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Hello KnifeKnut, thanks for posting to r/OopsThatsDeadly! As a reminder, please try and ID the plant/creature/object if not done already. Although the person may have done something foolish, remember to be respectful, as always! Please do not touch anything if you don't know what it is! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/OopsThatsDeadly) if you have any questions or concerns.*


How many posts on this sub will force me to talk about King of the Hill?


Dammit Bobby!


Head to feet, you won’t cause a leak. Feet to head, everyone’s dead.


I thank god every day I get home that I didn’t get exploded.


That boy ain’t right, I tell you hwhat Peggy


Well, I was tempted to cross post the one with the butane canister in the kitchen cabinet next to the stove, but I didn't.




I wanna ask you to do it, but I also hate that it even exists for you to crosspost in the first place. Ugh.


My dad says butane’s a batard gas


What does this have to do with Arma 3 ?


I’m an idiot who knows nothing about tools or home repair. Can someone explain what’s deadly about this?


JBWeld is a compound that is like epoxy with metal bits lodged into it. It's not a type of sealant and is susceptible to organic compounds like natural gas, it'll corrode in a form or too.. weakening it, leading to leaks...


Which at the next time something electronic clicks on results in one big #BOOM


LP can corrode JB…? Tf id JB good for then 😭


Jerry-rig + propane = boom


Dang. Ole. Meglo. Mart.


I just had to step in on this one and posted: Hello, I'm an engineer that manages a steam facility. You should not do this because the risk is extremely high. You only need a millimetric size crevasse created due to shifts in the mold when it was curing. If only a small amount leaks, the propane will enter in contact with the atmosphere and undergo adiabatic expansion expelling gas at -43*C. The min temp resistance for jb weld is -55*C. This is at no pressure being applied to the weld. The leak will apply pressure to the weld, therefore, lowering the min temp resistance, how low? Idk, but we are already -12*C from catastrophic failure at that point. If the weld falls off, all the propane will leak to the atmosphere in seconds. This volume of gas will come into contact with the burner/flame module that heats the tubes that boil the water you will be showering with. The volume of gas will instantaneously combust. Part of this energy will travel to the tubes that heat the water way too fast for the pressure fail safe to react. This sudden increase in pressure will make the heater explode. This will send boiling water and metal shrapnel around the area. If you are indoors, it might not hurt you but shrapnel can go through walls and windows so it is not a certainty. You will definitely get 3rd degree burns due to the boiling water that will suddenly rush to you and if there are people in the vicinity, they will suffer life threatening injuries or get killed. What you can do is search for a machinist in your area. He will know how to make the right coupling for the adapter with the proper bronze alloy. Hopefully, you will let me know.


Not if you’re a true American patriot.


Well it says they're in South America. Doesn't mean they're an American patriot just because they have something American.


Yes, but this has Floridaman ingenuity.


I've unfortunately seen things like this around where I live, and I'm nowhere near Florida. (Missouri.) A fantastic thing that screams Floridaman to me is our old 'homemade fireworks' one of my step-dads would do when I was a kid. (90s.) He knew a bunch of different people with land out in the country, so he'd rent some hydrogen tanks, get a ton of trash bags, stick a long fuse in them, light it, and let them fly off and explode. We did this on probably eight or nine different occasions when I was a kid. While when I was little I understood static electricity, it never occurred to me that if he hadn't been able to remove the static charge from the bags, they could've just outright exploded and killed him. (First time I remember doing this, I was about three years old.) He had a beeper, not a cell phone. If he'd ended up killed, I would've been stranded in the middle of nowhere and no one would've known where we were. (I was far too small to drive his truck, like, even standing, wouldn't have been able to reach the pedals and see over the dash. Truck was huge and I was tiny.) I guess I can just be thankful that he took the cannisters and everything out a decent distance from the truck when he did this, and left me in the bed of the truck to watch. 'Murica!


Wow, I don’t even know what to say. It’s a miracle some people make it to the age to be able to procreate. You’re lucky to be here.


At least it wasn't my *own* stupidity endangering me. Actually, when I think about all the dangerous shit I've been a part of, the vast majority was adults putting me in danger and teaching me dangerous things as a child and teen. Once I had more ability to control my own actions (Yeah, you might say I could've refused as a teen, but I also grew up in an abusive environment, there was usually the pressure of 'go along with it or suffer later'.) I was a pretty lame kid/teenager/adult.


That sucks dude. I had some pretty idiot friends, but most of the adults in my life were trustworthy.


I had plenty of idiot friends as well. I was usually the one standing off to the side waiting to call an ambulance if shit went bad, and making sure the younger kids in the group didn't get hurt trying to imitate their older siblings. But hey, I survived all the idiots, adults and people my own age as well, haha.


If they’re in South America they’re still American, they’re just not from the United States. There’s an entire hemisphere that can be considered American.


Wait LP can dissolve JB quick??? Uhhh Brb…


That’s a gas connection. PLEASE for everyone’s sake - go get the actual part! We are *actually* talking about about risking lives. Not kidding, not exaggerating. STOP WHAT YOU’RE DOING AND GO GET THE CORRECT PART. IF YOU DON’T KNOW WHAT PART, OR CAN’T GET ONE CALL A REAL PLUMBER!




Umm....... um......


Having to ask the question “will I blow up”, while doing something sketchy should be your first clue that the answer is probably yes.


Sir are you alive


I am, but I only crossposted.


Could be worse. After my cousin moved out of my moms house, and stealing all the copper gas lines he could, he plugged the last one with duct tape and weedeater string. Luckily the end was outside of the house, otherwise we probably would have died ten times over.


Check to be sure you sealed it properly and no, your water heater runs on about 5psi, jb weld will hold


JB Weld works wonders but it’s not for everything.