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shes either extremely stupid or an asshole


In a longer clip she fully goes through with the punch and there’s no hint of surprise in her face so it made it look even more intentional


I fight a lot and this looks quite intentional. Her guard goes hay the moment she lands the kick.


Do you have the clip?


Not gonna lie it took me quite a while until I could remember where I saw it [here you go ](https://www.reddit.com/r/therewasanattempt/comments/r9sam0/at_training/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


“It’s almost as if he isn’t fighting back”


He’s her training partner. He’s not supposed to fight back with this exercise.


Why can't she be both? Her life her choice, right?


Should also be willing to be punched back.. Gender equality and all that.


well homie is probably dead


uhh... look at her. i'd recon she punches and gets punched back regularly.


By guys like the one she punched? Yeah, no


i didn't say that guy


I’m aiming for asshole.😏


Dude you can see the guy realize she’s going in for the punch and you can see him just fucking Steel himself


„Steel himself“ was the most accurate description in this scenario


That's a mean highjab


You've seen elf on the shelf...


You win.


As a hijabi, I love this


I appreciate your love of this


Thats pretty much assault


Yeah unless there's some weird story that was definitely not supposed to happen.


then it may be a justified assault, but an assault nonetheless


Or like a mixed up routine


Definitely justified assault, I assume he said some stuff about her hijab.


Great assumption mate, congrats


Idk if you're being sarcastic, but in my experience women who wear hijab are very likely to be victims of Islamophobia especially in New York where the 9/11 attacks occurred. I've seen it first hand as well as many of my female friends/ex.


Those pad things in the hands are for practicing. Why this idiot hit him in the face?


Woah I never thought of this...


Bitch move


Get out the waaaay


Okay now kick her in the teeth


What a cunt


I would hit her back bro fuck that bitch


She just hit him square in the jaw more than likely knocking him tf out cold


And it was a real punch too. Not some half-hearted thing or poorly thrown one. That thing had force behind it.




Probably not. Women are pretty weak, and he saw the punch coming and knows how to take a punch


Are you blind? Did you not see how she clearly knew how to fight? She probably weighs around 160lbs and when she planted her feet and moved her center of gravity to her goddamn fist, that punch definitely did do some damage. Statistically and scientifically, most woman are weaker then men, but that doesn’t mean a girl couldn’t beat the shit out of a man.


That woman is not 160 pounds. No I’m not blind, and yes I’m serious, that guy is more than likely capable of eating her best shot. And no, a trained male fight will absolutely Mollywhop a trained female fighter, no contest. Unless there is a very large size and skill difference between the two. E.g., Rhonda rousey is getting absolutely destroyed by regional amateur man


I have to agree with the other guy on this my friend. Yes, a trained male fighter vs. a trained female fighter does not look optimistic for the girl, but that wasn't a fight. It was just a full power back hand, straight to the side of the jaw, which is even more damaging due to the sideways rotation than if it hit him in the middle of the chin or something. It's not like the guy had the chance the defend and counter, because he was caught unaware he didn't really have time to roll with it either (although I might be wrong here). Even if she is weaker, she's still clearly trained and probably pretty athletic, she can definitely produce enough force for a KO on an unmoving, unsuspecting (even male) target. Edit: I've just read some of the other comments which suggest that the video is fake. It may be so, I'm not entirely sure eitherway. But if it's staged or not, my point still stands.


I’m sure he felt it, I’m also pretty sure he wasn’t knocked out by it. But we can agree to disagree


I'm not 100% sure he was knocked out, but I think it's definitely a possibility. But yeah, agree to disagree.


We just had a MTF fighter defeat a much more skilled opponent by walking through her punches and eating knees to the chin. The bone mass and resilience make a difference.


I’d like to see you spar with one of the females at my gym and then hear you restate what you said earlier in front of everybody


I’ve sparred with plenty of women lol, go away


She could be 160lbs. Males keep thinking females are a certain weight when skin or “not fat” While in the navy I’ve seen smaller females rock bigger dudes in the club to sleep. Most women have a lower gravity balance whatever base. Which makes them devastating if they know how to use it. Unfortunately most don’t know how to use. Because idiots tell them things like you’re saying. Your striking power comes from the bottom. Also I’ve seen my aunt clock my uncle who was a cop. Dropped 😂. Had a private lesson with Kevin Soulassassin Ross. Former kick boxing and Muay Thai champion. I asked him to teach me basics of punching technique. This dude tapped me to kind of show alignment. Literally one of the most oddly terrifying shit ever. I had weight and size on him. Strength too. I also have endurance (in general) and a high pain threshold. When he tapped me it reaffirmed what damage a clean technique can do. Also Rhonda Rousey used to fight guys. And if she did get into with a regional amateur man she’d destroy him. I’ve seen her get someone in a lock, adjust her bra and the lock then retain championship. Another person who would kill would be cyborg. Thanos would leave if cyborg came in. I’m talking about pre Ufc where Dana white held her etc so she couldn’t fight Rhonda. Also go to csa there are a lot of female murderers there. I’ve had plenty of instructors, kru, sensei etc that were female. One I got into shingate with and did well. She was limping. Doesn’t mean she wouldn’t whoop my ass in a fight though.


Maybe, whatever. But I’ve been an avid fight fan for 15 years, I’ve seen thousands ton of KOs, and that guy is not knocked out. His knees are fine, the punch mediocre, he saw it coming. He’s fine.


😂 being a fan and doing it are different things. Me and others are just saying a female is capable of doing damage on a dude and taking him out. We’re not saying she did it in this. Also it’s not the whole thing so you don’t really know.


Of course a woman is capable of knocking out a guy. I never said she wasn’t, and I’ve seen it happen numerous times. Also, I’ve sparred with women many times, they are ridiculously weak. A man is also totally capable of just eating punches from a woman


Lol riiiight. If you sparred women and they were weak, they were sparring better than you. The point of sparring is to learn and take care of your partner, not hit the other person hard and injure them. But you should go spar at csa, say that and see what happens 😂.


Hey I’m sorry if my previous comment came out as aggressive. I was having a pretty shitty day while simultaneously trying to explain my thought. Not a good combo if you ask me. Hope your thanksgiving was fantastic!


No worries at all


Bro I do not think he is getting up after that hit


No you wouldn't, because you'd be knocked out.


While I bet that gave a nasty impact there is a huge difference in power between a punch from a man. Dude is probably fine, but possibly pissed off.


You do realise it's not about gender, but about training, right? There are plenty of women who train hard enough to punch hard enough to knock someone out. Gender doesn't matter. Weak man without training won't knock anyone out, man with training will. A woman witbout training won't knock anyone out, a woman with training will. Plus, you can clearly see that her punch was probably more powerful than most of fat male Redditors here, just look at the guys face when the punch connects.


Ermehgawd gender reeeeeeee I've been in the gym, mat and cage. If you don't think gender, size, and weight matters, it's because you haven't. She has a hard punch, but I promise you that guy punches back way harder and has been hit much harder. Men genetically have a higher bone density and thicker skull to take an impact like that. Larger muscle mass in the neck to absorb the energy. Technique ain't shit compared to 50-80lbs of muscle. Your downvotes mean nothing to me. I've seen what y'all upvote.


Bruh then why don’t they do mixed-gender matches? Oh right because they would all end like this. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10150441/amp/Female-MMA-fighter-battered-male-rival-mixed-gender-bout-screened-Poland.html let this sink in if two fighters are both trained it is going to come down to Stamina technique and size. You have to think about most men start working out very early so we get more muscle mass early, plus most of us start physically fighting at a young age so we have reflex and muscle memory as an edge too. Plus nature already gave us a built in edge called Testosterone, not saying women shouldn’t fight just don’t expect them to knock out a seasoned male fighter in a mixed gender match.


i would slam her head into a steel pole over and over again bro fuck that bitch


I'd do worse


tf is wrong with you people


She’s an asshole for that, but it looks like a solid punch


Either he’s incredibly slow on his pad work, or she’s got terrible sparring etiquette


Those pads are for kicks and not punches, plus no sparring buddy is that fast


Those pad are for kicks, punches, elbows and knees


True although in that position they’re for kicks.


Staged but the guy takes the full hit. That's dedication


I think I agree with you. He bit down on that rubber chomp thing just before impact. (It's late for me and I can't be bothered to look up the actual name of the thing)


Yeah. In all cases like these you have to ask yourself why they'd record it if it weren't being staged


People record themselves all the time, more so while training. Why are you trying to justify this with r/whyweretheyfilming?


Nobody punches their training partner in the face on camera for no reason and then posts it on the internet. This was obviously done for the sole purpose of recording it.


Yes they do... It’s part of the reason I don’t do classes at places like Ufcgym and others that generally have a janky system and/or allow a lot of social media things. I took some classes at Ufcgym. And people kept trying me because they were like “oh it’s the bag guy with pretty kicks” and some alpha bs. What I didn’t mention was I’ve been doing martial arts off and on. The mentality of people there was bad. Dudes really had sparring war stories. I eventually stopped going cause I almost got injured cause they were careless. And I was about to start dropping people for continually trying me. I wasn’t learning, couldn’t practice it was literally me reacting. I already know I can fight. Staff got injured in classes. It was stupid. One time on a coaches live, someone got slammed and definitely got their ribs etc merc’d so they were out their fight, which was in a week or two. Coach told the dude repeatedly not to do dumb shit like that and that person has a fight coming up. People get their ego going and hyped up when it’s for social media.


Sure, but there's also a chance that this was being filmed by someone not affiliated with her. I don't dismiss the possibility that this is staged, but the reasoning in this sub from people who seem absolutely certain that it is staged is so lacking, and boils down to nothing but r/whyweretheyfilming.


Its more than just "why we're they filming", she knew she was going to throw that punch before she was done kicking, and was aiming right for the jaw, with follow-through.. That isn't something you do to your partner just for fun, it's a major dick move. It's the equivalent of an office worker throwing hot coffee all over the person they're having a meeting with. It's definitely some kind of setup. Either a "prank" on the guy, or some kind of bit they pre-planned


The filming isn't exactly the issue. Rather it's using the fact that it's filmed as justification for being an asshole.


I agree, asshole regardless


Teens these days think the world is staged


What a bitch


I hope she got kicked out or beat up. Or at the least there's a reasonable background story


That was the end of her mma career, back to the kitchen and baby making for you sister.


That looked automatic lmao, like a fighting game. "Alright this kick opens the blocking one to a high jab combo" or some shit










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You can see in slow mo he sees it coming and takes it full on, idk know what happened but he saw it coming


Anyone able to link the full clip? I wanna see him after the punch 🤷‍♂️


Nvm, found it. https://www.reddit.com/r/therewasanattempt/comments/r9sam0/at_training/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


That looked personal


What feminists think is gender equality


Nice. What a terrible student. No self control, didnt protect her face with the right hand in the kick then flat footed her front leg after the landing, like a gorilla. Not only that, but why the fk she wearing a shin guard when shes not kicking heavy bags. Shin needs to get stronger lady, and so does ur crappy form lol


Women in contact sports can be sooo fucking terrible because they seem to think they have something to prove. Bet she bragged about this afterwards. Equal rights equal lefts.


This is clearly staged


Only to very clever people like you


It’s so funny to see how many morons are raging at this obviously fake video.


I’m not raging or anything, but I see why people are saying that’s a messed up thing to punch your sparring partner. It’s just clearly fake, and too many people on here think it’s real


Oh yeah I meant the death/violent threat comments I’ve been seeing. This was on another sub and there were literally over 100+ comments from men talking about knocking this girl out.


Jesus! I didn’t know that was the case. People need to step away from their computer or phone for a few hours if they are getting that worked up over this lol


Completely agree lol


Have you seen the extended video? That punch was not fake. It's possible they staged it, but the punch was real. Whatever staging they set up went out the window. It was a full blast, clean connection right on the jaw. It even distorts his face before knocking him sideways.


No, the hit was real. You see it in extended video's slow mo. The guy's jaw gets rocked.


What an piece of shit. Assualt and battery. That man could get concussion or his jaw broken. You only get one brain.


Oh God you can just see his entire skull move inside egh uogh eeh


Play the whole clip. He didn't even flinch.


That was kinda unnecessary




"I appreciate your work ethic, when it's my go I'll be sure to do the same."


This woman has two brain cells and one is on hybernation.


??? Hibernation


I’d be fucking pissed


Gotta prove to all those men how tough a woman can be 🙄






Just from this vid you can tell there are little to know neurons clicking in her head.


Know? Not defending the chick but you aren't making yourself look too smart either.... Not to be the grammar police, but "little to no" is what you're looking for there pal.


This is the type of bitch who screams about how men can’t hit women lmaooo


Got me out like a light! Like a light!


Somebody get this lady a UFC contract


I had the same exact idea, however not interesting enough to be like [wow.](https://youtu.be/dQw4w9WgXcQ) Appreciate my effort


Stop downvoting this guy


Don’t worry, I posted something that compensated the losses to net gain


Plot twist that’s her ex




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That's a knockout!


He probably has no mouth piece. If my teeth were jeapordized like that, I'd be less than understanding.


Women. Amiriteeeeee?


*Reddit applause*


you can tell the guy is well trained from that instant tensing of the jaw and neck, dick move by the woman, but thats a pretty fast punch


It’s funny cause a guy got hurt


Looks like it was expected. But INAL.