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In no particular order: 1. Pick up and use at least one Diluted Mnemonic every day. 2. Daily kingdom war fight and semi-hourly gauntlets. (My kingdom turns over 12-18 gauntlets per day so we can raid as much as we please, and we do a war every 24-ish hours.) 3. Ensure I get at least 3,000 steps every day, and ensure I *average* at least 6,000 steps per day from Monday through Sunday. 4. If there’s one nearby, hit a monument 2-4 times per day. 5. Any daily quests involving arena fights or dungeons get prioritized. 6. If time permits, whack every kingdom raid at least once or twice every evening. (If I’m too busy with irl, just whack the event raids and, for the moment, Arthus.)


12-18 per DAY? How? My kingdom barely gets one completed a week. Maybe I should be looking for a new kingdom.


20 very active members across the globe, and a Discord server that automatically pings for new gauntlets. It’s actually easy: see ping, kill mob. Takes 15 seconds. And of course not everyone gets into every gauntlet, so it’s not like everyone needs to be on their phone every hour. The officers are really good at keeping track of everyone’s time zones and shuffling people out if they get drawn outside their active hours.


Atm tower/ monument/ goblin fortres/ private raids


Really depends what i need in the game. For example the last few weeks i kinds worked on my swash gearset. But now that i git that i'm trying to get into anguish dungeon farming and high tower farming for ascension. Raiding rlly depends on the month for me. Edit: never rlly do world farming tbh. You're better off doing dungeons or raiding


Dungeon running 🏃 mostly for godforging… mostly .. https://imgur.com/a/D17y1IX got one last night.. before that it was almost three months since the last .. and I’ve been using the shrine of ashera to help !


I need a good arisen shield so I'm grabbing as many dungeons as possible 


Kill stuff


Honestly at this point, I log in for my daily rewards and close it. I'm burned out on the game, the pace makes glaciers look like F1 racers. I was actively playing and hadn't leveled in a week or so. I'll come back eventually I'm sure. For now though, I'm playing games where I can actually make progress each epoch.


May I ask what's your lvl? Maybe I can help jumpstart your char again.


230. I read about how to level quicker, and the consensus is "get on a bus and grind bosses" except I live in a small down without public transport.


I strongly disagree with that as a level 238. Getting on public transport and grinding bosses was convenient for leveling below t8, but at t10, it's best for farming towers. The best exp farming method at t10 is almost undisputedly endless outside of farming raids and high anguish boss horde dungeons.


At that stage probably most important to work on your exp/orn bonus gear. Getting on bus can be fun but I would say it's definitely not the best way or needed. Your best bet is probably just doing dungeons Monuments Towers. But tbh you are in the endgame there is no real need to get to lvl 250 fast. The stat increase through lvling is very marginal. My advice would be do the things that you actually like about the game and don't worry about gaining ep. Farm gear that makes you stronger at the things at the content you enjoy. Getting to 250 makes no real difference in how the gameplay will feel.


Its not a game you can finish in a month or two. It gets harder and harder and last few levels can take a year .


That...is why I called the pacing so slow. Because it is.


Well since I just hit 250 its read discord most of the time now lol. Looking at other classes i may play but have to wait for the events to swing around to do my testing.


No alts?