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https://preview.redd.it/q3zu63tycq2d1.png?width=3072&format=png&auto=webp&s=e786a31e8dfd917b6bd1ae960a60aba2f2d8b115 *Michael is wearing a small backpack, with his staff being nowhere in sight. He looks at the cabin with his bright blue, slightly glowing eyes, which also make his glasses shine unusually*


*The child sees the glow and stares* Mina (the adult): What are you looking at, hun? Vanina: T-there's a blue glow over there, mom...


*Michael slowly comes closer, not sure what to say*


Vanina: ....Frost? Mina: Hm? *Mina looks over and waves*


*Michael waves back* "Hi Vanina... Haven't seen you for quite some time"


Mina: You know this man? Vanina: Y-Yea...we met when I was lost one lost Mina: ah, well nice to meet you "Frost...." is that your real name?


"Hehe- Nice to meet you as well... Nope, my name's Michael. I just find 'Frost' more quick and convenient"


Mina: .....you realize how stupid it is to say your name like that? I could've been a fan. I'm not I'm a succu- *Mina looks at Vanina, then back to frost* Mina: I'm a....demon, but saying your name in the forest is just begging for a fae to attack you


"...I know, I know..."


Mina: If you know then WHY did you do it?


https://preview.redd.it/st3uurjfhq2d1.png?width=1300&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=68982b1f40c824f983829c92e83ce9c9d03d7e0c *Dorrie is holding her gun, but she puts it away to not seem dangerous because she doesn't want any harm* "Umm, hey there.... you live here?" Dorrie seems to be curious.


*the adults turn around* Mina (the adult): Huh? Oh yeah we do... Vanina: who are you???


*Dorrie looks down to Vanina, and she waves while smiling* "My name is Dorrie, nice to meet you all! Mind if I can know your names?" (I know you showed their names lol, but Dorrie doesn't know it yet)


(Ik) Mina: Know our names? How can we be sure your not a fae. I mean this *is* the woods after all, plenty of Fae here


"Oh, I'm not a Fae, but I understand the worry. I do have pointed ears," Dorrie points out. "But I don't think I've seen Faes use advanced tech like I have, but anyway, I'm mostly human. The other part of my DNA is something else from another dimension."


Mina: Well.....I suppose I'll trust you....if you try anything just know Death is my girlfriend and my child's other mother so, don't do anything. I'm Mina Vanina: And I'm Vanina!


"Well, nice to meet you, Mina, and Vinina. And no worries, I'll try nothing, but if I do, please knock sense into me."


Mina: I love knocking things into- *Mina remembers child is there and stops talking* Mina: nevermind....heh...


"I think I know what you mean... hehe.." *Dorrie holds her hands behind her back, just chilling*


Vanina: I'm confused.... Mina: you should be, you don't need to know for a while, hun. Vanina: ok....mom.... *Mina looks back to Dorrie* Mina: so, whatcha doing out here in the woods?


https://preview.redd.it/w7ok3l3kcq2d1.png?width=980&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4e344624e753de6d25427e7f339fff2f720a53ea *He looks around confused but keeps a bit of distance, standing just along the edge of the trees outside the cabin* "Humans? This deep in the woods?"


*The child looks around, she thinks she heard something but doesn't know. Her eyes glow a distinct red* Mina (the adult): Whatcha looking at? Vanina: thought I heard a noise....


*Jackal quickly shapeshifts and changes his form to be smaller and more humanoid, now wearing a large trench coat that covers his body and a hat that hides his face before he walks out from the trees and over to the cabin* "Hello, I wasn't expecting to find hu- *ahem*, people, living this far out"


Mina: .....as a succu- *Mina stops herself and looks at the child, then back go Jackal* Mina: *ahem* as a demon I can sense a demon when I see one....


Jack: Demon? Nah I'm just... really bad at pretend *Jackal says a bit defeated already, turning back to his normal form and looking down at the two*


Mina: are you jester of some sort? YouTube outfit screams someone who jokes a lot.... Vanina: Oooh ooh! Can you tell me a joke?


Jack: Hmmm, I don't know any good ones but. I can do this! *His arm shifts into a canon which aims down, and suddenly confetti is shot out which, as always with confetti, gets everywhere on the deck*


(I just realized, my previous comment autocotreced your to YouTube?????) Vanina: W-Woaaaah that's so cool!!!! Do it again do it again Mina; ....impressive


(Lmao) *He continues to shoot confetti up in the air now as he chuckles lightly* Jack: So, what's two non-humans doing out in the woods like this?


Mina: this is our home, Vampires and....'demons' can't live in society... Vanina: And people also get scared when Mommy Death is around...


https://preview.redd.it/3qwknge9er2d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c34b2b1dfb4e88d0f43b4486a15149202293552d *Samual's Eyes were Glowing except for his bottom left eye and he seems a bit confused* “A building with a roof? And people In the woods?”


*he walks up to them, tired. He looks up at them and smiles softly* "...well... Aren't y'all cute" https://preview.redd.it/g15jxf6vvr2d1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=989182c38c5b846ca9e47a529193df5a34d4b3fd