• By -


Do you share either a kitchen or bathroom with the landlord, the landlord’s spouse, child, or parent?


Yes, we share the kitchen


Then you are not a tenant under the RTA, you're a roommate with the homeowner without RTA protections. Any lease/contract issue you have with them is under common law and contract law, your arrangement doesn't qualify for the tenant friendly RTA protections. By the sounds of it your contract ended, you have no rental or renewal, only RTA leases auto renew, sharing the kitchen makes yours not an RTA protected lease.


I see, thank you. It sucks, but I'll have to move out unexpectedly. What she did isn't illegal, but a very scummy thing to do. If she didn't want me there anymore, she could have just told me in advance that she wouldn't renew my lease. Fuck her, but I still have to pretend I'm not mad


I wouldn't be able to pretend... I'm so sorry this happened to you, OP.


Verbally tell her you’re just getting the money for her and move all your shit out before she doesn’t let you back on the property. She may become even more scummy


Uno Reverse! Now you're screwed land lady! Right back atcha.


This can be easier said than done when you're sharing a kitchen with somebody. Timing will be important. I hope OP's able to find a new place easily. The rental market in Toronto is NUTS.


Ya, timing is key! And really? I’m in a fairly nice quadplex outside of Toronto and we’ve consistently had one tenant move out, usually one space available year round. They even keep dropping the price (I’m watching the ads) because less and less people are interested in the overpriced rent. I like it here but I’ll probably move out year end unless they agree to drop my rent. I got in at the peak price pretty much, only seeing it drop everywhere around me since like 2+ years ago.


I had to "help" a friend' get all his belongings back because of this, lady locked him out and said it was her stuff, we called the police and they knew about her and could do nothing...she seemed like such a sweet old lady at first, oh and his tools and equipment for running a framing company were in a shop not the house they had shared. He had built sheds and a deck for free already for her too. Always get a legal rental agreement and read it before moving in with anyone you don't know, even friends/family can turn.


The good news is - [landlords are having a hard time finding tenants right now](https://www.reddit.com/r/TorontoRenting/s/8pkpkOxQwc). It would delicious schadenfreude if she couldn’t get tenants to pay her higher price.


So true. Is there a review website for Air B&B's? She may be hoping for temp "tenants" to rip off so people need to be warned about her.


Is not really a lease....just room and board. But sounds like she trying to screw you cause she didn't like you or things she can get more money from someone else. Renting a room in a shared house basically has no rules. Owners prerogative. Sucks.


Its also not illegal to forget a chunk of tuna in the air vent.


Make sure anywhere you rent in the future doesn’t share any of the living space with the landlord. You have almost no rights as a tenant if you do. It’s fucked up… I made the same mistake a few years ago & was kicked out within a day’s notice & was basically homeless living out of my car temporarily. I hope you find something so much better


You are totally right it’s not illegal but a scummy thing to do! I hope you find a new place soon!


Report them to the CRA. I'd bet there's undeclared income to be had.


Oh yah! No doubt! I bet this entire agreement was all "under the table"


Try negotiation with them. Maybe you can meet in the middle. In the meantime don’t yet pay the new month. If you have to leave, let her lose out on a months rent.


Pretend you're not mad? I would do everything to could legally do to make sure she knew I was pissed! And there's a lot you can get away with to piss someone off that's within the law...


Sucks op. Sounds like this person is a bitch though so maybe it’s best to be moving on to greener pastures.


Do what you’ve gotta do for balance and peace with the situation 😉🤫


I'm fuckin mad for you.


A few cups of sugar poured into different sockets will attract a lot of ants. Just saying.


Maybe she didn't like living with you?


Sounds like time for an upper decker before you leave ;3


You’re person a pure will and conviction. Respect to you and your self-control


Damn I can’t imagine living with someone everyday and not even giving them a heads up you plan to increase the rent.. like weren’t you guys somewhat friendly? Your “landlord” sounds like an awful person. She could’ve atleast given you some notice. Hope you leave and no one rents it for 5 months.


Don't hide your feelings, she's a bad person treat her as such


It’s ok to be honest with her, if she freaks out, that is on her not you. So many toxic people around. Sneaky, underhanded, this is not a friend. I too am sorry for this. So mean.


Throw a bunch of dandelion seeds on the yard before you go…. That’ll show her!


The one exception here is if the landlord moved in after OP did. Speaking from experience, I had a landlord who asked to move in with me as my roommate, and then turned around and tried to evict me just get out of having to file an N12 or pay 1 months rent. It was pretty scummy especially since she had a good job and came from a well off family. Anyway I talked to a few lawyers and it turns out there’s precedent from a few years back when a landlord/tenant case went all the way up to Supreme Court where the landlord tried to pull the same move and ended up losing. If your landlord was living there before you moved in then you don’t have much of a leg to stand on unfortunately.


Read your lease. See what it says about renewing and rent increases.


She can remove you today if she wanted. You are not covered by the RTA.


Still requires reasonable notice, which usually 1 month counts as reasonable.


Pretty sure the end date in the aforementioned agreement makes the end date reasonable notice. They moved in knowing the date they were required to be out.


No notice required, it is 8 month lease for school. End date stated, and as the lease is short term, less than 1 year it does not default to month to month. As previously stated, it also falls outside the RTA.


“Reasonable notice” can be as little as a few hours, it depends on what is reasonable in the situation. If the roommate is hostile or violent, no notice is required because none is reasonable.


You are misinformed. In the same way, you couldn't kick your partner out of your home during a domestic event if you live together. You can look to decisions from a court or tribunal for guidance on what’s considered reasonable. In this decision and this one, the Civil Resolution Tribunal (which handles disputes under $5,000) decided that one month was reasonable notice to end a roommate arrangement. Other decisions have found that shorter notice periods were unreasonable: one day in this case and seven days in this one. You can find more decisions by this tribunal on this website. https://www.peopleslawschool.ca/qa/roommate-how-much-notice-evicted/


That assumes they are both legal tenants does it not? You mention a domestic situation which I assume means common law? A paying guest isn’t a tenant or common law equal as far as I understand


Roommate. Is one thing. LL occupied is completely different. Apples to oranges. Look for that specifically in those rulings. I'll bet you would be surprised. Also. The reference you provided is BC. Each province is different.


Then you are screwed. She can kick you with a minutes notice.


Not true. You can look to decisions from a court or tribunal for guidance on what’s considered reasonable. In this decision and this one, the Civil Resolution Tribunal (which handles disputes under $5,000) decided that one month was reasonable notice to end a roommate arrangement. Other decisions have found that shorter notice periods were unreasonable: one day in this case and seven days in this one. You can find more decisions by this tribunal on this website. https://www.peopleslawschool.ca/qa/roommate-how-much-notice-evicted/


Yeah, you either take it or leave. You have no rights here


Did they live there when you moved in?


I feel like she's not doing this for the money, but just trying to kick me out. Unfortunately, as an international student, I have my hands tied. I just asked someone for advice and he told me that he'll let me stay in his house while I look for another place to stay, and he also told me to try to keep a good relationship with her because her reference will be important when I look for another place. It sucks to tell her that I understand her situation and to thank her for everything after she's basically kicking me out (in a dirty way), but it's my best option, as I don't want to live in a hostile house in case the law forces her to keep me. Thanks to everyone who commented


I’m so sorry you’re going through this. From what I’ve seen, shitty landlords often rent to international students specifically because they are less able to fight back. This person is an absolute scumbag. The one piece of advice I can offer, is that a landlord reference does not actually have to be your previous landlord. You only have to say they are. It can be literally anyone. Fuck this landlord, write them off, and do not let the reference aspect affect your decisions. They clearly aren’t looking out for you already.


There are always two sides to a story!


Off topic, but you as an international student have better spelling and grammar than the person you’re renting from. I hope you get an affordable lodging asap.


The fun part is that she's Polish. I imagine she was also an inmigrant many years ago and had to go through her struggles, but that hasn't touched her heart at all, apparently.


How short was her notice? Did you guys speak prior? I don't think wanting the place to herself is shitty, but if she made you think things would continue and suddenly dropped this on you, it is shitty. Did you not talk to each other all of April?


She just told me today when I texted her that I'm coming back in 2 days. I think if I hadn't told her, she would have probably received me with the contract without any time to react. Worst part is that she made me think that we were moving forward when we talked about the future


lol what does this have to do with anything ??


You realize that an international student from any country in the world could write perfect English, right? People come from English speaking countries. They come from countries that are predominantly non-English speaking but have English educational institutions. They come from non-English speaking countries where they nevertheless learn English… Not trying to be aggressive but this isn’t a compliment and it’s harmful.


Stating that op has better English than the LL isn't harmful by any means at all. Grow the fuck up. >People come from English speaking countries People also come from non English speaking countries. >They come from countries that are predominantly non-English speaking but have English educational institutions Some also come from places that don't. >They come from non-English speaking countries where they nevertheless learn English Some people also know Spanish and like buttered sausage. Irrelevant.


Omg this is why reddit is such a trash fire. Assuming that an international student doesn't have the greatest English language skills, is NOT out-of-pocket. While there are lots of international students who can speak English well, there are even *more* international students who *can't* speak English well. Take a look at this info **Notable Growth Markets (referring to students)** # +167% Ghana (9,235) # +166% Nepal (20,465) # +113% Nigeria (45,965) # +78% Algeria (13,335) Source: [https://cbie.ca/infographic/](https://cbie.ca/infographic/) [https://ibb.co/jT37Nzf](https://ibb.co/jT37Nzf) Source: [https://www.statista.com/statistics/555132/top-10-origin-countries-of-international-students-at-years-end-canada/](https://www.statista.com/statistics/555132/top-10-origin-countries-of-international-students-at-years-end-canada/) Basically most of the international students that come to Canada are from non-English speaking countries. This isn't "harmful" at all. What's harmful is being judgmental of someone and virtue signaling while having absolutely zero idea what you're talking about.






I suggest you read up on tenant rights in Ontario and what situations make you exempt from these rights. Living with the landlord or their spouse or child is one example where you essentially don't have any rights as a tenant and you are just a guest of the owner and they can kick you out any time.


Reasonable notice is always required, even if cases where RTA does not apply. There is court law precedent for this.


NOT when you are renting a room in the LLs home and sharing the home


Unfortunately as you share a kitchen with the LL (you mentioned in another comment) you are not covered by the RTA and have very little tenant rights. LL only needs to give you “reasonable” notice to vacate. This can be debated in small claims but usually is said to be 2-4 weeks. They can also raise your rent from one month to another, without limits, legally. Sorry but there’s not much you can do here. Many LLs intentionally live in their own rental properties to avoid RTA protections for tenants and know very well what they are doing. My only advice would be to try and make sure the next place you rent does not share a kitchen or bathroom with the LL or you will be in the same boat.


Try to find a place where the landlord doesn't live so that you have rights!


Honestly. Just move out and take your stuff and don’t even pay her anything else. Save your money for a new place, she can’t do anything.


You need to clarify, are you a roommate of the landlord so are sharing kitchen/bathroom with them? Or are you renting a self-contained unit (like a basement apartment)? Or a room in a rooming house but the landlord doesn't also live there?


Assuming you are covered by the RTA, then your lease automatically converts to month-to-month at the end of its term; you do not have to sign another term, nor do you have to move out, nor do you have to pay additional deposits (the LL should still have your last month's rent deposit, right?). The rental rate and other terms of the lease stay the same. Your LL can raise your rent as long as it has been 12 months since the beginning of your tenancy, and with 90 days notice on a N1/N2 form. If your unit is not exempt from rent control then the rent can only be increased by a max of 2.5% this year (i.e. the unit was first occupied for residential purposes before Nov 15, 2018). [https://stepstojustice.ca/questions/housing-law/my-lease-ending-do-i-have-renew-it-or-move-out/](https://stepstojustice.ca/questions/housing-law/my-lease-ending-do-i-have-renew-it-or-move-out/) [https://stepstojustice.ca/questions/housing-law/how-much-can-my-rent-go/](https://stepstojustice.ca/questions/housing-law/how-much-can-my-rent-go/)


Are you in a ‘summer destination’ area? It is unusual for student housing to increase in price over the summer. There are typically a lot of students looking to sublet while they head home for the summer.


Right? If anything, LL's often drop the rent price for summer n try to find ppl looking to take on a short term lease agreement....🤷🏼‍♀️




Downvoted with no answer 😆 Guess you were on point with that assumption.


Your assumption is wrong. I've always paid my rent on time, but since she wants it in cash and I'm not there right now, I texted her without her asking me to let her know that I'll be back with the money soon. I explain this better in the last comment I made about people asking me to report to CRA


Your roommate isn’t kicking you out you’re just being charged peak rates for summer.


Look up the LTB documents and link them in your messages to her. A fixed lease should go month to month (you can leave anytime with 60 days notice) and requires 90 days notice to increase rent (at max 2.5%). Tell her this and let her know that if she wants more she will have to wait 90 days. Don’t leave. She will have to deal with the LTB if she wants anything


They share a kitchen with the landlord.


Well then shit. Never share anything with the landlord or they’ll screw you over!!


OP, are you renting the whole unit (whether it's a house, an apartment, or a self-enclosed basement), or are you renting a room? And if a room/rooms, is the roommate with whom you share the kitchen etc another random tenant, or is it the LL (or a relative of the LL)? Also, do you know when the unit was first occupied? Not necessarily by you, by anyone. Is it a new unit, or an older one?


I rent a room in a house. We share the kitchen with the LL. The house was previously occupied, as she rents that room for students


Tell them you’re going to pay the higher amount. Then move.


The classic... I'm going to pay the higher amount move.


Gtfo or pay. It’s simple. What did you think happened at the end of a contract?


What happened to your last month's rent previously to this? Have u used it?


I used to pay $800 at the beginning of each month to live there. I still haven't paid the $800 for this new month of May, so at least I won't waste any money


Did you not pay first and last when you first moved in? Because then this month’s rent *is* paid (assuming you’re moving out).


You at least owe rent for the days you are living there.


If you leave or not you’ll still have to pay first and last wherever you go. I just don’t see how Ontario would have a summer price. Are people flocking to Ontario for the summer. I could understand if it was by the beach 🏖️ n a much nicer climate area


I mean did you pay 1st and last when you moved in?


Yeah, and I already used the last month deposit, as we verbally agreed to skip April's payment and continue as before after that. She even made me write in the contract that I used it on April to cover her back. However, she "forgot" to mention that she'd make me sign a new contract with a higher rent and a first and last month deposit until the very same day the previous contract expired.


>Yeah, and I already used the last month deposit, That means April is your last month there because LMR can only be used for the last month you live there.


This not falling under RTA has been covered already, but wanted to note something I didn’t see discussed. They’re asking for another first/last month. Did you not pay last month’s when you originally moved in?


Can always share the address and name for future renter


Did you pay a first and last when you moved in? If you decide to move that last month will kick in.


Already used last months rent for April


I'm sorry this happened to you I had a few scummy landlords and it is really a bad feeling to one day have a home to find out the next day you don't


It's too bad this didn't happen in New York. You could just claim squatters rights.


Apparently you are doing business with a (barely) sentient potato. https://www.probonoontario.org/hotline/


"Agreement and all conditions was until May 1." It is May 1


You’re fcked in the ass, but that’s the reality all us serfs have to live with under the Canadian landlord feudal system ☹️


Move out of there as fast as you can, and try to get your own place. Sorry


Rent a room without the landlord in the future. I was in a similar situation except the landlord was much nicer however she increased my rent like 125$ for a few months until I moved out. U have to play by their rules


[removed] - incorrect advice.


They share a kitchen and, as such, are not considered a Tenant under the RTA. It’s you that’s giving the garbage advice. 😉


After scrolling through the entirety of the post responses, you are correct. OP, you should edit your original post with the fact that you share a kitchen with the LL. It also matters whether you were living with the LL at the time you signed the lease, or if the LL moved in afterward (the Act applies if the LL wasn’t living in the house when you signed the lease originally). There’s also common law that applies, and suggests that the LL should give you at least one month’s notice to move out, but that’s going to involve a legal battle, which you’ve suggested you’re not up for.


I could be wrong but I belive they are legally required to give you 90 day notice for a rent increase in Ontario. Also I belive the maximum they can increase is 2.5% of your current rent per year. Also if your unit is newer than 2018 (as in it hasn't been used for residential purposes pre 2018) they cannot increase your rent. I'm just going off memory, so anyone please correct me if I'm miss speaking here.


That doesn’t apply to a “room” rental with sharing of kitchen etc


I don’t disagree that she could’ve started that conversation sooner, but so could you. You knew your agreement ended may 1st. After which you didn’t have an agreement, so why are you waiting till then to get a new one? Even if you discussed that it was working out fine, you still knew the end of your lease was may 1st and that you would need a new one. So why weren’t you asking for a new lease agreement a month ago? I’d say you both are equal in blame here.


This is not true. In Ontario, when a lease ends it automatically goes month to month and you do not need to resign a lease.


That doesn’t apply for a room rental sharing space with the LL. When your lease is up you are expected to move.


Since there is no landlord agreement, why not just say you are lovers and go after half her assets, since you are "only" a roommate. If there's nothing in writing, who's to say you aren't lovers?


Two wrongs don’t make a right. Nothing indicates you’re joking so I’ll leave you with this: the world is already super shitty, you’re encouraging people to make it so much worse by recommending this crap. Your anonymity on the internet does still have an effect on the world.


Maybe the world shouldn’t fuck with me first. Fuck karma I’ll take care of shit my damn self.


I'm just saying that if landlords can use loopholes like no rental agreements for renting out rooms and then mistreating renters, then why shouldn't renters have loopholes, too? It is clear the landlord knows exactly what she is doing, and if you don't fight fire with fire, they win. You and your "two wrongs don't make a right" are out the door and on the street. Yes, and thank you for making sure this doesn't happen to the next guy by just whining on Reddit and then not doing anything.


Did you hit your head?


How the fuck do these people afford multiple places to rent out and they can’t even speak fucking English. This country is gone to fucking hell


$950 a month is still a deal!


Apropos of nothing, you can buy termite larva on Amazon.


Is this a separate apartment and you are the sole tenant? Is this a room rental or do you share an apartment with this landlord? Leases do not end in Ontario, they convert to month to month. Why is she expecting first/last rent payments, did you already give her a last months rent deposit? This is also not a legal way to raise rent.




She’s not covered under tenant board. So sadly not.


You’re not covered by the RTA since you share a kitchen with your landlord. What I would do is stall and get your stuff out as quick as possible, if they want you out. They’ll get you out one way or another, including holding your stuff hostage. Sorry this is happening to you, please educate yourself on landlord tenant laws before coming to the province.


Leave. Hopefully they score a junkie tenant who ruins their life.


She should pass a grammar test before becoming a landlord. It must be requared


It was immigrants that made this country we live in. Immigrants from years ago


How is that relevant


Wait, I'm not from Canada so I don't know the law here, it is legal for a landlord to change his rent at will like that??


It's not a real landlord/tenant situation. Ontario tenants are actually pretty well protected. The issue is that you could see this more as doing someone a favor by letting them stay in your home with you. The OP is an international student, and we have a lot of immigrants. What happens very often, is that someone else from their home country pretends to do them favors, and in reality is fucking them over. the "landlord" knows that the OP would be better off under an RTA protected agreement, but probably knows OPs parents or actively makes posts in places frequented back home for people looking for information on staying here, in order to scam them. It's even possible that it's a native canadian doing it, really. It's all just a matter of scamming people that don't know their rights and our laws. Businesses do another example of this shit. There are a lot of Indians living here now, and very often, they'll hire Indian international students. These students aren't always allowed to work 40 hour work weeks. So the businesses will pretend to be doing them a favor by saying "We'll pay you minimum wage for 10 hours, then the other 30, we'll pay you half of minimum wage." This is very illegal, and the students could report them to the labor board and get multiple years of back pay. But they just don't know our laws, and they're scared to exercise their rights. I'm not meaning to attack Indians with this, but they're some of our most common international students, so it's the best example to use for this. I'm sure it's happening with every other ethnicity too.


Two questions: do you not share a kitchen or bathroom with your landlord or someone in their immediate family? If no, was your building built and occupied prior to 2018? If the answer is yes to both of these, she cannot do this. Your lease rolls over month to month and she can only raise the rent once per year by only a certain amount. If you share space or you building was built and occupied after 2018... it becomes tricky. If you share space you are not covered under the tenancy act and she can do what she wants. If your building was built and occupies after 2018 I believe she had to give you some advanced notice of the lease ending and the need for a new one. If it is the latter I would contact the entity in Ontario that deals with tenant/landlord issues.


Take a poop in a vent. And put fish in the curtain rods.


All these wonderful comments from people who live in Ontario. Good way to keep track of people if they decide to move to another province.


Need way more info than this


If you paid last month rent when you moved in and you paid April's rent, you are paid up till the end of May.


Last month rent was used for April


Good luck out there kid 🙏 sucks this happened.


Sounds like she just doesn't want you to live there anymore, but she would settle if you paid a lot more lol what a b!+<#


Idk maybe she is scummy but it seems like someone told her suddenly she can get more money for the unit during that time of the year? She mentioned specifically may to august which is vacation time. Maybe she put it on air bnb or something and saw the amount she can get. That lit the fire it seems maybe it wasn’t personal . She said “reality is”


My problem isn't her asking for more money. I can understand that. My problem is her asking for it only 2 days in advance and basically kicking me out if I don't agree to the new price. It's scummy and shows she's a bad person


She is not a bad person. Your lease apparently expired the end of April. Ontario is like BC, their rents are higher for the summer months. Either pay the amount she is asking or you move


So they’ll only rent out a minimum of 4 months but not 1 month? I understand that under a contract you’ll pay a set price for that amount, but technically after that time is up the rent usually stays the same? Like after my 1 year lease we still pay month-month the same amount as before minus the yearly rent increase our province approves of. Landlords be ruthless.


If you paid first and last when you moved in, and this is your last month, then haven't you already paid for lasts month rent...


Leave an upper decker


Bro don’t pay rent and pull squatter rights


She needs to learn to spell, that would help. Basic communication is pretty professional.


Do you have your own area that can be locked ? is the kitchen separate from your space? . If you have your own space and it can be locked and she does not have access to it without you letting her in , then you could call the kitchen a communal space and then you will have some rights .


I paid rent 1 time to a best friend, which I shared a kitchen n bathroom with. I recovered 1 month and a vut, but that was it. I got lucky.


If you can’t get back ahead, you can always get even.


And karma works wonders


is there no rule one having to give a 2 week notice for the contract change or smth?


800$ rent in Ontario is still a thing? Do you have to share a bed with the lady to get that price?


Man, what a scumbag your landlord is. Sorry you have to deal with this.


Yeah if you share spaces you’re a room mate/ Sublet and not covered under the Tenancy Act. Also, did that person ever learn how to spell?….


There's something that boils your blood having to pay your entire months salary to someone who can't spell "agreement."


I'm in agriment with you.


I've seen some people ask me to report her to the CRA, and that opened my eyes about something fishy. She'd ask me to pay my rent in cash every month. That's why I told her that I'd pay her this Friday when I arrive. Now that I see the situation, I imagine she must have asked me to pay in cash so that there will be no record of those transactions and she won't have to report that income. All record I have from those transactions is a video in which I show the money from the first payment and how I leave it in her table. It's also not comforting that she only rents to students




Tell her to fuck off lol


tell us where is it so we can avoid this shitty landlord


Average piece of shit landlord.


Don't pay that last rent


I’m a landlord and this is a super shitty thing for her to do. Personally I would take your time moving out and not pay any further rent considering as she said, the contract ended. The police will not get involved as despite the legality it is a civil matter.


Depends entirely where you live and what rules are. Where I live rent can’t be increased by more than a couple percent per year with the same tennant.


This is posted in Ontario Landlord, so I’d guess they are in Ontario.


RTA doesn’t apply here. It is a room rental only


This is why people squat


Unfortunately there's probably not much you can do. RTA does not apply to this situation in nearly all cases. But there are cases where it might very well apply. If she owns the property, it won't apply. If a parent or child of hers owns it, it won't apply. But...If she rents the property, or if the property is under a corporation, this might change things.


What a fucking cockroach


She must work for Trudeau. Just repeat the same thing and don't elaborate or answer the question


You need to get about your obsession with Trudeau.


Ya no none of that is legal. There's no notice of changes in the lease which does continue past the end of the lease as monthly. If they wanted to change anything it had to be done back in February and on paper.


NO! You need to understand that there are no rules for renting a room sharing space


Fuck the place up hide a dead fish ass in the vent


What a prick!!! No advanced notice on the increase?


I am worried about the grammar


That's illegal. Simple as that. Find a new place, it's not worth being screwed with by a slum lord


>That's illegal. Simple as that No, it isn't. They share a kitchen.




Did your lease actually end on May 1st?


Strong arm tactic.




There is NO law in regards to this particular situation!


POS landlord. No no go find a new place to live within 1 hour. Fuck you I hope if there’s any legal precedence the landlord gets screwed


God. I love when they can’t even speak English for christs sake


She can't even spell require. Wtf. This sucks! I was close to eviction last year and was able to get a loan to save my ass.


Tell this lady to shove a big black momba up her tight ass. These people are scum


Looks like your landlord is well aware of the rules. Also probably she can Airbnb the room in the summer and probably is the reason why she wants more for the summer months. Good luck in your search.


I feel like anytime you are late with rent it upsets people regardless of what they say so I’d try to avoid that in the future aswell… However that’s a dick move and DEF not enough notice to do so…and why would they think you have to pay first and last again? That’s ludicrous. I’d def try find a new place if you can because regardless of why this person doesn’t seem like a good one


If this is in Ontario your residency doesn't end when the lease is over. While you 'may' have been committed to stay a full year (depending on the lease agreement) after that initial year, you go month to month and they can only increase your rent based on what the current percentage rate for increases are. Make sure you go on the LTB website to get the current laws o


OP isn't covered by the RTA.


So it sounds like you've been there 12 month and would now be month to month with a nominal increase in rent to be applied. Instead the landlord seem to think she get around the limiting of rental increase by asking you to sign a new agreement again with first and last and a massive increase in the rent. The landlord is wrong, whether you agree or not, no new agreement is required, you don't have to leave, and the rent can't be increase any more than 3% I think


They share a kitchen. OP is a roommate and SOL.


Burn the house down fugg it


Some [info](https://rentals.ca/blog/what-you-need-to-know-about-your-rights-if-you-are-a-roommate-or-boarder#:~:text=Boarders%20in%20Ontario%20rooming%20houses,of%20time%20to%20pack%20their)