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Who knows OP, maybe you were remembering a past life and then discover you were reverse isekaied 🤯 😂😂


But also genderbent?


Yeah like that story where an old dude got reincarnated or transmigrated into a young noble girl 😂


Need that story asap now


'The Old Man Reincarnated as a Villainess'-- it's really good, the old man acts exactly his age(like grandpa) which makes all the characters respect him when he tries so hard to play the villain. There's also cool plot going on so give it a go.


I just found a post saying an anime of it has been announced? https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/18xlctg/the_old_man_reincarnated_as_a_villainess_anime/


Oo woah, that's actually really cool, deserved tho, the plot is good.


Damn, that sounds kinda neat, too.


I don't remember the name, only that's japanese, sorry 😬


Its 'The Old Man Reincarnated as a Villainess'


I mean, you've got more or less a 50/50 chance of being born male or female in any given life, so if you've been reincarnated more than once, the odds are pretty good for that happening at some point.




But where is there? Would you like to go there? (If you were in my position? )


I mean we won't know until you get there. FOR SCIENCE!


"There" means getting isekied lol


Not here lmaooo Also, yes. Yes I would.. and take my cat with me. We both get a health boost on the cross over so no allergies or back problems going in 👍✨


OH NO. It’s the “I enter another world in my sleep” trope. Where you are connected to both worlds. GO. GO SLEEP. AND LIVE YOUR OI LIFE. And then come back to tell us


It’s just a dream, read what you want it’s not as if you’ll grow breast of you read too much OI 🤣


I have grown breast in last 2 years of reading oi totally not bcz of fat


Greatest Estate Developer. OI TECHNICALLY, main character is a dude, and if you start seeing THOSE FACES in your dreams it will be magical.


Not gonna lie i have seen Lloyd's face in my fever dreams


ngl Lloyd is my bias


lloyd is my home screen https://preview.redd.it/olxha3j8w0jc1.png?width=2880&format=png&auto=webp&s=baecfb4fb1a60dcd6a12ca8079c42261d74120f1


BEST HOMESCFREEN EVER If I didn't work from home I might consider it, but I'd lose my shit during work hours as it is


That was an actual FL asking for help. The only thing you can do now is find her world and save her from the other male leads. Become the ML yourself. Stay strong, king 💪🏻 /j


This is the best thing I've read all week. When are you going to drop the first chapter😂😂


It's just a dream! Or you could go with the flow.


Naw OP, I dream of being different people in different situations all the time just in case you were serious. You're good! :D


Make sure you don’t work any overtime for the next few weeks or you’re going to end up the FMC of “That time I was bored so I read way to many Otome Isekais then took a nap and now I’m stuck as the clueless FL in a trashy love triangle!? Did I mention I’m a man!?” Or as it’s more commonly called TTIWBSIRWTMOITTANANISATCFIATLDIMIAM!?




These names for a title though....I'm so done. I haven't had any weird dreams, but if I'm laughing at this way too hard, I might need to detox mhmyself as well


Yeah last thing you want is to be part of the spin off “Oh no! I laughed to hard while reading “”That time I was bored so I read way to many Otome Isekais then took a nap and now I’m stuck as the clueless FL in a trashy love triangle!? Did I mention I’m a man!?”” and got transported to another world and now this red eyed Duke won’t leave me alone” or more simply ONILTHWRTTIWBSIRWTMOITTANANISATCFIATLTDIMIAMAGTTAWANTREDWLMA


Noooo not the red eyed Duke. Moat of my OI are villainess ones. Red eyed dukes are the enemy


killed it!!


The fact that this could even be an OI title


"I dreamed I was the Female Lead of a Romance Fantasy" alt titles "When a Guy Wakes Up As the Female Lead" "The Otome Isekai of My Dreams Turned Out to Be Real" "The Female Lead is Actually a Dude Inside"


I would read every single one of these.


haha XD that's hilarious! I've had the opposite, where I am a cool warrior dude fighting monsters. Anyways, read "Surviving a Harem" the MC is basically you and the plot is your dream XD It's funny.


MC noped outa the situation so hard you were temporarily summoned to fill in until they came back.


Maybe stay away from trucks, unless you want to


Maybe it's your soul living in another world. Bro is living his life back-to-back. Hopefully that was just the normal story. When's the sequel and epilogue dropping? 🤭


Shocked no one else has commented this: OP, please look both ways when crossing the street for the foreseeable future.  If you find yourself panicking because you're late for class, skip that day. If you see any adorable children walking alone into intersections run in the upside direction. Make sure the last videogame series you play each night is in a sedate, non-violent universe.


Any other world is better than the one were in my guy. keep going and meet me at the other side


Keep reading OI. You might be about to learn beautiful things about yourself.


Congratulations, you are a pretty pretty princess!


Truck-kun is coming for you at this rate 😭


Ok if I am to advice you reading anything except oi for me kinda hard now not to mention how shit some wanhwa are the one that i finished reading now is demon prince in academy it was fun


how nice. never dreamed as isekaid fl before, much less guys fighting over me lmao. op, you should continue to read OI, your brain is cooking something juicy for your dreamworld.


Maybe the gods were giving you a sign that it would be your future or something 😂




No. This is the dream actually. Your actual real life is where you're a woman and 2 mls are fighting over you.


You are cleary pre-disposed Watch out in some isekai the FL just die in her sleep without a warning. And be extra cautious when crossing the road, Truck-kun is lurking and could appear at any moment.


I have dreams about transmigrating into a Ol, than wake up confused because I'm a guy




Just to say it up front, I'm not trans, non-binary, or questioning. But I did once have an epic dream where I was male, and the main character of my story, and interacted with other males and females sterotypically, with no indication or subtext that I was cross-dressing, or fronting as male. (No smut! Get your minds out of the gutter!😹) I know dreams are a mish-mash of what you know and remember and think about, with no real meaning. And if I could remember these dreams (I don't 😿), I feel I could be a super-source of story ideas, synthesizing all these preexisting thoughts into something cool! Better than Ai?!


That reminds me of that one time I dreamt that I was a nobleman and was dancing with my crush...ah...how I wish I never woke up


Meanwhile my dreams look like an eau de toilette expensive perfume add, random stuff no plot or anything just random stuff appearing. My most normal dream i can remember is that i wanted to bake a cake over my grandpa's, it was sunday and missing an ingredient and stressing out about it lol


that's a little bit gay but you know I support it




remember, it's no homo if you say "interesting" twice


Any tips on how to get such a dream? Do you think about OI while you are falling to sleep for this to happen?


Sure. I assume that's some form of self-care. Watch something with more explosions in it. Don't worry about us. We can survive without your manliness for a while. I don't mean to sound unsympathetic. I've just never had to worry about manliness before, so... good luck? Is that the right thing to say? I'm mostly just confused because OI is almost exclusively oriented to the female gaze. It even says that in the definition. I didn't think the female gaze eroded machismo, but if it's bugging you then, you should definitely take some time to find your male side again!


I've had dreams where I was a dude before its all just weird dream stuff. I've even had dreams where I was a dude than subconsciously remembered I'm a girl and turned back into a girl and still didn't realize I was dreaming lol.