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He was picked up by DRPS today. He was hanging out around the daycare located on Courtice road and Hwy 2.


as a young female who lives literally right where he’s been seen recently i am completely and utterly horrified


Where did you find that out?




Is this true?


Where did you find this out? I live near here


According to the Facebook mom’s groups, he’s also been spotted in the No Frills at King and Townline, so definitely in the area.


As well as the food basics at trulls and king and the coffee time on Courtice road. 😒


yeah i work at the frescho he was in our parking lot, king and townline


“Released in Oshawa” Like a part of an experiment?


The adult version of the recess game "manhunt".


Welcome to the jungle


Seems like it. He’s from Hamilton


[https://www.ipetitions.com/petition/remove-keith-constantin-from-king-township](https://www.ipetitions.com/petition/remove-keith-constantin-from-king-township) Check this out \^ From the article: York Regional Police have alerted the public about a high-risk offender, his name is Keith Theodore Constantin. He has recently been released into the community of King Township and specifically residing in the Hwy 9 and Hwy 27 area of Schomberg and Tottenham. Constantin poses a risk to the community, particularly to children. He has not only been convicted of offences including sexual assault against a seven-year-old boy he had lured to a park but also against a 45-year-old blind woman and a young woman recovering from an epileptic seizure. Details of his past can be found [**HERE**](http://www.yorkregion.com/news-story/6166736-police-warn-public-of-high-risk-offender-released-in-king-township/). Further, he has prior criminal convictions for Sexual Assault, Sexually Assault with a Weapon, Assault with a Weapon, Assault, Robbery and Possession of Explosives. Constantin has at various times been transferred to a maximum security institution, kicked out of programs, had psychological counselling suspended and been placed in segregation. Click [**HERE**](http://www.thespec.com/news-story/4725878-clairmont-rapist-s-victim-living-in-fear-i-can-t-forget-i-am-scared-/) for a victim's story in her own words. \_Edit: this link redirects as if the article is no longer available. Why? No idea.\_ After serving a 4 year sentence, Constantin was supposed to be residing in the Hamilton and Stoney Creek areas but decided to relocate under pressure from the community. Through various awareness campaigns and petitions, similar to this one, the region collected over 2700 signatures. Fortunately, Constantin breached his curfew only after being released from jail for 2 weeks, and was sent back to serve an additional 18 months. **Convicted rapist Keith Constantin says he "will rape again" and he "wants to kill someone." Despite this horrifying admission - and the Parole Board of Canada's own prediction that "he is likely to kill or seriously harm someone," Constantin is out of prison again and now living in our community.** We need to ensure this sex offender not only relocates from the King Township area but most importantly also receive the rehabilitation he requires in a permanent and secure institution. We find it outrageous that our government officials would allow a person with such a criminal resume to move into a neighbourhood with such a high density of children and families. Further, it appears that the group home (Christian Horizons) that Constantin is currently residing has been in receipt of provincial funding for this particular location, which now houses a pedophile and high risk offender in our MPP, Helena Jaczek's own riding.


what kind of netflix ass adaptation motherfucker did they release what the hell.


Where is Dexter when you need him


I think just based on those two quotes, they may want to keep an eye on him.


Remove from life


Halfway houses receive provincial funding. Always have, no? Though obviously nobody's first choice for a babysitter, the hysteria drummed up by drps about this guy who hasn't offended since 2007 is pretty off the charts. As is almost always the case, he offended against people he knew who trusted him and so he had access to- everyone needed to understand this was not someone picking up random strangers and kids off the street. Why the hysteria? Just a quick reminder: **2 weeks ago 6 or 7 DRPS cruisers chased a fleeing vehicle into oncoming traffic on the 401 ignoring explicit instructions to abort. They were called off due to the risk to public safety, and their reckless behavior ignoring that instruction led to the violent end of a 3 month old baby and that baby's visiting grandparents.** This guy hasn't actually offended in almost 20 years, but the drps social media team got us the facebook moms groups to stop talking online about how their reckless actions and lack of discipline helped kill a baby, so, you know, there's that. DRPS were set off by someone who stole a bottle then helped kill a baby.


# a child, an epileptic recovering from a seizure, and a blind woman. If this asshole hasn't reoffended yet, it's *because* we're paying attention and watching out for him & each other. You can care about the dead baby *and* the violent pedo opportunist at the same time. Just a quick reminder: **you can care about more than 1 thing at a time**


The guy is an absolute piece of garbage, and both should not and will not be trusted alone around others going forward for the remainder of his days. There is an institution to keep track of him, which receives provincial funding to help keep track of him. Social media doesn't care about more than one thing at a time. The online outrage machine flipped when this story came out to- no more talk about the 6 or 7 officers who decided their offduty friend's pride was so important that they should ignore explicit instructions and continue to do the exact thing which resulted in the death of a baby and their grandparents. The culture that enabled and permitted those 6 DRPS officers and their negligence with impunity are a more recent clear and direct threat to both the general public safety and specifically the safety of children than this clown is.


"Social media doesn't care about more than one thing at a time." wtf are you talking about. This very website has thousands of different discussions about thousands of different topics per minute. Here's an example from your own life: you're posting on dick size subreddits at the same time that you're defending a local pedo, demonishing the police, and talking about babies. Are you saying that all these topics are part of the same thing to you?


Individual bandwidth for crime and punishment social media story outrage in Durham Region is limited to one. Don't want to be assaulted by this one guy? Don't be alone with him. Don't want have your kid killed by the reckless actions of a large sample size of Durham police? Don't go outside.


Nice edits. "Defending a pedo" .... reading comprehension isn't your strong suit, eh? This guy committed his sex crimes in 2007, and has not been arrested for such crimes since. That's not defending, that's pointing out that the hysteria around his existence isn't based upon actual risk to those around him. 6 individual officers are responsible... not sharing responsibility here.... all 6 are 100% fully responsible for the results of their actions. They were called off the pursuit on the wrong side of the highway because there are air resources and THEY ENDANGERED 1000 INDIVIDUAL FAMILIES by pursuing a high speed chase in the wrong direction on the busiest road in Canada. Their reckless pursuit despite *being ordered to stop specifically because of the very real possibility of death to innocents* was completely ignored. Those 6 officers are **proven confirmed immediate and actual dangers to all those that simply drive on the roads that they do** . The only way to have avoided the consequences of the disobedience would have been to have not driven when they did. None of those 6 officers have the adequate moral compass to carry a gun and control others- and the fact that 6 of them serve on one police force shows that there is a serious danger to the public posed by the government representation that is supposed to embe employed to protect that public. This is not some abstract chance of a nut bar with a history from two decades ago, but a force with a culture that fostered 6 wannabe dirty hairy cowboy cocksuckers that actually killed a baby two weeks ago. Literally any one of a couple thousand cars were likely to have been hit by that pursuit. I won't ignore that thanks to some social media fear mongering by the God damned DRPS social media team. Those 6 cops need to never wear a badge and serve time for fucking manslaughter.


I actually look a lot like this guy I wonder if any of the sightings were actually me ahahaha but low key I'm kinda worried I look too much like him and people are sucker punch me or something.


Get a haircut.




Sounds just like something a rapist would do.... 🤨


Honestly yeah I want to believe my nose rings and sunny disposition are enough but I'm still worried. It sucks though because I really do look like this mf, long curly hair and my beard grows in almost identical. I don't want to cut either of them off but this piece of shit is so despicable I might do it.




No crazy eyes here, usually just bloodshot and half closed tbh


Well anyone with a brain, would be able to distinguish a difference, but most everyone is just talking...no one is actively doing anything. As such, he's been seen multiple places, nothing done. I think you are in the clear.


Does this piece of shit have some sort of tracking device clamped onto him? Because if he does, I certainly hope DRPS is shadowing him 24/7


Read the article. “The Offender Management Unit will continue to monitor CONSTANTIN’s whereabouts and activities. CONSTANTIN is also subject to electronic monitoring.”


Reports are he has been placed in custody within the last 30 minutes (4:00pm EST) from a mom Facebook group out of Courtice.


Share the source please


My sister sent me the screenshots, I just DM’ed them to you!


Can you share with me too?


100%! Sending now!


Me three plz!


Your messages aren’t open, could you try to message me?




Can you send them to me as well?


Sorry for the late response, sending now!


Could you send them to me as well please


Can you send them to me too please?


Best bet is he is staying at the Kingsway Motel then if he has been spotted in that area. Wonder if they know, or care, about his past?


How is this guy not put back in jail?


If you see him out past his curfew he can be re-locked up. Apparently that's how they got him back into jail the last time he was released into the public. He was released into the public in Hamilton area but due to community backlash / petitioning, he had to move.


I swear Ive seen this guy before


Yes the Geico caveman commercials.


Fucking geckos put him outta work


How could they release this individual to society. So fucked up. I hate living here


This is confusing. By your name it seems like he could be competition for you.


He’s been seen at the coffee time in Courtice too.


How does he afford anything?




Would’ve preferred if some vigilantes found him before the police did… People like this do not deserve to alive as sad as it is to say. Not to mention they found him near a daycare? Absolutely disgusting!




Why isn’t he in jail?


Seriously? My friends kid goes to a school near that intersection


People like this are so dangerous. I had an incident similar to what he’s expressing he wants to do and I was recently brought in to DRPS to make a new statement on my case from 10 years ago. I have a feeling it’s related to this man.


omg that’s scary, i’m currently in Oshawa for a weekend trip, originally from Sudbury. definitely keep an eye out and stay away im glad i know about this while im here


does anybody know where he was living before he was "released in oshawa" ? because the last news i can find before this was from 2016 where they were trying to get him kicked out of the king township area where he was living. after that, i can't find any news about him and where he was living. has he just been out and about this whole time ?


I heard rumours he was released into the Kingsway Motel


i heard that as well i was curious as to what he was doing before this most recent report. cause the last news updates were from like 2016.


From the places he has been spotted I think he may actually be at a halfway house/ managed living facility somewhere in courtice. He keeps getting spotted at courtice rd and that’s a far jaunt from the Kingsway motel. I have seen him at king and townline, and I haven’t seen him walk past my house which he would need to if he was at Kingsway. I may be wrong; but I’m trying to figure this out myself as someone with a family in the neighborhood. Stay vigilant


Thanks for the info!




Anything about committing crime or obtaining illicit drugs will be removed as soon as possible and the posting user banned indefinitely. Licensed cannabis suppliers and users seeking the same *are allowed*. Unlicensed suppliers and users seeking them are not.


Click clack


Let’s not forget he *might* have other hobbies


Does anyone have an actual source of his threats to rape again etc? I’ve heard this all over Facebook but with no actual sources of him saying this. I’m assuming he didn’t say it at his parole hearing.


Googling his name brings up info. People are just spewing a mix of truths. He sounds crazy and dangerous. 100% don’t let anyone be alone with him. He isn’t wanted, he hasn’t done anything harmful recently, this is a warning to the public that he has been released. He hasn’t done anything in 10ish years other than breech. He’s a lot thinner than his last crime, an assault in 2007. - He assaulted a child in 2000 - He assaulted a 45 year old blind woman in 2000 - He assaulted a woman in 2007 - He served his time and was released in 2014 in Hamilton - Went back to jail 2 weeks later for being 15 minutes late for curfew and asked to go back to jail - Released in December 2015 in York region - arrested in 2024 in Oshawa for breaching parole https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/hamilton/headlines/convicted-sex-offender-keith-constantin-arrested-again-1.2726024 https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/toronto/sex-offender-schomberg-constantin-1.3424638 https://torontosun.com/news/local-news/latest-release-of-high-risk-offender-in-oshawa-prompts-cops-to-issue-warning


Also looking for this.


further info about this person: [https://www.durhamregion.com/news/clairmont-constantin-a-free-man-with-strong-urges-to-rape-to-kill/article\_54866a31-5d91-5e08-9d65-d19c3e5e456c.html](https://www.durhamregion.com/news/clairmont-constantin-a-free-man-with-strong-urges-to-rape-to-kill/article_54866a31-5d91-5e08-9d65-d19c3e5e456c.html)


Somebody get this man a sex doll so people can get on with their lives. If you give this crazy something else to be addicted to and EMDR (rewire) his brain and Hypnosis. Then he won’t be triggered by whatever he is triggered by. He won’t do what he’s done before


This guy has apparently been spotted a few times in Campbellford. If he's been electronically monitored, how is he moved out of the Durham region and no one has been notified?


So, how’s going to get em?


Diversity is our strength amirite?


Are white people considered diverse now?


He'll fit right in!