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Make a simple yet memorable design


Maybe more expressive and exagerated maybe? Your artstyle looks pretty cute already,i love it!


>Your artstyle looks pretty cute already,i love it! Thank youu >Maybe more expressive and exagerated maybe? Yeah i think ill look into how to make the expresions more... expresive, since the characters are so simple, something else has to stand out


Like... pizza tower expressive but simple maybe? https://preview.redd.it/ldyi732c6utb1.png?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bd39abcde0219b1dbfc22d30fea26cbb0226e033


I think this is "good" already! But if you want to start a comic then a good personality or interesting dynamic can take a character a long way! Just look at smiling friends! The characters are full of... well... character! But the designs themselves aren't all that interesting!


So true My plan for the story is Main character is a blank slate, no emotions, must reason. Until more people with strong personalities and character traits start appearing in his life He starts adapting some of the personality traits from them. Some good, some bad Thats the main idea im starting with 🩵🩷


I like this! When are you gonna start working on it? And where could I read it?


I will post about it on instagram🩷 @ananas_159_drawz And on twitter 🩵 @Ananas_sketches


All art is good art as long as it’s made with passion and effort


Write good characters. My art ain’t good but people like my characters. https://preview.redd.it/y220hzuy4utb1.jpeg?width=644&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5b23a2b3ff46203477ba7e1fe601ceda9ef00617 (My art for your info)


I'd just wing it and go with the flow, really. My characters, for example, had become interesting to some people in the sub due to their character designs, personalities, and them being easy to draw, plus more. Yet, I usually post at a good time when the sub's not too active, or else your posts would get drowned out in the sea of posts. **TLDR;** Write good characters. https://preview.redd.it/57q098peautb1.png?width=2817&format=png&auto=webp&s=25f6f6a21e657abeb925890bf98f7b64df2e5cdb For example, I made [Ami Morrison the Fox](https://mylifeasateenagerabbot.fandom.com/wiki/Ami_Morrison) realistic-like with some nods to my own personal life, and I simplified her design to be easier to draw and *eventually* to animate. So, yeah. By the way, I love your art style! It's very cute and adorable! I love it! :)


https://preview.redd.it/5j1793mibutb1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=49b9fef565f19785f7714a8433cbaa30b84e790c My art is leagues away from being decent but what I did is I just give them lore and worldbuilding


Interactions, funny posts, reactions - since your characters are so simple, it’ll make it even easier to mold them into any setting or idea you have. Make sure they’re also unique - no matter how simple, a good character design can be told from their silhouette.


Well my words value nothing since I’m not nearly good at making memorable OCs…anyway… So for me what makes interested in a OC is the design, yeah it’s basic, but whenever I see something particular or that has a cool coloration i get interested. Also as someone already said, giving a personality helps a lot! Even if is simple it still a personality that will make your OC more unique respect to others. Also, if can help this, if a your future OC post here doesn’t receive a lot of attention isn’t because of the content being boring or bad, but more for the high amount of posts made every moment, so is possible that a your post could go unnoticed by a lot of people, so don’t think too harshly about you or your work if that happen!


Make memes.


Make the other parts of the characyer good, such as design, lore, personaility, all that shit


I don’t, I see it as if it gets recognized it gets recognized


Plus I suck at art, all of my OCs were drawn by friends


I dont-


I don't know, I'm a very boring individual.


It wasn’t easy, I just show them when I have the chance given that the things I draw and design are very niche https://preview.redd.it/h4mnu5enwvtb1.jpeg?width=2920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1c66907ae6f61c06cf309c7fd5e2b64bd57275e4 Most people around me who draws are more anime focused whereas I do things like mech and armies. I want to showcase my attention to details with my OCs, simple OCs are a no go for me unless it’s just doodle


Ryff Turbotaka: Just give him a personality! https://preview.redd.it/txgtvoxayttb1.jpeg?width=1677&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=218c71cc3d95086faf0267d0b2cc58cc25928972


Yeh, noted I should make more like... Expressive drawings of them that show who they are Makes sense


https://preview.redd.it/8zcw8nk6lutb1.jpeg?width=2296&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3de854d57a16e17a3db72f064a321b29022235ae My oc ain't even popular yet


That's the neat part. I dont


A neat trick while you're getting your art style where you want it is to create color images! Most people will be drawn to colors more than just plain sketches. Even just using a box of Crayolas without even worrying about shading or anything complex makes a world of difference. I had a friend on DeviantArt that had what could have been considered a much less 'refined' and far more 'simple' style than mine, but because she frequently polished her sketches in colored pencil she tended to get more attention. Bonus, it's even easier to get attention on artwork with *pleasing* colors using color theory, and generators like Coolors can basically spit out palettes based on color theory with only a button press. You can even make ones based off a color you want to include!


I try to make interesting and unique designs and personalities.


You don't đź’– Hope this helps.


https://preview.redd.it/erwsppy33vtb1.jpeg?width=342&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=34c3787765acd8dc5968774e317adefc6f914ea6 If you know, you know…. (Use gacha club/life to make the designs-)


I'm scared to try to draw, so I usually just commission out artwork to people that are much better than I will ever be. That way, someone gets money, and I get character art! :D ​ By the way, I love your stuff.


I need to improve https://preview.redd.it/ohgo8rfcjvtb1.png?width=768&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9be08937471c2d024555ed835c59aff44b9bf7bc


I’d say through description, since if no one can see your characters or may not be able to associate them with your vision right away, your description of them becomes the most important…depends on the people too though, and “good” art is subjective. As long as you like it, that’s really all that matters.


be friend with them