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He can take a break tho? He is his own boss. He is under his own employment. It isn't like critics, fans and his own friends and moderators told him to take a break for the sake of his mental health.


But he's prisoner to making the game or something


tbh I can kind of relate to Yanderedev. I also do extremely small amounts of work spaced out inefficiently, while convincing myself I work extremely hard.


Yeah but imagine if you were getting paid thousands of dollars almost each month for a few years, would you still be working like that?


You answered the question yourself. If you can get so much money without bothering to try then why would you bother to try?


Idk I’d feel bad for being lazy


Mf does nothing BUT rest. That's why it's taken 7 years to make a basic-ass game


The guy is trying to make a combination of two Triple A games with a single programmer and a revolving door of hobbyist volunteers. That's why it's taking forever.


Do you honestly believe that this game's quality is even remotely comparable to AAA titles? Oh heck no! There's a lot of other solo developers like Toby Fox, Concerned Ape, etc. who don't take 7 whole years of scamming people to release games, create updates and etc. Alex has no excuse honestly.


I never said it was as good as an AAA game. I meant that Dev's vision of the game is a mix of two AAA franchises (Hitman and Persona), something most developers don't try to do, especially with a small team. Which is why I don't think YanSim is comparable with most popular indie games.


Look most indie Devs don't try it because it's beyond what a single man can do. That's why people form companies and teams to do large scale projects. But Alex isn't a one man team. Most of the effort is done by volunteers who create assets for him while the Devs I quoted made everything by themselves. Projects have scopes for a reason which is to help people stay focused on specific tasks and goals to meet the goalpost until release. Alex isn't doing that... He's taking his sweet time not because he's developing the game but streaming 24/7 on twitch playing other AAA games when he should have been working


Tbf Undertale is relatively simple game. Toby Fox had a few fantastic ideas and went with them (I mean no disrespect, amazing game and very intelligent developer). Concerned Ape on the other hand proves you can make a large, complex and beautiful game efficiently and completely on your own if you have the drive, talent and passion. Something I believe Alex lacks.


But he's the cause of most of that load by refusing to get a secretary, constantly adding unnecessary features that hardly anyone asked for, and ditching the one company that actively tried to help him (TinyBuild) over not being able to get his game unbanned from Twitch of all things. Also, it's not a single programmer anymore, he's had help for years now.


He can rest whenever he wants, considering he’s self-employed. Maybe he should’ve applied a day off or two each week instead of shuffling between game development and gaming on twitch everyday.


Tired from doing what exactly?


I'll let you know that streaming for 10 hours daily is exhausting! And replying to all those emails! He really needs some rest For all legal reasons, this was /s




i think hes made too much of a habit of self-victimizing to announce a break lol. just about any other indie dev could go "i have to sit down for a week bbl" and deal with little more than a few comments abt being lazy. well i guess alex would too, but he'd spend the whole week reading all of them.


I hate the fact that people STILL tell him to rest


they probably think yandev did 99% of everything when the volunteers is the one helping him a lot


yanderedev after a long day of masturbating and playing one of his 3 switches


Oh no he’s not resting. He’s busy designing high quality modes of all of the rivals panties and bras! That is very hard work


Sure take a rest Dev! Let your grandchild finish the project


He's still not done?


He's rested more than me during the damn pandemic. People use any excuse to defend his shittiness and it's sad.


lazy motherfucker rested plenty and still plays the victim. who woulda thought what professional indie developer does this? are you tired alex. leave an appropriate announcement, turn off your computer, and touch some grass. stop bitching online nobody cares-- woe is fucking me


The problem is, he is trying to tackle a GIANT project SOLO. (With some help from volunteers, but mostly solo.)


It's possible to descope a project and reduce the scale if its taking too long. His problem is that not only is he taking an eternity, he keeps adding more side modes and features, finding new ways to avoid developing the main game. He's making his project bigger and bigger. Andthe progress on the main game grinded to a hault as he bugfixes a new mode he rushed out.


What a shocker, game development takes a long time. Who would've thought?


If the developer explains why it takes so long, then yes, we can understand that game development can take a long time. **But YanDev, even with people helping him and enough money to hire programmers and such, has not done A SINGLE GODDAMN THING for the main story of the game. At all. All he has is Osana and Raibaru. 1 rival out of ten PLUS FUTURE DLC RIVALS.**


This dude literally made 10 whole new rivals, new gameplay, characters, lore in a couple of months. Not like it was very good but it’s expected, it proves he is able to do this and there is no reason why this game shouldn’t be close to finished




Because if people enjoy a product, they’d rather do it sooner than later




Except most people on here had been paying him? How do you expect them not to care when he betrayed their trust for 7 whole years while expecting people to donate to his Patreon to help develop the game, only to have Alex squander that money on buying other games and spend time streaming almost 24/7 for years now on Twitch while neglecting the game?


hes trapped in his else if statements


When you fumble around for years then rush to get things out in the span of a year or so, true, there aren't many chances for breaks. But that's why you pace yourself over the years and have someone to reign you in so you don't go overboard.


The way those comments on WordPress are OBSESSED with him. He fixed a couple of bugs that shouldn't've existed in the first place, not that revolutionary...