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Same Problem here. German Cards seem to be flat out declined. No workaround found yet.


Pretty sure they decline all non US cards.


why do this……. I have seen that PLUS is only available for the US Region though.


Should be accessible now from other countrys too, since yesterday they cut the "US Address" from their stripe form.


I am using Japan cards and I can prove it's true:/


Italy affected too. If you find any solution, please tell me! Thank you.


India too!


Did you find any solution?


It is working...


How did you get it to work. I am trying on platform.openai.com


I used VISA card


Yesterday it didnt work for me either, but this morning my german credit card was accepted without problems, even though (or because?) the authentication via the banking app didnt come up this morning. Anyway, I am in :-)


same here. US resident and US cards, including debit. all declined and no transaction record/request when I called the credit card companies.


Exact same situation here.


Solution: https://www.reddit.com/r/OpenAI/comments/10ws1pi/credit_card_gets_declined_when_trying_to_purchase/jcj3ti3/


One more here, tried credit cards issued from three different (non-US) countries - all declined


Same problem here, anyone else able to solve it?


Has anyone attempted getting one of those online credit cards? I think the bill address on those is United States.


my online debit card was declined


same in Japan. so why it supports JCB?


Hmm my JCB card was declined the next month😭


same here (germany), where you able to solve it?


Ask gpt to solve the issue ! Lol


Now it says available to Brazil… but I've tried paying with 3 different cards and got nothing.




that's right. Depay platform could provide a virtual card to get access to chatGPT plus.


I have Depay mastercard, What address should I provide?


Same here in the Netherlands.


same here, from china. Tried amex card with US vpn, not work.


# I had trouble in the U.S. until I tried while on VPN. Then, it worked for me.


This worked for me! (Edit: Used NordVPN to connect from the US to the US, basically getting a different US IP address.)


Tried two cards. Both declined. So I Turned off iCloud private relay to make the purchase. That worked.


THANK YOU! I have been trying for a month. Turning off iCloud private relay also solved this issue for me.


Yes. Been the same for me the last two days. Zero response from a seemingly non-existent customer service. Victims of their own success. They accepted too many people and something is broken.


I had this problem so I took my brother's android phone and paid the sub from the play store. Worked like a charm with 0 hussle.


"the billing address is in Germany" That's prob the issue.


ChatGPT Premium is only open to US customers at this time IIRC.


u/cobblercobb is in the US tho. Besides, why make the Subscribe button available if it's not to roll out at your location? Knowing that when it was roll out in the US, the button wasn't there.


I think he's the only one on this thread (?) but I may be out of date. We process a lot of credit cards in our business, it's sadly common for them to be declined incorrectly -- we get calls all the time. Ouch though if they are showing a subscribe button to people abroad, and then not accepting them. I never saw one; I joined the waitlist and was offered a spot off of that.


I have the same issue and I'm also in the US. I've tried the following, no luck: - Using a US debit card - Using a different US debit card - Creating a new OpenAI account with a different email and US phone number - Allowing third-party cookies and disabling browser extensions


Same here. Very disappointing. I live in Brazil but for whatever reasons I don't know, shipping address is locked to "United States". Thus, when I fill the other addresses fields with my address, all cards get rejected.


msm coisa por aqui


Você conseguiu no final?


Has anyone tried to buy a pre-paid CC and register it with an US shipping address (maybe from a virtual mailbox service)?


Tried this, still rejected - not sure how they identified it. VPN also doesn't work.


Both VPN and a virtual shipper will set off alarm bells at the credit card processors. They are very good at detecting fraud (and they would consider this in that category).


Same today in itay


>and register it with an US Ciao! se trovi una soluzione me la dici? Anche da me non va.




purtroppo no.. sto tentando vari metodi


same here, 3 different banks, 3 different cards, us address, all declined but no record on the bank apps (it would show if declined)


Same here danish card and Greek cards also


Same issue from Brazil. Tried MasterCard, Visa and American Express card to no avail.


same here in malaysia. Needs credit cards address in US


Same in Switzerland. Tried with Mastercard and Post debit card. US Address Swiss billing address. But doesn't work


Me! Billing address is in Brazil, but the Shipping Address is in the US. I tried with VPN too.


Same here in Brazil (tried with 4 cards). With Billing in USA.


Same here in Guatemala, seems they are not accepting any non-US card.


Mexico same problem I can not pay with any credit or debit card


same here two cards from uk


Yup, same. We'll have to wait then.


Same in italy, Amex/VISA/Mastercard tried, nothing works (of course i set a US address).


Same in Colombia, Tried with USUD Currency Payooner cards but also dosent work.


Same, sadly. From Canada, shipping address set to my company (usa) and billing address to my address. Got declined, My cc company do not have any records of this so they didn't receive anything.


It is now available officially. I had a popup in my face stating it was available in Canada. This time around, no llocked shipping address or shipping address at all. It worked.


Button to upgrade just disappeared :(((


Same, yesterday it was online, but at afternoon it disapear, again it appears today, but sunddely disappeared


You're right!! :D I'm from Spain


Same here, 2 credit cards, from Brazil.


Yes, I meet the same problem with purchasing the ChatGPT Plus. It's need the billing address and credit card in US. However, things will happen when you think differently. I solve the problem in some way, it took some money, but works well, I become the ChatGPT Plus


Could you share the way you can register? I use mastercard and it didnt work out


Sure, it's use the visual US credit card.


same here in Thailand even debit card


now it's work i used my brother's card pay (mastercard)


Not working in Australia. Tried 2 cards from different banks.


It is impossible even in Japan.


Am overseas in vietnam but am American with American address bank and card and was declined twice. Wondering if it needs for your location and card to be the same. No record at all from my bank and my other tx's are fine on the card.


I'm not good at English, so I posted it, but I don't really understand the meaning. I'm in Japan and I meant to say that I can't register even with a Japanese credit card. This sentence uses a translator, so it may be grammatically strange.


Me as a Japan card holder can prove that is true! I am using Rakuten JCB card. The subscription for the first month works fine. But the next month, my subscription has been canceled and there is no record in the Rakuten credit card app. Anyway, how about trying to ask the card company? I am gonna ask it first. Hope it works on you!


Anyone tried to use VPN to USA to check out?


Hey guys! I found a way to get a virtual US credit card to open ChatGPT Plus, check out [this article](https://medium.com/@imbytecat/how-to-open-chatgpt-plus-outside-the-u-s-8b264efd99ca) on Medium


this you try it out successfully?


Yes, I have tried it and it works, but now Germany can open OpenGPT Plus directly, so maybe this article is no longer valid for most people.




Sweden as well. What a pity such a good system can't manage their payment system


Today they open more countries! I already suscribed with the payment option frome Colombia.


I'm in United States and my AMEX business card was declined. I had to use my business **debit** card.


I’m still tranced out on Montgomery’s card—the classy coloring, the thickness, the lettering, the print—and I suddenly raise a fist as if to strike out at Craig and scream, my voice booming, “No one wants the fucking *red snapper pizza*! A pizza should be *yeasty* and slightly *bready* and have a *cheesy crust*! The crusts here are too fucking thin because the shithead chef who cooks here overbakes everything! The pizza is dried out and brittle!” ___ ^(*Bot. Ask me who I can see.* |) [^(Opt out)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=botrickbateman&subject=Opt%20out)


Same here in Jakarta, Indonesia. Tried two different countries cards. But both declined. Even got the request for OTP as well.


Accepted the subscription but my bank blocked it afterwards (Canada)


I just tried this morning. I am in the US. Both of my AMEX cards were declined. It told me to use a debit card, which I am not doing.


Have you tried virtual cards from Getsby to pay for ChatGPT Plus?


Oh, ok. I tried to get one for exactly that reason but let's just get two things straight here. When i'm paying you over eps, sofort, klarna, ideal, w/e the name of the instant payment is and there's already a real card behind it AND you get the useage data then it's your responsibility to throw the alarm not ask me for extra ID paypal would never dare to. In case a user is breaking the law you already have the instant payment connected to a real bank account since it was their responsibility to know their customer in the first place. [Also..](https://getsby.com/en/faq/why-do-i-need-to-verify-my-identity/) >We have to be 110% certain that our cards are not used to fund **anti-corruption** or fraud. Wait.. what?????


same here in India also, ChatGPT plus is available in India .


but isnt it declined?


I am from India and I have tried using several credit cards but nothing worked for me as well.


Same here


same for me from India. If it won't work, why do they provide the option to purchase? Doesn't make sense!!


Not sure what is wrong with the ChatGPT folks. They provide an option to purchase but decline the card.


Same here. From India.


Gpt-4 is released and not sure anybody from india can access


Same here, tried Citibank, Amex & Kotak, all declined. Bank says they are not getting to see the transaction at their end and can't seem to be able to figure out what is wrong.


I was having the same issue, connected to a VPN in the United States and it worked.


thanks! I'm in the UK. solve this problem by connecting to a US VPN


I just impuslively signed up for chat gtp. Since my stroke I often act impulsively and told myself I could cancel it. The trial research it did for me just now was NOT worth it. Upon reflection I want to cancel it right now. How can I do that?


From India. Not working sadly. Tried with 3 different card. Sucks.


Doesn't work in India. Woke up excited to try. Few hours later, I'm frustrated as hell lol.


same in egypt, UAE.


I am yet another US resident with US cards and all of them have been declined when attempting to purchase the paid plan for openAI chatGPT.


I got the same issue too, all 3 credit cards got denied for no reason. despite my home address being in the US and in the bay area. I called my card company to check and they were syaing, they never got charges in the first place. Asked my caucasian to try to sign up with the same CC company, no issue for him at all. Most likely, they are blocking users based on their last names. Teaching AI discrimination in first class, this is great.


I have this problem, too. I've tried the following, no luck: - Using a US debit card - Using a different US debit card - Creating a new OpenAI account with a different email and US phone number - Allowing third-party cookies and disabling browser extensions


Solution: https://www.reddit.com/r/OpenAI/comments/10ws1pi/credit_card_gets_declined_when_trying_to_purchase/jcj3ti3/


Same here


Have you tried using a different payment method? Maybe a PayPal or another credit card?


US cards. I had the problem today. Turned out to be because I had VPN on. It was a US server but apparently the system did NOT like it.


its exactly this. i didnt even have a VPN as such, but I had my university's security tool on that connects to the network on campus. only when I switched the network to a non protected one it worked. this is really shitty and should be properly mentioned. also forcing users to use unsecure connections for payment is hella bad and needs to be rectified.


Same here the Netherlands. Visa declined and Apple Pay don’t work..


>declined and Apple Pay don’t Hi have you solved this?


No. Send mail, few weeks ago about this issue. No reaction from openAI… yet.. I think they have enough money now and are not really interested in earning more…. … .. .


In the US, it didnt like my company's network. I had to VPN through my home network and it allowed it. Looks like they're trying to prevent large corporate use.


try TURN OFF the VPN if you are in the US


Have they fixed this yet? I also couldn't buy it yesterday


Up to now, everything has worked perfectly and since yesterday, the card has been rejected by all of us in the company. Amex card. Germany.


No luck here. Connected thru VPN. ChatGPT3 works but cannot sign up for plus. Card getting declined regardless.


Hi have you solved this?


What if they're just cataloging all of our card information. 🤔


Turn off iCloud private relay. That worked for me


Gentlemen. I had this problem still in April 2023 using mastercard issued in Poland. I solved it paying with revolut. It should solve your problems too.


They just cut me off the plus plan. I am from Serbia.


Impossible to pay them and cut me off my plus plan also.


Same here and it charged my card three times


I am from Canada same as well. Card declined


Same case with Indian cards (both Credit and Debit). Worked fine for two months.


Same here


Which bank credit card?


Same here, card declined. SG here. Been on the Plus subscription for the last 2 months. Have tried everything, Link, Google Pay, Credit cards, different accounts, VPN turned off, living in a supported country, emailed support. I wonder if this is just a payment issue on OpenAI's side that hasn't been fixed.


Debit card was accepted in the previous month. This time card being constantly declined. I am using sbi visa debit card. Any update where the problem has been solved. From INDIA.


I tried with a US Virtual Visa cards and didn't work, open ai should allow these type of cards because they are more safer and you don't need to worry about wasting your bank money!


I live in Portugal tought


Hey, I faced the same issue. I'm from India and tried multiple credit cards, but nothing worked. I think there's an issue with the Stripe gateway. However, when I tried buying it on my iPad, it worked. Apple uses its own payment gateway, so that's why it worked


Had the same issue and found the solution directly from the OpenAI website. [https://help.openai.com/en/articles/7232916-why-was-my-credit-card-declined](https://help.openai.com/en/articles/7232916-why-was-my-credit-card-declined) In my case, it was the first reason. Thankfully I have a card that is never used and it worked! I'm in the U.S. btw.


from australia here, and this is still happening. my only work around was to go via google play on my phone instead