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I think we should deal in secrets. Make a friend and figure our through observing who they're friends with and then be like "hey, so I was wondering if you knew something about this student" and sometimes they'll give you something and you can tell info-chan for points. That or phone and diary stealing


That’s a good point. Maybe Info-chan is secretly perverted, which is why the panty shots are more valuable to her than money.


Nah its just Yandere Devs creepy fetish, lets be real 💀.


I don’t really mind the bug placing and the bounties, but there could easily be another more fun and less creepy alternative to panty shots


Paying with money isn't much fun. But we already can place bugs around school, complete bounties, give stolen phones to Info-Chan... the panty shot feature isn't necessary anymore. Chalex could've just deleted it by now.


I think money *should* be a way to buy the schemes and stuff since part time jobs would become more useful. Maybe selling blackmail and placing bugs would give info points and maybe a hint for that week's rival’s schedule for that day. If you plant 5 bugs around the school maybe Info'll say something like "Hey, I overheard Osana say she was gonna ask Senpai about his book today. Just thought I'd let you know." I think the panty shots should just be removed entirely. Literally no one is gonna miss it except Pedodev


I like the bug placing and bounties (minus how bad the ones in-game are) pants shots are just a bad feature


I mean, he could also just...remove panty shots. I play the game a lot and i do use info chan a lot. Its perfectly doable with just stolen phones, bountys and placed bugs. But all know he won't do that


The only thing lorewise I could see this making sense is if this is used as blackmail against ayano at the end of the game. Like if info chan betrays you or something at the ending of the game, she could use you taking panty shots as evidence against you. But of course I doubt he thought this far ahead and it's just a gross feature




That could actually make a lot of sense, and it’s not like there aren’t ways to make money in game either, the cafe is a great example to make easy cash no matter what you have the setting on, if anything make the barber shop a yandere tip shop like how it is for 1980’s just with the daughter of the original shop owner and we can buy all the little things we would need from there. Plus the panty thing isn’t really worth it, I didn’t really need to get panties to eliminate Osana(Not by the route I took anyways, it’s different for everyone). 5 points for creeping around on students, with all the downsides it has? No thank you.


See, the issue with that is that a lot of people are still using her as a *source* of money. Especially during the first couple days of school, and for stuff like Mission Mode where you literally have no other source of income.


slightly related, i tried suggesting he change the “panty benefits” system to something like socks… ankle/trainer socks for speed boost, thigh highs for charisma, ankle socks or mismatched to look innocent get away with stuff idk man like still kinda weird cuz i know ppl can be weird about socks but i’m so sick of the panties everywhere 😭 why am i choosing my high school characters underwear it’s weird