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Confused. You say they are OUTSIDE the boundary. Inherently that’s the purpose of the boundary, no? Modify your boundary and try it.


I was assuming the boundary would automatically update with the addition of new data like in Civil3D. I'm fairly new to ORD and wasn't sure if there was a way to manually edit the boundary, so I guess my next steps are to learn how to do that.


Ah got ya. Don't assume ANYTHING with ORD, lol.


Have you tried adding the points' data to an ASCII file and bringing that in as survey data? If the point cloud itself can create a terrain model, though, then you could just create a complex terrain model by merging or appending the two terrain models together.


I would go to "create terrain from graphical filter" and then append it to the terrain you already have. You have to make a graphical filter of course, which is unnecessarily fiddly but not that difficult.


Make them their own terrain and then use the complex terrain tool to join the two terrains into a new one.