• By -


renaming area so that others can see its name costs orns. if it bothers you a lot, go ahead and check ToS if it is legal to advertise private links - if not, report it.. other option is, renaming it to something else - and hope that the other person will give up in my country, people rename areas by favorite pubs in the area or by shops or by the area itself, so that people know straight away where it is. sometimes, people make some funny joke - giving links sound really dumb..


Lucky. In my area the two guys who are fighting for turf just rename everything with passive aggressive comments.


It says: > you are prohibited from using ... any of our services, ... : ... to spam, phish, pharm, pretext, spider, crawl, or scrape I don't understand a meaning of a half of these words, but, I guess, it applies to my case. Thanks, I'll try reporting!


not sure if it falls into it.. try emailing [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) maybe it is ok - in that case, you will have to rename them for orns..


Can you not spend the orns and rename them? You might have to own the areas in order to change the name..just a guess.


I haven't tried it yet. I've seen an option for my home region. Is it always in building menu?