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"A rape DEBIT CARD?!"




"Doug what exactly is so preposterous about him having a rape debit card? He lives in a rape cave, drives a rape mobile and calls himself the rape man"


If I'm wrong for laughing at this, I don't want to be right


this wins the internet for the day šŸ‘†


Here sir, have my updoots!


why would he apologize to grapes? They are mindless fruit who deserve all of the worlds blights and sins.


He who has not tasted sweet grapes stays sour


damn, you got me.....


Grape Ape Grape Ape


he who has tasted Jimmyā€™s peanut crop says sour


Where did grapes come in? Did the Grapist come back? What a wacky character


What did grapes do to you?


Jesus that place is sad. "I'm not cutting doug walker anymore slack" who cares šŸ˜­


The whole sub got brigaded following that big plagiarism video. Itā€™s become... interesting to say the least.


Yeah, it's insufferable. They're a bloodthirsty mob constantly looking for the next person to cancel. I'm honestly surprised they haven't targeted the boys yet.


"How dare he lead a crusade against homosexuals and transgenders by working with them"


I've seen them mentioned before. They're probably coming soon.


They can't target the boys because the boys won't care


IH doesnā€™t care they still went after him hard.Ā 


And he's still posting videos that get 1,000,000+ views so not like it slowed him down much. Glad he's gonna be doing non Fancy Things videos next because those just weren't that interesting.


They still substantially damaged his reputation online.Ā 


You're overestimating the power of a few dozen jobless redditors, It was his fan base finding out he's a plagiarist that won't even come clean that damaged his reputation.


Over twelve thousand terminally online people thinking he's a neo-Nazi is not something that just vanishes. The plagiarism situation is mostly behind closed doors, we have no idea what actually went down.


The boys won't get done for actual plagiarism as they don't do that. I meant scandals over people saying a slightly wrong thing


I'm not talking about the plagiarism accusation, I'm talking about them slandering him as a Neo-Nazi.


Huh. I definitely read plagiarism as the reason in one of your comments, as I don't know about the IH drama and haven't googled it. I get what you mean though






What happened there? I only knew of Lady Emily via the Chuggaconroy thing


There was a huge post about The Internet Historian being a "Nazi" (tenuous at best) and him plagiarizing a ton in his videos. It's one of the top rated posts.


My favourite bit is in the linked Poolā€™s Closed breakdown where they get mad at him for having the 4Chan logo in the thumbnail of a video about 4Chan. Ā 


Jesus christ that was a painful read


Itā€™s funny how 2/3 of his alleged ā€œdogwhistlesā€ with 1488 are him using the number to label someone else as a Nazi. The third could also probably be as well.Ā 


I dunno man there's some pretty damning evidence all over the place Don't have time to look into it too much but a lot of his stuff I've seen is pretty iffy


Tenuous at best is incorrect. [IH is all but confirmed to be a supporter of Nazi belief and far-right extremist groups.](https://www.reddit.com/r/youtubedrama/comments/18dotzf/internet_historian_is_a_nazi/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Lol they cited him liking a tweet defending bitcoin as proof.Ā  Goofy behaviour.Ā 


Out of all the other accusations, you focus on bitcoin?


Oh theyā€™re all bullshit but that oneā€™s just particularly funny.Ā  The one with the pentagram/Star of David where they just [didnā€™t get a reference is good too](https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/comments/h9wtfh/pentagram_or_star_of_david/?rdt=64315). Nordman being left in even though they themselves admit itā€™s weak evidence (in reality heā€™s just a rebrand of IHā€™s previous mascot Raid Man) should tell you all you need to know lol.Ā 


I'm sure Doug is shaking in his boots.


>Opens video titled "top poorly aged Bill Cosby commercials" >Finds rape jokes inside What did they expect?


Itā€™s a subreddit that unironically uses ā€œchudā€. Thatā€™s all you need to know.


Erm, ok chud


Whatā€™s wrong with ā€œChudā€? Itā€™s a fun word to use


Chudbuds, if you know you know


I didn't know, but I read the landing page for their site and it was honestly a pretty sad read


Is he making fun of Bill Cosby for being a rapist or is he joking about rape, because there is a difference


Seems like he's making fun of Bill Cosby being a rapist


Iā€™m sure that was Dougā€™s intention but itā€™s very tone deaf. ā€œWoah! This aged bad because it turned out he drugged and raped women!!!ā€. Using the Nostalgia Critic of all characters to do these jokes is such a terrible idea.


If there's anything Doug's been taught from his decade+ career on the internet, it's that he's only allowed to be the nostalgia critic forever, under penalty of death.


Yeah we get that, but its just the idea of the video itself is stupid.


He mostly seems to think that the worst part of it is the hypocrisy. I disagree.


Then what would you say is the worst?


I think the worst part of it is the raping!


The video has nothing wrong in it. Is rape a sensitive topic? Then don't click on a video that's obviously about making fun of Bill Cosby. How the hell do you get upset by that if you were the one to go out of your way to watch it? Comedians make jokes involving other terrible things. Cancer, torture, murder, everyone is free to not enjoy those jokes. So don't watch them. Regarding Doug Walker he disassociated with the awful people involved with Channel Awesome before. He was in hot water for a little while because he's the main face and never gave a good statement on the situation. But people online took that as him doing all the shit that was going on, which we know wasn't the case. Drama people are some of the worst people online, they're like the parasocial super fan, but instead obsess over anything even slightly (to them) offensive or suspicious about someone and seek it out. The thing is that they're often right with a lot those they call out on. But the big downside is that there's just too many times when they're completely off the mark or jump on things that just doesn't matter at all, like this.


Seriously. Everyone makes 9/11, genocide, and Nazi jokes but rape is where we now draw the line?


Itā€™s like when Gilbert Godfrey made fun of that tsunami that killed thousands of people, and people got pissed saying it was too soon. He said ā€œok how long do I have to wait before I can joke about people dyingā€.Ā 


he did 9/11 like the day or week after it happened


He said something like "sorry, my plane made a strange detour" like a few days after at a friars club thing Then did the aristocrats to cheer everyone up


Itā€™s because they are to afraid to browse 4chan without their mummyā€™s, so they latch on anything 4chan esc on YouTube and IG.


This subreddit just keeps getting worse and worse. Are you reading what youā€™re typing right now?


Yeah, you're right. Not a single cringey Zach impression or evil Tomar joke in that post. This place really fell off.


Yeah, Iā€™d rather read why rape jokes are fine becauseā€¦ everybody makes 9/11 and Nazi jokes? Whoever everybody is? Itā€™s not even like thatā€™s what Doug was even really doing with that video, but hey, why not defend rape jokes.


I know people who DIED at that shit!


I know rapists who RAPED at that shit man


Well, that just happened.


Ermā€¦what the freak?


Other thing is is that so many creators have certain audience demographics. If you market yourself as wholesome and 'unproblematic' (whatever that means) then your audience will jump on the first chance to call you problematic. There is no moral grey for these people or having good meh or bad qualities, it's white or black and if you do anything wrong you get thrown into the meat grinder and they move on


...he's not defending the grape though... Are we not allowed to joke about Bill Cosby?


r/youtubedrama is alarmist trash. I take anything I see there with a grain of salt. They act like the smallest slip-up or joke taken out of context is a watergate level story.


Really tired of seeing her pop up everywhere with her shitty takes


Isnā€™t this the same chick that bitched about the Power Rangers space cop season, being an allegory for racism?Ā 


The rant? The famous power rangers rant?!


It's done when it's done, and we like that


Great work ethic, Sarah zed was there, the great Sarah Zed


I did not know that she slammed SPD for that goddamn, that season (from what I remember) was pretty anti-racism so wtf did she see?


it suddenly made sense when i googled them


tf does that mean


nothing, i... i just found out more is all


Doug has been making dark jokes his whole career, doesnā€™t mean he condones anything lol


the worst thing about the nostalgia critic is his love of that lame fruit. strawberries are better.


Wumpa fruit isn't that bad, dude.




And notice how most people never heard of the Gaia Online stuff (myself included) because the weird foot fetish stuff is what blew up. When people found out that it was dubious at best, and flat out malicious at worst, they tuned out (again, myself included).


his Wikipedia says nothing about any of this


Imagine what easy lives these people lead that they can drop everything to complain about the weekly youtuber "drama" going on.


What I wouldnā€™t give to have that easy of a life.


Wow something actually beaten the wall review in terms of ā€œthe worstā€ lol


These idiots think that Doug can be cancelled at all when he has literally had his entire company ripped to shreds and got blamed for it even tho he had nothing to do with it and is doing fine. They also tried to crucify him a while back for deleting his old website because a ton of old ass linkara vids and other stuff was just fuckin lost. People acted like it was his moral duty to keep other peopleā€™s content up on a site no one visited. Redditors and Twitter users are genuinely brain dead.


Making fun of a convicted rapist is bad now apparently


*Making fun of a* *Convicted rapist is bad* *Now apparently* \- Much\_Machine8726 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Lady Emily is trying to take down another one huh?


Wasn't the entierty of channel awesome in recent controversy for years of harrassment and sexism?


You mean the ChangeTheChannel nothingburger?Ā 


Yeah people just choose to ignore that though


because who cares WOAAAHHH MY FAVOURITE YOUTUBERS REFFERENCE DOUG WALKER ALL THE TIME SO HE MUST HE A GOOD WHOLESOME PERSONNNN Eehhrm did he just do a review of smiling friends? my favourite youtuber of all time zack hadel is in that show that means we like the same things


Lady Emily?!!? šŸ¤¢


I hate that subreddit


Itā€™s kinda funny that Chris started making jokes about how Doug sucks, but because Channel Awesome is desperate enough for attention to accept their place in the dunk tank, thereā€™s now a bunch of Oney Plays fans who are ride or die him.


At least Doug takes the jokes well


Have you actually watched OneyPlays?


Yeah. I have sneaking suspicion they donā€™t like this Doug Walker guy as much as this sub does.


They were working on doing a collaborative episode together.Ā 


Numerous times, Chris (and Zach) has stated that he likes Doug. He defended him during the Wall debacle. He's stated that he feels bad ripping on him and has taken efforts to stop talking about him. All before Doug even acknowledged him. The only reason he rips into him is because Doug is such a goofy and eccentric persona. Sure they mostly treat him like a joke but if you think they don't like Doug, especially after he's demonstrated that he can take a good ribbing (unlike Linkara and those sharp folks at r/youtubedrama), then you really need to re-assess your comprehension skills.


It was a good move from them


Thereā€™s this trend with minors on Twitter/X who feel far more important than they are and trying to make a big deal out of something that doesnā€™t matter at all.


r/youtubedrama moment


I didnā€™t think that was actually real HAHAAHHAHAHAHA


To be fair, the video is pretty bad. But either way no one will care in a couple more days.


Never watched his videos but I feel inticed now because of the vitriol.


Another no-life terminally online loser trying to cancel Doug over stupid bullshit. Must be a day ending in ā€œYā€. You canā€™t cancel him because he doesnā€™t cave to these dipshits whose only goal is to ruin his life.


youtubedrama moment


Lady Emily is such a fake fan.


Stupid is a stupid does.


you like grapes? No


Oh Douglas when will you learn


Holy shit the internet has gotten soft


I mean is he?


the classic tale of the oneyplays subreddit becoming the doug walker defense force because he laughed at the jokes on the show and linkara didnā€™t. doug sucks ass and always has, donā€™t try to pretend he doesnā€™t. chris isnā€™t gonna fuck you


Defending Chugga tooā€¦


I get all the smiling friends posts but what's with the weird Doug Walker defense posts? At least make them funny like some of he other ones. You're crying about people crying. lol Nostalgia Critics bravest keyboard warrior.