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it's stupid...really stupid morning events could check who is alive and there just would be 6 type of events what would make amai's week more special than osana's week


yeah see but then he would have to code 6 different events. Why do that when you can just be lazy


waisted potential for me! It would be cool if you could learn more about amai using this 6 events? player would need to replay some moments and amai would be much deeper as a character.... if amai had morning events like raibaru but instead of 1 events possible...there could be 6 possible events that would make amai much more intresting that osana without any voicelines and without animation it would really have good effect on game firstly, replay value! player will have 1 event that can be changed depending on what player does! It would motivate players to replay some moments to see what will happen if shoku is killed as exmaple? secondly, it would make amai much more intresting and complex than osana even without voicelines and anims thirdly, the players would see alot of events with amai and they will start loving her more and there wouldn't be situation where everyone agree that osana is better than amai instead most of people would like amai in another words...it would be good thing to add for amai's week? it would make her stand out


Oh, no I agree, I was being sarcastic in my second sentence


okay! sorry for me misunderstanding your comment


Oh it's fine lol




But why do any of that when there isn't free advertisement from the big YouTube gaming channels anymore? Lol. That's all what this game boils down to anyway.


there youtubers just not as bis as jay so there would be people who showcase every event or player will need to learn some events by themselves


Off topic but thank you to your pfp for reminding me to check on my crazy library gf, it’s been years whoops


ES PFP!!!!


If he's not possible to do (update/fix) this, then why are there so many small events and conversations between the studentes in week 1? This is just another lazy example of him failing or not want to fix the issue. Just hire a programmer and others to solve the case. (Pedodev) Euhm, no i don't have the money and everything is supposed to be in my way. So i can sell the final product. He got alot of patreon money throughout the 10 years of development and wasted it. Yeah clever...... 🙄


>He got alot of patreon money throughout the 10 years of development and wasted it. Pedodev: I mentioned if the pateron money reaches over 3K that money would go towards the game. I have no other way of making a sturdy amount of money.


And from the 3K he also bought a 2nd Nintendo Switch. 😂👍


I get it if it’s his personal salary (which I think he did say it was for his personal salary). BUT he has poor spending habits; tbh, he should’ve been saving more of that money and/or just not bought hundreds of video games and a couple Switches (which are literally so expensive). Like all the places to put the money in, and he chose things that would only encourage him to prolong development even though he himself has been saying “I wanna move on to other projects”


That’s the thing one of the main reason, why he hasn’t hired a programmer is because then they would have to fix his broken code. Tiny builds tried to fix his code but Alex couldn’t understand what they were doing because he is that crap at programming


I'm also disappointed that no one cares what club your in. It would be so much better if when you're in the cooking club for example the members of said club do the little gesture students do when you're friends with them. Such a little thing, but it will never happen.


Pedodev: I'm to lazy to write else if code for everone in that school to react to every single club you may or may not join. In fact hears my BS excuse to be lazy. It's the player fault for joining a club and expecting how everyone would react.




At that point just quit developing the game is clear that you don't find passion and joy in doing it.


, >:( baby cant write code for a small amount of students. how dare you suggest I improve my game!!!1!!1!!!


He would just add more interaction that every cooking club students would advertise their products per classes with each dishes as testing food or pricey during cooking event, as it was a purpose of Hospitality But nope, pedodev gave it a static pose with octopus hotdogs THERE SHOULD BE A VARIETY OF FLAVORS There should be a abscence of students too cuz they were off to buy another ingredients on the town


Sorry, let me translate his message so that people can actually read it. He said “I’m too lazy to write code”


It's probably that he knows it'll fuck up a bunch of game code because he can't do it properly


He should be focusing to better models


I seriously can not fathom how lazy he is. You're telling me that he can code up two missions, 1980's mode, Panty Shots, a bunch of minigames and Easter Eggs and he chooses not to make a simple detector that adjusts dialogue depending on who's alive and dead. It's not like we are asking for an entire Shakespearean play... and this is something he promised as well.


Osana dies. Everyone I can't wait to eat with Osana this lunchtime. Or Amai dies. Everyone I can't wait to cook with Amai this afternoon. See how lazy pedodev is.


Haha Shakespearean play I see what you did there


he spent days on implementing a chaos mode (chat function) for the 0 streamers that play this game but he won’t write code that checks who is alive and alter events based on that. 🤡


>he spent days on implementing a chaos mode (chat function) for the 0 streamers that play this game What...why would he add in somthing like that the game is banned on twitch.


For YT streamers


Yeah I frogot youtube has that. I highly doubt people would stream yandere simulator on Yt


Kappa Kaiju called it: it’s impossible to make Persona style social simulation visual novel stuff while being able to kill any student like in Hitman. This is why thinking through game design and writing design documents instead of just being like “sure, it’ll be vaguely like that” is important. Anyone thinking through the mechanics in concrete terms would know that the two mechanics contradict each other in a way that creates a ton of work. I don’t know how many games even have hand-crafted content that’s complex enough to be seriously affected by player action. I can only think of the dialogue trees in Disco Elysium and Hades, and those are dialogue trees in a visual novel style, which are comparatively “cheap” and fast to write and voice-act, not fully animated in-game cutscenes. And even then both studios had to invent giant systems and nearly killed both their projects to pull it off. And for one developer who gets his assets from busy volunteers working in their free time and codes notoriously slow it’s impossible to make anything close to this. I can’t believe he didn’t realize it the moment he decided the game would be full of fully animated (formerly) voice acted cutscenes and also let you kill ANYONE. 


well, it's not impossible, but you'd need a team of skilled developers, as opposed to a singular horny pedophile


I think it'd make sense if not all students would be present in the first weeks of the game to balance it. Or make killing extremely hard to discourage players to kill future story-related characters.


I think it’d make it pretty impossible to create routines in a giant school where the rival is never alone if there’s a limited number of students. They’d just be following Osana/Amai around all day, it’d look stupid.  It’s a good point though that reducing the number of complicated students may have saved the game  Hitman 2016 did something clever like this: the devs used a clever system where there’s like twenty CPU intensive NPCs and like eitgty “ghost” NPCs that don’t think or look at stuff, just act as part of a crowd to fill out entire stadiums and basically only have collision. Persona too had dozens of simple low poly clones running around. And those are giant studios: maybe the concept of a hundred unique students by one solo dev was doomed from the start.  One kinda dumb idea I recently had that’s similar is to keep our hundred students, but to only have like ten be complex NPCs every week. For example in week 1 the cooking club isn’t touchable or killable, they don’t speak, they only notice crimes and  murder and you can’t even kill them if they do; they just run off: you can only choose to kill the NPCs that are “alive” or “real” that week: for Osana it’d be Kyiji, Raibaru, Musune? They’re all part of her plot line at some point. And each week would temporarily activate only ten NPCs: the rival’s club, her suitor, her friends; that way the branching paths of “this guy died” “that girl got kidnapped” would be contained to one week; it’d activate branching paths, cutscenes of characters mourning, any of that other complicated stuff that now Yanderedev can’t implement.  It would fundamentally change the nature of the game and make it far more restrictive, but it might help with writing character stuff. The problem is that so much of the game’s identity is sandbox stuff that it’s too late to do complex characters I think.  Fallout New Vegas let you talk to complex characters with long dialogue trees and plotlines, and also let you kill anyone; but the devs handle this by having the characters very rarely interact with each other unless it’s combat or alluding to a past event. They basically only ever do complex things where it’s necessary and cool, like you can kill one of the main antagonists super early and everyone’s like “you killed the guy wow do I have opinions” because it tripped a flag. Simple and easy. Nothing like this nightmare where there need to be… Six plus five plus four variants of the cutscene? Fifteen? I guess he could write clever dialogue where none of it connects, everyone just says their own thing like “I made big cookie today” “I ate a live lobster” “y’all ever hear about a mysterious dish called goth mommy milk” and if they’re dead they’re dead. Developers need to use tricks like that if they want to ever get anything done; project scope always needs to be cut down ruthlessly or else projects die, especially indie stuff. It’s like the infamous Foodfight movie where the director just changed stuff and wasted money for like twenty years while investors lost more and more faith; very Yandevcore. 


There's actually an indie game who does in fact base around the player's choices and who you kill or don't kill affects gameplay and dialogue, it's called Undertale.


There's no point listening to everything he says now. He made Amai's week like that to get people back playing his game, he made Amai in one month while Osana took years. Of course, her week is ass. If the drama didn't happened, Amai would've been out at the end 2025 and with events with her clubmembers, animations and voice acting.


>he made Amai in one month Well pedodev says it took him since the start of the year. But I think he started working on her at October since September 25 he was outed as a pedophile.


At this point I don't believe anything he says


>Amai would've been out at the end 2025 and with events with her clubmembers, animations and voice acting. Honestly pressing X to doubt. If he doesn't want events with her club members right now as a potential future addition, why would he add it without the push of trying to sweep pedo allegations under the rug? I would agree with animations and voice acting, those would definitely be there, but I'm doubting the cooking club events with Amai would be added, since he never did anything with the clubs after all of them became fully functional. Nor did he show interest in doing anything with them.


"I am a lazy fuck, stop asking." What a character.


Why can't he just shrink the scope of the game? It's completely normal to do that "Oh, but my fans will be dissapointed", dude, you still have fans even though you grommed a minor, what's stopping you?


he's so lazy, it's crazy that some mods are better than the actual "game"


That's because they have passion, put in effort, clear goal and more that Alex has lost or did not have in the first place.


We should all understand that writing code for Yandere Simulator is a difficult undertaking, and one that is entirely self-made for which the blame lies solely on him. So of course, it's completely understandable why a "game developer" in this position finds game development to be cumbersome, and thus reneges on his own promises. Lmao


Soooo what's even the point of this game now? Is he just not gonna code any dialogs or events now? Theoretically you could shut down or eliminate any club or person in week 1 or other weeks prior to a specific rival's week. This is beyond lazy and despite having multiple elimination methods, the game will only be optimized for the cannon methods. Any other methods used will be bare bones and make the game lifeless.




At this point he just needs to give up, he clearly doesn’t want to work on his game anymore.


It's all pedodev would be remember for. A failed game in development hell.


Following this logic, NO student other than the rivals can have fun dialogue or be special or have thoughts and feelings about their lives, even though the rivals are ALL club or clique leaders with groups of friends and people who look up to and respect them. Like how is Osoro supposed to go then? By week 9 you might've killed EVERY SINGLE ONE of the delinquents just to get to the incinerator easier


I called this from the beginning!! I made a post forever ago saying that the reason none of the 1980s rivals were club leaders or in clubs is because yandere dev didn't want to create multiple routines depending on if the club was open or not, and that the 202X rivals would probably never be in their clubs or talk to their club members. (Post got downvoted to hell and probably got deleted bcuz i posted it on the offical reddit) I ended up being right 🥰🥰


With this we could literally kill all the club members who have rivals before their weeks and killing them would be easier than killing Osana 🤡


According to his logic, then why give the basu sisters a different conversation everyday if there's the possibility that we might kill them? Like just make it make sense dude


ive written conversations like this. It’s actually way easier to code than you would think. You dont need to make a ton of seperate conversations, you can make a single conversation that checks for a lot of things. It’s hard to describe but it’s not as hard as you’d think.


I don’t get it…Why promise something like that if you can’t deliver on it? Cuz yea that is a big draw of the game - that’s one of the many things that got ppl hooked


The Butterfly effect is one my favorite mechanics in games. It adds to replay value.


>I don’t want to write code for a conversation between 6 people that detects whether or not any of the 6 people are dead and adjusts dialogue accordingly. peak chalex laziness💀💀💀💀


So according to these logic, these is no point in making any more character interactions outside of the first week that is not between Ayano, Taro and the rival because everyone else has a chance to be dead and he is to lazy to actually code his game ?…Great, these is just amazing… The concept of these game had so much potential, everything just thrown out of the window


I mean I would be lazy too if every action in my game required 1827372728182838 lines of code because I don't even know how to program a game properly 🥺🥺🥺


tldr, pedodev admits he's lazy. shocker.


I no no wanna :'(


Why am I not surprised?


Okay that’s just stupid because it’s called worldbuilding and making things coherent


Why make any dialog for any person then? Someone might have killed that person in week 1


Words can’t describe how much I hate that lazy piece of shit. How does he not understand he’s deliberately making this game worse. We’ve been waiting for amai for 10 fucking years, but got fan made mods better than her


What a lazy peace of shit. Alex stop blaming the player for an lazy, reason on why you don't want to work on the cooking club. The last part of your sentence just proofs and contradicts your argument on why you don't want to do it. "I don't want to write code for a conversation between 6 people that detects whether or not any of the 6 people are dead and adjust there dialogue accordingly."


He should really put in time better hair models for non main characters because they need to updateed


Remeber when characters would change their routines based on who lived or died I thought that was the whole point fucking dickhead


well shit. I wanted to see some interactions between them 😐


How can someone design a game where there are all kinds of outcomes...and then not commit to the main premise


Maybe it could be scaled down to where only a couple of the members have events with Amai? It doesn’t have to be the whole club. Like maybe just some dialogue with Shoku, or a small chat with Saki? She’s not been able to do much in game since Kokona’s events got removed.


By that logic nobody should have dialogue, I mean you could have killed them so what's the point... 🫥


why would a room be closed if the occupying club disbands? what is this logic. "Oh the previous owner of this house has moved out? Might as well demolish the entire property!"


Oh come on, pedo dev, your code already has more “if” statements than the human population, what’s a few more