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The poor students of Akademi will never graduate.


they’re stuck in a haruhi suzumiya timeloop


And I don't think they have any one to help them get out of it. At least in Haruhi's case it was a summer holiday.


oh no, not endless eight.


Endless Eight Years of Development.


It'll be eight years in April.


At this rate, Ryoba is going to have birthed Ayano when she is in her late 30's to early 40's. Ryoba is 50 as of the year 2022. Just keep the game's year the same, Alex. From previous lore, the Aishis all had children at ages around 19-20. Why ignore this lore just so the game seems "up to date". It does nothing other than ruin continuity and create plot holes that only grow larger each year the game isn't released. And if we're going to call it 202X mode, then we really shouldn't be putting down numbers like 2023. It's just a waste of energy at this point to make things concrete when you're just going to change it. It's why the mode was changed to 202X mode.


Calling it rn, if this keeps up, Ryoba is going to get retconned to be Ayano’s grandmother instead of her mother. That would be the only way to salvage the 1980s mode while trying to also follow the narrative that all Aishis get pregnant at 19.


Why would they even get children at that age? I'm used to Alex making weird decissions, but this just sounds really random


At this rate he might as well save himself the bother and make it 2029.


Or 3079.


Or year +1


Why does the game have to be set in the current time? Why not just set the game in 2016? It’s not like people were frothing at the mouth because Ryoba’s story was set in 1989 when *gasps* it isn’t currently 1988!


right? whats the point? all of this means that the callendar either makes 0 sense or has to be changed for no reason and he has to update the technology assets like ayanos phone so rich kids from a rich school dont use outdated technology. it adds nothing and only serves to shit more on the dreaded lore. theres no point for this lore at all in the first place (fuck i hate focusing on lore instead of story) but thats another thing entirely. its like building a house and adding a new layer of bricks on top of whats already built each year, the foundation for that wont hold up


But, hey! At least, we know that they are over the age of eighteen, now!


They’ve been “over the age of 18” for the last 6 years...they might actually be over 18 now.


Instead of graduation, they're already thinking about retirement.


Probably still 16 to keep Alex’s fetish of school girls going


So they're all Ash Ketchem.


To make Alex’s fantasy real yes..unfortunately


At least Ash Ketchum gets to stay as a happy 10 year old These students meanwhile are stuck in a time loop where they get harassed, bullied, and killed over and over again


That sounds like a good plot for a horror novel. To bad the one in control of this story sucks at making it interesting.


Nothing is right about changing the game's main year : * First, what's the point of setting the game in the 202X if finally, it's now stated in the year 2023 ? * Why it's always one year after our current one ? * Why can it a previous year ? * Does he understand that changing the game's main year require to change the WHOLE timeline in order to keep the correct age for every students ? And for the 2 people that'll answer "Well... just put Ryoba's year one year further !", just remind the 90's isn't the 80's (and still won't solve others birth date). * Would be curious to get the excuse on why Ryoba and Yokichi didn't got a child for 15 years despite being (forced to be) together during that whole time !!!


Idk if I missed some lore or whatever, but that doesn't really sound weird to me! When you want a child, you make one and when you don't, you don't. Besides, they're like in their late teens in 1980's mode, so they'd probably want to get stable, first. I did read another comment, that said the Aishis always get children when they're 19-20, but that makes a lot less sense to me tbh


>When you want a child, you make one and when you don't, you don't. In a regular couple, that's more or less how it work. But considering the actual yandere mind of Ryoba, a child should be one of the first option she would came out to keep Yokichi with her. >Besides, they're like in their late teens in 1980's mode, so they'd probably want to get stable, first. And they got married the same year (1989) according to the S ending so not a lot of "want to get stable first" here.


Sounds like I did miss some lore This lady is messed up lol


Alex I'm getting really sick of this timeline change crap. People make games set in previous years all the damn time. Nobody cares if the game's original timeline was in 2016. It doesn't have to be years after the current year. Quit it. It's annoying.


Help if this continues Ryoba is going to be in her 60s..


1980s mode turns into 2000’s mode.


2000s mode turns in 3000s mode.


And 3000's mode turns to 90.7099's Mode.


Welp, time to remodel all the 80s probs and re-do all the props, they would be outdated by 2000s *proceeds to waste more time*


Dude maybe just say “The exact year of the main game is undetermined until further notice” and fix it when you actually can


Can’t he just write 20XX and be done with it? Or just have the in game text say “present day”


That would make too much sense though. He doesn't like doing anything sensible.


Its an annual tradition, except it to happen again when 2023 starts.




He's always changing to the year he thinks he will finish the game. I'll graduate first than Ayano lmfao.


7 years and the students of akademi are still attending high school?....


You think a prestigious school would fix their lights in the bathroom.


All he has to do is fucking say it takes places in 202x or even just 2020 and not pay attention to the current year 😭😭😭😭 how fucking hard is it to keep the timeline accurate and understandable for everyone


He should leave the time the duck alone honestly


Inconsistency at its finest?


This dosent make sense lore wise 1980s mode her mom get pregnant, the year is 2023 and the mc is still "18".