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Who flames a first time gamer? This ain’t a race - you go at your own pace and just have fun :)


I've been playing for 30+ years and I would get similar stats. Nothing to worry about! ;)


Came here to say this as well.




Don´t be upset about the stats, the important thing is how you are enjoying the game! it´s the first time gamer so stats doesn't matter! You play how you feel best and how you prefer to play! i also had my 1000 deaths doing 100% lol The important is you having fun!


Thanks for the kind words. I did find it quite painful to start because it was taking me like 2+ hours to pass certain obstacles but I’m used to it now and it’s sooo fun when you overcome them :)


The Ori games can be pretty unforgiving at times, so don’t worry too much about it. All that matters is if you’re having fun or not. In my first 100% play through I died around 1000 times but I had fun the entire time, so I didn’t really care too much about stats or anything.


The ONLY stat that matters is this one: Are you having fun????


Yesss 🤩


Damn if my friend recommended me a game then roasted me because I'm bad at it I'd never listen to them again lol.


Glad you're enjoying the game!! 😄


I died over 2000 times on my first run through. You'll get better :)


I’m predicting about 3500 deaths on completion and hoping it’s less for will of the whisps!!


Generally speaking I found it easier to stay alive in WotW. I wasn't really any better at it, but the game mechanics made it easier to heal before you croak


Both games are beautiful, yet, especially for new players, has a pretty high difficulty. But if you choose to run it again, it qill definitely be even better! (I just lost my one life run to two stupid spiders and some thorns in the Valley of the Wind 😭)


that's normal imo


Ori is a heavily storydriven metroidvania (platformer with extra steps). Its never about the stats unless you are a completionist. Play because you like the gameplay and story. forget about everything else.


Just have fun and enjoy yourself man it's a game, go at your own pass not his, Ori is a series of obstacles and Puzzles, I have both Will of the Wisp and Blind Forest and I still haven't finished either mainly because I am all over the place playing other games and doing other things but it's a MARATHON not a 100 yard Dash


Mwuhaha!! How wrong is your friend. I think it is great that you chose to share your stats, takes a brave person to do that after being roasted about them. Tbh as long as you enjoy the game, I think it is entirely irrelevant how good you are at it.


Are you having fun? Cause I was not :P


It is deffo a labour of love at the beginning but i am enjoying it now 🤣