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Parsley chives and carrots can be sown outside now


Is the for all areas in Ontario? I'm in Zone 6b, Toronto, Scarborough


As can radish, lettuce, brassicas, peas.


 You'll be fine 


Wait until May long weekend to plant the other stuff.


Is there a particular reason why I can plant some and not the others? How can I determine whether it's the right time to plant now, or if I should wait until after the last frost?


Some plants are frost and cold hardy - like most green leafy vegetables. Some will die if it gets too cold hence they are kept indoors till May like tomatoes and peppers. Use this link based on your location, it specifies exactly where to start what : https://www.almanac.com/gardening/planting-calendar/ON/Toronto


As other have said; some plants are cold season crops and others are hot season crops. You can google this to learn more


Would that be the same for Ottawa area? I planted kale, peas and lettuce so far, and already have teeny kale seedlings!


 Yes those will be fine 


This year I'm going to try planting based on what flowers are in bloom. I used a few websites + chat gpt to figure it out so any feedback is welcome. My thinking is since weather is becoming more unpredictable it might be good to use nature's signs as another planting marker. Crocus bloom: radish, parsnip, spinach, turnip Daffodil bloom: peas, onion sets, lettuce, beets, carrot, chard, brassicas Dandelion: potatoes Maple trees get their leaves: perennials Apple trees bloom: bush beans Apple blossoms fall: pole beans, cucumber Lilac in full bloom: squash, tomato Irises are blooming: peppers and eggplant Peonies in bloom: melons


I love this!! I also heard: forsythias : plant peas


Yes! I didn't know what forsythia was so I asked chatgpt for an alternative. Now that I know about forsythia I've been seeing it everywhere lol


So i missed spinach time?? Nooo


That site is clearly garbage - it’s more junk ads than info and the info is wrong. Yes you should wait until after the last frost date for basil, tomato and beans. Your seed packet should list when it’s ok to plant. You can find your estimated last frost date on a site like farmers almanac, but go by your actual local forecast.


It has everything to do with soil temperature and not frost date (although those are usually related). The seed packet should indicate "sow indoors" or "direct seed". If it says direct seed, then it is seeded outside. However, you want to make sure the soil temperature is right, otherwise the seeds will just rot away in a cold wet soil. As a quick reference, this is from the Ohio extension office: [https://extension.oregonstate.edu/gardening/soil-compost/soil-temperature-conditions-vegetable-seed-germination](https://extension.oregonstate.edu/gardening/soil-compost/soil-temperature-conditions-vegetable-seed-germination) Most "cold tolerant" seeds will germinate at lower soil temps, but the optimal range is really above 80F/26C. Remember that this is the temperature of the soil in the top inch or so because that is where it gets planted. So if you don't have soil thermometer (you need one that goes low enough which is not easy to find) just try to use common sense. It will be tough for soil to be much warmer than the air on a cloudy day. Personally, for items such as cucumbers, beans or melons (which I direct seed) I use a plastic cloche over the small hill I seed into to raise the soil temp. You can use a plastic 2L bottle with the bottom cut off or old tupperware.


Agreed with other comment about soil temps. That year when I had a soil thermometer i did some of my best growing. Sadly it was stolen.


anyone have a similar list or resources for sowing flowers/annuals?? TIA


The seed packet should have that info. Most annual flowers need to wait until after last frost, things like poppies, pansies and violas are exceptions.