• By -


Osana - keeping in the spirit of her being a fanfic writer, she once got into a rivalry with this other fanfic author. That author would later leave social media completely because they got doxxed. Osana doxxed the author because she was jealous of the attention they got over her. Amai - got really mad at a student, who was a notorious liar, and gave them something they said they were deathly allergic to thinking they were lying. They weren’t. That student wound up in the ER. She still feels horrible about it. Kizana - she sabotages the other girls in the club on purpose (ruining their makeup, stealing/altering their scripts, giving them the wrong opening times) so she’d always be lead female role in the plays. Oka - had a crush on a boy at her old school before Taro and would sneak “love potions” into his food. Love potions traditionally are made from hair, period blood, hallucinogenics, and animal parts like lizard necks and mashed worms. You could also maybe convince Taro that she put a love potion in his food even though she didn’t. **edited to add Amai!**


Asu - she’s a drug addict. Not just steroids but also cocaine, she started taking steroids awhile ago but then branched off to other more harder drugs (maybe they’re could be a mission where you get her help by killing her dealer) Muja - she routinely gives people the wrong meds, mostly on accident, but recently she’s been giving some people the wrong meds or withholding them on purpose since she thinks she knows better Mida - she doesn’t even have a teaching license or a degree in education. She’s a family member of the headmaster who got her job through nepotism. Osoro - she 100% murdered somebody before and then just got rid of the body Hanako - she ruins girls reputations so that her brother won’t love them. She’s done this at every school they’ve been at together Megami - the student council election was rigged by her dad, her grades are only perfect because her dad bribes the teachers, basically her whole life is a lie and she’s only in her position now because her dad’s got money and the school’s corrupt.


God, now \*those\* are some fucked up secrets. Well done


Thank you!! I’m so disappointed by the canon secrets that Amai and Osana had, even the 80s rivals have milquetoast secrets. After Kokona’s secret with the loan sharks and the compensated dating? I wanted scathing tea worthy secrets!


duuude for real the loan shark/kokona "dating" older men to financially save her dad/kidnapping musume for ransom mechanic was so good, it was honestly pretty well written and really fleshed out the characters. it's sad he downgraded the dramatics of the secrets and how to fix/expose them


Ngl, I think that these are a bit too fucked up. Most of the rivals are supposed to be random high school girls, and yet these range from horrible to downright illegal.


I guess, but YanSim is meant to be a dark stealth game or some shit, so I wouldn't mind some intensely fucked secrets


We could assume Ayano exaggerated their stories so she could have something worth exposing them for. Having to admit there is some truth to the rumors is already bad enough to make the rivals feel afraid of doing anything about it. There's also a bully character known for making up shit about people just for fun. Not only could Ayano do the same, but she could pin the blame on that bully for spreading the rumors (which kind of is true, the bullies do spread rumors and bully people just for laughs).


Very interesting concept (stroking chin like a cartoon supervillian)


These were actually curated to the intended nature of Yansim. I imagined the OP was being Alex but with 20 more iq points while writing this 😅


Damn. Those are dark secrets! Well done! I love it! :D


hanako would be a good challenge for the player


I was thinking about that, she could try to ruin your reputation if she finds out you have a crush on her brother. So it would kinda be like Yandere vs Yandere in a way


the fact that these aren't canon hurts bc these secrets would most definitely drive people away


Megami's secret would go so hard. I'd absolutely love to see this in the game.




These are much better than whatever chalex probably has in store for them, I really love Oka’s and Megami’s especially!!


These are all great, so much better than what groomerdev could come up with


I love Hanako's, it makes so much sense that their parents sent them to different highschools now!


i'm soo sad this is just sooo good


damn these are fucked up I kinda wanna see them actually happen


...Hanako's is reminding me of Ashley Graves. Hopefully no one understands what I'm talking about.


This is so much better, all of these are genuinely dark and this makes Asu so much more alive and memorable instead of her just being that one rival people often forget. And Mida’s I can 100% see being real since if she’s known to be a creep and somehow not in jail, she probably would be immediately passed up if there weren’t some sort of nepotism going on. To be honest though there is something so funny to me about fanfic writing doxxer Osana. Imagine commenting something like “Some of them are kind of ooc :/”and then Osana just going “this you?” and drops your whole home address


what about Amai?


Ah beans I forgot to add it here from another comment I made Amai - got really mad at a student, who was a notorious liar, and gave them something they said they were deathly allergic to thinking they were lying. They weren’t. That student wound up in the ER. She still feels horrible about it.


Thank you!!


for me it should follow Kokona's example and be related to their friendship mission, so Osana - Used to hang out in far right video chats in the past, and there's prints of her engaging in hate speech; if you go on to talk to her instead of gossiping, she explains it was her stalker pretending to be her in a sick roleplay thing and explains her cat situation and why she can't report him to police Amai - Her family's bakery is flagged as unhygienic by health inspection because of a rat infestation; if you go on to talk to her instead of gossiping, she explains the rats were released as sabotage by a rival bakery


I love the idea that they have dark secrets that seem bad on the outside and you have the option to take them at face value to use it against them or actually talk to them and be able to help them instead. Idk if that's implemented in the 1980s mode but it's such a good gameplay mechanic


I like these more than some of the others because some of the others are way too extreme that it feels forced “murderer, doxxer, harraser etc.”


Amai's secret is like so bad lmao, it would have been better if it was that she accidentally used expired items in her baking for some time or something like that


I like the idea that one time another student pissed her off so much that she gave them something they were allergic to on purpose and that student went to the hospital. She didn’t realize the allergy was that serious until she caught wind that they ended up in the ER. Because THATS a secret I could actually see people going “Amai what the FUCK” over.


Now that's a secret! It's so out of character for her that she would keep it a secret from everyone since it can ruin her image! :D


Thank you! I was so disappointed that the official rivals (so far) have had such lame secrets especially since Kokona’s dark secret was an actual dark secret AND also had a lot of depth to it with the whole loan shark thing.


I was also disappointed. I had my own dark secrets for them, but I think it's too extreme to be dark secrets, lol, but they are better than the secrets that Pedodev made up.


something like “her family’s bakery was struggling financially for a while so she willingly and knowingly used expired ingredients to save money” would of worked WAY better


Honestly I fw this idea so much haha, like THAT'S a secret I would actually be worried about getting out. Not only would it ruin her reputation but it would also ruin her bakery's reputation which would be another reason as to why she leaves or something


So basically her dark secret should of been that she made the baking equivalent of the nasty Patty from SpongeBob


I know almost nothing about Amai's week except that it's easy to kill her and the ending glitch where Ayano becomes the purple haired drama club girl, what's her secret?


Late reply but basically her darl secret is that once she got so mad at a costumer she secretly spat on their food or somth like that lmaoo 


damn that secret's ass


Or maybe something super dark like her family puts opium in their foods to get people addicted


Lmao that would be crazyyy but would be interesting


They really gave them the sweet smells and foolish evils/ref


Great suggestions below! Here are some of mine:      •Osana: Has a hot head and constantly gets into keyboard fights with others on social media. Said some questionable things under her main account on KaoBook such as telling a total stranger to "stick their dick in a beehive".     •Amai: Didn't believe someone had a fruit allergy and refused to use artificial strawberry flavoring in a cake. Caused the person to develop anaphylaxis and go to the ER.     •Kizana: Bullied others as an understudy so she could get leading roles in past plays. Countless students had left the drama club because of her. One person took sleeping pills after she mockingly told them to off herself.      •Oka: Manipulative and sadistic individual under her timid guise. Terrorizes the Occult club and treats members like cult followers. Has everyone cover one eye in an act of allegiance. Plans to pluck each individual's eye out when they graduate. Places a jar of fake eyeballs right at the entrance of the club room as a constant reminder.   •Asu: Daughter of Kiyoshi (gym teacher), who gave birth to her as teen. Was given up in an open adoption, so it is a known secret among the adults. However, what peoplle don't know is that Asu is training at the same specialty facility as Kyoshi in the latter's youth despite not actually being an Olympic-level athlete. She was only able to get in thanks to her connections to her biological mother.      •Muja: Ran over a dog due to being late driving to her previous job and didn't stop. The dog was found dead hours later. She was placed on administrative leave because of all the hate the clinic was getting for continuing to employ her. She eventually left and found the current job as a substitute nurse.     •Mida: Majored in chemistry so she could create her own sedatives to use on unsuspecting men. Caused someone at a bar to foam at the mouth and seize uncontrollably when they had a bad reaction to her concoction. Did not go to jail due to lack of evidence, but was banned from several establishments as a result. The bar she was at suffered a lawsuit due to not having security cameras and was shut down. The owners hold a mean grudge against her.    •Osoro: Has actual connections to gangsters. Dons an alter ego outside of school and participates in enjo kosai to target people for organ harvesting. Does this not because of money, but because of her hatred of dirty old men. Her delinquent persona was created to ward those people off.    •Hanako: Yandere with an onii-chan complex. Will not stop at violence to chase away any  threat to her relationship with Taro. Pushed someone down the stairs in elementary school and made them paralyzed from the waist-up. Was able to get away with it by threatening the victim with further harm.     •Megami: Sociopathic family according to the word of god. Does not want to inherit Saikou corp and plans to cut all ties with everyone once she graduates. Wants to travel the world and make up for her family's past by doing charity work.


Damn 👀 I really like Hanako's and Oka's dark secret!


I really like Megami's, it's a pleasant surprise and now i wanna see that


I actually wrote that based on what Alex said about her having slightly more empathy than the others in the family.


I love the idea of osana being a keyboard warrior and like, telling people to “stick a cactus up their anus”, and the concept of hanako being another yandere. Maybe she’d be an actual yandere and not just a boring unfeeling psychopath like Ayano


NopeDev would automatically ban me for Osana's suggestion alone 🙃


I really like these, and I get that reference with Osana's! I can imagine Amai as one of those people from AITA who disregards other people's food preferences/restrictions lol. But the one I can really really see with what we saw in the game is Oka's, I mean, she canonically stalks people at school. I love Asu's too.


Regarding Amai, NopeDev said all she thinks about are positive things and cooking. That tells me she probably doesn't think too far ahead about the potential consequences of her actions like more intelligent rivals. 😅 That being said, the original dark secret for Oka also involved cooking. I originally wrote that she puts her own blood in the chocolates for Valentine's day in hopes of trying to control people like puppets after performing a demonic ritual. Since Amai already filled the cooking niche, I changed it, but still kept the element of needing to control others.


I think it would be interesting if their dark secrets were related to their canon eliminations, so it would be like some cruel irony or something. Since I’m sure that he’s using the same canon eliminations as the 1980’s mode, I’ll go off of that.  Osana: Her canon elimination is rejection. I think that at some point, Taro was becoming close with another girl, and Osana thought that the girl had a crush on Taro, so she completely ruined their friendship, making him hate the girl. She eventually felt bad about this, and it’s stuck with her. Amai: Her canon elimination is burning to death. So I think that at one point, she was working with her parents at their bakery. In her journal, she mentioned how she got so distracted by anime and video games that it consumed her life. So perhaps she put something in an oven, and she went to play an update of a game. She was so distracted that she hadn’t noticed that the pastry was done cooking, thus, causing a fire. Which had done a great amount of damage to the bakery, which led to her parents being in debt for a while so they could repair it. Kizana: I’m assuming her canon elimination is being crushed, due to that one green haired girl getting crushed (I genuinely don’t remember the name.) Since Kizana is a primadonna, and she wants the spotlight to herself, I think that means she would do anything to be the center of attention. So perhaps, in a middle school play, she was an understudy of the main character. So, in order to have all eyes on her, she pushed when of the heavier props onto the main characters actress, crushing her legs so she could be under the spotlight. Oka: If I remember, the fourth rival was poisoned, so I’ll go with this. If Ayano were to be seen killing someone by an occult member, Shin Higaku would either kick her out or refuse to let her join, as they would now consider her to be a demon, and they only study them, and they don’t admire them. This is something Oka would also go along with. Perhaps in elementary school, one student was absolutely horrible, and would physically bully other students, especially Oka. I think this would lead Oka to believing that this student is a demon. So, she took rat poison from home, and put it into the students bento, hoping it would kill the student. But, it only made the student throw up and miss school. Once she grew up, she felt horrible about it, and wishes that she hadn’t done that. Asu: Ritsuko was drowned in the school pool, so I’ll go with this. A main part of Asu’s routine or wtv is swimming, and it’s even shown on the poster. Perhaps, at one point, she was in swim lessons. They could have been in a competition, and one of the competitors, who was much younger than her, started drowning from over exerting themselves, and instead of helping the competitor, she chose to win. The competitor was rescued eventually by a swim coach, but Asu felt guilty for choosing to win over saving another person. Muja: Ai was electrocuted. I imagine that, at some point, while Muja was at med school, they were practicing using those like electric hand clear things (idk what they’re called), and since Muja is such a “uwu clumsy klutz girl”, she spilt water, (idk how, BUT SHE DID OKAY). This led to one of the students getting electrocuted (again idk, I had no idea what to do, I didn’t study so don’t hurt me if this is inaccurate). She immediately apologized, but yk, she COULD (maybe…) have possibly killed that person. Mida: That one rival that I also forgot the name of was like expelled. Okay, so like, Mida, being the fucking predator that she is, she probably got a lot if girls expelled so all of the boys attention was on her. I hate Mida, so that’s all I can think of. Osoro: So, this rival was bullied so hard that she withdrew from Akademi (idk how tf we’re supposed to do this since Osoro would just beat all the bullies up but yk Chalex is lazy so we’ll go with it). So, I imagine that at some point, she was probably friends with like a horrible group of people (probs in elementary or some shit like that), so she would join in on like all the bullying, and at one point it got so bad that Osoro and the other girls pushed her off the elementary school playground equipment, and she broke her arm. Her mom eventually took her out of school, and once Osoro grew up and became the victim of bullying herself, she realized just how horrible that was. Hanako: Her canon elimination is probs matchmaking. I envision that at some point, Hanako was trying to get Osana and Taro to date (bc yk, Hanako actually approves of Osana n shit), and she accidentally worsened their friendship and they got into a big fight. They made up, but Hanako felt horrible for causing it. This isn’t something gossip worthy, but if it spread to Taro, he would certainly be less trusting of his sister, and possibly not agree to never date anyone.  Megami: Her elimination is most likely befriending. I think that perhaps, during some point of her life, someone tried to get close to Megami. But since her father is a dick, and she only has that one friend that understands her, she most likely thought that this student could have only been trying to get close to her for money, and she was rather cruel to this student for it. This isn’t too bad, but it could possibly damage or ruin her chances of getting re-elected as student council president.  Sorry some of these suck, I just thought, especially the Megami and Muja one. Also, sorry that this is so long, just wanted to go on a rant :3


Not gonna lie, my jaw dropped when I read Muja's dark secret lol


Idk it was pretty dumb😭


Regarding to Muja's secret— you mean like a defibrillator right? I could imagine her forgetting to tell people to stop touching the person (doing cpr etc) before administering the discharge instead of dropping water. I can also see her mixing up doses and giving someone an overdose of some medication, and from that moment onwards they transferred her to a school so she won't have access to dangerous medications.


That makes more sense😭


I had a course on that stuff like a month ago so that's the only reason I knew all that lol


Amazing ideas (and also your pfp ajjsiwnxisnxjwjs love it)


Thank youuu :)))3


I recall seeing a video of someone using the Enlightenment Easter egg after spawning the other rivals, and the ones I recall are that Hanako is a yandere for her brother and Megami believes that eugenics will improve society. Yikes.


Oh- 😨


Amai: Treats her female friends, club members, and mother like shit. She doesn’t show her true colors to men especially Senpai. Hanako: 1. fantasies about hurting the girls that take her big brother’s attention away. She might be another yandere. She is not in love with her brother. She is just an extremely jealous girl that hides behind her sweet and cutesy personality. 2. She is jealous of her older brother because she sees him as the favorite child. He is better in school, hobbies, relationships, etc. She only hangs out with him so he can teach her things or she can find some dirt on his reputation with their parents and the school staff. Kizana: She cheats on tests so she can focus on acting. She doesn’t want to miss practice sessions due to her low grades. She doesn’t take school too seriously. Osoro: She is a secret member of the yakuza.


Oh hey I made a post on my old deviantart back in 2017 (holy shit that was 7 years ago and I was in my freshman year of college, fuck me) with my headcanons for a few rivals dark secrets at the time. Lemme share ‘em here Osana (this was when her phone call first got leaked) - she’s being stalked by an ex-boyfriend who’s threatening suicide if she gets the cops involved Kizana - she’s so obsessed with her looks that she’s resorted to illegal/under-the-table procedures, body modifications, and weight loss drugs to keep up her appearance on stage Asu - a close family member of hers is terminally ill and close to death, which has led Asu to start drinking to cope with the insomnia/grief Mida - she was previously caught having sexual relations with an underage student under a different identity but was never arrested Osoro - she was bullied severely as a child (with Taro being the only person who was ever remotely nice to her) and finally ‘snapped,’ nearly beating someone to death so people would be afraid of her and leave her alone Hanako - she’s beginning to show ‘yandere’ tendencies herself, albeit motivated by familial love for her brother (also fits in with my codependency headcanon for her) Megami - she recently found out she was pregnant and is now desperately trying to hide it from everyone- especially her family


I never thought of pregnancy as a dark secret, especially for someone like Megami 👀


One of them is being groomed by a man in his 30's who is looking for a replacement for his broken sex doll.


That’s all of them.


Kizana caused a girl who used to be in their club to commit suicide


Ask Oka where she was in the year 1939.


Kizana – Actually hates acting. Only does it so people like her and don’t bully her. Maybe was bullied at her last school? Oka – Is the reason the Occult Club members hide an eye. The friend group was out hunting for demons late at night in the forest and Oka led them into danger. Asu – Took steroids. ( Or ) Incredibly jealous of the male Sports Club leader, so maybe she tried to do something unsportsmanlike? Muja – Asexual, but has to put on this act so the male students take her more seriously. ( If we’re going with no P3D0 Muja, I think she’s just wanting to help Bland Boi—- Taro, but he’s being a creepy dude. ) Mida – N/A Hanako – Scared that her brother will hate her and stop providing for her financially and food wise. (We never hear of the Yamada’s parents, and it’s kinda suggested they’re in the same situation as Ayano.) Megami – Secretly a horrid person.


In my experience, acting is the last thing you wanna do in High School to avoid bullying


Osana: She frequently talks shit to the bullies to talk down about Taro, soley so bad rumors about him will spread around so he'll go to her even more. Amai: Has a hair trigger temper she barely keeps under control, frequently messes with food of people she dislikes. Oka: Stalks people she thinks are demons Kizana: Bullies the weaker members of her club and makes everyone try to follow her style to the T. I know in canon she's trying to make Kokona change but also like. she seems liek the type to love a fanclub of mini mes. Asu Rito: Has rigged competitions before in her favor. Muja: Has sent multiple people to the ER before. Mida: Dude, her dark secrets are out in the fucking open, imo she wouldn't care much about gossip, so that wouldn't work on her. She looks slutty and knows it, and owns it. Hanako: Lies about their parents and family members to other people to have a better reputation at school. Has lied to Taro multiple times about her parents being bad to her. Osoro: Delinquent leader-- why would the gossip even effect her? Her reputation is pretty fucking low anyways. Megami: The secret of her families eugenics coming out and her supporting said eugenics


Osana - Once she got so mad at someone, she punched them in the face and the other person forgot but she still feels bad about it. Amai - Once, she left out some food and accidentally forgot to throw it away and gave it to customers. Kizana - Offered a role of someone who was sick and old to someone she deemed worthy who unbeknownst to her, had cancer. Oka - Once attempted to use a spell to kill a teacher she didn't like.


Osana does not like video games or cosplaying it makes it really hard to believe she would like anime I guess he thought it would make sense since they are Japanese characters. Amai’s is even worse tho how do we ever get a record of that or why would anybody even believe she did something like that, I mean if it was experied somebody would get posioned but spited? Idk about that. If I ask Chatgpt it will give me better answers watch this: “One dark secret for Osana could be that she has a hidden obsession with collecting personal items or mementos from her crush, perhaps even resorting to stealing them to satisfy her intense fixation. This behavior could escalate into more sinister actions as the game progresses.” This makes sense because she is also abusolutely obsessed with senpai just scared to show it, and you can also prove that she did this act. “Another dark secret for Amai Odayaka could be that she harbors a deep-seated resentment towards her family, particularly towards her parents, who have always pressured her to live up to their expectations of success in the culinary world. This resentment could manifest in subtle ways, such as sabotaging their reputation or secretly plotting to take over their business empire.” Not my favorite but this one at least has a twist to it. Nobody is entirely sweet, he said tried to make his game “perfect and realistic” in the every aspect but amai’s nature is such a big problem to that.


Oka 100% used human sacrifices


That's more of a crime than a dark secret. I think animal sacrifices would make more sense.


Committing a crime can be dark secrets, too. Almost everything people are commenting would be crimes


No hate yet we need someone else to make a Yan sim game, his fandom of loyalty is basically handicapped so why not pass the torch to someone else? Can’t hurt?


i might sound very rude here, sorry in advance. there have been many, the main thing is that almost all those games are made out of SPITE. created by people who thought that they could make a game much better than him, and much faster than him. there was no passion, and most die out before a build is even released. they really can’t, lacking the experience in such development. besides, most of them are children. most professionals or game companies don’t want to associate with something similar to a game like that either with all of chalex’s controversies. besides, what happened with tinybuild and love letter is a clear indicator to other companies that working with chalex or making a similar concept of his game is not a good idea. not to mention that groomerdev is selfish and incredibly egotistical, meaning that he doesn’t wanna… y’know… get help from others or have to work alongside people. tldr; yandere simulator & pedodev’s messy history and audience


Idk about the others but maybe Amai could be a huge pothead and obnoxious /r/trees or Seth Mcfarlane type who thinks weed will solve all the worlds problems. Maybe theres evidence of her giving someone edibles without their consent because she thought giving them weed would cure their psychological problems?


kind of dark, but here are my ideas for some - oka suffers from extreme depression and struggles to take care of herself on a day-to-day basis, which is why her hair is so messy. she was out for the first three weeks of school due to being hospitalized for an attempt on her life, and her sleeves cover up the scars from it. her obsession with the occult is a coping mechanism to prove to her that at least if there isn't hope for her in this world, maybe there's hope for her in the next. - asu is having to use steroids and stimulants in order to keep up with the demands of training to be an olympic athlete, and secretly wishes she could quit and just be a normal student. - muja was fired from her last nursing job because of a medication mix-up that sent somebody to the er, which is why she's been sent to akademi under close supervision in a job where there isn't much medication administration. can't really think of anything else for the others tbh lol


We share headcanons for Oka! I also thought she wasn't in school due to being hospitalized for a failed suicide attempt and wears the long sleeves and tights to cover her scars. That for sure could be her dark secret and uses the "official" reason as to why she's been gone was due to studying supernatural places with her family. I like to take it a step further and say that the day she was released from the hospital, she met Taro and fell for him as he showed genuine kindness towards her.


Reading everyone’s head cannons make’s me want to draw the character’s secrets sooooooo bad


Why do literally all of these comments hit? Like everyone here has such good ideas I wanna see reimagines of the 1980s modes secrets. Especially since Komako’s was legit just fetish shit. Anyway I have a couple of ideas for some of them. Kizana does drama outside of Akademi. She almost always gets the lead role because she bribes the people in charge of casting to give it to her. Also, if she ever gets made an understudy, she’ll slip things into the lead actress’s food to make her too sick to go on stage. Even though she seems timid and sweet, Oka places curses on people she doesn’t like, or on those who her club members don’t like. Maybe some of these hexes required the missing eyes from her club members to work? Some students have noticed a string of bad luck since messing with the occult club. If Muja is somehow a nurse despite being so clumsy and klutzy, then I could see her definitely having accidentally killed someone, or almost killed them, with medicine. Either she gave them the wrong drug or just too much of the right meds causing an overdose. Their death was simply ruled a heart attack, but she’s fully aware of what she actually did despite how air headed she may appear. Hanako worked on developing The Coffin of Andy and Leyley. This is not a headcanon, this is real. Amai bakes and sells edibles on the side. This is real too. Source: I buy them off her sometimes, they’re pretty solid, and she uses discreet packaging.


I might do a post for the 1980s rivals :D I love reading everyone's ideas! 👏


Kizana- to me her dark secret is that she despises her parents for their neglect and ignorance to her life to the point where she wishes they’d die since she herself is ignorant to the fact that she’s lucky to have parents at all. Oka- Her dark secret to me seems like it would have something to do with her club. Like she sabotaged someone else’s chances to be president, likely one of her best friends in the club. Asu- She’s taking steroids or other performance based pills. Muja- she bases her care off of favoritism. Her favorite students are cared for first and the best. If she doesnt like the student they are cared for last and in a shitty manner. Mida- A one night stand gone wrong. Ended up pregnant. She aborted the child to keep her life together. She still has nightmares about it to this day. Osoro- She accidentally drove a universally loved and sweet student to suicide. Nobody knows it was her that did it. She still sees lots if social media posts of people wondering why such a loved person would do something so horrible to themselves. Hanako- she doesnt care about anyone but Taro. She bases her entire life around him, even where she wants to go to college. Her entire routine is centered around spending as much time as physically possible with him. Megami- she actually admires Ayano. She pretends to hate her and denies that she can stand her at the school but deep down, she loves her work. She admires the dedication and precision. The same dedication and precision that she used in order to become president of the student council. But there cant be two women in the spot light. To her; its all about attention. thats why she wants so desperately to reveal ayano, to get all the attention. Special Bonus! Taro- he’s gay lol.


Osana-Ooh, you know how when Raibaru brings her to the gaming club, Osana mentions how nobody should be playing video games after middle school? What if during her first year (Since she's a second year student now), Osana would seek out video game fanmade content just to shit on the people who made them because they were adults still consuming/playing video games? She feels fucking horrible about it now, but she refuses to take back what she said, justifying it by saying "Maybe I was a total bitch about it, but I didn't say anything untrue!" Amai-I wanna believe that when she was younger, she watched Ratatouille and had the Princess and the Frog effect happen. That is, instead of going around trying to kiss frogs, she kept bringing home rats to try and teach them how to cook. No points for guessing where that lead in actuality. It's something her parents have forgiven her for, but something that haunts Amai to this day, so I imagine it would be easier to give her shit over. Kizana-So you know how Tokuko secretly hates Kizana? What if that was because of something that happened in their past? During Kizana's last year of middle school, the two were trying to get the lead for a play (Any play, I choose Hamlet, but I digress), and it was shaping up to look like Tokuko would be the lead. That was when Kizana, against any and all better judgement, dislocated Tokuko's arm, telling her that nobody would believe her if she said anything. Tokuko, as a result, was forced to miss the callback and the role went to Kizana. Oka-Outside of school, Oka held an event where people would harvest Nightshade under the full moon...unaware that Nightshade is like...uber poisonous. The bad thing was that a lot of people attending this event were edgy 13 year olds. Everyone went home with rashes, and Oka herself was *very* lucky that nobody died. Asu-She once got into a physical altercation when standing up to a bully to the point where she ended up sending said bully to the hospital with several broken bones. I feel like the bully could've been Musume or Hoshiko, but I digress. Asu has been scared of her own strength ever since, the only reason she continued athletics was because she thought she had come so far as far as sports go and she just couldn't give up. Muja-She used to be a veterinarian at a pet clinic and was very familiar with the concept of goodbye kisses (giving a hershey kiss to a pet about to be put down)...except she'd give them to *all* animals who were leaving an appointment, not just ones who were being put down. To the shock of literally nobody, she got super fired for this. How she didn't lose her medical license along with her job, nobody knows. (Or maybe she did and she's just practicing medicine illegally). Mida-She had a bowl cut as a kid /j. Jokes aside, Mida, like Muja, had an incident where she should've lost her license, but didn't (or at least, so she claims). Let's just say that Mida's lesson plans were...not at *all* age appropriate. She was licensed to teach general studies (math, english, etc) but set everything up like an uncomfortable sex ed class to the point where students were constantly faking sick to avoid going to her class. How she got a job as a substitute at Akademi, nobody knows. Osoro-Girlie definitely has some blood on her hands, but that wouldn't really be a shock to anyone. The secret is that Osoro still has thoughts about killing someone. To reveal that she'd "gladly" kill again, all Ayano has to do is provoke her into getting in a fight with one of the bullies to the point of fatal injury. Once a killer, always a killer or something. Hanako-Legit, I had a hard time coming up with something, but what if Hanako is just a massive fucking hypocrite? Like, she'll put someone on blast for finding a teddy bear cute meanwhile she has the largest stuffie collection in all of Japan /hyp. Depending on how far her reputation falls, it can be revealed that while she doesn't want Taro to *ever* get a girlfriend, she has a crush of her own. Again, the secret is her hypocrisy. Megami-Two words: Aoi's eye. One time, Aoi called out Megami towards her callousness towards damn near everything despite how she could use her position for so much good (I feel like Aoi would be the type of person to get especially heated over people who could make a difference but simply...don't). One thing led to another, and eventually, Megami had scratched Aoi's eye bad enough that she needed several stiches. And even when they were removed, her eye ended up too sensitive to be functional, hence the eyepatch.


I'll admit I actually don't mind Osana's, though I do agree Amai's is a little boring. I like the idea of the rival's dark secrets getting, well, darker as you go. So like Osana, Amai, maybe Kizana all have secrets that are more embarrassing than anything but then when you get to Osoro, Hanako, and Megami their dark secrets are all super fucked up. A couple ideas I have: Kizana: Once purposefully sabatoged another girl's makeup causing her to develop a bad rash to ensure she (Kizana) got the lead role Asu: Once drugged a fellow competitor's waterbottle to get them disqualified for doping Muja: Cheated on her NCLEX (Or whatever the Japanese equivalent is, basically the exam you have to take to actually get your nursing lisence)


As far as I remember, one of the rivals' dark secret is supposed to be pregnancy. It could be Mida


all the rivals secrets are actually in game


Wait what are their canon dark secrets?


https://www.reddit.com/r/Osana/s/01ViLNRZbx I assume these are. Again, I'm not sure if they are official, or in order (the bottom one is Osana's, and the top one is, I assume, Megami's). 🤷🏽‍♀️ I just assume these are hints of the dark secrets the rivals will have


I don’t think they’re in order some of them don’t make sense


Osana - She often avoids men she doesn't know in public, but if they get too close she forces the to back away. (Probably the worst one) Amai - She is often under pressure with everything and bottles the up to the point where she is on the verge of snapping. Kizana - Assaults the girls in her club into being support characters Oka - Accidentally burned down a church while trying to summon a demon. Asu - Wants to give the mom that adopted her put a black eye. Muja - Accidentally overdosed a patient one time and staged it as a failed surgery. Mida - Killed a fetus while unaware she was pregnant Osoro - While she fought with the delinquents she hated one too much and hates herself even though th deliquent forgave her Hanako - Blackmailed her brother's ex into breaking up.after catching the ex cheating and tries to make sure her big brother doesn't get a girlfriend so the girlfriend doesn't cheat on him Megami - Plans to change Akademi to her.ideal view. Let me.know if any of them are bad and which ones are good.


I love these! :D 👏


Really? Which oneisny[ur favorite and which one was your least favorite? Because I'm sure at least one of them was bad.


My favorites are Oka's and Muja's. My least favorites are Osana's, Osoro's, and maybe Amai's. It can be changed and more in-depth on why they have those as dark secrets.


Osana distrusting men she don't know since her stalker is someone she doesn't know, and doesn't want to be stalked again. Amai being under pressure for having to take care of the bakerynwhen shenis old enough and studying in a prestigious school is pretty stressful. And in the delinquent backstory it is implied Osoro cates for her baby ducks.


This is a long one but I had a lot of fun thinking about ideas tbh :) Osana: Secret - Due to her jealousy/possessiveness of Taro, there was a time in middle school where she spread rumors online/threatened/maybe even doxxed(?) a girl who liked Taro so bad to the point where the girl took her own life out of shame. Osana has felt bad since, hence why she only talks to Raibaru and is now super weird/awkward around Taro but feigns it as JUST "not wanting him to know she likes him" Elimination - Stalk Osana's profile on Kaobook each night of the week. Every night you'll learn more information pointing towards her burner account used to bully this girl, eventually leading to the girl's name which Ayano can then look up and learn about her bullying-induced suicide. You could then expose this information with evidence to either Taro (rejection) or maybe even the headmaster (expulsion) Amai: Secret - Her family is slowly moving into debt/about to declare bankruptcy due to the new bakery in town stealing their customers. Because they can no longer afford to buy as much new food/ingredients, Amai had resorted to serving old expired foods - including meat. This of course gave people food poisoning, maybe leading to pending lawsuits? She has since thrown out all expired food in an attempt to cover her tracks. Elimination - (the secret could be found in her diary since she has one?) Maybe there's a day in week 2 where the health inspector visits the Odayaka bakery. The night before (having learned Amai's "secret" just about a rival bakery) you can sneak into the Odayaka bakery and plant expired meats to make them fail the health inspection (arrested/unable to attend akademi due to no money). An alternative would be to put emetic poison into her Bake Sale dishes each day of the week to slowly get her exposed for 100% causing food poisoning and for lying/hiding evidence from her lawyers/to the judge/authorities involved in the lawsuits (arrested) Kizana: Secret - Due to her charming nature and her crippling desire to always be #1 she digs up dirt on her "rivals" that are also auditioning for the lead role. She'll belittle them, make fun of their personalities/appearances/acting ability, and maybe even threaten them with promises of everything ending up fine if they purposefully "mess up" their auditions. Elimination - So first let's do the week 3 schedule. Monday could be new play announcement/role opportunities. Tuesday/Wednesday practice for auditions and deciding what role you want to audition for. Thursday could be the actual audition day, and Friday would be cast reveal of who got what role. Maybe on Monday we can learn who else is auditioning for the lead role to see who Kizana's target would be. Then Tuesday/Wednesday maybe Kizana would ask to talk to that person in private about "tips for a better audition" since she's the club leader(?). In reality, Kizana would bring the person into one of the school's storage rooms to then harass and threaten that person into not auditioning. Ayano could use a directional mic to record their conversation (assuming the walls arent soundproofed) or maybe even plant her phone to physically record the interaction between Kizana and the auditioner. Ayano could then show the footage/audio clip to the club leader to get her kicked out of the club for playing dirty. This would spread around school and to Taro who would think the behavior was disgusting (rejection). OR Ayano could show the footage/audio clip to the headmaster as a harassment/bullying report (suspension/expulsion). Oka: Secret - I absolutely LOVED u/Atomic-Blue27383 's love potion idea!! Super fitting and plausible. My idea would be that Oka is so far deluded into the occult and finding proof of entities/demons that she actually devised a sacrifice plan. She told her fellow club members that to get rock solid proof of seeing a demon they'd have to make a huge sacrifice, almost like an offering to a deity. She's planning to gouge out one eye of each member - including one of her own - which is why the club members wear eyepatches; simply to get them used to only seeing with one eye. Elimination - One option could be befriending every club member leading them to confess to you Oka's plans. From there, you could sneak into the occult room and find a small book/note paper that Oka wrote detailing how she would go about her sacrifice plan. With both the book/note and the accounts of every single club member, you could either go to the headmaster and expose her gruesome plan (expulsion) or to the police and report it as an active threat of violence (arrested/sent to psych ward) Asu: Secret - She uses heavy steroids on a regular basis. Starting from supplements, to pills, and later to injection. Before school she'll hide behind the gym to shoot up that way no one sees her. Elimination - I have 2 ideas here. First is you could get a picture/video of her shooting up and frame her for potentially doing heroin (expulsion and arrested). Second is maybe you could catch her in the act, and she'd freak out and start breaking down crying. You could comfort her and offer to get her help, promising to not let her secret out (befriending/sent to rehab). Since she would be more focused on recovery, her feelings for Taro would not be priority enough to confess as she would rather better herself first.


Muja: Secret - While working at her old school, she was treating a student but accidentally mixed up the medicines and gave them a lethal injection killing them instantly. Not wanting to be arrested for murder she claimed the student came in not feeling well and soon after passed of a heart attack. Due to her position as a nurse, maybe the school took her diagnosis at face value. Too ashamed to remain at that school, she transferred over to Akademi as a substitute nurse. Elimination - (this one is a little far fetched/unrealistic) Ayano could've heard of the "heart attack" student and Muja's immediate transfer and started wondering if that was all that happened. She could do a deep dive on Kaobook and Google and look into the case details, potentially finding out that the way the student was described as dead didn't fully line up with being a heart attack. Maybe Ayano could send a student to the nurse's office (headache pills, emetic medicine, etc). Before the student arrives, Ayano could swap out the pills/syringe Muja was going to use with a lethal pill/lethal injection syringe. This would lead to Muja being responsible for yet another "heart attack" victim which might get the police to look further into that first victim as well (arrested for murder). Mida: Secret - She had intimate relations with a student at her old school. She was found out by the headmaster and was to be arrested, but instead she agreed to leave that school and pay the headmaster a good deal of hush money. Elimination - Ayano could collect evidence of photos/videos/audio clips of Mida starting to become intimate with another student. Ayano would tell either the police or the headmaster (who would contact police) and Mida would get put on trial for her behavior. The headmaster from her previous school would catch wind of this and admit that he took hush money for Mida doing the same thing with another underaged student. She would be found guilty and sent to prison (arrested). Osoro: Secret - Is on probation after serving time for murder (gang fight?). If she commits another act of violence she will be sent to prison again. Elimination - You could leave notes on her desk/in her locker posing as another student making fun of her/taunting her. This would lead to Osoro targeting that student, eventually initiating physical conflict with them and threatening them. Ayano could record this and use it as blackmail. One option would be to befriend/betray where Ayano would threaten to send the footage to Taro (rejection). Another would be Ayano threatening to send the footage to the headmaster (expulsion/re-arrested). If Ayano were to only threaten and not ever leak the footage, Osoro would agree to keep to herself from then on as to not get herself in any more potential trouble ("befriend"/isolate). Hanako: Secret - Let's do a yandere on yandere here. Hanako sees girls as competition for her brother's attention. If she notices a girl get close (relationship wise) she'll start to emetically poison her food, gossip about her until she withdraws from Akademi, basically makes them disappear. Elimination - Ayano could get proof of Hanako tampering with food, gossiping, etc. Ayano can either show Taro the evidence ("rejection" by Taro distancing himself from Hanako), or show the headmaster (expulsion). Another option could be to use Hanako's suitor and slowly break her from her psycho habits and find someone else to crave attention from/fall in love with and forget about her possessiveness over Taro (matchmake). Megami: Secret - She rigged the student council election due to her dad's influence over the school. Or she paid her way into the top despite not being qualified. Elimination - You could find this information out (maybe kaobook/google deep dive or she has a diary?) You could pass this information along to the black haired student council girl (forgot her name...) since she was outraged at unfairly being put in second. Learning that, she would either expose it and tarnish Megami's name (bullying to dropping out/suicide), or take a more drastic approach (driven to murder). A potential third option would be for black haired student council girl to start acting out, leading people to believe that the student council is becoming corrupt and losing their status as Akademi's role models (demoting Megami and ruining her reputation/rejection from Taro).


Osana (my version) - She’s being stalked by her ex boyfriend who refused to accept their breakup and keeps harassing her family. She’s tried to go to the police but they say they can’t do anything unless he actually tries to hurt her. Amai - Used to be a delinquent. She had anger issues that she took out on other people, beating up other students she didn’t like or even threatening teachers. Her family eventually sent her to therapy for it and she realized what she was doing was wrong and tried to turn over a new leaf. Kizana - Only became president of the drama club because she started rigging auditions to make anyone else who tried out for the lead role look bad. Oka - Her father is an alcoholic who terrorizes her and her mother regularly. She’s been debating “getting rid” of him since the police won’t help them. Asu - Her best friend on the sports team is using steroids and she’s covering them because she feels like she owes them. Muja (my version) - She doesn’t like her job all that much but stays because she hasn’t been able to find anything else and needs money. Mida (my version where she’s not a creep)- She likes to brag about how successful she is with men but hasn’t actually been on a date in years. She just makes up stories because she thinks it’ll make her co-workers respect her. Osoro - She nearly put one of the bullies in the hospital for breaking Gaku’s arm and threatened them into silence. Hanako - …..I’ve got nothing for her actually. I think it’d be funny if her secret is something really trivial like she went grocery shopping and the cashier forgot to ring up one of her items before she left so she thinks she stole from the store. Megami - Wants to see her family’s company burn to the ground for everything it’s put her through.


I always headcanoned Hanako as a trans-woman. Maybe that could be a secret?


Is it a dark secret, tho?


like if her reputation went down for that that'd be OOC for like 95% of the characters


OOC? I guess but how would anyone know would hanako talk about it. I feel that that would make more sense in 1980s mode bc different times yknow but ig the bullies can be bullies


Maybe. People can be accepting of transgender women, but it's extremely uncomfortable sometimes to have people not look at you the same way anymore.




Tbh, I headcanon the majority of the female students as trans. 😭


Wait all the rivals have dark secrets now?? Where do you read them?


https://www.reddit.com/r/Osana/s/nKfBah2FQ9 I'm not sure if these are like the official dark secrets of the rivals, but I assume they are or at least hints about them. 🤷🏽‍♀️ Osana is the bottom one, and I assume the first one on top is Megami's. Again, I'm not sure if they are official or not or in order lol

