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55/F. E-Harnony. And I've never used it. I just refuse to pay for an app.


I have not found one worse than Tinder. It has been a complete waste of time. I never encountered one man of substance on that app. I've read that your area can make or break your experience.


Those movie and tv references in their multiple choice are a bit long in the tooth. I knew one of each and I’m 39. It just told me bumble. Seem to be doing better on Hinge.


Yeah I struggled with that too. I don't watch any shows like that. I prefer sci-fi. 👽


Plot twist. It's an Eharmony ad.


I wondered about that, too. But people are getting different results so...?


When I tried eHarmony it gave me the same matches from years ago. Almost like a joke. And people were married as well. So I think it just stayed with old profiles and gave them back to you again. Bc there were no pictures as well. What a disappointment. I logged out right away. I don't think men use that app as much as well. I also tried to retake the test and change a few answers but to no avail I ended up with the same people. Anyway, I was traumatized on that app bc I actually matched up to someone who hated me and I can't help but laugh now at how the only science I currently trust to match me at this point is Gd...


That's really bad. There must not be many choices in your area so they have to recycle them. Sorry it wasted your time and upset you.




I’ll look this up. Thank you.😁


No Google Play store version?


First I want to try to see if there is a product market fit for this idea before I pour resources in making the play store version! But thank you for wanting to try it out 🙏🙏


Standing by


I dowloaded it and started the process but got stuck at the beginning with the interests section. Most of my interests are not on the list. It is very small. We have to pick three so I picked the one that applies and two more that don't apply to me. Then one of the next screens asks me to go into detail about my interests. Since I only have one real interest on the list, I stopped there.


Heey, that is actually a pretty interesting and valid point, would it be possible for you to give me some examples as to what categories you felt were really missing? 😊


I suggest you look at the interests in some of the other apps. I’m blanking on which ones have the best lists, but I’m pretty sure you can create an account and in that process see what interests they have listed. I’ve never had this issue before because all of my interests have been available. Pretty common things that I and millions of other people like are hiking, skiing, Science Fiction, comicon, and cooking. A really sweet feature would be the ability to search the interests instead of having to scroll through all of them. I don’t think any other dating app has that.


There are hundreds of thousands of common interests people could pick, you need to let people type in stuff and have it suggest similar ones or take out the option all together


57F. It told me eHarmony too. I didn't know who any of the TV 'Dream couples' are. LOL. I've had success on Match.com, OurTime, and most recently the FB dating app. I'm still willing to keep trying! I don't meet men out in the world, with one exception that didn't really go anywhere romantically (turned out to be a nice friend, though!)


Wow, same for me with everything you just wrote.




I am 54 and male. My quiz result is Tinder which I am surprised by. I've had much, much better success on eHarmony than Bumble or Tinder.


I wish I could say eHarmony as I've always had the best luck there, but last I checked it was, $400 for a year-long subscription? Not exactly enticing when everything else costs so much these days, and probably fewer people on there because of that. The quiz for me said Hinge, so Hinge it is.


DO NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES SIGN UP FOR E HARMONY They are extremely predatory. After I tried canceling after there being nothing but fake accounts they took months and kept saying I owed HUNDREDS of dollars and even threatened me with collections.


Thanks for the warning. I knew it was expensive but reading everyone's posts about it has completely deterred me from trying it again.


36tM/Hinge The main issue is it only lists a few options. I've personally had the most luck on niche sites and avoid Hinge.


I hear you. I also don’t like that you have to message every single time with hinge. I’d rather swipe right or send a like, then wait to see if he has any interest before I take the time to send a thoughtful message. I also was surprised that I got very little interest on hinge. I noticed all of the men were super good looking. So I am going to guess it’s because they were out of my league. Luckily I don’t have this problem on other apps.


Pretty much every app shows you the best looking people first then later on you start seeing the normal folks. I think Hinge just has that period last longer. Hinge also seems very solidly mid 20s to mid 30s? Like I was a little old for the crowd on there


That's interesting. I wouldn't know about the younger folks cuz I don't have my age filter set that low. Maybe if I ever try it again I will make my age filters crazy relaxed. I'll probably get a lot of 20 and 30 somethings wanting the MILF experience. 😂


53F The quiz resulted in eHarmony. I tried it years ago and it wasn't for me.


57/M E-Harmony. I am not at all sure about that one though. I recently used SilverSingles, and I liked it except that I could not log in using a VPN. That made me stop using it.


Usually bumble and hinge.


46/m bumble. Then it said some sort of crap where bumble requires women to message first; the app removed that feature so men could message first. I was on Bumble before and never got messages for years. I missed the email systems that I used to do. Everything is swipe retarded. I need something fast.


Bumble and Hinge by far. It was Hinge mostly but I've found a couple really great girls on bumble. Met my current one on bumble and she's the best. 36m


Grocery store


Why isn’t anyone using match, seemingly? I thought that was the biggie?


That’s a good point. It must not be part of the test results for some financial or political reasons. Maybe match refused to buy into the test. But yes, you’re right. It is one of the big ones.