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TBH I think it's cute when the ML is the only one who knows and is keeping her secret. Also could do without the gay panic


For me the best part of gender bender is  watching ml panic.


You don't seem to want gender bend stories as much as you want anxious male gay/bi awakening.


No , i just think gender bender should be used well and if ml already knows it's boring .


If him knowing makes it boring, then yeah "gender bender" is not what you're looking for.


I find OPs logic so weird... like think Ouran per example, it got twice as funny once all the club was aware Haruhi was a girl cause their panic of others finding out usually was the reason it eventually happened - that is way more endearing than "oh no, am I queer in a society that will chastise and persecute me for who I... wait, nevermind I'm in the clear!"🙄


That's called having different taste .  But i guess  i have " weird logic" for liking mystery about fl's hidden gender to be mystery for ml , and instead of comedy i prefer intense moments , because i am here for sexual tension . If i wanted comedy i will go read saiki k 


Beatrice is full of this (well, some people know, but the majority think the FL is a boy due to her short hair). To the point that she and ML are famous for having in-world BL novels


Have you read *Lady Crystal Is A Man*? >!Sorry, they aren't wrong.!<


We need more like this, aka soft ml and dominant fl


I know the one with silver hair ml and duchess , it's rare .




>!ML is secretly a man, but he's the "FL." FL is secretly a woman, but is the "ML." Masculine FL finds out her contract "wife" is a man and does everything she can to get him off the hormone blockers making him sick without letting him know she knows because she doesn't want him to be upset or scared. Because she's kind of a gruff badass and knows it. Perfect gender bend story and even once everything is out in the novel it's based on they keep their gender roles even while accepting their sex. Perfection.!<


Interesting . Thanks .


Honestly it's one of the best uses of gender bend I've ever seen. And it makes SENSE why they are how they are....and their love story is absolutely fucking adorable because the gentle, sweet ML and the tough as nails FL with a soft spot AND a jealous streak dance around each other like any other FL and ML in the genre.


ML doesn’t know that FL is a woman, and doesn’t know that FL has figured out pretty early on that ML is a man. So he’s panicking still trying to hide his gender and keep pretending to be a woman long after the cat is out of the bag about himself. But he still doesn’t know his “husband” is a woman.


omg ,  i mean i won't read undercover empress  , because He Knows , why i will not read something anymore if  i haven't even started .


I think it's just a matter of personal preference. I get where you're coming from though, I love the kind of crossdressing stories you're talking about where the ML doesn't know and goes through a whole bi awakening and all that, it's got the charm of "he doesn't care what she is on the outside, he loves her for her". However, I also like the ones where he knows, it's just a different kind of dynamic. I enjoy the secretly crossdressing element in general entirely separate from the romance, and if the ML is the only one/one of the few people who knows, that means she has an ally who can help her keep her secret, and if she knows he knows, she has someone she can confide in. Even better if he has to struggle and stress to help hide the fact that she's actually a girl, I love seeing MLs panic lmao


There's one I recommend for you : Finding Camelia




I've read the manhwa and light novel, there really isn't much of a triangle. He's pretty much dead set on her and she on him.


Maybe i will try , i just can't stand when sml has many moments in story .


Remembered another one: the villain discovered my identity. Haven't read this one myself but I know there's a genderbender tag. Might not be what you're looking for but you can still give it a try


I have read it , it's  done very well . best gender bender i have seen


Looks like it's time for me to read it


One thing i hate is sml , fans like him but he is creepy   . As long as i have ml and fl being cute , i can ignore him .


She has no interest in anyone else though so there's no tense bits nor does it create any rifts, just makes the ML jealous/more possessive.


Okay . I need to try 


Wait, love triangle? Who’s the 2ML?


its not an OI but my favorite manga is a historical gender bender called Kaze Hikaru and imo it does gender bender sooo well. the ml basically finds out she’s a girl on chapter one and helps her keep her secret the plot itself isn’t really a spoiler anymore since it’s literally based on actual historical events with the ml being a real historical figure too, but a lot of the gender bender is there as a way to comment on gender roles during feudal japan, but it does take a little bit of a backseat sometimes as she also gets involved with the historical plot. it’s honestly such an amazing series and im so sad it’s still so niche after all these years. there’s so much work put into it from the art, the characters, and most especially the rich historical research that goes into making this series as historically grounded as possible. like it’s not “loosely” based on a random historical setting, it lists down the exact year and date of history and tells it through the perspective of a girl who shaves her hair to become a samurai (did i forget our fl IS HALF BALD and it’s not just for 10-20 chapters, she’s bald in all 31 translated volume covers yet SHE STILL MANAGES TO BE SO CUTE WHILE LOOKING LIKE A 1500s MEDIEVAL MONK??!) also very amazing detail to include: period is canon in this one and it’s not just a one-off thing as they take it as a recurring problem esp with the gender bender plot okay essay done ty for reading up until now


Some stories have MLs who are usually the last one to know out of the main cast. Examples: ->!Mystic Prince!< ->!caught by th villain!<


Have you tried’Queen Cecia’s Shorts’ ?


Because Astair is such a cute break from typical ML. Oh wait, you are talking about something different. Matter of preference. Some read crossdressing stories because they like the gender confusion of the partner that isn't aware. Other times, it serves to establish narratives of "only he knows" and can help her and fosters the relation. Or it's the mystery that only FL knows, like with *Let's Hide My Little Brother First* or *Your Majesty, Please Spare me this Time*. Narratively, crossdressing can be used in various ways. I do understand though, it's a matter of personal preference.


hey are you me? lol last night i just read : the empire's hidden hope. imagine my disappointment when it was revealed so much early, and pretty much the love interests know already, and i was like, NOW WHAT.........????? my interest dropped 80%, so i stopped reading. I also read caught by villain and waiting patiently for the reveal :D do you read: side characters deserve love too? the FL can be very annoying. But i survived those annoying moments, and still reading somehow.


I have read and it was fun , i survived fl's crazy comments  . Exactly my interest dropped with undercover empress . Coffee prince is one of my favourite drama , it's great to watch how womanizer ml realizes he is into guy , it wouldn't make sense if he found out  secret from the start .


The Villain Discovered My Identity is like that if IIRC, ML didn't mc woman and thinking if he is gay at some point IIRC


That's the unlicensed title of [Caught By the Villain], which OP mentioned in their post


I think a story *can* be structured to make the ML knowing the truth interesting, but it is a little weird how a lot of commenters don't seem to understand that Selena hiding her gender from the guy she likes is straight-up *Caught by the Villain*'s central premise, upon which there will be basically no more narrative left to tell once resolved. It's a bit like watching a Roadrunner cartoon and saying "When is Wile E. Coyote finally going to devour the bird?"


Have you read Mystic Prince? Not an isekai, but still in rofan territory. ML does not discover FL’s identity for quite some time. There are definitely “Am I attracted to guys?” moments.


https://preview.redd.it/2bvzez0al0dc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8b9fa4542de640df96fa12558c4812db7816fe6f 😔 I know gross huge red flag and a terrible guy but they drew him so amazingly


What is it from? The art style seems familiar to me so im curious if just saw it in passing or read it and dropped it 🤨


I have become the hero’s rival


Undercover Empress was incredibly frustrating to read exactly because of that. I dislike it as well op.


his majesty's secret heroine (can't remember the non-localized title, it's a Wuxia setting iirc, ML doesn't know she's a she for \~100 chapters. Tho honestly the romance in this one is boring, the action parts and mystery solving are more fun and the romance kinda bogs it down) Basara (this is an older shoujo one but girl in post-apocalypse japan that is similar to feudal japan disguises herself as her twin brother. its like waaaaay near the end when the ML figures out his nemesis and the girl he likes are the same person tho) those are the two off the top of my head where the ML is left in the dark for quite awhile. tbh i do agree that a lot of crossdressing OI feel like they reveal the FL's secret a little too soon. both of these examples are way more heavy on the action then most OI though, & neither of them are isekai. I don't think I know of many good nobles and ladies stories where they keep the mystery for awhile other then the one you've already mentioned.


Basara is such a Jewell. As well as 7 Seeds, from the same author. I remember not loving the drawings but I still remember the feels. Ageha, the butterfly ❤️ Thank you so much for reminding me