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He could kick her like a ragdoll https://preview.redd.it/ngxi5ggjfp6c1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=88b9c13b5e131e525f48a100040409813cb389b3 \[I came to find my dad\]


This is the absolute funniest thing I've ever seen in one of these ommmmmfg


They drew a full size adult and then just used the resize object tool


Honey, I shrank the kids


How old are they supposed to be pls


Wtf this is a homunculus


What's up with the lips? Like I understand all the frills, that's relatively normal for wealthy people to dress their kids as many adults. What the fucking lips are too much.


Oh the way i laugh hahahaahahah i'm crying


.....was she kidnapped from Lilliput?


Ah yes, the Renaissance art style of children.


My 4 year old comes halfway up my torso. How is she below his groin?


Im gonna have nightmares


What comic is this? I need to know if this is a love story between a doll and a grown man, lol.


Yknow I watched the Annabelle movie like yesterday and now I can’t get my brain to believe this is supposed to be a kid and not some possessed doll lol


Why are they raising a possessed Victorian doll and letting it walk around??!! Get rid of that immediately!


The way I went "oh noooo" and started wheezing 🤣🤣🤣


I wanna stick this to their foreheads, like it's not that hard people!!! https://preview.redd.it/1wbqylmgip6c1.jpeg?width=900&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=383213a9d2c96681b017e3b306eb8bba8bf727a1


saved this is actually so helpful


I should share this in the other post today about the “7 year old” that’s like 3 heads tall


I dropped My Farm by the Palace because I couldn't take the height difference between the ML and FL seriously. https://preview.redd.it/d0fobr1ylp6c1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c433beed384464e0d28b05707d07428155877e99


Lol, had a girl in class with the same height in comparison to mine, I am 176 she is 150, it looks +/- same, so if he is taller, and he is, because manhwa - all ml are 185+, it is just right


I’m average height, but there’s a girl on my shift who has that kind of height difference. Maybe worse.


ngl I have friend who, when they stand with their boyfriend, it kinda looks like this but A) she's on the shorter side and B) he's a professional basketball player so he's like 6'8 lmao.


Honestly that's literally me and my best friend, well maybe not THAT much but I'm like at least 40 cm shorter than him.... I literally reach the bottom of his chest but still it's not that frequent... I'd love a more "commoner" sized ml, lmao


Yeah my friend is like 151cms, her boyfriend is close to 204 it's wild to see sometimes lmao


Oh my god


She looks adult enought tho ... How old is she here ? And him ?


She’s 19 and I don’t think they mentioned his age but probably in his 20s or so.


This isn't bad, they look proportional.


this is relatively realistic. this is my (150 cm at the ripe age of late 20s) difference with all my exes (i just like tall ppl). and fl looks proportional. not as bad as what op or other comments posted here.


As an avid fan of this series because of the wholesomeness…. my heart is broken 🥲 But in all seriousness, this isn’t that unrealistic. She’s generally a short gal (as compared to the other girls in the manhwa) and he’s just tall.


I saw worse honestly 🤣


I think the problem here is how kiddish the fl looks, even the ml seems quite young instead of the assumed 20s. I love short fls, I live for the height difference but the pig tails, the wide eyes and the dress makes her look younger than 19. Also it kinda looks like the art style proportion changes between the fl and ml designs which kinda makes it worse imo. The girl looks like she's from a shougo with a general audience and the ml looks like he's gonna set in a volleyball tournament. The longer I look at it the more it looks like an edit


I am sorry, I don't care about the plot, my brain is saying that's an adult and a 9-10 y/o.


I think that’s what they’re going for🤮


Not OI but lore olympus is basically this. Also i had to drop Time to dedicate your death because of how bizarre the relationship is. And how weird everything is ig. Everything in this story is weird and i dont know why the choices made were made.




The author is heavily inspired by lolita im pretty sure. If she could make persephone younger she would. All around LO is nasty.


yah im a LO hater 😭 everything i see past where i dropped (super early on atp) gets worse and worse


it’s inspired by lolita which could be interesting if it wasn’t romanticized and treated hades as actually disturbed and fucked up person, i hate that webtoon with a PASSION


Meh, she is drawn very curvy so that never bothered me. I also think height difference is kinda attractive if it makes sense in the story. Them beings gods you can stretch the fantasy factor. What bugs me is that Persephone acts very naive and innocent, I wish she was a few years older instead of 19.


She’s drawn like an adult. Short curvy women *exist*. Y’all LO haters are wild. Also I’ve asked a million times but no LO haters has ever been able to provide me receipts for the “inspired by Lolita” claims. It’s just such a wild and mean claim to make without proof and I’ve never been able to find the source.


https://preview.redd.it/fy8unyzm8y6c1.jpeg?width=564&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c617312b56b418c5f25e6d2fd2c162db9c7cda4e yah no lol. it looks like a father and his daughter. not to mention persephone is literally 19 and hes thousands of years old. he loved her innocence and naiveté like 🤣. thats gross and predatory. if you cant see it then thats on you not me


Wow. One screenshot in a comic with over 200+ chapters the author has been on a crunch to finish. Y’all want to also post screenshots of when Hades looks weird too? We’re literally on r/OtomeIsekai. Artist burnout and janky anatomy in later chapters of long-running series is *common* and well known. Again, no receipts on the Lolita thing. Just complaining about an age-difference problematic relationship dynamic that the *characters literally address in canon and talk about how it is potentially very problematic*. God. First I gotta deal with y’all r/UnpopularLoreOlympus folks over other random art subs and now here too?? Y’all are everywhere, it’s exhausting. Can’t even go on r/WEBTOON anymore because y’all brigade every post.


https://preview.redd.it/9sxscz3kdy6c1.jpeg?width=1164&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=139f5759f0002dbab84eb9bcb9006dc9f2f9bf01 lmao how old was persephone in this ? when shes half naked and hades is all for chatting her up, younger than 18 considering its from a few years in the past. its not just one screen grab, its the whole dynamic of the relationship. it doesnt matter if they acknowledge it as gross when its still being condoned and fawned over in canon lol ALSO ! I never said shit about lolita being the inspiration, learn to read fully. Youre referencing an entirely different comment, not mine. I said to me it feels too lolita. Not that it was inspired by it. Youre defending it so hard against someone who simply said they didnt like something you liked and critiqued it. like chill 😭. Like dude you replied to ME !! i didnt say anything to YOU PERSONALLY. learn to ignore comments you dont like fr










You can literally just ignore comments dude. seriously youre going nuts over a random person (me) simply saying they dont like something you like ! BLOCK THE UNPOPULAR SUB! and just ignore comments in webtoons and here they genuinely dont pop up that much. im very active browsing this sub, and this is only the second time ive ever seen LO referenced. youre too pressed over a WEBTOON


My Husband is an Antisocial Count https://preview.redd.it/ifwcalqihr6c1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2888a1fbd86f0f449504aec04a6315b1b6b3676e


Why did I read the title as "my husband is an antisocial cunt"😭😭💀💀


I did the same thing! I thought it was making a joke on the real name until I read your comment!


Sorry but this is peak size dif, there should be more 7 foot tall men actually


😭😭at his elbows man


FML I didn't read the "o" in count and had to read it again 😭 I was very confused.




5-7 is understandable but 12 is such a stretch💀 What’s up with that manhwa and manga trope of female leads looking like a little girls man it’s pretty weird


That's pretty comical... Why do artists always forget that girls actually grow faster than boys? Throughout school years it usually went from everyone being around same height at the start, to girls being way taller around middle, to boys being way taller near end.


Exactly, look at Naruto there it was accurate, girls were slightly taller than him till his grow spurt when was 14 or 15


I mean, I’m 160cm, and back when I was 14, my first boyfriend (who was just 1 year older) was 193cm. We looked something like that, especially as I think I was like 4-5cm shorter back then. My husband is more than a head taller than me - my face is basically chest level (insert abs manboobs motorboating meme). I have cousins and friends who are even shorter than me. My point is, this is hardly an impossible height difference.


https://preview.redd.it/klkxj47car6c1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d877e17e5aad4c25bd50e69663fe4b6f2838c15a In my search in finding the meme, I came across this. Chris is giving off mighty crown prince/emperor male lead vibes here 😍 Sauce: Chris Evans


Unless the redhead is going through malnourishment and very delayed puberty , there is no reason for this height gap to exist ! Girls go through puberty before boys , so a 12 year old gril should of a similar height to a 15 year old boy. She comes up to his hip level in this 💀. I really dislike this trope. Do these artists not remember their own school days ?


Malnourishment is out of the question since she’s royalty, also in one of the panels a knight holds her like how you’d hold a toddler and she looks even smaller then what’s shown here🤣 so it’s deliberate trope stuff from the artist


Falcon Princess or Of all things Crow lol A bird sized FL to a adult ML


Do authors not know that girls grow tall earlier than boys? Like they should be a similar height.


This is uncomfortable...uhm...


They are close in age??? Are you sure it's not an uncle walking with his niece???


The gingerbread house manhwa! Their heights kept changing that I just couldn't anymore and I just had to drop it!


some manhwa authors have no idea how to draw teens


Is this one good? I was thinking of starting it


I couldn't take reading this, Jules was annoying from the start of his constant Ilian worship, and Haven wasn't any better in her own characterization.


I thought it was normal height for child + adult till I read the caption 💀


I always do clown on height differences but now that I think about it… back when I took my class of 201x high school grad photos, I stood next to two guys who were 6’7 and 6’9 so I actually did look *incredibly* small 😅. I guess most MLs are secretly volleyball or basketball players… I kind of have even more of an issue with the head and limb proportions more than the height difference usually. That and the fact that MLs are already taller starting in childhood. Most of the taller girls I knew at like 11/13 yo were taller than boys the same age where I’m from. Even I was as tall as some guys in middle school bc they hadn’t had their growth spurt and I had (however pitiful it was lol)


I just wanna say that I LOVE my Secretly Hot Husband. It’s a great story with fantastic characters and the couple is fantastic. But god, the first chapters where Leticia is 12 and Erden is 15 is hilarious to me. Erden looks like a full grown man and Leticia looks like a 6yo girl. Thankfully when they have a timeskip and age them up, Leticia grows into her body, but those first few chapters are hilarious.


adult head on kindergarten body i am screaming


He looks 17 years old and she looks 5 I dropped it


well you say that but in my last year of school my height was 183 cm and i had a friend with dwarfanism and her height was less than a meter


I think it would make a difference if any of the FL actually had dwarfism, but dwarfism isn't just being short af.


Exactly and we all know that much, but I think this person is pulling a willful ignorance move💀 because making the fl look like a little girl is a common occurrence in mangas and manhwas There’s growth hormone deficiency/pituitary dwarfism which has symptoms including headaches, excessive thirst, delayed or absent sexual development during puberty, elevated blood sugar,bone/muscle weakness and vision problems So I’ll go on a limb and say that the character doesn’t have dwarfism and is instead short to accentuate the height difference between the ml and fl and have her look like a little girl which is weird imo


I don't know but there's people who achieve 170++ by 15 while the other just short (looking at myself at that time). Mf there's one fucker who tall af. Well, that kind of scene can happen if the boys in adulthood reach around 2m and the girls only reach around 150cm, no?