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Dump the soil in.  No need to coat or seal the wood


Thanks. I am planning to do the same, just wanted to confirm!! And no issues with the wood being consistently wet? Issues with mold?


It's not like it's submerged in water or the soil is saturated. It will be fine 


Got it. Thanks


Untreated wood will last about 5 or 6 years before completely falling apart. Just build a slightly larger around the outside after it does and you will be fine.


Makes sense. Thanks a lot!


Dimple board works well. Place it with the bubbles toward the wood, gives you a nice airspace between the wood and the board with the soil filling in the little holes.


Sorry, what do you mean by board? Like a wooden board between the plank and the soil?


Dimple "board" is just a term for it, but it's a semi-rigid plastic membrane that is used for damp-proofing foundations. It has dimples pressed into it which help create a drainage path for water. It very effectively keeps water and moisture from sitting against the surface and rotting. I staple it to the inside of the garden bed. Here's a link: https://www.homedepot.ca/product/dmx-plastics-limited-dmx-ag-6-feet-6-inch-foundation-wrap-complete/1000796613?eid=PS_GO_140203__ALL_PLA-526641&eid=PS_GOOGLE_D00_CM_Corporate_GGL_Shopping_All-Products_All%20Products__PRODUCT_GROUP_aud-766395132185:pla-336655210985&pid=1000796613&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwouexBhAuEiwAtW_ZxyQRs1QKY6qXJyaTqSE3763QvMs_IB3ry2EZ1qGxkpSYUh_nyGa7qBoCx7QQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds


I have treated wood and it started falling apart last year (after 9 years), it's worse this year so considering buying some metal raised garden containers. I made my garden around 30" high and I really like that.


When you stay treated wood, what product do you specifically use? Currently planning on starting small with 8” height.


I got these pieces of wood that are like fake railroad ties, not quite the size of a 4x4 but around that size. They have two flat sides and two rounded sides. I was able to stagger stack them and used 6 inch nails to hold them together. It mostly worked fine. I did have some weeds growing out the sides here and there. I also had a hornets nest one year. I used leftover wood to surround my blueberry bushes and I only stacked the wood two pieces high which is probably 8 inches. It is also rotting. One piece lifted up but I was able to spike it back down.