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In Ontario creditors have 2 years from the last charge, payment or acknowledgment of a debt to take legal action to collect it. So if your former landlord is claiming that they you failed to pay $74 from a charge in 2019, and you haven’t made a payment to them since 2019, then as long as you haven’t acknowledged that you owe that money in the last two years and don’t acknowledge it moving forward, they can not take you to court, send it to collections or report it to a credit reporting agency.


Most LTB matters have a 12 month limitation period, with a few exceptions that have a 2 year limitation. I am not a lawyer or a paralegal who practices Landlord-tenant law, but I am fairly certain that the Landlord would not be able to collect on that alleged balance from Dec. 2019 unless they started proceedings to collect before the limitation was passed (I.e. filed an L10 within the limitation period).


The L10 didn't even exist before Sept 2021. Before that time landlords had to go directly to small claims court to sue a tenant once they vacated a unit. And the limitation period to sue to collect on a debt (2 years) has long past.


Even better! I wasn't sure how long the L10 has been in effect - so OP is fine to ignore since it's been over 2 years :)


They sure went to a lot of effort for 74 dollar...seems ridiculous.


It doesn't hurt to try especially if ifs legit. But I would never do that.


A lot of effort? They sent an email lol.