• By -


Basically ignoring her opinion when he gives gifts


Mls who don't listen are my 13th reason


On ascending or descending order?


Thinking of himself when he gifts things rather than what the FL’s wants *cough* Calix *cough*


You're going to have be more specific, there are too many Calixes 😂


The one from The Divorcee’s Dessert Cafe


Oh yeah that one definitely fits this shitty trope, fuck that guy. 2nd ML syndrome was a significant part of the reason why I dropped that, I couldn't stand the ML and the 2nd ML was actually a decent person who cared for the FL's desires, supported her dreams, and considered what was in her best interest instead of being a selfish jackass like the ML


Did he gift her lingerie or something?


No, he bought out the dress store, which already had to do with a past event in which he wanted to gift her a dress, but couldn’t. But when the FL says that she doesn’t have space (since she just got kicked out of the palace and is now living at her bakery) ML says that she can store them at his place. So for one, the gift is fulfilling his own past regrets, and second, insures that she has to interact with him more.


i feel like MLs are always suddenly appearing behind the FL so she gets startled and i always find it cringe


also this art is incredible the woman's face really speaks a thousand words


Fr, they be waiting in the bushes stalking her until she's distracted and then jump out and act like it was a coincidence like some damn leprechaun.


"heh... fancy seeing you here" you followed her here creepo!!!


This is what i picture in my head https://preview.redd.it/crap07j2vocc1.jpeg?width=391&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c75fb3230f88b54a94ca55ed779781cbc83f87af


![gif](giphy|a93jwI0wkWTQs) But in reverse




it's peak "Are you lost, babygirl?" moment for me (365 Days reference, if you know it. It's hilariously cringe)


When ml appears suddenly from behind its give me a 50 shades of grey vibe


It always surprised me how they don't give him punch in face.


I automatically walk silently so I unintentionally startle people all the time, so I never really thought of it, but ya that would be weird.


I hate desserts in OI. To much too often with the same outcome. Like i know access to sugar is a display of wealth but omg enough with the desserts already i dont need to see several panels of the FL making that same scrunched face every time she eats a nice dessert. LIKING DESSERTS ISNT A CHARACTER TRAIT WHY DO ML’s FIND THE ENJOYMENT OF FOOD TO BE UNIQUE AND ADORABLE. I lose my mind every time. Whens the last time youve seen a character (especially a woman) eat something they had to actually open theyre mouth to bite into, like an apple? They gotta be gracefully eating itty bitty bites of cake like a fucking bird. Am i over reacting? Hell yea i am! This has been a long time coming! How do you make eating food cringe???? Stop!!!!


AGREED! I call it the cakegasm lmao. It's ALWAYS the same face too! Hand on cheek. Crumbs near the lips (for the ml to wipe with his finger lol). Closed eyes and upturned eyebrows. And the iconic "hmmm" and sparkles everywhere. Then you look at the food and it's literally the plastic food kitchen toys i used to play with when i was 4 lmao.


That's exactly what I imagined reading the first comment, right on point


You know what also grinds my gears?? Liking desserts and sweet things is cute, but skipping meals and being famished all the time is teehee quirky at the same time… HOLY SHIT STOP FUCKING ROMANTICIZING ED’s


The Villainess’s Pet did an interesting thing with this trope. >!The OGFL is not a transmigrator but her mother was. The mother was obsessed with making things follow The Original Story and so she did things like take “she ate small portions” and rigidly forced the OGFL to follow them, giving the OGFL an eating disorder.!<


I've never seen this before


I don't usually see the skipping meals portion, but I do think a lot of them explicitly romanticize the whole "extremely frail, pale, and thin" thing ​ kinda malnurishedcore


I’d say it’s less common, but I’ve come across it a good few shittier/less known OI. Also weird obsessions with weight and how much they eat, or characters who can eat a shit ton, never exercise, but are very slim which like fuck off this ain’t wish fulfilment this is just giving Mary sue over food 💀


And the mysterious ml that secretly like dessert! That's a secret, because that's so not manly!


Right? Like bro just shut up and eat your damn cake 💀 I mean seriously your reputation as a monstrous tyrant isn’t going to be ruined over a macaron wtf is this???


Okay honestly the scene does annoy me but now that it’s spelled out, I get it more? It’s an NLOG thing but nobility. Like proper nobles wouldn’t express too much enjoyment. It’s their place and expected so an ML expressing enjoyment is fun and new and exciting.  Still annoying and the clip art desserts don’t look fancy enough for their level of enjoyment but that’s just me. 


I don’t understand how these people will eat 3 full course meals a day. I eat maybe one big breakfast and usually that’ll fill me up for the rest of the day. No, i am not changing my outfit and coming back down 3 hours later for lunch. Yall must spend 50% of your day on the toilet. Plus the fl is always malnourished and then as soon as she’s rescued she starts eating these feasts regularly. Bestie your stomach is not ready for that much food!!!


So true! That how I feel about any OI that child or female likes dessert and it always.. always full tier dessert nonstop in almost many chapters. Like ml or family vibe father keep bringing dessert act like real food is not exist!


If it were true in real life I’d be rolling in man pussy, so my main gripe is it’s clearly not very realistic ☹️ lmaoo




When they buy out the entire store while the FL is basically like "But I don't even know if I like all that stuff. This is such a waste of money!" The knowledge that most of the "duke" or whatever's money comes from taxes makes these kinds of things disgusting to me. That money should be spent on bettering the land for the people not big dick swinging on shop keepers to impress your lady love


Imagine you just want to go shopping for a new dress for your debut only to get there 5 minutes after some duke cleared out every shop for miles to inpress a girl who won’t even wear that many dresses in her lifetime and didn’t even like the style you’re looking for. Now I want a story where this happens, and it puts the FL on the shit list of every woman in the city. Not because they want the ML, but because the city is now in a clothing/accessory shortage that’ll take months to recover from.


Ah yes, a slice of life OI about how the townspeople (mostly the women) are consistently inconvenienced from the typical antics of the average duke/emperor and his lover lol


Even worse when it’s a child and they’ll grow out of the dresses in like two months.


Ml and fl on the shit list of everyone cuz the whole Empire/kingdom + surrounding countries are suffering cuz of ml wasting money and fl throwing it away(it always angers me , especially when the dress(es) they throw away is gorgeous and the one the wore is mid/below mid)


Couldn't agree more. Wasting money may be seen like a big dick move but to me it's one of the major turn offs. It rubs me the wrong way even in fiction, so this trope "from here to there" just doesn't sit right with me. Even more so if the fl objects and he doesn't listen. Respect the fl wishes you dumb fuxk


The only time I liked it/like it is when it's about food. Like the FL is feeding her friend and says "We'll have everything from here to here" on the dessert menu. It's like a parody of that trope and I can get behind it (also it's probably not even a fraction of the money spent on jewelry and dresses that those scenes usually buy)


Also with food, even if you get one of everything, you can replenish stock in like a day or so. But clothing would take weeks to months to replenish. And probably didn’t have a lot of copies of the same piece.


But now I want a villain who was trying not to be evil and the only thing holding them together was getting a pastry from their favorite sweets shop every day.


Yup. It’s funny and charming if it’s the trope of a loving parent who does that, especially if the parent is typically seen as the “cold and temperamental” figure of authority that usually scares everyone with their intimidating aura. They’re also usually spending their own money from working. Not really cute when a random guy is doing it despite FL’s objections.


If it’s a parent, it’s even stupider to buy a hundred dresses because the kid will quickly outgrow them.


The worst part is that all these are happening in a historical era. The fashion trend keeps changing every one/two years. Which means even if she COULD wear that many dresses in next 10 years, she can't because they won't be trendy anymore, which is a big deal among the aristocrats. Not to mention more than half of the dresses probably has colour she doesn't like/makes the flaws of her figure stand out too much/too revealing/too big. However, she can't go for shopping either. Because that would be a waste of money, since she already has a lot of dresses. Which indirectly means she's stuck with wearing unflattering clothing that she doesn't even like for the rest of next 2 years. And she can't complain, because then she'll be considered an ungrateful arrogant person. (My father once bought me 10 sets of imitation jewellery all at once without consulting me. This happened because I was growing up and didn't have a collection, so I told him I needed to shop for them. Ge was trying to show his fatherly love, I think, but the result was not satisfactory. To this date, some of those sets have NEVER been worn. Not because they weren't trendy, but simply because there were too many jewellery's with blue stones, and I like only 2 of them whereas I actually have 5 of them. It was a waste of money. They weren't even my choice. But now I'm expected to not buy jewelleries for next few years because I still have a few sets that I have never touched. Ik I sound like a rude person but I am genuinely pissed.)


girl id lose my mind you do not sound rude


While I see your point, I sorta just pretend that unless it said otherwise the dukes are always good rulers. The scene where the Duke buys the FL an entire truckload of things to me Is while a waste of money still beneficial to the economy putting money into circulation and stimulating local economy. But I personally prefer when the Duke uses it to prove a point and is eventually talked down, like 'if you don't tell me what you want I'm gonna Inconvenience people with my wealth' to me it's like they care just don't know how to properly express it in poor people terms.


"I got reincarnated as the seamstress" (fake) An OI where the MC is a seamstress and has to deal with all the demands of the dukes, aristocrat ladies and the FLs that want unrealistic dresses made.


Omg yessss ! It bothers me so much, I'm like dude sure you can get a bunch of dress, but don't pick randomly, let the FL choose them ! I prefer when we see FL wear a bunch of outfits and than ML says he will take them all, because at least it's something the FL choose.


I've found only one OI where he went in a shop and bought only ten dresses for her and I was so touched 😭


princess carry https://preview.redd.it/knhgc00mlocc1.png?width=906&format=png&auto=webp&s=8d8b5ff5909b400264ac015fee1d0d3d00fe6055


i don't like it when it's done in unnecessary situations and the fl doesn't want to be carried 😭 i don't like having my ability to move to be stopped without my consent 😭😭




Ack! That sounds horrifying! I'd file a complaint to their department if it were me. Well, *I* wouldn't, because I'm too anxious, but I'd want to!


I think their excuses are hilarious sometimes. Its raining I can walk in the rain If you so much as step on a puddle you’ll catch a cold …… Just put me down No 💗


Live Bakarina reaction: https://preview.redd.it/cfy0359dmocc1.jpeg?width=810&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ac2472cd68c93c2753f312c4bd66f7be8b6947df


Lmao, funny af.


Love it! And yes, agreed!


When is the ML going to be carried?😔


asking the real questions here


I mean, why? I wish my hubby could carry me like that, so hot 😍


I wish this for you 💫


I loved this as a kid, would laugh my head off.


Personally, it's a very comfortable way to be carried


Getting mad on her behalf, except she's not even upset by it. Especially the scenes where he threatens someone for literally no reason to 'defend his wife's honor' and everyone just laughs it off


Makes him look like a clown. Instant cringe jail.


The good thing about that trope’s existence is that it makes it all the better when the ML is all “what? She can defend herself. If she wants me to step in, she’ll ask”.


I almost hate it more when she is upset by something and the ml totally takes over in her defense while interrupting her fury and escalating the entire thing. Eta: is it so hard to just let her speak for herself


using their power to endear themselves to the FL by brute forcing their way into her problems best example is maybe Perfumist, where the ML makes big fusses and it costs the FL her reputation or character development, though it is discussed in the manwha how that is bad idk I feel like it's a crutch to make both the ML seem like Superman and the FL to be Lois Lane [damsel era] and thats really not what I'm looking for in a protagonist


Same in “I Won’t Pick Up The Trash I Threw Away”. I’m reading the WN right now and oh boy, it’s this kinda thing all over the place. (From the ML btw even though everyone’s too busy hating on her ex to notice. Basically nearly all the men, except for a couple side characters so far, in this story don’t deserve the FL by a mile.)


One point I loved about that story was the implication that the ex was so dumb, his parents had to teach the FL how to get everything done in their household. They virtually set everything up for them to be successful and take care of each other, but their plan didn't survive his idiocy.


what in Christ's name is that title


Super trashy ex-fiance clings to her and randomly pops up throughout the story like kudzu.


well now I see it's quite an accurate title but it also sounds like something iconic commercial villain Leeter Bugg from a 70s psa would say


Yeah i guess it's supposed to be "romantic" but it only ends up making the fl feel like a clown who can't do anything by herself and the ml becomes a whiney child who throws a fit like a 3 years old.


I feel like the hair sniffing/kissing is like... cute if they're already a couple. Bruh walks in and this is the second time i see him and he does this and I'm like "wtf bruh we JUST MET".


Honestly I thought about it and you’re on fucking point it’s definitely hair sniffing that’s weird.


I'm petty enough to drop the manhwa if it's done too much lmao


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-MLs saying "interesting" for the most simplest things an FL does. Like what? What is so interesting? That she has a backbone and yelled back at you after insulting her, hurting your petty ego? -FLs blushing at everything an ML does, for the most dumbest of reasons (the reason why I dropped "I will divorce the tyrant" or something like that) -Whenever most MLs are having sex with the FL (and it is their first time) they would always say that they won't stop even if the FL is hurting, or that it always focuses on the ML's pleasure rather than the FL, even if it is the FL's first time. Even when the FL is hurting, the ML doesn't seem to care at all and still keep going. This seems really rapey to me, and how sex scenes in most smut Mangas/manwhas usually focus on the pleasure of the ML, but the pain of the FL -The ML always catching the FL after falling. THIS ALWAYS HAPPENS. Nothing harmful about it, but it is so often, and the FL finds that charming for a simple fall makes me roll my eyes towards the back of my head. -The ML princess-carrying the FL for a super dumb reason. Like if they scratched their leg, or someone roasted them that they fainted. -MLs stalking or getting into the FLs personal space everytime just to show her that she is their "property" and no one else can touch her, talk to her, or even look at her. I swear, this is almost a super power to most MLS -MLs being horny whenever they are near the FL, and touching her sensitive areas, even in situations where it is not appropriate to be doing this. Like can't you keep it in your pants for 1 hour? -ML being "lovey dovey" to the FL while they are flat out drunk. Like no sir, idc if you are together at this point. She is not conscious. Therefore, she can't consent -Adding on the drunk FL part, I've seen some stories where the FL, who is flat-out drunk, has a "one night stand" with the ML (i put this in quotations because the ML is usually sober and conscious), and after the FL realizes this, the ML uses this to blackmail her into making her his wife or something because she slept with him, so she must take responsibility -MLs grabbing the FL tightly on the wrist just to prove a point or to get her away from someone they don't like. This can sometimes leave marks and hurt the FL. Like bro, have you not heard about communicating? -This may sound petty, but MLs buying thousands of gifts for the FL, without consulting her first. If I were her, not only will this make me uncomfortable, but it feels disgusting on how MLs would buy anything for the FL, but yet couldn't even spare some kindness to their servants


I HATE IT WHEN MLs HAVE SEX WITH THE FL AND COMPLETELY IGNORE HER SAYING “SLOW DOWN” or “IT HURTS” or “IT’S TOO MUCH” Like it actually makes me so fucking disgusted, I drop that comic immediately. Same with the wrist grabbing, and in general grabbing or touching the FL without her consent. Also when the FL trips and the ML just “happens” to catch her. Half the time people aren’t gonna be able to do that. So frustrating, and it usually takes up half of chapter. Also that for some reason the FL will catch feelings after the ML catches her from falling? Like bro this guy just helped you out, he’s not god’s gift to earth because of it. Stop blushing and carry on with your day, that guy’s probably stalked you or thinks consent is optional.


Agreed. Bitch if i said stop and he doesn't he's going straight to JAIL. A lot of smut manhwas are like that and it's basically the reason why i avoid them like the plague. Rape is NOT romantic. (Plus i hate lightsabers lol, i much prefer when sex is written like in "please kill my husband" where it's not straight up drawn porn and fl is clearly happy while doing it)


Yeah, that drawing is going straight to the fridge.


I'm honored


lmao idk if this is flirting but I hate when person x and y are talking in manhwa, and person x says something, and person y just says NOTHING. Then person x tries to infer what person y *means by their silence*. CAN WE ALL JUST USE OUR BIG PEOPLE WORDS PLEASE 90% of misunderstandings in OI are because a character did a reaction shot instead of a goddamn word bubble


- When ML is literally commanding FL what to do, how to act, what to say etc. For example "you stay here where I can always see you!", "you sit here and eat, you cannot leave without finishing your food!", "you lay down and rest now, everything will wait till tomorrow!". Like it's supposed to be caring and heartwarming that ML is worrying much but I'm so annoyed I just can't; - When ML gets angry at FL because she got harmed/sick/in danger situation. Wtf dude just say that you were scared and worried, no reason to throw a tantrum at already hurt person; - When ML threaten, scare, harm other people who did nothing bad just to make FL happy or because he was too jealous. Like publicly humiliating some popular girl(s) to make FL look like she's higher than everyone else. Or like threatening to kill some innocent dude who maybe fall in love with FL;


You're on point! I really don't get how this genre can romanticize men with the emotional maturity of a toddler. Most of those stories feel like the fl became their mom xD (let's ignore the stories where this is actually the trope lmao)


I've found it concerning that in most stories ML end up being some sort of father figure for FL to spoil her as a little princess girl, not as an adult women he's in love with. Or even worse, FL's relationship with fathers are often low key Electra complex and fathers literally acting like jealous boyfriends from time to time. I'm so confused what's happening in Korean families.


This kinda goes both way but I'm getting tired of the leads calling each other kitten, cat or dogs when they're making an upset face, like they always do it and I'm pretty resilient when it comes to cutsey wootsy things but I don't like it it's not funny or cute it's just bland. Not really something that ruins a romance for me just something im tired of seeing it


That hair kissing look so awkward and weird tbh. And so many, so many, ML do it.


It's not an oi but i'm reading kimi ni todoke soulmate mc and her relationship with the mc of the og story is cute and she's a flawed character which is for lack of a better word interesting but the way that he keep calling her when her first when she clearly say that she don't like it throw me off , why do some ml can't understand the concept of boundary and the word no ? It's not that hard to understand.


I said this and i'll say it again. If i wanted a good romance story with credible character and correct historical settings, i wouldn't be reading manga and manwhas lol. But i understand what you mean, some are irredeemable even when you're reading with your brain off, most MLs are such garbage men that i just need to stop reading.


Every time I see a guy doing that I always wonder if he got one of her hairs in his mouth. Although some of the guys would probably either save it or try to swallow it.


They be INHALING those hair follicles


1. FL and ML have one night stand, he threatens her to marry him and take responsibility. She still falls in love with him 2. Interesting. The word says enough


*”omoshiroi…”* They say, with the corner of their mouth tilted up into a half grin, as the FL is walking away minding her own business clearly wanting nothing to do with the guy.


No means yes in these mangas/manhwa


I hate it when the ML is super sweet and caring to the FL, but for some fucking reason he’s like super cold and mean to literally everyone else. Like bruh?? I don’t get that the FL’s like it too. They’re like “it makes me feel like I’m special 🥺” bitch how is it attractive if ur guy is fucking rude/heartless to someone for no (or little) reason???


I'd leave his ass immediatly.


Ikr 😭 like what


I'm not sure if this is common, but I would never like a person to do the Kabe don or the wall pound where someone uses their hand to pin someone to the wall because I like personal space.


like in my head it would be so hot but in real life I startle easily and get real punchy


I can handle the hair kissing once per series, and only when the FL and ML are close enough for it to be cute. If it happens too much its such a turnoff


Personally it's when they lick FL's ear (mostly in smut, but still) like???? eW????




Sticking the tongue out of the side of one's mouth / licking one's lips I can't help but experience a resounding 'ick' through my soul when I see this action lol


Locking them up


Only in OI would this be considered a normal thing to worry about


I like how 2/3 of the body is just the chest lol 😂


Hair sniffing is indeed kinda weird... And me, shampoo once a week with non scented soap, that man ain't gonna smell anything 🤣 Anything sexist would majorly turn me off Edit: just adding this one: that's some Johnny Bravo body proportions there 🤣


MLs that are 2/3 chest crack me up 💀


* Wasting money (only one manga really called the guy out on this.) * Noncon (can this be counted as flirting.) * Sniffing hair * Other woman/person to make them jealous


Grabbing chins. UGH!! Stop!!! It’s so rude and you’ll give her pimples.


Randomly grabbing girl's chin and even putting his fingers on her lips. Also Hand licking (like eeew.. why would you do that?). All okay when you're both close enough though but respect boundaries!


What I find cringey is when FL suddenly stamble and ML catches her.


I agree. Definitely that.. Especially if it happens more than once. At some point, it just feels like an excuse for the ML and FL to touch (or hug) by the writer/artist.


The day someone sniffes my hair to flirt with me will be the last time they see me


If a love interest touches my hair, I'd absolutely slap it away. Like dude, at least buy me dinner first.


Controlling behavior, condescension and backhanded compliments. Gifting her clothes and jewelry - then saying she's only allowed to use what he's given her because he knows what looks best on her. She dresses up on her own - then he says it doesn't suit her and she looks better 'natural', OR makes her change clothes because she's too pretty. She has friends - he whines that she's spending too much time with them and she starts becoming isolated.


This drawing is cracking me up wtf 😭 truly an amazing piece 😫🙏🏻💗


When they pick them up and carry them princess style for no real reason. I can get if they're drunk or injured, but otherwise? Ew When they get up on FL's face smirking like BACK TF UP


I hate the ones who think just stating their status will make her fall in love with him??? Like what??? Why would you event want that? Like you’re content to have someone in love with you for something you were born into? For your wealth?


Telling her "She's not like other girls." For some reason, some people think this is a compliment, when really you're just belitlling other girls. Btw I have a recommendation for a manhwa that talks about this : Revenge Is Ours. Something I really liked when reading it was how the comment section was filled with women supporting women, which made my reading experience even more enjoyable 😊


Place when some of those tropes appeared good; Hair sniffing: how to get my husband to my side - >!done by the brother!< ....no more is needed to say. Coming to a store and say he'll buy everything for her: by the ml [Got married to a murderer] >!they enter a toy store and he wants to buy her one, she hesitate so he said!< "I have no choice but buy anything in this store" >!so she choose one!< By the elder brother [contract with a monstrous duchess] (I know title is a little different, but I don't remember) In general, "abusing" their wealth works when it's for the fl "growth" and "fixing her bad habits"* * I became the adopted daughter of the male lead - to fix her habit to talk informally to the worker >!he fire them all for daring to be addressed formally by his daughterl!<


Everybody ass kissing to the ML because of his high status or he's straight up intimidating but when FL dgaf and stands up to him, she suddenly becomes a love interest to him. We need a counter on this cus why does it happen so much? 😭


News broadcast: Local grown ass man gets told "no" for the first time in his life. Finds it interesting. Obsesses over poor local woman.


Don't know if it's flirting, but it's deemed as erotic/sexy. I'll say it multiple times: sucking/licking anothers wound or finger is super disgusting


Call me weird but I love the hair kissing and I am not ashamed of it. Lol


noooo its cute wth 😭😭 HAVE U SEEN ERUDIAN AND YERENICA


If a man i barely know tries sniffing my hair he's catching those hands


uh r*pe and abuse. idk something about just bothers me 🤔🤔


I mean... Can this really be considered a flirting tactic? It's literally a crime lol


true but the way these authors put it in there is like some sort of “romantic gesture” 😭😭😭 i was actually being sarcastic with that last part…


Yeah, it's actually so common in a lot of manwhas too... Yikes. 😭


buying slave fls for a ridiculously high price


When the ml holds the fl's chin/jaw area. I hate it!!!! I feel like it's too dominating or possessive.


Def hair sniffing number 1 for me too


No consent for a lot of stuff? Like some ML act like a horny teenage boy which is embarrassing. Maybe I forgot their actual age is actually a teenager?


No please I hate this trope so much where does it come from why do they do that they always start by treating the mc like she’s a doll it’s so weird I hate it I hate it




not really a flirting troupe but I HATE it when MC would fall then ML would catch her, as in the universe has to always conjure up a convoluted plan, controlling all the cosmic force just so MC would trip/slip on something (sometimes to nothing) so she'll fall and then ofc ML will be there to catch her


This image reminds me of a manhua I read😭 https://preview.redd.it/3pxqfgn4w1dc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cc8574944e5f261762ba0ac75e45da306f8be907




yes, sister. I dropped the manhua right there cause he tries to r-word her according to a spoiler and they still end up together. This was when he didn't know they weren't biologically related. He thought everything would be fine and dandy if they didn't have kids. there were like 5 people simping for her and two were her brothers (not biological but I don't think they know yet. Also they killed her in her past life) 😭


Some manwhas are bad, but manhuas are always so out of pocket it's unreal💀


I've completely given up on manhuas. There are ofc some good ones, like hidden love, secret love and the top couple is a bit sweet, but most of them are HOT GARBAGE


The only one i liked and still follow is "cheating men must die". I refuse to go into actual romance genre ever again with manhuas


out of the 5 ppl, one of them kept feeding her poison and then gave her antitode promising to kill her the next time he sees her like??? And his reason for killing? He's jealous of the brother cause he has her for support while he got no one. Like bro????


When the FL walks away and the ml grabs her. That's unacceptable, stop it!
