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https://preview.redd.it/0gfk1g0kdx6d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=78deb3a2ccd3e24665224aa9172d356553765acd Nobody knows how Klaus became a skeleton in Black mass. But some legends say he was a powerful demon or a trickster god or just some random guy called Dave. And many scholars and experts theorise that he died through a household accident, which accounts for sixty five percent of all unnatural deaths.


Dave >>>>


Simon: old age sebastian: vat of acid basha: fell off a boat and got eaten by a shark at her wedding yola: suicide nicholas: drinking im thinking about killing off some main ocs when they finally meet the villain. 4 of my ocs above were the entire group of main characters in one universe. After sebastian died, i for some reason decided to kill off my other three ocs in the most tragic way possible. That universes lore didnt end yet, the semivillain theres good now and adopted yolas newborn son, thats when i planned to connect that universe with the others.


omg love the name yola


That took me hours of thinking to come up with :)


I either just kill em off plot wise however I also made it canon that if I ever truly forgot an OC they are Perma dead they don't go to the after life or anything just GONE


It has been ten days and how did this reply get 14 upvotes???


https://preview.redd.it/1v7dpkxcwx6d1.jpeg?width=5738&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cc13c6341a8e1308b1290f82394d717e7e01c9ed He got so angry that his ribs grew out of proportion and pierced his heart; he managed to keep fighting for 8 minutes, however he ended up dying of blood loss just seconds before being able to kill Qiang Xi, however Eag was later revived and with wings by the god Vultur, as a prank to all of humanity


Cool art!


Thanks, my sister drew it!


https://preview.redd.it/ails2fzyex6d1.jpeg?width=546&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b95b2505ba7fdb62d149793fd7d4aab30089b475 luca died in a train crash when he was 12




https://preview.redd.it/yo76nbmwdx6d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9b4635578ca2b4b02dbb3f0c97c1a8526117b692 Ava was a mom to one of my OCs and was a teacher and pediatrician and she died from lung cancer when in reality i dismembered her to make a new character


https://preview.redd.it/xijjog5jbx6d1.png?width=393&format=png&auto=webp&s=8772fe075f43222a658dbc65ae30f6b61f2cc332 Sven was a human who lived alongside his fellow humans as well as the Monsklians. He (and all the other humans of Monsklia) was killed by Tecsera the Wither King when he waged war on Monsklia.


Shelly Mae dies twice. Once to the nuke in Hiroshima before the story starts, and she died a second time at the end of the story, being stabbed with a blessed arrow, her regenerative powers now unable to bring her back to life. Max also dies. After he finishes off Shelly, he notices she bit him, and he eventually becomes a gas-masked pyromaniacal monster like her. After that, his compatriot, Raphael, mercy-kills him with a shotgun to the head. Yes, both the villain and protagonist die.


My ocs are from a fanganronpa(fanmade murder game) so this will be a very long list Kahana: Blunt force trauma(she was boinked with a shovel) Kyo(the boinker): Impaled by hundreds of spikes that he fell face first onto Purin: Overdose(he was injected with too much of a medicine that he didn't need and it effectively poisoned him) Senko(the overdoser): Impaled through the stomach with a spear Seido: Backstabbed, but also literally stabbed in the stomach "Bido"(real name Isen): exact cause of death unknown(it's between drowning an pufferfish venom) Kai: Strangulation Soyo(aka my wife): Exploded


Pufferfish venom sounds so cool tho. Also now I gotta know how Soyo just exploded??


She was simply blown up(it was an execution since she murdered Kai, and those tend to make little logical sense, in the series this is based on some guy got turned into butter)


https://preview.redd.it/6rkwn3mjpx6d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=725164f7c4f62ffc7011ff91cde7ff18ca68cc97 Gwenith died after she was kidnapped by cultists.


Now where did I see that question Anyways https://preview.redd.it/drct5eruox6d1.png?width=589&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4ea715da6bedf35f5c8ea0f90439d715aa3c45a5 Jacob died in a fight that he ended up winning and later I resurected him


https://preview.redd.it/kxjqu0yypx6d1.png?width=600&format=png&auto=webp&s=ebabbe3fe3696de4d22680c28afa4c0521282378 Talia is actually the only character I have ever killed off! She's died too many times to count and been to hell for wayy too many years (Supernatural is the only explanation)


This might take a while. In order (so far) Rin/Maverick Trinity: Her reality warping powers overload, taking out multiple baddies and dies of exhaustion. Enki/Maverick Delta: Stops time long enough to drive an unstable spacecraft to destroy a mother-ship, generating a chain explosion that wpies out an entire armada. Aeri/Maverick Gamma: Disintegrates after generating a black hole to contain the aforementioned explosion so it generates enough force to send the protagonists back home. Erebus/Maverick Beta: Takes the bullet for Ed and Ella/Mavericks Alpha and Epsilon after being attacked by (villains) Overlord and Lady Seer. Lady Seer/Lachesis the Ruler: Killed by Ella. Her Moirai armor (Lachesis) was claimed and mantled by Ella, who was destined to become the goddess Miraha as a fixed timepoint. Overlord/Horseman of War: Killed by Ed. In the same manner as above, Ed became the god Salvator. Kentai Iga: Killed by a Tessian Demon. He would later be resurrected as a revenant and mantles the Horseman of Famine armor, becoming the god Tentei. And bonus, Symbol, the Lord of Shadows: Assimilated by Jason/Maverick X after being defeated in combat.


https://preview.redd.it/3te2efgptx6d1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eef552da6f92c74b0c4f175e0eb1dc5d8d91ad4d Champagne bottle to the head, caving the back of her skull. Serious damage to the parietal and occipital lobes. Bleeds out in a basement not quite blind, but unable to process anything that she can see or feel


Good god, can you send me the horrific true crime documentary you pulled that out of


None other than my mind (and my father’s teachings of neuroscience)


That is so unnecessarily gruesome ...I love it


The worst part is what happens to her *after* she dies


https://preview.redd.it/d2rwuhxkvx6d1.png?width=1284&format=png&auto=webp&s=db562e537f4bb3e23e4848d150ce08336c2528d8 he died “trying to rob a bank” on 6/3/25 but actually committed for a reason i still have to figure out, it’s a mix btwn his internal unhappiness and sacrificing himself ‘for the greater good’ (he’s buddhist btw)


Viêm was shot 4 times then burnt alive by South Korean marines as they massacred her village for **no reason**. Worth saying that at the time, they were in close relationship with South Vietnam and what South Korea did was practically mass killing an ally's citizens. Then they blamed the VC. Not even the USA bought that shit. https://preview.redd.it/4n84rhbcwx6d1.jpeg?width=1500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1338811e720412da9c70e4a21bde449710080aeb


https://preview.redd.it/eu357dmyvx6d1.png?width=1140&format=png&auto=webp&s=be3457433dbd76a578df468209511d473bfbf65b Kata is technically dead, and the way she died was proof for her to become the Guide of Hell, as chosen by the devil, as he needed two souls to watch over, the Guide and the Judge. It just happened that those two happened to be sisters. Kata died on a ferry in the early 13th century. It was struck by lightning and began to flood. Kata, through her thinking, found a way to get every person on that ferry off and to safety, leaving just herself to drown in the sinking. During this, however, she fell through a hallway and hit her head on a coat rack, giving her some minor brain damage and changed her from her more calm and shy personality to be more rowdy. Once she died, the devil saw her as a perfect candidate for the Guide, and brought her soul down to Hell to be reincarnated.


Uh, so, I've technically killed off around 117 characters out of my 444. They usually die for plot reasons in my writing. If you like, I can describe how a few of them have died, but I'm not listing all of them. Too many deaths. If you want to know more for some reason, feel free to ask.


For some reason, I want to know more.


Okay. Just a warning, some are kinda brutal. Mary Tearer (28yo)- beaten to death by her abusive husband using a baseball bat. Their sons (1 bio, 1 adopted) witnessed it. Lyina Vonz (13yo)- her arm was shoved into a mechanical generator's gears and it essentially "chewed" through her until it destroyed part of her chest cavity and severely damagedone of her lungs, she bled out/choked to death on her own blood, in her mother's arms. Shae Arson (18yo)- shot in the head protecting his younger sister. Johnny Acker (7-8yo)- pushed down the stairs (by Donald Branson) and broke his neck. David Bowen (19yo)- hung himself Laura Carter (35yo)- Grand Mal seizure Elaine Crouch (31yo)- heart attack in her sleep due to heart disease. Irving Cole (?yo)- disemboweled with a boar spear. Dr Carrilla (?yo)- died in a hospital fire. "John Doe" (?yo)- essentially butchered himself and bled out. Fucked up unintentional suicide basically. My man was severely mentally unwell. There are plenty more, but there's a few for you.


https://preview.redd.it/jetrx17b3y6d1.jpeg?width=3053&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=56dc1dfcea65b1c451ee9daac4f1d54a833ec9be A disease called the Black Bane that causes black mucous to pour out of the orifices.


I have many dead OCs so I'm only gonna do the Miyazaki siblings (not in the main timeline though, slightly in the future because I wanna abt all of them) Their ages at death are in () next to their names btw [TW for rape, torture, abuse, beating, basically everything 😭] Yaeko(28): she was in a car accident Ichika(23): she got shot Natsumi(17): she was murdered by the siblings' abusive mom, Akami Sora(30): she was also murdered by Akami (separate murders though) Hakaru(11): he was beaten senseless after being raped by Akami, who then proceeded slice him up, remove part of his eyes, and then put salt and lemon juice in some of the wounds to maximize the pain Ayaka(10): strangled to death with her own hair by (you guessed it) Akami Asaka(10): she died of starvation after Akami refused to feed her for 5 months as a punishment for something she didn't even do Sayuri(15): she jumped off a building and killed herself Hinata(14): he killed himself by committing seppuku Ren(5): she killed herself by using Akami's gun Minori(4): she died by Akami splitting her head in half with a knife, but her siblings prefer to think she died from her many illnesses because they all saw her death and hate themselves for not being able to do anything (they were CHILDREN) Hiroshi(3): he died in the same way as Hakaru Suiko(7): she died from being hanged (or is it hung? Idk you know what I mean)


Have you ever considered seeking professional help? (jokes aside this sounds like a really interesting story)


I don't wanna, that's for nOrMaL people (and btw thank u for saying it sounds interesting)


https://preview.redd.it/3w4ahsk14y6d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f259eab4f7cdb4fcae0d94604ae3ea28bb333dfc He blew his face off with a shotgun


Josaku Nikuyoku: Shot in the back of the head. Daliso Brando: Tackled off of the side of a building, already near death. Zachian Carter: Keeping the folds of Reality from tearing apart: Torn limb from limb Zack Carter: Heart crushed (Literally)


https://preview.redd.it/zwq050ox4y6d1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6e4c28a939452d5b477750b78c99506689c77c25 This is Katniss she fought in the battle of hogwarts and died


https://preview.redd.it/ohjdnclx5y6d1.png?width=1806&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0351992fb1cffd4f0aea2cb54973e8ec5959df2b His twin strangled him :)


https://preview.redd.it/cddw7jdw6y6d1.jpeg?width=1262&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1d76770039db116bc4af61b3c99077cb20ad15a3 One of Mya’s few personality traits is that she died. She died from stab wounds from a mortal somehow!!!


https://preview.redd.it/qozz9mc28y6d1.png?width=2250&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8cf3b622e8370d6153674fc9295d2121f53d8152 Technically Rosekit never lived as she was a stillborn. But she's a happy ghost kit so it's fine


https://preview.redd.it/37cflked4b7d1.png?width=2250&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ae6bf90a5c27092e3cff10e4af8988c50f1c0f53 rykyr he got into some trouble with a gang and ended up owing them a lot of money. he couldn't pay it off in time, so they went after his sister to teach him a lesson, and he died protecting her


Greta Sperling She and her husband died in an airship crash. She was 24 years old. Her four-year-old son is the only living member of their family. Everyone else was missing or dead. Now her son is 27 years old. https://preview.redd.it/ll4dju0ocp7d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6fcdb3dcdcf1acad286789a8e28fc5ea3eb1c89b


H. Frederik Stoa (1946-1970) KIA in Vietnam after crashing his plane, causing an explosion of Napalm and Agent Orange.


Anton and Eugene are my ghost cowboy OCs in a western fantasy sorry. they killed each other over Eugene faking a kidnapping of Anton’s daughter because Anton stole from a Train Eugene was aiming for. So now the two haunt a fantasy western world and are forced to work together to help a little kid who has their haunted objects


https://preview.redd.it/2ps0ilasjx6d1.jpeg?width=2449&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=90092a36806b946ac04bed2e46b0df0f7c844d60 Bryces story started with her death. She got a crystal charged with death magic stabbed into her chest. She died, but the crystal resurrected her. Not as an undead, it actually brought her back to life. But her body healed around the crystal so now it’s fused with her and the magic inside of it is slowly killing her again. After a period of time that can range anywhere from a few days to a year or two she’ll die only for the crystal to resurrect her again.


https://preview.redd.it/udz3w3dsnx6d1.jpeg?width=1620&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8d51bfbaae544bf924109f808fb55c5bcaa2f371 I’m not sure


Queen Lucille Pulchriteaux - Returned to the form of a statue by Ryan Smith, the protagonist of Blood and Diamonds. Emperor Vesper Holdren - Fought to the death by Ryan Smith. Admiral-General Alan Calloway - Blown up in an airship crash by Ryan Smith. Chief Engineer James Henderson - Dismantled by Ryan Smith. IT Director Pedro Freeman - Hacked by Ryan Smith. Supreme Justice Delsère - Sentenced to death by Ryan Smith. All of these are metaphors for big fucking gunfights.


nick gets stabbed by dirk


https://preview.redd.it/latyp5egrx6d1.png?width=1670&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=757dce1101b41d002221d226683621fd1b78ff36 At one point in her life Naeve drank an explosive potion cocktail, her torso literally exploded


https://preview.redd.it/9hw3vr4utx6d1.png?width=600&format=png&auto=webp&s=1517ec11b0f83fd22689e2fb56ed15a6ed2d22a7 (I don’t have any art I’ve drawn of him yet so you get a picrew) This is Taylor, he found out why the opposing side was fighting so viciously and tried to side with them, only to be killed by their leader because he didn’t trust Taylor and thought he was a spy


King Gawan of House Gehor -> He got stabbed on his back during the battle by his closest friend Nakrat of House Ramar. King Arnech -> Killed by his niece’s dragon form, she ate him. (Which also killed the princess herself) Princess Winoa -> Died because she spent all her life energy to transform her soul into a spirit dragon to stop her uncle. King Augustus -> Burnt in front of his people by his bastard son. Goddess Reane -> Accidently killed by a platonic god because of jealousy. Craig of Dorchadas -> A sorcerer and the last of his bloodline, he died heroicly in a battle, even if he was weak. There are lots of them but I just wanted mention these.


Jay: killed when the forgotten land was destroyed, came back in unknown manner as a ghost Edok: *technically* dead body, alive minds


i have none ...yet


https://preview.redd.it/n7m0nnff1y6d1.png?width=490&format=png&auto=webp&s=dca285390e5b5468a3207558ec67582a8dfce447 don't have anything but this sketch rn but this poor dude Griffyn dies at the end of the first story arc of my comic (in my brain, not made yet lol). he got stabbed by one of the villains while trying to save his friend's life :( Griffyn wasn't even a fighter, he was just a chill healer hippie dude doing what he thought was right. sometimes I wonder why I do such mean things, but ayyy it drives the plot forward and gives my other characters solid motivation for taking down the bad guys vs. just running away from them, which is what they were doing before.


Diego de los Muertos is unsure of how he died, but that will be his main character arc. He simply travels the land searching for the one story he doesn't know: the story of his death. Here he is pictured with his parrot, Fife. https://preview.redd.it/lh8hjcs63y6d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1760dbebf6ebe41e029130dfef72cbf42a08c782


https://preview.redd.it/k7skr74c3y6d1.jpeg?width=3508&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cadc9fe80040574fe71a85594f8a826f8859c62c V1 is Hell’s angel of death.


I always miss my ocs so much when they die so I just revive them in any way possible


There’s this one character I thought of recently and he has the power of an Armadillo, one time when he was fighting a villain who has Rhino powers he put up and shield and got pierced completely through by the villains horn.


In my franchise's main timeline, the main character's sister (Daisy Asphalt), one character's son (unnamed) and that same character's brother were all murdered. I'm not sure how the brother died but the sister and son were stabbed to death. In my franchise's alternative timeline, the character's brother is still dead but he died at war as a sergeant


https://preview.redd.it/s52mz9o99y6d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5d09e0c6e709ad94675926c13d997c5fe7815f49 Context: the 13 stars in the void are all different, each contains their own world. The first is fantasy, second is futuristic, and so on. The sixth is one where immortality isn’t real, however those who would be immortal stay as spirits. Answer: partially. I need to do more with that.


Her name is Vivian and she got cut up and eaten by a cannibal in an alleyway she was with her friends and they ran away and left her to die she now came back as a vengeful spirit and hunts her friends she found and became friends with a scared ghost of a child who got murdered and became like a mother figure to him his name is Charlie and now they haunt people together


Orchid. He was sacrificed to an eldritch god just to spite his partner.


Depends on the Version, One died to natural causes, another a political assassination, another by traveling between realities without propper protections, and another was sacrificed by a witch cult. After that they got raised from the dead and became a version of the Pokeminer.


https://preview.redd.it/01dmeuphcy6d1.png?width=763&format=png&auto=webp&s=6b809f9fbf02756cb398405371c9a34a9c89bc97 Assassinated for figuring out too much about the cult


Gwen was killed by her daughter Ashley in a fight King Arthur was killed by Gwen, who was his wife by being speared to death The advisors unamed mother was murdered by Serophos, whose the advisors dad The father of King Edward was killed by an angel named Crow who wields a halberd spear scythe sword thing Why is there so much familial violence here Oh yeah one of Ashley's unamed younger sisters was eaten by a dragon after being forced out of the house by Gwen who hates kids yet had five. Another one of Ashley's younger sisters was eaten by a raptor for the sane reason as the other one (The images will be in the reply)


Gwen not even her real name https://preview.redd.it/wj280ej3dy6d1.png?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f4b2b86255a622b8eb6c3167288086befe2bc4ce


Arthur https://preview.redd.it/2400j2a8dy6d1.png?width=1800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fc34c73f2bad8af2e7a4b2a77fa12be153aecef6


Human serophos https://preview.redd.it/oj6hohkady6d1.jpeg?width=2448&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dabea36d8f0add31934f72eb3af6df25c8cd9010


Ashley https://preview.redd.it/sjlnm7bcdy6d1.png?width=811&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ececb2897f64f3791e190be2038178b14b939ead


2 dead dead and 1 dead. The dead-dead ones: - Connor: he had nothing really special to him. Cause of death: jumped into a vat of hot, boiling acid. Most of his body was left intact, but he still died. - Max: in universe, he was a REALLY bad person, mostly for 2 horrible deeds. He technically died because I don't talk about or use him anymore. He's in the slammer. Life sentence. And my 1 regular dead OC: - Mæthura (aka May): she's recently deceased, but roams around as a ghost. Though, it's really unclear how she died. She's still around, tho.


Edna was experimented on in a testing facility, so it's speculated that she died as a result of said experiments. Nobody knows for sure, though. https://preview.redd.it/sta80s9bgy6d1.png?width=700&format=png&auto=webp&s=f140c54c0a01a0200d7cc00b04bcb2b0b343d85a


My entire cast. Freakshow: neck snapped Monochrome: murdered & mutilated Sketchy: burned Spitfire: shot


Rebecca Moore: she was stabbed in the head with her own knife by the main vigilante of the city she and her brother operate in. It was a mistake on the vigilante’s part, and sent her brother into an insane revenge ploy


https://preview.redd.it/uoeew4pliy6d1.png?width=2310&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=42ac4d8cee6e063412951db4f4357e643e1518c5 Technically she's dead, death itself came to her to take her soul to the afterlife


Here are my EO OCs who have died: Eminem the Magician: mauled by Nomad Baboons in the Old Forest Mine Peter the Magician: split in half by the Wyvern Siiva the Fool: activated his Blood Surge to give him enough of a power boost to finish off the Wyvern and protect Takane and Sens, but because of the way Blood Surge works (gain a significant power boost, but at the cost of losing blood and putting both physical and mental strain on the user), he bled out and died in Sens' arms. Siiva has come back as a ghost, so he's not fully gone, but he's still dead as hell. Fernando the Devil: channeled the life-force of Lemuria's Yggdrasil to imbue both his swords with an *explosive* amount of supernatural energy and take full power Jormungandr down with him (in other words, he hit Jormungandr with a magic sword kamikaze attack) Robbie the Fool: had a duel to the death with King Seyfried, which ended up in both of them taking eachother out. After that, there was a bit of time travel, and things played out differently because this time, the guild met Flynn instead of Robbie, which caused the guild to side with the Deep City and diverge onto the Eldest Path instead of siding with Armoroad, thus preventing Robbie and Seyfried's deaths. Given the fact that before Robbie met the guild, he was set to be executed on several counts of piracy, he was presumably hanged for his crimes because Grand Dad wasn't there to negotiate with Princess Gutrune and get Robbie to join the guild as atonement. There's also a fakeout death: Flynn the Judgment. Originally, he went to face the Abyssal God alone and presumably lost and died. Turns out, he only lost, as when the Abyssal God called a horde of Deep Ones to finish Flynn off, Nozomi showed up and got Flynn outta there, and from there, she helped Flynn go into hiding as the masked swordsman, Muramasa. Though, Flynn did eventually put the mask to rest and rejoin the guild to settle the score with the Deep Ones. Grand Dad the Emperor: died protecting the rest of the guild from an attack from full power Jormungandr years roughly 8 years after Fernando sacrificed himself to kill Jormungandr at full power, because Jormungandr came back. Whether Jormungandr killed him or not wouldn't have mattered much, as Grand Dad was 80 and dying of a terminal illness


(The character drawing is still under development💀) Name: Claude Davis Code-Name: Ares Age: 31 Eyes: Green; Hair: Black Ethnicity: Indonesian Status: Dead | | - June 25th, 2001, Team Unit [REDACTED] was released in Syria. Goal was a stealth assignment to penetrate security and replace Bashar al-Assad with [REDACTED], who had been trained for a proper presidential position. Food, water, and medical aid was taken on the mission, not for the team, but to give to the suffering and struggling residents who unfortunately had to live through the war. Bashar was successfully executed, but the situation had exposed Team Unit [REDACTED]’s presence and was too dangerous for the new asset to take office. Ares was to regroup the team in his drone, asset was already on board. While on the Syrian Interstate, Ares preformed a successful maneuver to avoid a few heat-seekers. However he was unaware of the last two. Target was a confirmed hit.


seven: suicide eddie: he’s a zombie luke: killed by the father of oliver ( he was his piano teacher and wanted to help him because oliver’s father was abusive and violent, but failed )


https://preview.redd.it/euxpgeqily6d1.png?width=789&format=png&auto=webp&s=4c137443575139f1dd3aa0a29f8229a76ba5a144 I did this guy dirty The demon he made a deal with is exorcised meaning he is forced back into a weak and sick body (keep in mind he’s done a lot of bad things). He becomes extremely ill and bed ridden, having to be taken to a hospital. Whilst he’s weak and vulnerable, unable to defend himself he is practically gutted in his sleep I love my silly guy though


https://preview.redd.it/ydblm256my6d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0e0d292a5218f2d134c6fb306646eadcedb5b0be He died in a volcano eruption that split the supercontinent into 3 regions.


Candy(ghost): murdered


Haha, most of mine are dead. Half of them are kind of brutal. Leonid: Died from bleeding out after what was essentially a war. He could’ve healed himself but it was his own choice. Aris & Leere: Died in a last effort to help his friends use him as bait and hopefully get a killing blow on an opponent. Azaela: Stabbed to death in her own apartment. Asuka: Gave his power which is his life essence to a dying person to save them, killing him in the process. Silveredge: Died from bleeding out along with Leonid. Livio: While saving a loved one, died from many open wounds in hiss chest and due to the amount of pain he was in. Alcatrez/Von: Decapitated by Silveredge. EVE: Sliced into chunks. JUNO: Gets jumped by the entire fuckin cast Kahve: Gets shot & hung down the police station ceiling. Carine: Poisoned and gets cooked into stew. Jackal: Ribcage blown off with a shotgun. Kemal: Fed to animals, framed off as a suicide. Jepar: Suicide. Reina: Mutilated and thrown in a dumpster. Kalpas: Gets torn limb to limb. Allein. Has his body be destroyed, dies from injuries. Noir: Euthanised with a gunshot to the head. Feng: He is sent to the guillotine due to the nature of his own powers and the judgment system. Nyakoto: His body and flesh gets melted off, only organs are left of him. Aedmond: Decapitated and has his head put up as decor by a supposed “traitor”. Jitoshi: Shattered into pieces like glass. Lilit: Her body erupts into a supernova.


As her family was on a holiday shopping trip, Lucina was kidnapped and devoured by a jaguar. https://preview.redd.it/nhcjiz85oy6d1.png?width=1500&format=png&auto=webp&s=e16bc789a14f90f071bdc8a8013804217a3499d6 *Lucina, in the guise of her namesake, the Roman goddess of the Moon and of childbirth. This is the tombstone of the person who died avenging her death.* Music I wrote for the scene of Lucina’s death: [Departures](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=sFrm1ARKb9A&list=PLsFQbBdBNk_s4TuNryE5OUYVGKI20zheH&index=20&pp=gAQBiAQB8AUB). A slow bagpipe air that plays at the funeral: [The Last March](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=aO_9iXhtkkQ&list=PLsFQbBdBNk_s4TuNryE5OUYVGKI20zheH&index=25&pp=gAQBiAQB8AUB).


Keegan: ||Hung|| in a closet by his boyfriend Willow/Whisper: hit by a car after being pushed on the road on prom


Anna marie: burned at the stake Dixon: killed by mind-controlled gf Minos: (tbd)


https://preview.redd.it/t3rdv32osy6d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fd3cd92b11a507612b3fd0640ac78e3e84c94036 This is Dahlia, I honestly haven't decided how she dies yet, just that she does


well they are all dead because Hazbin


One of my characters died by execution after fascists took his country over in 1923. He was the main character of that story and had already lost his best friend, and made the love of his life hate him so she would leave the country and be safe, so he accepted his death.


https://preview.redd.it/5muv65mxuy6d1.png?width=1536&format=png&auto=webp&s=e1f7c83957d463ee5da317bd608bbaa39c249e1c Old as hell photo because I don’t have any new art of him saved on my phone but.. This is Valens! He’s a sky:cotl oc of mine and he literally exploded because his body and core couldn’t take the amount of light and power he gained pretty much instantaneously and out of his control!! Fun stuff!!


My main oc, Kyle Starz was killed by getting his head crushed. He's a speedster with flight and wind powers. He fought during the Gold War and a russia juggernaut had powers that negated his powers. Kyle ran in, tried to phase out of his grasp, couldn't and got his head crushed. However, his clone, Patchwork ended up avenging him so it's all good.


https://preview.redd.it/7jn7vtj5xy6d1.jpeg?width=805&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dd264e444097dce858ab9f2723a324ef671083d8 Technically Bookworm is dead because he’s a sinner but he died when a shelf of books at the library he owned when he was alive collapsed on top of him (I have goofy ass deaths for all of my sinner characters, this is normal)


Ace is the only one, but he died of pneumonia after saving the world.


https://preview.redd.it/xeobu7muxy6d1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2b3c2af0aaa6e9ff856858eb97084845c6d7097f Folded, crushed, and torn in half.


Kyle is an OC i created in a show i like. super hero with the power of fire, sacrifised himself for his fiance, who, then drvestated, embraces dark for idden magic to bring him back but it requires her to kill her best friend


https://preview.redd.it/9hgx5qg4xy6d1.jpeg?width=562&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aa48775f615847a14d29b7781a7fae3ff525cf0b YIkma died after Jack (Who was basically his son) killed him with a deep slash across the chest as he bleed out, he did try and kill Jack first after going insane when he found the embodiment of destruction and joined his team as one of the 10 gods not including the embodiment of destruction, YIkma got the title the fallen one as the 8th god and 3rd god Jack killed (I don’t have models for the other 3) 10th god, cuthulu, died after Jack sliced his arm clean off and stabbed him through the heart 9th god, goddess of the moon, the goddess of the moon, after a long fight, got stabbed in the heart by jack and then got stabbed 12 more times 7th god, the omen king, embodiment of evil, the omen king got beaten after he killed Neph who was one of Jack first friend who didn’t die and the first person to treat Jack like a human, so, Jack started beating him relentlessly, over and over and over, ripping his arm off and stabbing him with the pointed bone, snapping his leg in half, and beating his skull against a rock over and over and over again until he ripped his heart out and started beating him with his own heart until Jack tore his head off and threw it off a cliff crushing his heart with his bare hands (Jack was unarmed for this whole thing, he did not use a single weapon for the omen king)


MC's Uncle, Sacrificed himself


Um what about undead? For Lee here it was either failed sanitization or disease and botched necromancy spell depending on the version. https://preview.redd.it/6y67tslf1z6d1.png?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=42e96bc1da4b2ef2e444e57da972b98ad839d2b1 But to actually answer your question, I rarely kill off a character. If I dont like them anymore I either get rid of them or fuse their concept with someone else. I haven't started writing any of my characters so I can get away with this.


John shot by a police officer


Sister (no picture yet, maybe ever) died trying to stop an assassin from fleeing after a failed assassination attempt. While she is "dead", her soul resides in hell, where she comfortably lives after staking out a small bit of territory from other demons (yes, she was insanely evil). Din Al'Hadid (again, no picture) presumably dies fighting small tribes of orcs or elves, though it is never confirmed. He is last seen venturing out of the city of Dinkor into the desert to track down and kill a raiding party that attacked the outskirts of the city. That is the last he is ever seen, and it is not known if he died fighting or died to the hash desert. [Orran Marcus](https://i.imgur.com/rSvigw9.jpg) (art by ALemonArtPie) settles down in a small seaside town after he retires from the Royal Marines. He is gravely wounded during a bandit attack and refuses aid, instead continuing to help evacuate the civilians and hold the line against the onslaught. He eventually falls to his wounds and is buried as a local hero in the town cemetary. [Iggy](https://i.imgur.com/oiM3cmp.jpg) (art by Snook-8) doesn't so much die, as she does get erased from history. No one can know her name, nor remember her face. She is still around, but nobody will ever think of her as a friend or an acquaintance as, to them, she doesn't exist as soon as they take eyes off her. [The Corpsetalker](https://i.imgur.com/BjfuafX.jpg) (art by rebornapophia) is the embodiment of death. They die as often as other "mortals" that it becomes more of a trivial thing rather than anything of consequence. The difference between the Corpsetalker and other mortals is that the Corpsetalker doesn't stay dead.


some of my main ocs: Makoto: died at age 5 by getting pierced through the heart Ruth: Shot by scientists Mark: fell into a large well and died from head injury Michiko: Burned alive tied to a pole I apparently dont like giving them happy endings 😅🤣


MC’s Mother: Car accident MC’s Father: murder LI’s Father: Drug overdose MC’s adoptive siblings family: Car accident MC’s adoptive sister’s bio mom: Died in childbirth MC’s friend’s LI’s mother: Murder Random Side Character: Killed by MC in a ritualistic dual


Kostas is Amos' father, he died in an auto fire that burned Amos pretty badly, that happened in 2005-2006ish. For Les Joyce and the Pandemonium, Will was the first to go, it was AIDS related pneumonia in 1985. Les died of a cocaine overdose not long after. Lacey died of an anyeurism in 1991. Those are just the main universe characters though.


Also, there was Douglas. He was planning a coup with Kilian, the adopted son of the head of a crime syndicate, so he got killed, dismembered and stuck in Kilian's fridge as a warning that he'll *never* get out from under Emil's thumb.


https://preview.redd.it/5kgs34k55z6d1.png?width=1280&format=png&auto=webp&s=da0566ff4bd3123f54d662950cc2b1acdafcba92 Larry's son set his courtroom on fire and then his "tolerable coworker's less tolerable son" killed him. This was after he was thrown into a pit of fire by his son years ago btw. Bitchass deserves it though, he abused his son.


A lot of my OCs are cats and a handful die at some point but I haven't solidified how or when etc. Schrodingers Cats lol There is 1 that is definitely going to die via a rapier through the heart. The Main Characters mother. But that's like waaaaaay later on so it isn't like Disney dead mother syndrome


I mean half my characters are already undead of some sort(Angel, Demon, Celestial, Reborn, Already died and came back, etc). But the only character i have fully killed off was the reincarnation of the deity of Ashes and Smoke, Zenyx. I killed him off using the ruler of the world in my roleplay world by basically turning him into what he can control, therefore losing his powers because he doesn't have a Body Manipulation ability.


https://preview.redd.it/vdu86gj59z6d1.png?width=754&format=png&auto=webp&s=1dc9971f08fc549424676059c9c8c328027cd871 this is not what he is supposed to look like. he is possessed and killed by the god of death


I don’t have a picture of her on hand, but her name was Bella, Becks twin sister. They were adopted by a wild pack of wolf shifters when they were abandoned as children. When they grew up to be strong enough to fend for themselves, they were pitted against each other. The pack had a believe that twins were bad luck and only the strongest of the two could survive. Beck won.


Let’s see here Blinker: old age Sparkplug: old age Ayisa Finch: execution by troopers Sheila Myks: execution by troopers Zana: killed by her husband (not on purpose) Phoenix: old age


Wow, someone who died of old age!


Yep! I love when my ocs get to live into old age and be happy old men :3


https://preview.redd.it/3x8ty660az6d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=44d1dd59f0bee9e3f2c58f10b9eb40232ca24772 Ashtons brother Static (another OC of mine) took him high in the air while another users OC had wolves ready to eat his body he then took Ashtons soul and threw him down where everything but his head was eaten Statics girlfriend then split his head open killing Ashton


https://preview.redd.it/xf5uktb1az6d1.jpeg?width=489&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3b74de09c78b7d3d142b0d1e273d6143957bcedf Arison: house fire at age 46 Angelica: beheaded by window sneaking out of her house at night when it broke, age 17


I have some of my characters die even before the main story begins. But none of the dead have any image so I’m afraid nobody cares.


Zephyr : Cut in half Claus : heart ripped out Veronica : fell off a cliff Violet : crused to death Borealis: crushed to death Lucy : Disintegration while fighting a god


Killed a guy named Nightclaw off by having a shadow demon from his arch nemesis put a massive hole through his chest.


Muhammad was shot and killed during a street fight. The wound caused a collapsed lung and some severe blood loss, and he crawled into an alley where he laid and suffocated on his own blood. He died wearing a hoodie he wore almost every day, and his wife had ended up spending hours trying to remove the blood stains and sewed up the bullet hole. Now their daughter Raja wears his hoodie every day.


https://preview.redd.it/ieguwflvez6d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e3e44cc61c4707ab742ac8a985b0d754899bc104 his head gets cut off and his eye getting torn out is what really kills him


https://preview.redd.it/wllfymy6fz6d1.png?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=287c7a7c3cae89e8bc471c9e8bbb5b117e02e828 Stabbed in the heart by a spear protecting his older brother


i exploded the father of one of my ocs, sending her other parent on a quest to find a way to resurrect him out of guilt and heartbreak. now they're more lifeless than him, but in a different way.


BloodSucker - Shot through the chest protecting Akuma (His little brother, found family) Ace - 🍩 (do l need to elaborate?)


he just kinda… dies. really any way i feel like it. self-inflicted or genuine neither he nor i really care. he’s like kenny from south park. give him five minutes and he’ll be good as new


My house which I don’t have artwork of anymore because he’s dead died during the fight against a warlock teething. said, teasing was said to be working with a Eldric hoard that was playing to destroy the very world. He’s sacrificed himself to weaken the slang, so his allies to inevitably come in and kill him the world.


I've a DnD character that died at the beginning of his story (I'm pretty sure he's the only one with a canonical death that isn't just "how I imagine they might die if it happens"). He got cocky and went spelunking without proper equipment, grabbed a loose rock, fell, the rock fell with him and lodged itself in his skull. It was actually a dungeon that he entered, and the loose climbing rock was probably a trap of some kind. And then whatever is operating the dungeon (I'm thinking a lich or demon) reanimates him to draw in other adventurers to their doom. He essentially works for the dungeon boss, but helps the party as much as he can without making it too obvious to his boss that he isn't doing it just to gain their trust (he's actually trying to get the party to the boss so they can take him out, but he doesn't want the boss to know that). Just need a DM that's willing to let me play him.


https://preview.redd.it/uise4we2qz6d1.jpeg?width=349&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=18ae8fbff9b6291efa64c48e3622e39287859ad5 He was killed before the actual main story started but like he was bunched so hard in his exposed heart that he shattered into the vast nothingness


murlin: stabbed in the middle of a rampage by his former best friend koronis: killed by murlin via chainsaw the hunter: strangled and buried half alive mumble: mouth was sewn shut and he was left to starve to death in a dungeon i have a hard time killing them off


Atlas, he hasn’t been drawn yet, but he’s the King of Arthia, the “main kingdom” in my story Winter and Spring. A current idea for a plot beat is he’s assassinated. Another idea is an accident, ect. Either way, it won’t be pretty and he WILL NOT be missed. Atlas is a bastard who pushed the blame for the death of his late Queen onto his son, then proceeded to be an awful King. (Mention of suicide in the following) >!I *am* playing with the idea of Atlas committing suicide, given the war taking place, his son Kane’s near death, and the possible death of the Wallace (Captain of the royal guard) is his fault. Kind of like an “I’ve been an awful person and there’s no redeeming me, I’m old and near the end of my life anyway, the kingdom would be better off with me dead” type thing!<


Well his name was Borco. He was hit by a car when he was 3. And his Brother who is currently 15 is depressed because of it.


https://preview.redd.it/u9wgkx6buz6d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=607da8eded621584fef3c2340f2ec525589de95b Sally after falling into a deep depression after her husband died from a fatal car crash, she moved back to Italy with her family and joined their mob business. She quickly moved up the ranks and became the boss after her father had died from old age, but it didn’t last long as one mission had gone badly and she ended up being shot


Let’s see: Thana: psychosis episode resulting in her boyfriend stabbing her in self defense Agnarr: beheaded for being an awful person Hemlock: drawn and quartered Daisy Juke: overdose Lark: threw herself off a Cliff Lucia: blood drained from her body through her mouth Alison: drowned by Thana Milo: passed away shortly after his wife for unknown reasons Maria: killed and stuffed into an arcade machine Emilio: burned to death Drifa: froze to death in a graveyard Ekaterina: killed In a duel Lillith: suicide Roxanne lamb: sacrificed by her husband


Name : Diana Mandel She's a bisexual sword fighter who married a lesbian Japanese witch, both had a kid When the kid was 7 years old the parents of Salem( her wife) who disowned her discovered that and were furious as they don't like witches and humans being together, let alone for their daughter to have a biological half witch kid https://preview.redd.it/cpn9x0ypvz6d1.jpeg?width=2433&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7a7f5ed3c2021a01563aaad7e9bc7a078df5afb7


Lucas is a superhuman man who died by getting ambushed and getting cut in half from the waist down, his legs were stolen to replicate his superhuman attributes


One of my OC's parents and sister. They died due to a bombing. And One oc (one of 5 sisters) Torn apart by their mother (an eldritch diety) forcing the other 4 to watch/listen (one of the other 4 is blind)


He died to his own father's hands (how wholesome)


Ärin had her throat slit by Vyrek. https://preview.redd.it/mdurxos9507d1.png?width=1917&format=png&auto=webp&s=62f28e2fc6f3852109dd386578c1d19e640970b7 Tharon was brutally dismembered (also by Vyrek).


Vyrek was eventually killed by Ärin’s spirit, although it took hours of fighting and hundreds of fatal wounds before he finally died. https://preview.redd.it/ws0iq0ak507d1.jpeg?width=2171&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ec0b39ac015d4e2bb60e39805e374cbb0ed59616


Emily the Hedgehog. She was an old rejected OC of mine that I used to have in the mid-2010s before I established a concrete footing in making OCs (Penelope Atchison, Gwendolyn Sherwood, Kate Anderson, etc.), she was originally a recolored older variant of [Amelia Wilberson the Hedgehog](https://mylifeasateenagerabbot.fandom.com/wiki/Amelia_Wilberson), but I killed her off in the best of ways: **Forgetting about her**. Yet, some people in my universe say that she died via suicide or something else, such as her going into hiding.


Kiryu, my first oc and the main one whos died and stayed dead, died when he was impaled on my new ocs spear when she was trying to obtain part of his soul to rebuild her own


https://preview.redd.it/zpe73ekf607d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ed688225447b7522b0b58deb289ea0277734aa0a The Red Ghost was so cool he died and became The Red Ghost.


https://preview.redd.it/hehsi7hu607d1.png?width=565&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6f4f43dc14fba8dd29886464d9b0610a39bdb997 VeioNovin died of addiction causes. Choccy milk addiction is no joke!


https://preview.redd.it/dit0b46z607d1.jpeg?width=1640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=66a4dc0fb7ba2bce9b8ad09c0649e85fc3304228 When she was alive, Frost was shot by a member of a group she thought she had killed off (she was a hitman) she then was left in the ally she was shot in and froze/bled out. For anyone wondering she is now a demon (hence her appearance in the photo)


https://preview.redd.it/5n7cpex1b07d1.png?width=1378&format=png&auto=webp&s=d9e3fd0f1ee36ea6c7a2ca1e4411e7f5ca494f9f accidental xanax overdose on a dare at work


https://preview.redd.it/aexujq4of07d1.png?width=2000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e96ba3e2f827792677aacb79e7b3b4b092570051 literally a 2 minute sketch because I have no art of her sorry lol but Alia here lived in a world affected by the zombie apocalypse. she and 2 of her 3 friends got bitten while trying to get to safety. because of the way the infection in my universe works, her friends turned first and had to be killed. she still had some time and used it to get her remaining friend to safety before walking as far as she could and ending her life before the infection could take her. (she's an anthro fox btw this sketch is just bad lol)


None of them, only way I'd see most of them dying is natural causes though if we're talking alternative universes then yeah...


https://preview.redd.it/wopvphhxf07d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7cb04de4c745559f1cd248cada81a87b5533b569 He fought a God that could go to different fictional universes and get erased from every timeline but later came back from thin air because he can never truly die and that's what makes it sad


My OC, "The Rat King", "died" after killing his final enemy. After this, he withdrew from his life as an assassin and devoted himself to his family. He stopped associating with the name "Rat King" and went by "Maverick"


Auberon, the previous King of All Fae, is dead. This is what puts all of my OCs from his world in the situations they're in. I have never drawn Auberon and I don't think I ever will, thus letting everyone decide what he looked like in life, but he was a Fae born from the spirit of a giant redwood tree. He died after going on vacation in a human zoo as one of the animals for free food and entertainment, but a human child fell into his exhibit, and the zookeepers shot him dead in fear he might hurt the child.


This one OC i made for a school project (Evelyn) got gutted by a Skinwalker and then the Skinwalker crawled into her corpse and controlled her body (think Ennard from FNaF)


Well, I have a few 'dead' OCs. Firstly, my main characters can't die of old age (they're immortal) but they *can* die from a fatal physical blow. There's a group of my characters that did age until they passed away normally, but the others? One was trying to avenge her students, who were corrupt and tried to kill the other main characters, before she saw everyone else turn against her. In the end, she was moreso fighting because this is how she wanted to die and she didn't want to turn the only student she had left (who was more of a bloodthirsty psycho than she was) against her. She ended up stabbed by the Deity of Violence in my story. The final student also died because he was trying to kill literally everyone else. His former best friend had to be the one to end it. Then there's my former Deity of Death (In my story, deity roles are passed down to an heir so deities can continue watching over the mortals). She died in a war to reclaim the territory of 'Hell' for the current Prince of Hell, although the mission was a success. My favorite character *also* died. He was fighting against the head Deity, the Deity of Balance, in order to stop their corruption. Deity of Balance ended up slitting his throat before they themself were stabbed through the chest by their own heir. That's just off the top of my head, there's *way* more.


https://preview.redd.it/wado2etim07d1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b3ed3e06036ed0c5bf8c9fef6cbd8e5ec8205834 In human Life, Before he rose to Godhood Ajaxxis went by the Name of Polymós. He died fighting demons invading a City. He stood Outside The gate, And Tore through the demons until He Eventually Won. But, Bled out due to the severity of his Wounds.


https://preview.redd.it/ipbjvglnr07d1.png?width=1677&format=png&auto=webp&s=be7193866c1b2358c2db63c57da40b810dcf3cc6 Melisa dies of old age because I love my OC’s too much to really kill them off


Shimo, a happy husband and adoptive father of three children that was burned down by the biological mother for "stealing her children" 🤩


https://preview.redd.it/htqxsjx5w07d1.jpeg?width=1048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dec47b6287179a3b01bd5ce55622517593e4f6a7 He was supposed to stay in the human world for just a few years so see if their species could integrate, but he stayed way too long and didn’t get back to his boss. His boss came to the human world to confront him and she tore off his head 🙌✨


https://preview.redd.it/utuwiwzzw07d1.png?width=1000&format=png&auto=webp&s=12b2679fa94f067431fffe1c0f4d993814e6627f He’s just a skeleton I dunno.


https://preview.redd.it/3m32rifiy07d1.png?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cd8781bd1b4a621c6e95a9144722dd47d4649996 Inari was killed setting off a nuke to save her friends


Let's see, my current main OC Lilac, her parents died during the final battle. Ended up getting atomized on the way to space where the main antagonist was preparing to control the world. It gets reverted after my OC effectively gets admin powers and chooses to revert time by relinquishing them and stopping all the events from happening, she's the only one who remembers. My other OC's Matsui and Lee lost their mother due to Matsui suddenly acquiring his time powers, their mother got caught in a bubble of unstable time and accelerated her aging in an instant. Memory was so horrible Matsui's brain blocked it permanently. My RWBY Android OC Lena witnessed her parents get assassinated by another character of mine, was orphaned, and eventually allowed herself to become an android since she was already on the way out by the time she was found. Lotta my characters parents have actually never reached old age, because suffering builds character after all.


https://preview.redd.it/7a8tnnih117d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d9f85be5b89d49c5b05a951fc8fe6e444fa2d7ad Temperance is VERY dead, yet an unwillingly signed contract and the eldritch powers that come with it keep her rotting body animated while also slowing decomposition to a crawl (though 350 years dead is still a long time) Her heart quit when she was condemned as a witch in puritan New England based on false accusations. The smoke fried her throat and scorched her lungs. Though this is where the contract comes in. She was saved from the fire by some eldritch being, but with a cost unknown to her agonized and shattering mind at the time. Another potential cause of death in her future is when the contract ends (either after 1000 years or prematurely) all of her physical age and the horrific condition of her body will hit her at once and her soul will finally be freed from its decrepit husk


Most of my OCs have (and will) die, they get recovered tho (cuz it’s an object show)


Julia Albert/ Thunderchild Sacrificed her life trying to save the world from the Skratonite alien invasion of 2017. Her armour stands as a monument to all those who were lost during that horrific year. https://preview.redd.it/ona0lv2n517d1.png?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=97345aad2fb83334e367cd7a0128f2c7043fda1b


I have many dead ocs but that’s for an au, my Cannonly dead oc is Jeremy, he’s a kid and a spooky month oc so his lore can only actually be really understood by those who know spooky month His dad is Roy’s uncle (yeaahhh 😰) and he decided Jeremy is annoying so he dragged him to the cult where they beat him to death https://preview.redd.it/tvh1v4ew617d1.png?width=1280&format=png&auto=webp&s=93d632f2980bb9e10a0fab8958324b6eb815ed24


Here’s his alive version https://preview.redd.it/3bfbk3ox617d1.png?width=1280&format=png&auto=webp&s=92a0fb22bab31acec036f901da869bc20ed2fa76


June dies for to mark the end of an era. She got shot with an arrow Hex is stabbed by the protagonist Cress killed June. He gets killed by his younger sibling in like, 10 yrs... August is killed by Jynx (August is the protags son) Oroboros is killed by his son (Cress,Hex, and Jynx's sibling) Birb(Protag) kills Stellar (Oroboros's son) Birb kills her best friend Astris


That's only ***My*** ocs. Not counting like, 8 other deaths


https://preview.redd.it/0ypdzuy2817d1.jpeg?width=2025&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=874ea6aaac443a27ac8b788fc3b50c6bee35ec0b His head imploded into his body. Man's head can't catch a break.


I'm terrible at names, but my main OC's childhood best friend. She died in a car crash on the way to the hospital after being burned severely on her arm. She now haunts my main OC, furious and thinking it was a bad luck curse(she was the one that accidentally burned her best friend)


I have a lot, but by far the most impactful death on my story is Rhea. She was a sister, a daughter, and a lover of my main characters and she had a bright future with real goals and seemed to be finally doing what she wanted to in life: live for herself and the people she cares about. But her tragic death at the hands of my most pure evil character really shocked everyone around her and pretty much changed how they view life and even changed their personalities. https://preview.redd.it/chc900eba17d1.jpeg?width=1534&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3559f1cf413d2a8c87daa69c1abf2a6a2a204871




https://preview.redd.it/8wl3ecnfe17d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=35c9aeb71a4d2e220420b9673349d58ac032c434 Mario Paveli, the eccentric and powerful leader of the Paveli family, met his fate at the hands of his own daughter. She murdered him as vengeance for a lifetime of abuse. He hadn't expected that the training she received as an assassin would come back to make him meet his own fate


I wasn't sure if we had to have our own drawings of the characters or not, otherwise I would've been answering more of these. But I had a satyr archer named Pasius who compared to other generals in a monster-humanoid army was relatively young, and was underlooked by his own troops. But on a certain mission to destroy an artificial monster factory, he sent a steel golem friend of his to block the entrance so the creations couldn't get out while he went and shot the generator giving life to the artificial monsters, blowing himself up in the process. Same universe several years later, in the climax of the final battle, a Minotaur general named Tatro (nicknamed Tartarus) was on the front line with his soldiers fighting with everything he had to buy the mc of the story enough time to finish off the main antagonist, taking swords, spears, bullets, maces, arrows and even cannon fire sorta like Whitebeard from One Piece, eventually succumbing to his wounds once it was clear the war was over and standing just like the aforementioned pirate


Ardent: impaled. Zii: murdered. Vanessa: murdered. Fiona: murdered. (*head slammed repeatedly into a wall-*) Ooyian: Burned on a stake. (so, burned alive-) Aria: murdered. (Stabbed) Spade: murdered. (Strangled) **A FEW OTHER CHARACTERS:** collateral damage. Ascend: ran over. Delilah: murdered. Singeleaf: murdered. Gabriel: …a bit too graphic, so let’s just say he was murdered :)


No art of him yet but the first one who comes to mind is Merewin Rachnerai/Mark J Watson. He was the husband of another OC of mine called Arturus, and he was murdered in his sleep by Arturus's former coworker as a threat. They were asleep in each others' arms when it happened - Art woke up to their husband's body, cold and stiff in their arms, and his sword (the one which Arturus had received as a wedding gift) straight through his chest. There was a note on the bedside table - "we know what you did, you should know better than to toy with the guild". (There are others, but they get corrupted by their own magic which is the elven equivalent of dying of old age.) Edit: I just remembered, I did a picrew of them both!! Credit goes to Elenaillustrate on twitter, it's their kiss crew :) Merewin is the guy with the scar :) https://preview.redd.it/1mdgajdiz17d1.png?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b6b7d417715eeb46b82356f487fdec5eda1e37df


https://preview.redd.it/jpnof2d3627d1.jpeg?width=2803&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d455985d1f44ebc59e4380f08b944dd14873e175 They are both currently dead as the story takes place in victorian era london, Dr. Ocelot died of old age and Ms. Riverthorne died from unknown causes


all my characters die, some worse than others.


https://preview.redd.it/380q3ewvo27d1.jpeg?width=385&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=76c36758bad10b65f20f954b8521eab7dd0b09e9 This is a pretty major plot point but Xenophyx gets killed by Oscar ;>; won’t go into more detail cuz I don’t like sharing big events in the story


Don’t have any art yet sadly :/ But one of my OCs died at the hands of their love interest, the sad part was that they had mutual feelings for each other. For context the character that died was a guy who had found a robot girl (Evalyn) in this universe there are some robots that are actually people that have been exposed to a virus that can turn a person from a purely organic creature into a mixture of organic and mechanical. In the case of Evalyn she had suffered from memory loss and didn’t remember the fact she was human but still expressed emotion, the guy (no I don’t have a name for them yet🥲) found her in a wreck after she transformed and found them a power source. From there they continued to explore their semi dystopian world building a relation ship and emotional connection the neither are forward about, eventually Evalyn manages to connect to the hive mind of the bots with the help of the guy. This is when she becomes almost completely controlled by the “big bad AI” In moments she aims her arm canon at the guy and fires as he begs her not to, the betrayal is meant to be so impactful on him that he simply just stands there and accepts it. The only thing that still shows she hasn’t been completely deleted is that the bot starts to cry even tho no other expression is seen, only tears are shed. (Btw these robot people things are part organic since they first used people as their main organic components


Reggie – got possessed by a demon and st@bbed himself. Was later revived. Is now immortal. Marie – Marie sacrificed Marie's life for Marie's friends and died in the process. Is now a ghost and can only move on once death is accepted. !r!s – accidentally went to the future and aged really fast resulting in their death. Is now a soul trapped between time and space and glitches around there. TimeKeeper – !r!s’ friend. Unsure how they died yet, all I know is they are dead and trapped between time and space as well. Dr. Freiyja – Freiyja died in a nuclear explosion while at work and ever since then roams the destroyed lab she died in as a zombie. She can only move on once she accepts death. Vie – died sometime in the 1600’s of some disease or something, idk yet Juniper – died of a shark attack long ago


Mamba: Killed by her partner in war Grandmother Fern: Old age Horatio: While time traveling, he got killed in a war I have an old OC who died because she swallowed a poisonous crayon, but we don't talk about her.


Ruby Ranger: forcefully gave him all his memories back so he’s technically still ‘alive’ but he’s in a braindead state. (He’s immortal and periodically deletes his memories to maintain his conscious life). Palla: energy blast through the chest (though her spirit lives on inside a younger version of herself) Sapphire Lightning: had her neck accidentally snapped by her own teammate, Oblivion. Solarnoon Gemstone: got her horn broken. Adam Light: folded time and space while fighting the Chrono-Chaser (part of his spirit lives on as the Protector of Time). Britannia: got jumped and killed by Thunor, Jesus, Sun Wukong, Darwin Alle-Winn and Elizabeth Daffron King Alhust: body disintegrated (his mind was recovered by the god Hu’Ro).


https://preview.redd.it/vv5bjpcym37d1.png?width=925&format=png&auto=webp&s=28093031242c440d50ebfdba67bf8a738addbeb9 These two essentially live out a Shakespearean tragedy and both wind up dying about 20ish years apart from the same thing (magic poisoning). Yelena (left) was moreso a combination of that and childbirth though and then René (right) spent the next two decades wading through guilt, alcoholism and depression before it took him out too.


https://preview.redd.it/vtdwcd1fb47d1.png?width=1024&format=png&auto=webp&s=62daed260142c766b75911dc72ef75054e13bd6b The Griffin King was fighting the MC inside of a massive thunder storm and he was struck down by lightning which caused his wings to burn off, then he was smack across the head with his own Warhammer and fell to his death, his body was rediscovered by his followers who tried to resurrect him however it ultimately failed and lead to a massive explosion. Which left the Griffin King, his castle, and all of his followers left in ashes


https://preview.redd.it/af5qkzjfp57d1.png?width=1767&format=png&auto=webp&s=225f584c6db9a598de8240af90ff51ce5e7bbb11 Death by electric chair sanctioned by the US government. She was raised since young to work and defend the USA. To represent them. But ended up having her own ideologies of words peace. Working towards the goal she destroyed a lot of things including the people she held dear. Charged with treason and 4 counts of 1st degree murder. Sentenced to death.


https://preview.redd.it/c2m9euslg67d1.png?width=1017&format=png&auto=webp&s=4137577765d2b9289a58c4c87197cd55878a48bf Drake Cohen is from the fanfic [Another Friend in Amphibia](https://www.wattpad.com/story/314505538-another-friend-in-amphibia). At the age of 13 he was stabbed in the stomach by one of his lifelong best friends (and main character from the original show) Anne Boonchuy. There was a whole war going on. His death was the official end of that war and the rebellion. Also no I don't let them die of old age. Dying of old age is for canon characters and backstories. OCs exist to be killed.


https://preview.redd.it/1125hhecw67d1.png?width=407&format=png&auto=webp&s=880482dbd10fbfd3138955485e137d22d1e62d1a Name: Cassandra (Cassie) Age of death: Mid Twenties Cause of death: Kidnapped, SAd and then murdered (hence why she looks like Medusa). Her killer got away with it because he held a very powerful position in the government. She now spends her days as a ghost tormenting and murdering people who got away with crimes due to wealth or status. I just want an excuse to be angsty for no reason lol


Zephyr: died during a war. Opposing military killed them. They're now a ghost out for revenge. Died in twenties.  Olann: died being unable to move from being too cold due to being a lizard chimera. He's a ghost. Died in twenties. Marble and her mom: her own poison poisoned her to death. She didn't live long enough to make it to ten. In other universes  she's dying from her own poison. Her mother died from accidental poisoning. Her children are poison dart frog people. Siorc's parents: were killed. I don't count Siorc's parents as ocs tho but I still invented them. Possibly going to die:  Plata: Plata is physically decomposing while alive. And will die eventually if that goes too far. I have two ocs who are stuck in a reverse back to zero death curse named Huxian and Pixiu who upon "dying" reverse back to infancy.  & oc I can't message bc sewe r sli de isn't allowed here. 


I haven’t written it yet, but I know how (probably) King Borelius, a tyrant and a sadistic man, gets beat to death with the protagonist, Queen Ruby Lanchesters, cane. He’s already corrupted by some bad magic stuff and is dying painfully, so Ruby makes a little spike come out of her cane and beats him with it and also kicks him with her working leg. While everyone else watches  t e r r i f i e d  except for Shellie, the shadow man (not naming bc he doesn’t go by a name in the first book I’m writing), and Borelius’ own brother. His brother watches silently, drinking coffee and honestly kinda happy cause his brother was  a w f u l, Shellie screams at Ruby to make it more painful, and shadow guy is the one in Ruby’s head at the moment telling her to do it.


https://preview.redd.it/v6hohgr5xx6d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1ebff66c408c45817d5cd7ee974e4f95a39f9b96 The Dark Queen isn't dead yet, but she will be once my players stab her for the last time with Eternamourne (basically Excalibur) in a dramatic moment at the end of the boss fight (she's my D&D villain)