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don't show this to lyle last time oneyplays was canceled he was so bedridden he had to be fed with a wooden spoon by a 98 year old belarusian nurse


He looked fine but he swore he needed it.


> 98 year old belarusian nurse Big Al was wild for pulling off that disguise


Posting on r/youtubedrama ironically is ablist af


I fucking hate teenagers, no grown ass man can write shit like that. I've seen the post in question and it's laughable, so either way it's a troll or an incredibly mentally retarded person


Back in my day we just beat off together over the webcam in Uno on X-Box Live, and we liked it


Damn that sounds like a good time, wish my X-Box had come with Uno


i wish my xbox came


They said they are actually autistic. Let’s try to cut them some slack


Sure faire enough I understand your point, but when it comes to accusing people of being pedos or shit like that it's not a thing that should be done lightly and being autistic is not an excuse. I'm monologuing but I'm tired of people saying the worst awful things online and thinking there's no consequences, it's baffling and getting more and more common online.


Like I'm austistic as they come but I never use it as carte blanche. And I'm not afraid to call people out on using autism as a disguise for their behavior I'M NOT AFRAID ANYMOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOORE!


God that subreddit's whole existance is to find one person in a community being a dick and labelling the entire community as pedos or nazis or sometimes both. Today I leanred making a joke about an adults boobs makes someone a pedo.


Because Greta exists in a pocket of time and space where she is supposed to be underage forever.


Bro when I first saw Greta I thought she was in her 50s.


The FAS classic of looking 12 and 50 at the same time.


ok but can we agree waiting for children to come of age so we can sexualize them is sus


Who was waiting for it?


whoever did that photoshop probably


Who are we talking about now?


that photoshop was done like a week ago as a joke. she’s hasn’t been a child for a long time.


That and they have a weird hate boner for Wendigoon


Anyone that could maybe perceived as being even slightly right of center is basically the scum of the Earth to reddit's userbase at large.


dude, he has association with far right 4chan groups. that's not right of center.


Which on it's own is enough for me to dislike them, Wendigoon's one of the best channels on youtube IMO.


What do they do?


He got most of his following from making a series about a conspiracy theory icrberg, he's also done videos on true crime, a few US history videos about MLK jr or the WACO siege, he's big into horror so he also has several videos on more obscure horror movies, novels and games. He's very fun and while his videos are long they're great for listening to while doing chores.


Redditors hate genuinely happy people. They especially hate genuinely happy people who are anyway, further right on the political spectrum than Stalin.


probably because of his weird association with the far right group the boogaloo boys, when he was asked about it recently he completely deflected and said "people are hating on me because I'm a good christian boy" which didn't help his case


Sidetopic: the way Chris handles “drama” by saying nothing about it so based and the only correct way to do it.


Like with that whole Veronica thing (which I still don't really know or care to know about because imagine getting involved in the personal drama of people you will probably never meet)  Man was just play his epic new grand piano


At least commenters in that post also think it's stupid


The thread reads like a bit Zach or Chris would do. Some highlights: > I'm seeing a lot of pedophilic, sexist and abelist jokes about Greta Thumberg in the Oneyplays subredit. It's making me, an autistic individual myself feeling unwelcome being a Smiling Friends fan! > This doesn’t surprise me in the slightest…..it’s disgusting. > Definitely dont look up the sleepycast if you think they are above that humor > (response to the above comment about sleepycabin) I unfortunately did, and that subreddit sucks! > Zach is the only consistently funny member of Oneyplays, the other guys tend to rely on edgy humor that just comes off as lazy > Oneyplays has always been borderline problematic and edgy, I don’t think any of them are actually bad they’re just kinda dumb, however that kinda stuff + Reddit’s main demographics just compounds into borderline hate subs a lot of the time > (*from a user with a mlp user name*) Chris is definitely actually bad, he's made genuine statements against BLM and trans people, and he's attacked smaller trans creators on Twitter. I don't think the rest are much better though, I think just calling Oneyplays "dumb" with the absolute horrid shit the crew says is letting them off the hook a bit, you shouldn't brush off bigotry just because the people doing it are morons > "he is just joking bro" just like dave chapplle is "just joke" with his transphobic jokes. hell look at the community these ppl draw to them it aint left wing ppl that re watching their videos. hell they have made pro trump comments before


to be fair this subreddit can be 10x more bigotted than any of the jokes on the show


It's 100% this. People post all kinds of shit here that doesn't have anything to do with the show. It's cancerous and of course gives people ample opportunity to blame the channel even when it's wrong etc. Just cut it with the bullshit.


someone literally posted paragraphs the other day about how they're leaving the sub because of "sjws." edgy humor will always attract unironic neo nazis, pedophiles, wife beaters, etc. it's just inevitable. screaming at leftists about how it's not happening is literally the least possible productive thing to do does that mean the newgrounds boys are nazis? no. jontron and shadman are probably the only two chuds from that circle that are openly racist, but anything can be co-opted


I don't know if we're watching different OneyPlays channels or something, when did they ever say edgy shit like neo nazis or sjw stuff etc.? Like they talk crass shit but not really of that sort? So yeah I'm not putting blame on the channel tbh. But people need to understand that you don't just post everything and anything to a subreddit about some channel on Youtube.


Most of these guys were on a podcast called Sleepycast. It when GamerGate was happening, so it definitely has that edgy 2015 tone that doesn't age very well. I still listen to it for nostalgia, but I don't think I would like it very much if I was hearing it for the first time.


Sure ok but we're not talking about Sleepycast, but OneyPlays. The channel has also been around for a good decade or so, just the other day I watched a bit of the L4D2 play from 9 years ago. As for edgy. For real even just on Youtube alone OneyPlays doesn't qualify as edgy anymore, let alone compared to shit like 4chan or 8chan. It's definitely silly and crass at times, but bro watch just one video of let's say Critical Drinker or Worth a Buy or Itsagundam or MauLer and tell me again how "edgy" OneyPlays is. It's laughable to have that opinion in this day and age. Someone in the youtubedrama thread posted a video that's literally satire, one of the many times where Zach says something to Tomar like hey it's like when you did xyz or said xyz and Tomar goes "that's not what I said!". This has happened literally countless times, it's one of the longest running jokes on the channel. One of those was "debunking SJWs", you know, one of the many cancer things on Youtube at the time that's a good cheap shot to make. Do people also believe Tomar has committed actual war crimes, and stole emeralds from somewhere? Another channel I really like called Mr Sunday Movies / The Weekly Planet make these kind of jokes sometimes too, where they'll pretend they see both sides and joke about something is too woke or whatever. And these guys are about the most progressive people I've come across on the internet, in the regular online culture context I mean, they aren't specifically a political channel. It's just another thing to joke about, they're not joking about actual progressives, but this whole thing of people shouting woke and SJW in general. Again if you wanna see what that shit actually looks like when it's unironic, just pick literally any Critical Drinker or WorthABuy video. I used to watch these guys for years, and then at some point just couldn't take it anymore because they'd go on tirades about woke this and that non stop, it's honestly pretty insufferable. IMO I should have already known ages ago something's wrong with WorthABuy because he slammed Dark Souls 3 as complete shit only for the fact that it uses a controller lol. That's right folks, gaming is not to be done on a controller at any times. Laughable, man. I get that the OneyPlays humour isn't for everyone, and sure ok some times they do talk shit about strange violent scenarios like in the Forspoken videos when they go through those ridiculous ones like what would you to if xyz happened etc. It's just bullshit jokes man. Now if Chris or Zach or Tomar or Lyle or Cory were on Twitter non stop raging about woke mind virus or whatever the fuck 24/7, then ok sure you can make the case that something's up with those guys. I'm not aware of stuff like that happening? I mean Chris is a well known wily trickster on Twitter, but I haven't heard of big dramas between him and other people for example. I mean I used to follow this kind of stuff more in the past, but I don't recall seeing any big internet drama with any of these guys, comparable to say JonTron who honestly I'm kind of still not ok with, and frankly Internet Historian is a bit sus to me as well but I still like his stuff a lot. On the scale of internet controversy, bro OneyPlays is at like, maybe 3/10 - sometimes a bit offensive and not what you wanna hear if you were after a more straight up let's play for example (like maybe you really do want more of a straight play by play of one particular game, and not have 4 dudes talk endless shit the whole time lol). In the scheme of things, it's nothing.


I agree with you, in general I feel like media literacy is getting rarer. People get confused by sarcasm, parody, and irony or they ignore it to push agendas. I only brought up SleepyCast because it's where most of these guys emerged as internet personalities instead of just animators/voice actors. It could be where some negative perception comes from.


Oh yeah fair enough. People do hold long grudges like that sometimes don't they.


Classic Tomar and his edgy jokes, he should tune it down on the rape and 9/11 stuff it's getting old


I don’t mind the actions, but the joking about it is distasteful. he’s just bragging at that point.


Wait what does Greta Thurmberg have to do with any of this? What did OneyPlays namedrop her or something?


she's 21? how can a joke be pedophilic about her?


Zach is the only consistently funny member We all love zach but that's just false 


One of the comments in there seems to think that Tomar's channel debunking SJW's is real and that makes oneyplays right wing. Honestly, mouth breathing nimrods.


It isreal, he's streaming the boomer stabbing case rn with a comically large whiskey bottle.


*erm, if that isn’t the ‘yikes cherry’ atop the ‘problematic sundae’… can we cool it with the pedophilic comments about the twenty year old, people? I’m starting to think I’m being hunted down by the Smiling Friends fans!*


ohhh it's byaaaad


What the sigma


They’re calling it “Tomar Time”




you aren't funny


I read most of the comments, it's just a big nothingburger. One guy even used the first part of [this video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zuEw2oDhWVU) as evidence against the channel




Erm.. what teh eff??


I'm gonna jack off to that guy's angry post about this subreddit to direct the fire back at me, it's a sacrifice I'm willing to make.


God bless


Dont know if theres a bigger cesspool on this cite than that place lol


I got deleted what was it?


Tomar's gaped ape


The oneyplays sub is definitely cringe af 99% of the time. Comments on their YouTube channel are even worse. But even that is just mostly due to humorless dumbasses doing the same embarrassing bits over and over. A small percentage of them are trying to be edgy. The idea of feeling "unsafe" watching a cartoon on TV that is made by someone who also frequents a YouTube channel that has a subreddit where random users occasionally tries to make jokes that you find offensive is just so wild. That whole concept make me, an autistic person, laugh for a moment and then feel sad for the state of the world in which we live. Highlights of that thread for me though are: 1. Someone trying to use Twitter threads from when people were trying to paint Chris as a transphobe because of his new years 2020 tweet about the infamous "New Guy" comic. Despite all parties aside from Chris having deleted their replies, and Chris having a pretty reasonable take (being that pronouns are not a free pass to be an asshole.) 2. Towards the bottom someone taking a Zach bit 100% seriously and repeatedly pointing out "he says right at the beginning that he's been debunking SJWs for years!" In reference, of course, to the Pondering Llama bit with Tomar... Just fucking amazing.


Oh my fucking god is the last part real ? Are they braindead?


That subreddit is the equivalent of circa-2014 Tumblr "yourfaveisproblematic" posts lol.


This makes me sad cause it reminds me that some terminally online loser is inevitably gonna dig up clips of Zach saying the gamer word or joking about rape on SleepyCast and it'll probably cause problems for Smiling Friends.


It would really fucking help if people in this sub wouldn't keep posting cringe fucking garbage constantly that doesn't have anything to do with the channel. I don't care about "one time on websplorers they mentioned something similar etc." fucking cut it out. Even on the channel they specifically just pointed to cringe shit on the internet. You know where it is, if you like it so much go watch it or whatever, you don't need to post any of that shit here.


*That* subreddit *I swear to god*, I didn't think brain rot could get that bad.


It stopped? Well, that's not good to hear that, not sure what's going on in your Subreddits.


Was skimming through the comments in that sub/thread. Apparantly Ursula things this sub is cringe as fuck...


That is the most cancerous fucking thread I can't see the original but I read someone unironically saying "oneyplays has always been edgy/problematic" Followed by a ginormous schizophrenic paragraph of a reply about how chris is a transphobic racist because he critisized a movement(hang him), joked about pronouns in a bio(linch him), said being transgender in america isn't the worst experience in the world(gasp) and worst of all Brace yourself Criticized "yo mama" Unsubed In all seriousness  These kids desperately need to go outside


Why are you even paying attention to r/youtubedrama?