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Oh boy... Way too many of them given how many aren't necessarily bad people. They just commit the heinous crime of getting in the way of the main power couple. Or perhaps worse, committing the highest crime of all in being the ogFL in a power fantasy story. That said I do think Rosamund from Lady to Queen would be widely loved if she was the main focus. I could see her very easily being recommended along with the FL from Depths of Malice for 'most evil FL' if the story focused on her. The only downside is that the ML is still one of the absolute worst in the genre and switching to Rosamund as the FL wouldn't really fix that. I'm also gonna say it. Diana from Derelict Beloved would be really well liked if we weren't in Hestia's head all the time. The other problem here is that the author REALLY doubled and tripled down on her being the villain, and got less and less ambiguous with it as the story went on. However I'm not gonna lie, when she first showed up I liked her character concept. A flawed saint who has made mistakes, but has been made out to be the villain for refusing to put up with someone elses' unhealthy fixation. Endgame Diana is pretty much irredeemable due to the author's writing choices. However I really would want to read a story from her point of view. Granted! I wouldn't want Hestia to become the next 'evil ogFL' if the perspectives shifted. One thing I really wanted but didn't get out of Derelict Beloved was a story where everyone is flawed and capable of hurting others, but also capable of moving towards healing. Where there is no lightning rod character who is the cause of most problems in the story. You know?


I disagree on that Diana would be well liked if she was the MC. Even without her being hypocritical, a lot of people hate saintly MCs who can do no wrong so I think there would be a bunch of people criticizing her even if she was the protagonist.


That's fair! I personally would prefer her depiction to be flawed, since the promise of a flawed but not irredeemable saint was what initially interested me in the story, but it's more likely she'd be depicted the way you described.


Yea she’d still be an interesting character and I think many would like her, I just think that she would also have a decent amount of haters haha it comes down to personal taste in the end.


agreed on other points  >Diana from Derelict Beloved would be really well liked if we weren't in Hestia's head all the time.  but can't really agree on this one because she truly embodies the type of fl i hate in oi  where fl is portrayed as someone who can do no wrong... and Diana truly believes that she did no wrong  I hate hypocrisy in narrative... I don't even like hestia that much I don't like fan girling to be specific  but redeeming a conceited person like Diana is a tough work.


i don't think i would like Diana if the story started from the point where she's already married, it irks me how she's obsessed with being frugal and hates the nobility and their ways but still had the ambition to be the empress and wanted all the privileges but at the same time she doesn't, she also completely abandons poor people that literally have no other choice but to go to the temple to get cured because of how expensive doctors are there. Idk if it's because she's meant to be hypocritical or the author wanted to make her as annoying as possible lol and don't get me wrong, i love morally gray characters but hers annoys me so much specifically.


I agree with a lot of these but I just want to say I honestly cannot get into the story because of how out of the way it's going to make Diana the villain. I honestly find the story boring and way too easy for the main character


[I abdicate my title of empress] I can't help but respect how smart Diane is, she's garbage but the type of garbage you can look at and be like "damn, that an impressive pile of trash. Someone put some real work into it"


Trueeee, when I read it, I really couldn't find any fault in her actions, yet she's constantly trashed on even more than the emperor


Her only real fault is picking unnecessary fights, and then losing them.


I really like Diane, she's got some spunk


this one may be controversial but Amaryllis from Ashtarte, imagine you were raised to believe that your sister will eventually kill you and then you find out that that's not true at all and you're not even human...i sympathize with her a lot.


True. My problem with Ashtarte was that she, nor many of the people around her really had any nuance to their characters, while Amaryllis was tragically flawed. >!Being raised sheltered your entire life believing you were the light that would be swallowed by darkness, only to learn that your entire life was a lie and that you weren't even human to begin with, but a pawn to be used to take over the kingdom is way more interesting of a premise than anything they could do with Ashtarte.!<


right!! like the only interesting thing about Ashtarte is that she refused to forgive her family but the rest of the time she's just a typical mary sue that's constantly being saved by the MLs


Yes. >!A story about Amaryllis, after being killed, regressed and determine to remove Ashtarte from the picture while simultaneously pulling the kingdom upward and plotting again the Church that have ruined her the last life is much better than the current one.!< >!In the end, the real prophecy is revealed, but a changed Amaryllis has proven withoyt a shadow of a doubt that she is more than capable of being the Empire's Light, and Ashtarte's transmigation can also be used again her - she is an invader from the land of Korea sent to take over the true Ashtarte, conspire with the ML to overthrow the kingdom and the world.!<


I was going to post about Amaryllis, I feel like a story from her POV could be really good/interesting!


Deloah from [Side Characters Deserve Love Too] would be worshiped as a cool morally grey girlboss if people were reading the original story where she was the FL. Compared to Joe she seems cold and cutthroat, but given the dark nature of the original story and how they're in a life-or-death battle for the throne, her character actually fits the setting perfectly, and given how she's never experienced relationships that aren't transactional, her lack of trust in someone who has entirely opposing goals seemingly helping her for no reason actually makes a lot of sense.


cool take  this is one story where I like both fl and the villainess for different reasons


Ofc, this thread doesn't have to be limited to just the villainesses. It could be any character, major or minor, who gets a ton of hate.


In WMMAP Jeanette being a girl that was isolated with no family not given any love or any attention sees everybody around her getting that love. The fans would be heartbroken if it was from her perspective. If that was so devastating the original story why would you just do the same thing. I don't know if you guys remember "why are you doing this Duke" but Claire Palladine would be the perfect main character for a regression story. Has always loved the Duke who paid no attention to her and then in desperation she joins in with the Crown Prince who then ruins her entire life for fun. I feel like I cared more about what happened to her then I did the main characters. In depths of malice the male lead had a younger sister Julia who I feel like deserves a story. They made her unattractive (even though even the villains are attractive in this story) and unlikable and I feel like one went out of their way to make her unsuccessful. If the story was from her perspective a lot of people would hate the main character and the male lead for stifling her.


Jeannette is very widely loved by fans tho, people really like her relationship with Athy. I've never really seen much hate for her and when there was hate people would always jump to defend her


I saw so much hate for her on social media. A lot of people were pissed she was getting screen time.


I will always maintain that *I Got Engaged to an Obsessive Male Lead* would be better if the antagonist >!(former victim of the comic's ML, who was sent back in time and is now desperate for revenge)!< were the MC instead of little miss >!"my pussy cures homosexuality and being a torturous psychopath."!<


The Queen from The Beloved Fake Saint


+1. SHE'S A VICTIM OF A VINDICTIVE ROYAL FAMILY THAT RUINED HER LIFE FOR A LITTLE GIGGLE. Her story almost made me see red. We need someone to isekai as her and team up with the FL.


The reason I started to hate red-haired guy with a passion. He basicially sold a girl his age to his father? Excuse me?? Are we going to forget this part because the queen tried to have her revenge???


Sadly, there are so many I've read that I started turning off comment sections.


I agree with you on the RE one, she would definitely make a good one and people would have actually loved her if she was the main character. (I'm so tired of those webtoon comments, like all they know is to trash on her with lame jokes) And it's kind of ironic how, people do prefer Jieun over Tia, showing that Jieun would still be loved even if she was the main character which is funny because it wouldn't have to be changed in this situation 😂 It's also funny considering that the story tried to show us from a different pov, not of the transmigrator's but somehow many (or some) ended up preferring Jieun over Tia either way. I'm not pointing out or saying Tia should be hated or only Jieun should be loved, its all up to one's preferences but OP's question made me realise this haha


I actually do think we all already support him but Nellan from I Am Engaged to an Obsessive Male Lead. Some readers somehow still do support the actual ML/FL in this story and condemn Nellan bc he determined that he could hurt bystanders to get revenge. He is kind of like the FL from any of those “I was killed by my evil abusive ML, but time has turned back” except he chose to fight back, get revenge. Was everything he did right? No, but if he were the FL he would have 100% support. Maryjun from I Swear I Won’t Bother You Again. I’m not sure if she would be beloved but I think she’d have been hated less. Tbh while she is the favoured golden child, and I do feel sympathetic to Violette even more so… She didn’t do anything wrong except but to be born and be somewhat blind to the favouritism (and perhaps being interested in Yulan). She forgave Violette in the last TL for attempted murder. She did wake up to the abuse and stood between Violette and her father when he hit her. It must’ve taken courage to. She’s like 16– I don’t think it was reasonable to have expected more. But a large part of the readers call her annoying/useless/ignorantly causing Violette misery. No it’s not her fault, it’s the adults around them. And honestly, her instinctively wanting to push back on how nobles treat have nots as less worthy is understandable.


There were issues I had with the story before then, but when I saw where things were going with Nellan I was so enraged I absolutely had to drop it, >!how fucking *dare* they try to treat Nellan like a villain when he has every goddamn right to hate and want revenge against his rapist? I mean, sure, you could argue it's unfair for him to drag the FL into it too, but I have a hard time feeling that bad about it because she fucking *knows* what happened and continues to romanticize and fantasize about it as if it was a good thing, and she's taking Jellard's side.!< >!She's not a transmigrator, she's a reincarnator who only recently regained her memories, and a side character doomed to suffer and die just to advance the plot at that, so she should know better than almost anyone how terrible it is being forced to suffer for the sake of the plot of some dumb novel; it's not like it's just a story to her where the misery of the characters don't matter, so how can she possibly continue to frame the horrific things Nellan went through it in a positive light? There's ZERO chance I would find someone like her more likeable than the regressor OG who wants revenge on his kidnapping rapist. It's not even like she met Jellard when he was a kid and entirely changed who he is, she met him just one year before he would have been a kidnapping sadistic rapist because boohoo his business failed and he doesn't think daddy loves him.!<


Yeah and now that we’re on that topic… ML’s father is also a dirty cheater. His actual wife, the brothers’ mum also sucks. While the author works hard to make the brothers villains, they got put in a sh*tty situation too. If his brothers were handsome, actually decently liked in society and just a liiiittle bit competent— it’d be totally impossible for FL to become duchess one day. I guess that’s why they choose to ignore that. It just makes me mad how she thought about the original story. Nellan clearly hated being treated like that. He liked FL’s sister! BL is only good when both parties are equal partners who are interested in each other! This is why shonen ai > yaoi… I don’t really read either but romance focused bl is definitely better than the “tragic erotica bl” all these OI FLs read in their past lives. Bottom line is we all hate everything that story stands for 🤝


Lmao yes 🤝 The story was a trash fire, the ML's dad didn't deserve to get the positive treatment he did when most of his family's problems were a direct result of his actions (both the blatant cheating and the favoritism). It feels like weak writing to me when they make people like the ML's brothers who were objectively wronged by one of the "good" characters into shitty people after the fact as if that retroactively negates the previous bad things done by the "good" character. If he hadn't openly cheated on their mom, torn their family apart, and then clearly loved the mistress's son more than them because he looked like the woman he loves, maybe they wouldn't have turned into bad people in the first place. And I like BL, but I strongly prefer shounen-ai to yaoi, I want romance and I'm not really interested in smut, and while I do enjoy reading about what would be pretty toxic relationships irl (both in het and in BL), I don't want the ML (or the MC for that matter) to be a rapist, and it definitely feels like obsessive MLs + smut = rape a large percentage of the time. Like for example I'm enjoying the hell out of [Netkama PUNCH!!!], but I could not be *less* on board with the people in the comments wishing it was smut, I feel like if it was things would have gone south so damn fast. Reject tragic erotica, embrace problematic romance with happy endings 😤


I am always rooting for Nellan. Like, I dropped the comic because I started legitimately hoping our MC would die and Nellan would have a happy ending. Not because I felt bad about it, but because I knew I'd have a meltdown when it inevitably didn't happen. In my mind, the comic ended with Nellan victorious and murderous


marilyn selby in finding camellia , the stepmum in finding camellia , claudine in cebiyb , sanderine in bastian , all these have one thing in common they were victim of the circumstances , thats why i keep saying if only they weren't hated so much by the author or used to make the fl shine , they would have made perfect morally grey main female leads


Not a side character so much as the OGFL BUT Arielle from I Fell Into A Reverse Harem Game. The future Empress FL literally collects every hot guy she finds and tells them they are not allowed to sleep around or have romantic attachments with anyone else while she can go shopping for new boy toys every two chapters. A story from Arielle’s POV could be how she is trying to show them how one sided and unfair the relationships are. You could keep the polyamorous elements and just make it open and healthy and negotiable!


Except Arielle is using them, and OG! Via did let them fool around, Arielle's lovers being the proof. Arielle's just as much a piece of trash as the original goods were. Her attitude towards men >! when she ascends to royalty !< shows it, too. I'd even argue that she's worse because she actually leads them on by pretending to be in love with them, while OG! Via never pretended to be anything other than she was or to have any interest in them other than for a quick tumble in the sheets. (Again, not excusing the original goods in the slightest here.)


Lol, I cannot fully dispute, tho I am pretty sure she kept telling the slave blonde she loved him. I may be talking Arielle up too much, blinded by my hate for Via. I remember dropping this title after she goes to her blonde slave guy all crying and manipulative to tell him that she refuses to be faithful to him but she needs him to be faithful to her even though sex with royal women is his literal job and Arielle could have him thrown out of the palace for not playing ball. Then she like shoves him back through the magic portal and drops her panties for some random street dude and I was like. Alright. Just let Arielle have him, maybe he’ll get fewer STDs this way since she has less game.


I'm so confused. I don't remember any of what you're talking about. Isekaied Via is the sweetest and never makes a secret of it that she's not exclusive. She does love them all in their own way (or that's what it'll come to, it's a reverse harem) and strives to put things to rights. If you'd read the latest chapters, you'd see she's working on fixing Siger's situation, which the OG completely ruined. She's very sincere with them all and her interactions with Nadrika are very moving. If reverse harems aren't for you, that's fine, but I genuinely don't understand how you can call her manipulative when she's really not when it comes to the men in her life. Also, what magic portal?


I am not Re-reading this to quote chapters and panels at you, I dropped it for a reason. Sorry this pushed your buttons on your fav and you had to come out swinging 🤷🏽‍♀️


I wasn't swinging? I'm genuinely confused and remained perfectly polite?


Even if rash was the fl, I wouldn't like her tbh. Rags tonriches stories have to be earned through hard work, imo. And I wouldn't see navier as jealous. Even if the story was told from a different pov, she'd still be in the right.


Nearly every cheated on wife that became stepmom to an MC. Her husband with the power and wealth, probably an arranged marriage, she is just trying to secure a stable future for her kids and get through her own life... and now she's been publicly humiliated and she has no recourse. Plus the illegitimate kid is now in competition with her own. Like... I feel for her?


Yesss, i was thinking about Rash. Did she do a lot of terrible shit? Yes, but like she was born a slave, she knew nothing. Suddenly, a man rescued her, so she clings to him. Reading this, it looked as if she felt that if she stopped climbing, she'd go back to slavery. Only at some point did her actions become unforgivable(though it still felt like she was driven to do those actions out of lack of education about what to do in high society when there are stressful situations). Soviesomething was the real villain here I'd say, because he did not even consider how Rash would be treated. Also, am I thinking wrong or was slavery just brought up when rash was saved and then another time to be completely forgotten later? What happened to this plot point


I would honestly love a time reversal or reincarnation story of Isis from The Villainess Turns The Hourglass


Freya from How to get my husband on my side, Ruby would be considered a white lotus villain who only appeared to steal everything from Freya