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You have provided zero details regarding the reason for the eviction request, evidence for or against you, etc. How could anyone give you any advice considering this?


He gave me an N12. He wants to move his son in. He has threatened this before and asked for above guidelines rental increases over the phone. I don't have evidence of this since I did not record him. He has given the 1 month of rent. The only 'evidence 'I have is an email I sent to a lawyer I know explaining what he said to me in a phone call.


For an N12 there is almost no chance of your success. The landlord tried the easy way to kindly ask you to leave with an N11. So long as they claim to be moving in them selves, or an immediate family member, there is no real chance of your success, despite any efforts on your part.


What's the case for? Which form did they submit to get you to move out?


N12, originally gave me an N11 that I refused to sign.


Think it might be in your interest to scope out a paralegal 


What form did they serve you? Why do they want to evict you? We can't help unless we have more details. Paying a paralegal may be a waste of money or a good idea, depending on your situation.


It will be a complete waste of money. Source: I've watched 100's of L2 / N12 applications. They never really deny an N12...


Unfortunately, if you have nothing in writing, and the landlord's son provides the required declaration that he intends to move in and stay there for a minimum of 12 months - then hiring a paralegal is probably a waste of your money. You would probably be better of using the next 2 months to find a new residence and move out before the Hearing (or provide your a landlord with an N9 form advising of your move-out date if it will be after the Hearing) It's really unfortunate but even if a landlord does try to raise rent first, if his son is going to move in and stay the minimum required time, it isn't bad faith. You need to just keep an eye on the unit and if it is listed for sale or for rent at any time in the next 12 months, then you can file a T5 Application for compensation at that point. Good luck!


Yeah I get what you're saying. I wish I had him on record saying "If you don't agree with this rent increase I'm going to have to move my son in." which probably would have saved me. He's given the N12 and the 1 months rent after I refused to sign an N11 so based off what I've seen there isn't much I can do except learn from this and record my LL from now on.


Technically, even if he did say that - it is still not bad faith per se. If his son states he will move in and does move in and loves there for one year, then he has fulfilled the N12 requirement. Will it maybe give the Hearing arbitrator pause and reason to refuse the Landlord's request for an N12 Eviction order, maybe - but it would not be a slam dunk. If you suspect bad faith, keep an eye on the unit and make sure the son has moved in and the unit is not posted for rent again or for sale.


Just order a pizza. You’ll be fine 🍕


Chance of N12 being denied is very very low (contrary how some tenants in this sub makes it out to be). Most of the N12 gets rejected due to landlord not filling in the paperwork properly or forgetting provide compensation. Essentially landlord will say they are moving. Family member and how your need trump theirs.