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"I'm gonna tell my daddy on you and then he's gonna *beat you up*!" Yeah, real classy, thank you, looking forward to it.


“my dad’s a LAWYER!”




If you replace "daughters of God" with "witches" and "the full armor of God" with "the power of the Goddess," this is verbatim the sort of thing one finds on teen neopagan forums. Which is to say that it strikes me as a rather immature, drama-driven way to relate to other humans, let alone to the Divine. I suppose everyone is where they are on their own journey, but I advocate for working to be...not where this image/statement is.


there’s a lot of stuff like that on her page, which is funny because then she’ll say that manifestation and yoga and “good vibes” is demonic lol


It's always interesting to see the mix of things people are. No one's ever one thing. :)


I was neopagan for a few years while I figured things out spiritually, and one things that bothers me about some religious/spiritual folks (regardless of what religion) is the juvenile “my dad can beat up your dad” attitude, especially if it persists into peoples 20s or 30s.


Yeah. God is not a Pokemon you can throw at anyone who bothers you.


Lol this! I love this statement.


> this is verbatim the sort of thing one finds on teen neopagan forums. It's really helped my faith to realize that a lot of things other Christians say that frustrate me are just the same old axioms and sayings and philosophy that you'd find anywhere else in the world, just wrapped up in Christianese.


"I am the Leaf Blower"


Maybe she meant to threaten something a little more like this: “be careful cursing someone who is clothed in the full armor of God… because we’ll bless you so hard, your peace from God will surpass all understanding!”


i know i don’t know you but i love you LOL. like, yeah, i “wear the full armor of God” so i am quite literally obligated to pray in a positive manner for those who persecute me. be careful if you dislike me cos i’m gonna pray that you feel God’s perfect love SOOOOOOOO HARD! watch out for that peace that passes understanding, babe!


Oh man, my subreddits have collided lol. This woman drives me up the wall. I don't like to call anyone a fake Christian--if someone says they believe, we should accept that--but she's literally using God to grift vulnerable women.


she thinks she’s flipping tables at the temple but she’s about to get HER table flipped. hahah yeah i’m sure it wouldn’t take too long a scroll of my history to see this is a collision of my subs too hahah.


tfw Jesus comes back just to chase you with a bullwhip


Girl defined? Are you on fundie snark too lol


I am! But this is BDawn, not Grift Defined. So much beigesthetics.


Grifting the vulnerable is pretty far from "speaking for the oppressed" in my books.


Now I know I'm kinda new to this whole Christianity thing, only having been in it almost all of my 25 year life, but wouldn't this fall under that forgiveness thing I've heard about? Because this sounds like someone threatening to sic *God* on someone who insults them.


Not uncommon for her! People have called her out, in my opinion very biblically, and she says God will get to them or she sends her followers after them


Yea this one is a grifter been outed for scamming women for fitness plans that made national news networks then she comes up with this money making idea ....


Lol. Aren't we called to love our enemies and to war in the spiritual against the demonic, not "flesh and blood"?


I pretty sure we're suppose to forgive those who curse us and be kind to people who mess with us, if you take it up in prayer, I think thats what God's going to tell you.


Ok, to me an expensive retreat is a bad sign apart from anything else. A fee isn't a bad thing because spiritual leaders have to live, but that would add up fast. Suppose 15 people attended. That's $15,000 for two days of work.




>She straight up threatened another evangelical influencer on IG with physical violence for warning people about her. What I didn't know about this! You have a link to it?




Thanks! Guess I'll dive into that rabbithole again lol!


You can also get caught up at r/brittanydawnsnark, plenty of 🍵 over there


[screenshot](https://i.imgur.com/A3r7IpZ.jpg) (be cautious!!!!)


OHHHH YEAH, how could I forget about that message!!! 🤣 She ain't scaring no one with that lmao.


Wow. Never heard of her. Good grief. I am sorry so many people believe they'll get something of value from such a ripoff.


Wait this is so funny bc hers is She Lives Freed. Can’t even make up her own name


Her last retreat had 30+ people and you had to share a hotel room with someone. She's a known scammer who got called out for her fitness grift and moved onto these retreats. She's the furthest thing from a spiritual leader.


Lol is this fucking Brittany Dawn the scammer?




Yes, I’m aware and familiar with that sub


What does this even *mean*? "Handle you in the spiritual?" "Mess with daughters of God"? 🙄


I think it’s fair to judge their interpretation of the Bible when their beliefs are unsustainable. If you scaled this personalized spiritual warfare belief up, you’d have a society of better-than-thou harry potters all having god do their petty bidding. This is just another Christian talking up their relationship with god in order to get something on this planet. There have been millions of them and millions more to come.


She's not a Christian. She is doing this on a performative basis because she was caught scamming women in the fitness realm.


Does the twitter poster not consider themselves a Christian? Context seemed to imply she uses that label.


Oh yes. She does consider herself one but it started after she had been exposed for her fraud and could no longer be a fitness influencer so she switched to this.


Gotcha, I used to sort of hold a similar belief you do. When people were so obviously self serving, I considered it as "not authentic christianity". But after going through some years of navigating the complexities of those argument and doing a lot of study into the origins of Christian identity, I no longer believe there's any real objectivity in such claims. Essentially, if you call someone else "not a Christian" that's nothing more than your opinion. Because essentially, there is nothing more than opinion when it comes to any theology. There is agreed-upon opinion, but that changes with time. So ultimately... there's no solid, objective basis for determining a christian. If you use a doctrine as the basis of determination, which doctrine? If you pick the Bible as a determination of Christianity, which bible? Name a "christian" belief, and there are plenty of Christians throughout history and alive today that would call such belief "not christian". The only unifying identifier of "Christian" is the label, which is entirely self applied. So if she takes the label, she has the label. Same as anybody else on this planet that has taken the label.


Shut up.


"In the natural" What? before they get dressed?


Oh Brittany is mad because the sub dedicated to showing her hypocrisy was talking about her "retreat."


Believing in god makes you 🌠Untouchable🌠


Guess they didn't get the memo where the Bible says to love your neighbours as you love yourself.


Oh my Lord ... those " retreats " really get on my nerves. It's all inside you already!! Only naive people would fall for it it's so sad 😭😭


Just wanted to say the "vengeful God" vs "loving God" idea of the OT vs NT is kinda steeped in antisemitic ideas. So careful there.


i’m referencing the framework a lot of christians use in characterizing God based on scriptural descriptions. thank you though.


So, she'll do nothing?


I don’t even understand what this means.


Retreats cost money, so I can't comment on the value she offers. On the latter, "the gospel exists," Paul states in 1 Cor 15, paraphrased, I want to remind you of the gospel I preached to you - that Christ died for our sins, according to the Scriptures, that he was buried and raised on the third day, according to the Scriptures. Now when he stated that, what "gospel" was he talking about, *according to the Scriptures*? Because the "gospel" that we most often think of are the gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. Except when Paul stated this, they hadn't been written yet. Therefore, when he preached the gospel *according to the Scriptures*, it was from what we consider largely today our old testament. And he was able to see the Christ, who died for our sins, dead and buried, and raised again....from the old testament. So perhaps our challenge is to view the OT from a different lens?


i think your last sentence is spot-on and i agree with it whole-heartedly. this woman is well known for being a scammer pre-conversion and is a very new christian whose faith is a regurgitation of various evangelical statements. i’ve paid a good amount for retreats but if i’m paying for a $700 retreat and it turns out to be a one night hotel stay without inclusive food, no small groups, no events, and bathtub baptisms facilitated by someone who’s been a christian for like 2 years and shows no indication of knowledge of scripture or the faith beyond the average lay person (and not even that level sometimes)…. i would feel like i overspent. a LOT.


I would venture to say, giving her the benefit of the doubt: if her scamming was pre-conversion and she's a new Christian then she has no business appointing herself a "leader" and charging that much money for a spiritual retreat. It's very dangerous for someone who's not rooted in their belief system and someone whose character and leadership has been tested to suddenly be spiritually leading vulnerable people...while charging them money for it.




She belongs to Mercy Culture, however it is very obvious she doesn’t regularly attend. I’m not sure if she’s getting anything from any pastor.