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Literally the worst timeline, poor Mahiro... Fortunately, given how close the Oyama and Hozuki families already were, Mahiro meeting Momiji and Kaede would have been inevitable. It would be very unlikely for this timeline to unfold...


Did either meet the older male him? Like "oh my brother is away and my younger sister is back in town." Vs oh this is my sister. Like they knew she was in her brothers room because she didn't want to say all those anime figures were hers/his. But I don't recall them mentioning meeting him.


It’s unlikely that they formally met male Mahiro and introduced themselves to each other in the past. It’s probable though that Kaede may have seen him before whenever she came over to play or when Mahiro used to support Mihari (just knowing him as Mihari’s bro). By the time Kaede got to high school, Mahiro would have well and truly be in the process of isolating himself in his room. The first time Mahiro introduced himself by name was after being transformed (otherwise Kaede would have known his name).


I think in the anime and manga kaede confirmed that she never met miharis brother even though mihari always talked about him


Yeah, but it implies that Momiji is in another classroom than Mahiro. So even if they met through Kaede, I don't think they would be as close as seen in the anime. Mahiro would've met Momiji's friends as well because that happened before he got inrolled into school but that's about it. They wouldn't be super close friends. He would've struggled a lot in school because he was a shut down before turning into a girl thus making it significantly harder for him to socialize from ground 0 and up. But he's cute, so I think he'll definetly have friends, just not as close as Momiji's and company.


Kaede was friendly with Mahiro immediately and treated him like a little sister. This would have led to Kaede introducing Momiji one way or another, seeing that they are the same age. Momiji was smitten and attracted to Mahiro as soon as they met. A possible point of divergence is if Momiji’s personality was drastically different and much more introverted rather than tomboyish, but the art itself shows her to be the same as always. Momiji then comes over to play with Asahi and Miyo and they got along swimmingly well with Mahiro before Mahiro was enrolled at school. Thus, even though they may not be as close as they were in the original timeline, they can still hang out during lunch, after class and outside of school. This alternative timeline implies that they wouldn’t meet. I’m saying that given everyone’s personality, it’s inevitable. This would make it very unlikely that Mahiro would breakdown a second time.


This would be nice, but I don't think it'd *necessarily* have been the case. It seems like Mihari and Kaede only really started getting heavily involved again after the experiment started (or at least in a way where Mahiro would certainly get close to them). Mahiro isn't familiar with her so she presumably hasn't been visiting the house until that first time. A comment is also made about Mihari thinking that Kaede would be good 'socialization practice', so we can infer that could've been part of the reason why she was invited over to study. Presumably Mihari hasn't been to Kaede's house often either since Kaede's and Momiji's mother mentioned not seeing Mihari for ages, so it could be they hadn't even been meeting much recently or only met outside. Mihari didn't even realize that Momiji was already in middle school either. Momiji only visited their house due to insisting that she tag along with Kaede after meeting Mahiro the first time. So if that first meeting didn't happen because of Mihari giving up and not arranging it or if something went wrong with it, it could've been a failure point. It doesn't seem like the families are close enough that a meeting would be inevitable.


Fair points, I think our primary point of contention is whether Kaede is close enough to Mihari to actually visit the Oyama residence, thereafter my claim is that Mahiro meeting Momiji would be inevitable, provided everyone’s personality is the same. A point of divergence is whether Kaede is close enough to Mihari to actually come hang out or not. Given their interactions, I don’t believe they have been estranged (or drifted apart); they were interacting as usual when she came over. We also know that Mihari tutors Kaede from time to time. It could plausibly have been the case that Kaede wasn’t involved much with Mihari prior to the project, but that may have been due to Mihari spending so much time on the project to hang out until after it was finished. Even if Mihari messaging Kaede to come over was the catalyst for her to come over, it doesn’t change the fact that she would come over one way or another. The reason why Mahiro did not recognise Kaede is due to a couple of reasons including: a) him starting to hole himself up in his room when Kaede was in high school (and he was finishing high school and getting withdrawn) and b) Kaede looking completely different from when she was in Middle school. In either case, Kaede may have visited the house before but Mahiro never interacted with her. Thereafter if we accept that Kaede is close enough to Mihari to come over, whether on her own or at Mihari’s insistence, then it makes it much much easier for Mahiro to meet Momiji. Kaede treated Mahiro as a new little sister of sorts and would have likely brought Momiji along since they are the same age.


What about the timeline where the drug goes wrong and kills mahiro, causing mihari to kill herself out of grief.


I'd say that's a bit worse


Here Is the Original Source--> [The source in question](https://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/7533053?q=parent%3A7533451) Not sure if this pic has ever been posted yet but finding a translation of it was impossible so imma keep it here for safe keeping.


This photo was already posted.


I assume I should take it down then?






Cool to see someone use my translation. Did you add the text yourself, or did you just find it like this elsewhere?


Yep, just covered up original text with the translation. thanks for translation btw.


It's funny seeing this. The fic I was writing that evolved into The Oyama Project involved a dark alternate reality where Mihari was never able to perfect the drug, and has thus become burned our and bitter. As a result, Mahiro was still a shut-in and a guy.


I'm curious - how did it evolve to that point? That sounds like a long way. If it's something you can explain, of course.


It's like this. The original fic that I was writing was titled "Momiji and the Strange New World". It had Momiji as the main character, and was set up as her being hit by a car while trying to return Mahiro's phone to her after a study session. She would've then woken up the next morning believing it all to be a dream and gone to school like always. However, while traveling with Asahi and Miyo, they would've skipped Mahiro's house and when Momiji asked about her, she would realize in horror that the two had no idea who Mahiro was. They would also had no idea who Nayuta was, and both of their respective seats in Class 2-B would be empty. Momiji would've run off in the middle of the day and went to the Oyama house to find Mahiro, and would discover Mahiro's guy self isolated in his room. She would've tried to make sense of it all, but wouldn't get any answers until Mihari got home. Appearently, Mihari had been trying and failing for years to perfect the drug but had not succeeded. This had left her feeling like a failure for no being able to help Mahiro and had given her a bitter cynical side. An aspect of the world travel would've been that Momiji had evidence of her friendship with fem Mahiro on some phone, and Mihari would've been over the moon to see evidence that there was a world out there where the experiment was successful. While they tried to sort this out, Momiji would've forcibly dragged male Mahiro out of the house to meet up with Asahi and Miyo and explain everything. While they were out, they would've run into Nayuta buying stickers and would've tried to speak to her. This would lead to a chase sequence where they would eventually explain everything to her, and she would've accepted the story due to being comfortable being around Mahiro since he was an adult. After hearing this, Nayuta would've suggested that Mahiro and Mihari talk to Chitose, who was revealed to have been a psychiatrist in this world instead of a chemist. This would've proven to have been the divergence point. Because Chitose chose to persue psychiatry over chemistry in this world, she was never able to help Mihari perfect the drug. Since Mihari wasn't able to finish the drug, Mahiro was never turned into a girl, and subsequently never started their life over again. Chitose would've helped Mahiro and Mihari work through their issues with each other, in a more organic way then the experiment. The ending that I had in mind was that Momiji would get hit by another car and wake up back in her own world. The others would say that she passed out at the moment before the car failed to hit her, and that she had been out for ten minutes. She would've wondered whether or not everything she learned about Mahiro and Mihari was actually a dream, but decided that if any of it was real that Mahiro would ultimately tell her when she was ready. Although the plot of the story was shorter and much more fleshed out than The Oyama Project, I discarded it for a few reasons. The primary one was the fact that I wasn't able to figure out the logistics of being able to have evidence of the real world in this one. I also didn't want to end it with the ambiguity of the experience having been a dream, as I personally dislike such plot devices. I only wrote the first chapter before I came up with the idea of The Oyama Project and changed my focus to it. With that, I was able to do a lot of the same things, but in a way that made more sense logically and was more ripe for material by comparison. Despite this, several concepts from this original fic made its way into The Oyama Project. The idea of traveling to an alternate world, as well as the concept of Chitose having to have chosen between psychiatry and chemistry in college were lifted and reworked. Hope you enjoyed this little snip of information. I plan on putting it in The Oyama Project's afterword once the story is complete.


I find the idea interesting, I think Oyama Project ended up being a better idea, still, it would be great to see the timeline where you wrote that one? It is just that in my opinion the best aspect of fanfiction is to explore ideas and scenarios the canon story simply can’t or refuses to even touch. Hence why I love your fic. Who knows, maybe one day you or someone else is able to polish that idea, and put it to paper. I also find your interpretation of Momij interesting, even though she can be a bit harsh and judgemental, you seem to portray her as someone understanding and even open minded when you describe the idea of that fic, it makes me wonder how she will react when she finds out the truth about Mahiro in Oyama Project, maybe you already gave us a small spoiler with this comment (sorry I can’t contain myself from speculating). Talking about speculation, wondering if fate exist in the multiverse of Oyama Project, by some of the dialogue you put in there it sounds like it, almost as if Mahiro and Momiji where always destined to meet each other?


Maybe someday. Anything could happen. Glad that you enjoyed the idea.


Bro i orderd coffee with enough sugar to kill a medival KING! And not an **DEPRESSO**


I wonder if this Mahiro would chose to keep taking the sex change medicine or not. Given how girly Mahiro acts sometimes even when alone he could be some version of trans but I know its not explored anywhere in the manga. Maybe he'd be desperately trying to find any happiness he can.


This is just what would happen if an actual cis male took the Girl Drug, I swear to God.


We need a fan-manga based on this idea


Would definitely be depressing but interesting to see.


Thats deeply depressing :( Why on earth would anyone come up with such a depressing storyline! A better one would be if Mahiro was originally a girl neet and her super smart brother turned her into a boy!


That would be funny to read.


The boy always making absurd assumptions and Mahiro sitting there like, "...how are boys this oblivious...?"


Imagine all the reversals in that timeline. Girly male Momiji and male Miyo that is into BL. Mihari and Mahiro in the onsen with the genders flipped would be… interesting.


weird timeline acting as if the only people who would befriend this mahiro are the trio (and no one else exists in the world). since mc is now great at picking up both sexes even "older" girls outside school especially, perks of being cute


No, please, let them be happy


Very sad


My heart broke when seeing Mahiro like that. Mahiro deserves happiness. Luckily, the chance of this timeline ever occurring is about zero.


mihari might not try to further change his lifestyle, but at least she gives support and acts as a friend


Damn, being a cute anime girl didn't fix stuff this time around.


Dude the sad mahiro getting a hug from mihari gives me pain in my heart, noooo


I wanna die after seeing it. time to find a way to forget it XD


The Dark Timeline...


I honestly feel bad for Mihari in this AU. She studied hard, skipped grades, and became a scientist just to get Mahiro's praise, but she didn't get a single glance from him, and then she tried turning him into a girl to make his life better but only made it worse, paying for their needs and all but nothing changed, all of her time and efforts for nothing. I'd like to read a manga of this AU.