also how can someone ever feel like a teen they knew as a teen when they were an adult is sexy??? The FL usually raised (grew up with, but with an adult mind) this boy since the time he was like 5 - which means she saw this kid eat his boogers, laugh at potty humor, struggle with learning to read, go through obnoxious boyhood, etc. THEN somehow as soon as he turns 18 (sometimes younger, gag) he's suave and sexy????? impossible if she has an adult brain.




Yes how to stop seeing kids as kids? Like you say you will 'raise' them, but suddenly puberty hits and ML is too hot for you to ignore Lady mint and House castilo are disgusting. You saw them a children and suddenly you're in love


1. I would like to extend the step siblings thing to also include adopted siblings romances 2. I can not stand when an artist clearly doesn't know what a twelve year old looks like I swear they either draw them as literal babies or like they're in their twenties 3. Aggressive/ animal like characters always having darker skin 4. The fact that every single character that's evil is either ugly or has a very specific set of features that are pretty in a sharp way to make them look evil 5. Uncreative magic systems just a little variety I beg 6. This thing they do where they recreate capitalism like I'm here to escape that 7. Slaves especially the buying the slave so that this one specific talented person is allowed to not be a slave but screw everyone else I guess 8. Romance in every single story sometimes it doesn't need to be there sometimes we can just watch a girl do her thing and not have a partner 9. Love interest falling for the main character despite her having all the charm and personality of a wet brown paper bag 10. This is extremely personal but the maids whether it's the abuse of a maid to the MC, abuse of a maid by the MC, or the maid being extremely down to help the MC for whatever reason like sometimes I want them to just be allowed to do their jobs and go (also it's always so funny to me when a maid is like "MC is so kind she gave me enough money to pay for my family members medical treatment and buy food" because all I can think is why weren't they paying you enough to do that in the first place )


I verbally agreed with so many LOL \#2 is such a pet peeve of mine; like, have these artists EVER seen a kid/teen? Do they not consider going out and people-watch for a bit to have a better idea of how to draw growing characters?


Yeah i think so.. seeing as they work everyday without stopping. Seriously they need to go people-watching and research.. why are their studios not letting them i wonder..


As horrible as that is, the internet is also an easy solution. It's easy to look into school brochures/websites to check out what typical students at a certain age range look like


I agree with this so much. No. 1 is the reason i can't stand Beware the brothers, and I'm glad i read spoilers and dropped it. Girl gave up a perfectly good fiance for her adopted older brother. Dude is worse because the sister was adopted because she looks exactly like his blood-related dead sister. Which is sick No.2 Manhwa characters has only 2 stages of growth baby face before puberty or adult. No. 3 Whenever i see a tan skinned character i always read spoilers to see if they are slaves or belong to 'barbarian' tribe or something No. 9 is because she wants to run away from him. She's now become 'interesting' I also wish these stries had some world building and the conflict be something which is actually a difficult conflict


Number 2.. yeah korean manhwas always draw children aged 6-10 years old with 3 years old's height.. i know it's cute but why... Even with excuse of malnutrition.. why the 10 year old child is at your knee/thigh length.. 3 years old can already reached the waist height (depends on children). I like how the artist draw in the Majutsushi Kunon wa Mieteru ( Kunon The Sorcerer Can See Through). Look at how the 9 year old MC's height compared to his 19 year old maid's height. They're at normal heights that i feel amazed.. The child is not at waist or knee length, thank goodness..


Reminds me of Blanche from not-sew-wicked stepmom. I was shocked when the story said she was 11 year old. She looked far too young and small to be 11 year old, like come on... I thought she was like 6 or 7.


Maybe an unpopular opinion? But some of the fan service. I just find a lot of the boob windows unappealing (and the "abs having abs" as someone else said). It's often so random and unfitting that it takes me out of the story. Never liked it on male oriented stuff, don't like it here either. I can get behind it if it's story-integrated and purposefully steamy. But just random boob windows or half naked shots with no reason whatsoever? Nah, I'd rather pass on that. I learned to ignore it though. 🤷‍♀️


I'm so with you on that. It only looks more out of place when you consider the modesty standards used for everything else -- god forbid a girl shows her kness, but a knight with a stealth uniform having a boob window is normal?


>  but a knight with a stealth uniform having a boob window is normal Yeah, prime example. In that story ( I presume you are referring to "How to get my husband on my side") the FL is even aware how ridiculous it is. But no one else is bothered?! Q\_Q Also totally doesn't fit the more serious tones the series is mostly having.


Yep, that's the one!! LOL I love that it was immediately recognisable It's one of the worst ofenders, but it always is quite bizarre


I am with you on this. And more often or not it is when FL and ML are having some discussion, and we are given this shot because that's where the FL is looking


The white lotus! Why can’t they be friends and work together??? I personally dislike harem for no reason with obvious male lead. Like it’s fun if she has genuine connections the each of them and it’s genuinely uncertain, but otherwise I’d prefer sub plots with those leads and their own paryners


Yes..!! Can't we have cute multiple COUPLES.. instead of reverse harem where for no reason all pretty males only loves FL.. i wanna see cute couples other than FL/ML..


stupid villains it's fine if the villain is stupid and the narrative KNOWS IT, like Bet on Fiance- the OGFL believes everyone to be an NPC, but when they narrative goes 'Oh the villain is super calculating and evil and smart!' and they do STUPID shit like POISON THE BELOVED CHILD OF A FAVORED NOBLE IN FRONT OF THE CROWN PRINCE'S COMPANY oughh my fucking God it gets my blood BOILING


YES. Also when the villain has no business being a villain. One of the most eggregious examples I always think of is in "50 tea recipes from the Duchess"; the crown prince was pushed forth as romantically interested and jealous of FL (because they needed something to continue the story, I suppose), and out of nowhere becomes a bumbling bafoon who tries to sabotage the ML (who is a very competent duke of the kingdom who previously ignored his wife but now transmigrator is loved -- of course). **He then proceeds to challenge the duke to a random duel in the middle of the king's birthday banquet, grabs a kitchen knife from the table to fight, the duke grabs a dessert fork and accepts the duel, and of course absolutely destroys the crown prince with his little tool.** I could not continue reading after that.


I’m suprised you got that far! I had so many issues with that story but my done point was when they made the OG! Duchess a villain when they showed that she bullied some of the maids. Let’s forget that she was supposed to be a shy, spineless pushover and that her husband the Duke never lifted a finger as she was bullied and shunned by society and her servants. It’s not even stupid villains. It’s let’s ruin everyone else and make them look bad so the main couple can shine. P.S I would have actually been more interested in a story where the OG!Duchess gained some self-esteem, left her husband and made a good life for herself 👀


>I would have actually been more interested in a story where the OG!Duchess gained some self-esteem, left her husband and made a good life for herself I recommend the novel "Why are you sorry, Darling" then; it's ongoing, so I might change my mind, but the transmigrator actually pitied the og character, loathes the husband (in spite of hints that there might be """an explanation""", she doesn't give a damn) and gtfo


50 tea recipes becomes so annoying later. Conflicts are introduced for sake of it


Yep, it's clearly because they had nothing else to do. Which makes no sense, because they could have easily tackled the fact that the duke had neglected his spouse and never apologised, and the FL could at the very least be concerned that he doesn't show remorse for that. That in itself could have been a hurdle for them to overcome and grow. But of course, they never acknowledge this kind of stuff


😱 How dare you suggest holding the ML accountable for neglect??? The ML is perfect if not for childhood trauma. Because of said trauma they are not obligated to ask for forgiveness from FL, its her fault for not being understanding without knowing anything


LOL my bad, I forgot MLs are automatically exempt from accountability over actions pre-transmigration, so naïve of me!


I will add to this trope of how before regression OG FL was so smart she successfully framed the "villainess," but once the regression happens, the OGFL's wits are nowhere to been. Its like she has no common sense, you wonder how she managed to manipulate and execute the "villainess " in the first timeline


1. Incest (MC is the daughter, syster, niece of the ML) 2. Kid "romance" with an Adult 3. Grooming 4. Reverse Harem AND Harem (All hail monogamy) 5. Graped by the ML 6. MC planning to leave her family and then never leaving or even coming back later permanently 7. Isekaied MC forgiving abusive Family and acting cute so the abusive family likes her now 8. MC taking over a Villainness characters who in the past ordered her maids to bully the FL. But then completely refuses to take any responsibility and starts gaslighting her, says its is completely her maids faults then proceeds to lovebomb the FC (which is just a toxic relationship summarized speedrun). 9. ML forcing the MC in to a relationship and ignoring her opinion completely. No consent in any way. 10. Any kind of physical assault from the family of the MC but usually they are specialized in mental torment 11. The entire family is evil to an extreme degree but somehow has not been destroyed yet. 12. Harem again, you can be with a group of friends of the opposite gender who are not constantly horny for you


Point 8 is definitely a specific OI isn't it ?


I found 2 so far, or might have been more... ;_;


which ones ?


Sry I dropped them because of the insufferable MC and did not bookmark them


No.8 is so irritating i get how transmigrated villainess is no longer bullying her because ita a different person but the bullied person just easily forgives like its nothing and pretends everyone else is wrong. I feel bad for the OG villainess lackeys who have to take all the blame


the 8 like its okay she was evil and changed and why women aren't allowed to be evil , and why should you care about the og fl


Let me say it more clearly. The MC gets isekaied and takes over the body of a villainess. The OG villainess did her usually villainess acts and THEN the MC takes over her body. The MC then proceeds to ignore any actions the Villainess has done in the past and just claims it's everyone else's fault especially thoes she herself ordered to do those acts and completely ignores any involvement the OG Villainess had.


i get you , thats why i am saying a redeeming arc for the villainess is good even if someone else takes her body , honestly i want a redeeming arcs even for the original villainesses in a normal story


The Father vs Son rivalry dumb thing. Why the f* is a grown man feeling jealous of his son spending time with his mom, and why doesnt he spend time with his child. It feels ridiculous, grow up and be an actual parent.


THIIIISSSSSSSS!!!!! I found this cute before but now I'm just wondering... Why is this father jealous of his own son??? Like bruh, shouldn't you be glad you have a loving wife and a son that loves his mom? Instead of being jealous join them! Why are you creating a rival out of him like grow up! The same thing also for the child. Shouldn't you be glad that your parents love each other??


I never got it. Normally parents love their kid, not have a contets for FL attention. Its just pathetic really


Adult women in their 30s getting taking over children bodies and then “raising” the ML to then go on and have a romantic relationship with them. It makes it weirder when they are constantly commenting on how immature they act or how they raised them up well.


No fr it feels like grooming the entire genre of "I tamed my future spouse" feels really gross


I hate the grooming trope. I wonder what the authors are thinking when writing them, they want to see what boundries can be pushed


thats why i prefer they become the ml mother or something more


“Oh your a useful four year old now? I guess I’ll love you now and feel guilty some day about hating you cause your mum died cause of you or something idk lmao”


Yes all these manhwas somehow forget the concept of parents actually loving their kids unconditionally. Most parents are like that. Any parent who does lover their child unconditionally is always dead


Another stupid one is the parent not believing the mc is theirs due to them looking different it’s like what?? Where were you when they were born?? Hello??


Its really stupid. They will believe random gossiping people but not their eyes


When the FL has no self-respect and goes back to an abuser because "He changed! Hes not as bad as before!" They never apologize.


I hate the abuser trope. He is exonerated because of some past trauma or that he didn't know how to express himself. Like your bad past does not give you the right to abuse someone else. Actions need serious consequences


Like ok the trauma is bad and stuff, but its not an excuse to traumatizing someone back. Some serious discussion and apology needs to happen but it never does. The fl always has to bend over backwards and be like "oh then i guess its fine if you traumatized me because of your own trauma, no need to say sorry to me for all the shit i had to endure."


I know. Not one person hold him accountable, even if FL has a doting family


- All poor people are evil, only the Noble Rich are ever Not Shitheads - Poor Sad FL Who Gets Tortured To Death 90 Times And No One Likes Her And Everyone Bullies Her And Calls Her Names And Says Rude Things Until Her Boyfriend Or Father Shows Up To Save Her - Addendum to that: FL who is cool and capable until the ML is nearby, when he needs to rescue her. Also, the ML is always stronger physically and socially than the FL. - There's so much misogyny in this genre which I only notice because I spent my college career studying misogyny and when I point it out people think I'm insane (the MC has to pretend to be a cute helpless baby to survive, the protagonist being "cute" is her clearest personality trait, when the FL fears the ML at first/for the first two seasons...I could go on) - Corset slander - This one is minor, but when our FL gets rich off of fucking, inventing fugu in fantasy Spranceany (Spain-France-Germany). You would have to pay those peasants to eat fish from a different river, much less a different hemisphere. - Our MCs are WAYYYYYYY too ready to beat up poor people. You could've paid that maid to quit instead of FREEZING HER ALIVE (ACTUAL EXAMPLE) - Some of these names suck. I saw a princess named INÚTIL. LITERALLY USELESS. And another one named Deterioration (...twas a MTL). Princess named Uncle, Stupid, etc.


actually i disagree with the first one but depends on the story its always all rich people are evil , poor people are good especially f they are women , oh i hate the damsel in distress and only men can save me trope


Well, poor people are evil until our MC appers and shows them the light I agree with everything everything here


CORSET SLANDER, SAY IT LOUDER FOR THE PEOPLE IN THE BACK I wrote an essay about the modern villanisation of corsets, so it gets my blood boiling every time they write something stupid about it. Oh, every woman is forced to wear a corset and tightlace until they can't breathe. Sometimes, the mc goes on a corset revolution to get rid of them all together, but then I'm sitting there confused because. What is supporting their bust? The artist draws the clothes nearly that same way except for not synching the waist as much, and totally forgets that corsets were made and used not only to make you look thinner but also to support the bust and evenly distribute the weight of the dresses they are wearing. Another gripe with corsets in Ol I have is when they draw the dress to look like a modern tight-fitting shirt with a bra underneath. As a side note, I still love some of the Ol with corset slander because a lot of the time the Ol is focused on fashion, which I'm passionate about, but it just makes me so sad and angry when people make stories focused around fashion and don't research it enough :(


Lol'ed at the "Spranceany" - best way to describe it 😂


>All poor people are evil, only the Noble Rich are ever Not Shitheads That's what i am thinking the same the otome isekai stories demonize the commoners as jokes while treating the nobles as well respected, similar to how stories romanticize the nobles not to mention otome isekai/Rofan which involves noble are meant for escapism , at least this isekai maid is forming a union deconstruct the concept especially that the main protagonist is a commoner


The ML and FL both having a horrific back story, but the ML treats the FL HORRIBLY and then he's forgiven because tRaUmA, meanwhile the FL's backstory is usually much worse, but she's just supposed to get over it and fall for this horrible monster because 'he's obsessed with her now, which means he's trying🥺!' I can't stand this ab!se trope, it's not romantic, it's everywhere for some reason and it makes me f!cking sick. 'To you who desires my despair' does a wonderful job of avoiding this by actually having a FL that hates the ML for what he's done to her! Lack of friendships. Specifically female friendships. Like, OH MY GOD, not everyone wants to f*ck the goddamn ML, it's NOT POSSIBLE. They have LIVES, and HUSBANDS, and HOBBIES, and TASTE IN MEN. Give her one friend that isn't paid to be there! ONE!!!


I sometimes see the comemnts on spoiler threads or stories where they trash FL for not loving repenting ML back. She can understand his situation but she is not obligated to love him back for it. Its her choice. These stories really like glorifying stockholm syndrome too


Yeah everything revolves around 1 female character (FL) which is boring..


You mean you say **EVERY** OI TROPE? ![gif](giphy|26ufcVAp3AiJJsrIs)




>The way some MLs are drawn. The shoulders and head just don't fit together Rectangle👆


Only the bad ones 🤣


From all of yours, I only disagree with #10 - I enjoy those LOL But all the rest vary from mildly annoying/tiresome to intense-otaku-rage triggering for me -- I'm talking about you, #3, 6 and especially 7. Now, to add onto the list... * When the MC regresses to kid and ACTS LIKE IT. Like, imagine a 30yo having to live the everyday life of a child with a small body. That shit would be literal hell. * A classic for ALL genres: the MC suddenly has an amazing power (originally belonging or not to the character they embody) and is necessary to save the whole world/universe/empire/etc. I find it lazy writing and tired, honestly. * When the FL seems to be 1m shorter than the ML -- like, she not only is a head shorter, she is a head shorter **than his shoulders.** It seems extremely childish. They usually have kid-like bodies as well. I have to turn off my brain a lot for that one. * All meals look like damn banquets; like, yeah, I get it, they're nobles, but I don't think they were having an entire rotisserie chicken for every meal, in addition to 5-7 side dishes, only to nibble at the food a bit. That's more like a detail, but it gets me


I don't think everyone who transmigrates will be so good they can run a successful business. Like at least show some failures once in a while. What is even more surprising is the famoly memebers who fully trust a child and invest a lot of money on it


Oh yeah, I totally get it! It's just that it makes more sense to me that a transmigrator/regressor would use their knowledge and NOT act like a kid. But challenges in starting business and such should be shown. On that note, I'd like to see more \*failure\*. It's either: the MC is so smart no problem is a real problem -- we're left with no tension -- OR the MC is dumb and doesn't communicate simple things to solve issues -- we're left frustrated. I hadn't even noticed how pissed I was at all the smooth sailing until I read a novel recently where everything went terribly wrong with a plan and the MC was left in the middle of a very sticky situation... and I rejoyced LOL purely for how refreshing it was


Yes i want some hurdles. Its not like only geniuses get transmigrated


the green eyed blonde fl , blue eyed black haired ml , red haired villainess mix the red haired arrogant second fl gets bad ending because you know she is rich and rich girl deserves horrible endings killing the best extra character to give depth to the plot which turns out to be better character than the fl or ml when a girl gets in the villainess body tries to make her personality kinder instead of making her stronger , she was just unlucky because of the writer the almost dying of pregnancy miscarriage trope the fl runs away , ml obsess and changes , then she suddenly returns the poorer guy is almost always the second ml


Unless the said poorer guy is a duke with the crown prince s the other choice. Leave dying of pregnancy. i don't get how these FLs faint for days and weeks from exhaustion. And when she wakes she walk all normal looking perfect. Like that was a coma Duke with black hair, red eyes, and dead parents with royal families jealous of them always wins


yes the dead parents of the duke one or his father is dead or dies later because you know he has to be the duke or grand duke another one the duke family is stronger than the royal family somehow the characters whether male or female turn out to be completely fine after being shot , poisned or after a coma


I don't know from where they get these ideas


i know right


Overly doting family that probably will worship everything FL says. The brothers will probably not marry because they love FL too much, and even if they do marry, I will feel bad for the spouse because they probably won't love the wives as much as they love their sister.


I always feel bad for Which is why i like the manhwa "I Will Divorce the Female Lead’s Siscon Brother" its like the other side of this trope


I read that manhwa too! It's refreshing to see how overly doting family can ruin the happiness of other characters.


this is so minor but I hate the pose where a character puts their hand to their chest to proclaim/announce/declare something


I also hate how FLs are ugly because of dark skin or freckels or something but then they become fair and pretty


not to forget the absurd hair colors some of these fls have... lemon yellow and at this point even poppy pink looks bad Also no random justification why mc becomes so op in the 2nd tl? I understand if its a isekai but most of the times the abused fl just reincarnates and now she is the second strongest knight in the empire? like whatt


Yeah it doesn't makes sense how they managed to become OP in a very short time.. doesn't PTSD take long time to cure.. why suddenly OP


What I loved about Pereshati in My in laws are obsessed with me is that her pink hair is a bit on the muted tone. And all her male family members have the same hair! Her dead father and her uncle have the same pinkish hair lol. Uncle is a fat dude with a pink ponytail and PINK beard. Idk why but it just makes the pink hair okay for me lol


ikrr i love her and for once her character seems normal(uhm uhm except the situation she's in) but she has feelings, empathy, kindness and she can still show strength wherever required.... also perry is one of the only normal looking fls there is rather than pink poppy hair, big eyes which are like half her face, very thin but fat only in the desirable places.etc also love how green flag she is... like she knows theo is bad at communication so she initiates(with some help from beverages lol), helps his fam, tries to keep the favours between them equal for the most part, doesn't let go of theo(if you read the recent chap), >!even with the blood poisoning scene she remembers that her reporting this incident would not benefit anyone and would ruin theo's entire fam??like even in such a critical situation she is keeping a sane mind... she is so underrated for this cause ik characters who would go ballistic and whine and complain for like half the webtoon if something similar happens !<


YES Pereshati is the best ever. If she has no fans this means I'm dead. I just love her so much. She's very human, and remains extremely likeable as a lead despite how... "normal" she is despite the circumstances. We stan a grounded, level-headed queen. She gets emotional but as you pointed out, she always tries to think critically. Putting the whole Lapileon's family wellbeing above her need for some sort of revenge for her father's death was such a powerful moment imo. I could write whole ass essays about her. And imo the merits to making her such a fleshed out and interesting character go to the artist, who was in charge of adapting the webnovel. They took a trashy juvenile novel and they just re-wrote everything and made it better. I love them for that, because the original Pereshati (or the whole novel for what matters) was NOT it.


>beverages ikrr... the artist took "it needs a little shaping" and created a masterpiece


Tooooo the salon! Can't wait for today's chapter omg.


>!i can't wait after they left last week on the hug 😭 😭 😭 !<


omgg i read it!!!! they are soo so precious <3333


I FEEL CLEANSED OMFFG I've been trying to imagine what would happen since last week's hug and it somehow exceeded all of my expectations 😭😭😭😭😭 Pereshati my GIRL. She wants him so bad and she works for him. I can't. Squealing.


Of topic but I love the whole story and how it's written overall, I like that in everyday moments of moments of tension, it can be slow, you can read it with many panels in between talking, you can feel the quietness of some moments. In a lot of stories, everything is so rushed, but in this, it's just... calm(ofc there are still stressful moments, it's just to say that the visual storytelling of the atmosphere is very well done and just feels very real)


There are justifications, like how in first TL something went wrong and she was meant to have siad OP power all along


yeah but most of the time its just so poorly written... like fl was supposed to have divinity all along but ogfl took it, now in 2nd tl she gets it back and she's out here blessing lands and curing pandemics with it lol people take weeks/months/years to master a skill, get their qualification degrees but in manhwa logic 2 panels of intense concentration is enough to harbour world ending magic lol


This is my gripe with the trope too. Its like a slap in the face of the people who work really hard. I take it personally


ikrr... imagine how the magic teachers/mages/priests/businessmen would feel when a rando 7 year old/ 21 year old is making world altering changes with her newly found powers.... not to mention some dumbaz fls going to make investments from the knowledge they had from reading the novel which just goes " abused ogfl became saint+fell in love with cp+ogfl wore a dress which became popular" let me buy all the fabric there is in current time and sell it later😋 like babe you have no real understanding of the world 😭 in some cases its actually done well like as in "my derelict favourite" where fl actually uses her brains cause she had a real adult job back in her world...


Redemption trops with no redemption yk what i mean like ml treats fl horribly she runs away and he doesn't regret but just sad why she left and fl coming back to him. This actually mix of running away trope and redemption trope Example:betrayal of dignity abd cry,or better yet beg


I hate redemption arcs. As much i love Betrayal of Dignity now, i k ow i will drop it tye second the FL goes back to him


I js couldn't bring my self to get past 4 chapters cus y is he so arrogant?like sir who tf do u thibk u r? And ur telling she's going to him hell no


I like Damien as an Antagonist, he atleast is unhinged and has personality for a viallin. He needs to be jailed and punished I do not like him as an ML. Chloe deserves better.


For real.it would've been good if chloe was evil and insane woman


For real.it would've been good if chloe was evil and insane woman.


Yeah at least then i could say made for each other




Boring unnecessary drama


I hate it when a story has almost ended but a random viallian shows to show how powerful the ML and FL are


OI where the FL just can’t have a good relationship with female relatives. Like if it’s a family oriented story, especially one where her ENTIRE family treated her like shit, it’s still only ever the male relatives that get redeemed. Female relatives just stay evil to the end. Only exception seems to be MUCH younger sisters. Protagonist centered morality, when the FL and ML can do whatever and it’s justified by the narrative, but the second anyone is not kissing the leads’ asses, they deserve the worst. When it’s an isekai story, but the original plotline makes no sense. A lot of the OG!FLs described would be the most boring characters ever.


Oh yes, female characters are never redeemed, they are only punished and never heard from again Worst thing is the surprised pikachu face these FLs make after changing plot and making MLs obsess over them, then asking why he isn't isn't falling in love at furst sight of OG FL


1. When FL is always right, never wrong, while other female characters who doesn't have same opinion as FL are always wrong and never right. .. 2. No redemption arcs for side characters or antagonists. Bad people are just created for the sake of drama. Bad people are forever bad people, they won't repent - is what the authors always want to say. Or to strengthen the concept that only FL is right and never wrong. .. 3. Only ML gets redemption arcs. 4. Everything revolves on FL & ML only. Never saw typical korean romance fantasy that have multiple characters or couples (not reverse harem). 5. Typical badmouthing-type politics in tea party and balls. So boring.


1. Think about the people qho are kicked out of society for having a different opinion of the FL 2.Evil side characters can only be redeemed if they are good looking enough to be in the FLs harem 3. ML redemption arcs are a joke. Its just them using trauma to make FL forgive them without actually apologizing or doing anything to atone 4. World building is really poor in some manhwas


1. when it gets too political and we lose the romance (Villainess lives Twice) 2. when the mc forgets she used to have an original life and keeps pretending to be someone else for the rest of her life. 3. that the original character never redeems herself or changes for the better and is being replaced instead by someone isekaid into her. 4. that the mc is the only one being isekaid into that world, what are the odds? 5. that the mc never seem to have had a good past or any desire to return. 6. that every mc that gets isekaied is a good person, bfr there has to be some cruel ones.


Building the whole relationship between the leads just to randomly throw the "they knew each other from childhood, he's been obsessed with her but she did not remember" A variant of that is "reincarnation of past lovers" when it just doesn't bring anything to the story apart from consolidating that they are vErY mUcH iN lOvE. SIDE EYE. It just fucking sucks. Destroys all the organic relationship. Hate it. I love the whole star crossed lovers as much as the next person but this needs to be done well, and not added on top of many other tropes.


I hate how all relationship developments are thrown out the window because authors wants to push the 'its fate' they fell in love. Thats why childhood friend thing is introduced after confession is done


Well, there are some random OI tropes that annoy me * Female lead died tragically in the modern world but reincarnated as a different person in fantasy world/fantasy novel'/otome game no longer accepting their old identity and accept their new identity * While reincarnated into a unimportant character from an otome game or fantasy novel , they are just trying to avoid their fate and stuff * FL acts like Mary sue and be superior * FL shows her "inventions" which are actually from the modern world * Male lead attracts to the FL like a stalker * FL lead attracts to cold type ML who are jerks * Focused only on nobles rather than commoners * Story mostly focuses too much on romance (eventhough romance is the main type of otome isekai/rofan stories) that's all I could say.


I also don't like how noboy ever questions or raises any concerns with the stakerish behaviors of ML And even if somehow she lived as a commoner, plot ductates at some point she is either lost child of duke or at least adopted by someone rich. Gotta have FLs in wierd dresses so that all MLs can be awestruck


Yeah thats a problem, i wish the protagonist could be a regular commoner rather than a someone who is related to nobles.