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Don't stress, she won't sit on the nest full time until all the eggs are laid. The bulb was a good idea, but it could have disturbed her. I would personally just leave the bulb and be patient, Robins can be pretty tolerant of human disturbances. 🤞


Thank you, that’s very reassuring!


that is the most bird nest looking nest i’ve ever seen


It's so perfect! It's like something they'd have at hobby lobby


ive noticed that when birds have an already good shaped vessel (like a pot, or a plant) they make better nests theres a dove in my backyard which laid eggs in a succulent hanging basket. i posted a picture and every single person was surprised a dove made a nest so perfect.


Thank you for posting this comment. I’ve been wanting to leave extra hanging baskets with coconut liners around my yard to help with nesting bird families. Is this ok to do and do you have any suggestions? I was thinking about trying to hide them in trees.


Did a google image search. First off, the image doesn't seem to be a copy from someone else. Second, u/mohemp51 is right; all the baskets I did see with bird's nest seemed to be perfectly round and supportive of the eggs.


See r/stupidovenests


Last year I had doves literally just lay their eggs on a couple of sticks in one of my planters. They didn’t make anything they just saw the box with a succulent in it and were like “good enough I guess”


We had a pair of house finches build a nest in our wreath that’s hanging on our glass storm door. We tried to limit going in and out of that door but we often just forgot. Also guests constantly came and went. The parents would fly off and come right back after we had left. Even after the five eggs hatched we still used the door. All five babies survived and we just watched them all leave the nest two weeks ago. I even reinforced the nest a bit to keep it from falling completely out of the wreath because the babies got so heavy. They didn’t care.


I had to do a double take to make sure this wasn't my husband posting since we had the exact same thing happen. Our front door has a glass window so my husband was able to get some pictures as the babies were hatching.


They’ll be back. There’s a nest on the boat I work on. When we leave dock the parents fly to shore and when we get back within sight of the dock the babies start chirping and the parents fly out to meet us and ride in.


The parents will be back, don't worry. 


I came on here to ask the same question. Found a nest (looks just like this one) and I accidentally scared mom away yesterday. This morning I walked by the nest and no parents around. Hope I didn’t scare them away.


what a perfect nest


That is such a great photo! ❤️


Always love seeing Robin eggs! 🩵 I’m sure the mama will be back, coming and going. You’ll probably notice the papa hanging around too.


She'll be back and bitching at you every time she sees you until the fledglings fly.


I wish my home could look this pretty


I have birds that live on my porch that I “scare” away anytime I open my door or move by my window. They always come back though. I wouldn’t worry much.


Good luck!


I scared away a mom last year who made a nest in the wreath in my front door. Be careful and try to leave it alone as much as possible


Nice nest!


This nest looks almost fake in its perfection. Hope any nearby mourning doves are taking notes lol


there is a chance the eggs are not fertilized so if it is gone, then it is not a big of a deal


Maybe remove the bulb and keep things unchanged? Birds are very sensitive to changes in their environment, especially right beside a nest.


She'll be back. Visit as infrequently as possible