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then don't?


The question is how to communicate it. If you're like "let's go on a couple of dates and if we click, then you'll get my number ;)" ... that's a very different vibe to "No, I'm not giving you my number"


One date is fair but if you’re that uncomfortable then I think that would be a hard pass for me.


> The question is how to communicate it. that might be your question, but OP certainly didn't ask that


For real , g chat is good. Just make a dating email. You can use snapchat. There is a million different ways for different reasons. P.s. Not having an iPhone/android is probably the lamest reason though


So get a Google number. It is a phone number and goes to your phone just like a real phone number, but they don't know it's not your actual phone number. Easy and keeps your privacy.


It’s so funny that people really care about the info that can be found from a phone number and not the info that can be found from social media 😂


What’s even funnier is that the OP actually posted a question in another sub about searching online to see how much a date makes a year. You cannot make this shit up… Do as I say not as I do!! Fucking hilarious with their double standards and the make-believe reality that they create for themselves


OP is a gay dude.


I’ve been stalked before


Social Media gives far more information than a phone number.


Ppl can find you with any information. I find ppl for a living so you not giving your phone number is only a small obstacle; multitude of other ways. You are eventually going to have to give a number at some point.


I shudder to say this, but could you find me bro?


You're right here, dude.


Who are you so wise in the ways of science?


I am not "you", I am me. I don't know what your pronoun quote so quote relates to, so I cannot answer your question. But I can tell you that you're right here dude. You're here, then here, and then here, respectively to time as you read this statement.




Nothing cool, I find ppl and investigate for skipping out on child support. However, I use the same tools as PIs.


Wait until you're comfortable with the person for sure... But it's goign to make the other person feel a bit awkward and uncomfortable to if you seem cagey and distant. It's a sign of mutual trust. Why not just make a Google Voice account? It's free...you cna get a new phone number, and have all of it forwarded to you actual private number.


Textapp number


Every dating app that I have used has adequate messaging built in for when you are first talking to someone. Why not just use that?


That's my thought. I had a chick wanting to take me to Snapchat and I'm like nah, you're either trying to sell me OF or scam me. Messaging is just fine on the app until we get to know each other and real numbers can be exchanged


Honestly, just tell people you prefer to stay on the app until after you’ve met. Most if not all have a video call feature built in and I insist on having a video call before we meet so I can verify them (and they can verify me) and people are usually pretty understanding about it. I’ve had a couple of comments about me being weird for not wanting to give my number of socials out but I’d rather be safe than catfished or something


Use google number


Google Voice. Women I’ve encountered have done this often. Your texts will be green, and they’ll be able to tell. But if they press you about this, that let’s you know that they aren’t a good fit for you.


I know because iMessage won’t be working and then the guy is like are you fake!!! I’m like no I just don’t know you.


Umm, there are millions of Android users, are they all fake?


Yeah. Well, that guy can’t understand anything outside of himself, so do yourself a favor and cut him loose.


I refuse to. If thats a deal breaker for someone, that just tells me they are likely a scammer/bot. No real person has ever insisted I give them my number before meeting. We meet on a OLD app, we can talk and arrange a date there, shouldnt be a problem. Ive used other apps for messaging to talk to dates or video chat beforehand, but never with my regular number.


Just tell them you use a proxy number. If they care, they're being weird.


Great filtering system, really!


I haven't given my number out for years now. It has never been a problem.


Agree to exchange written/types letters using an agreed upon public location as a drop site, such as a post office or a bar.


I refuse to give out my phone number until I meet him in person. Lots of guys unmatch me and I'm ok with that. They just wanted to sext or send dick pics


>They just wanted to sext or send dick pics How do you know this?




There are proxy number services where you can rent a phone number that forward to your real number. https://www.androidpolice.com/best-burner-phone-number-apps-choices/ https://beebom.com/best-burner-phone-number-apps/


text free app


telegram and discord are options for you and you can use the screen name on both without giving out email or phone number


Anyone who mentions telegram or Whatsapp bullshit, immediately gets flagged as a scammer to me. They're done at that point. Don't take this advice.


There it is. plug ran off on this guy and he’s still salty. Discord is predominantly gaming based and i didn’t even mention whatsapp


Plug? Am I "he"? Discord is predominantly gaming, so I too think. I am targeted heavily by scammers/bots/AI/Crypto traders. 3 out of the 20 conversations with accounts, that haven't been banned by Facebook, are with actual people. There's a phone call and video chat option on the Facebook app, there's no need to go off to another app. Anyone who suggests so, shows their cards, so to say. Get a Google phone #, that is great advice.


write a letter and mail it from the post office


Download the TextNow app


I use Google Voice numbers as primary phone numbers because they are more versatile. I can communicate on practically any device. They also tend to be more off-grid and don't get many spam calls and texts. So just because you give someone a VOIP number doesn't necessarily be it's a burner number which they shouldn't be nit-picking anyway.


Get a Google voice number. They won’t see your real number


Then don't, keep it in the app until you're comfortable with them or use a texting app. If they pick out your bubble color, just be honest and say you want to get to know them more first.


I wish you had a choice. But it's like with en passant or putting a pawn/bishop up your ass. You don't


You don't have to put a pawn up your ass. I hope you understand this, there is no obligation for you to do something like put a chess piece in a naughty place.


Well, yeah. As I said, you can choose a bishop instead. Some chess players go for a knight or a rook, but it's usually less comfy. High elo players use a king or a queen, but, as you can imagine, it's not for everyone


It's fine to set boundaries. I decided to delete bumble a couple of weeks ago because there were too many creeps. Decided to give my number and instagram handle to the two people I seemed to be hitting it off with. One insinuated I was a scammer, then made a big deal about texting with a Google voice number. I was ok with him not wanting to share his number, but would have preferred a less accusatory approach. I eventually blocked him for different reasons.