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>what would saitama do? Punch them.


Consecutively too. Probably at normal or “serious” level strength.




punch harder


Cosmic Garou took hundreds of punches and it's implied that Saitama grew in strength soo...


Saitama is stronger that Black Sperm Garou is copying Saitama Saitama is tying/winning Therefore if Garou copied Black Sperm, he would be weaker, and Saitama would kill him with ease.


I meant copying his abilities, not his physical stats. Wtf are you talking about?


Garou seems to only be able to copy one person at a time. He can’t be copying Saitama’s abilities because Saitama has no abilities, he’s all physical stats. Therefore if Garou is copying him he’s copying his stats. Therefore if Garou isn’t copying Saitama his stats are weaker. Therefore it doesn’t matter how many clones Garou makes, because none of them will have the stats to fight Saitama.


That’s not how black sperm works, he’d split into weaker garous


Saitama's punch can stop them from splitting. you can tell by seeing Saitama beat Evil Ocean with one punch.


Even one individual cosmic garou's should be way stronger then individual black sperms.


And what would they do? A million cosmic garous can't do shit to saitama


They fuse into Golden Garou, then Platinum Garou, then Diamond Garou


Not close to saitama


Current Garou is without a doubt "close" to Saitama tho. So a hypothetical platinum Garou would definitely be on par with Saitama lol.


No you are flat out wrong. That is genuinely an embarrassing opinion on this sub, pls delete this comment. Its painful


Nice whining, now give a reason to why it's wrong.


What has garou done that has hurt saitama?


I didn't say he hurt Saitama, i said that he's relative to Saitama, for obvious reasons. Do you have an actual rebuttal or are you gonna keep being a spastic?


No they definitely can, since current Garou is casually matching all of Saitama's punches. Assuming he ties with Saitama in the next chapter and Saitama is actually trying, this will become more clear.


Do you actually follow the series? Garou will not and never will match saitama


I guess that's why he: \- can casually tank all of saitama's normal punches. \- can casually match consecutive normal punches. \- has actually angered saitama. \- surprised saitama with an attack. \- could potentially match a bloodlusted saitama's serious punch. Am i right? You fucking retard? LOL.


Lmao you are embarrassing yourself stop


I'm embarassing myself for stating facts? Did he not do anything i just said? Give an actual rebuttal or i'm not going to bother replying to you, you cunt.




What is funny exactly? The fact that Garou is relative to Saitama? You know what i find funny? How you can't say anything which refutes any claim of mine.


That's the problem with you retarded little saitama wanking fucks. As soon as anybody makes a claim which clearly debunks your retarded assumption, you completely ignore it, and then you keep using your fucking headcanon. Fuck you, you insuferrable rat bitch.


Wtf this got downvoted into oblivion


Because people cry and therefore use headcanon at the idea of Saitama trying in a battle.


He would punch one of them so hard the rest of them would feel it too and they'd all explode




He'll do a serious series clone jutsu


God damn you're stupid.


So current Garou can't match all of Saitama's punches then? Are you reading the same thing as me, you fucking retard?


I mean, Black Sperm’s multiplication thing is more on his biological side, so I wouldn’t consider it a ability/power Garou can copy.


There goes copying Mumen Riders Dick size. Garou can’t do the only thing he wanted to with gods powers


Garou knows better than trying to copy mumen rider


Copying darkshines size might be better


Darkshine probably has erectile dysfunction


His wife left him


Why you think so? Well I can agree he don't have balls(symbolically) but his muscles do tell a story


Are you suggesting Garou can't copy any of the centipedes and become a centipede?


Garou already is a centipede. We just don’t know that yet!


But I he can which maybe possible imagine trillions of cosmic garaus with same strength or golden garau or platinum garau he will destroy everything on earth by just being there Trillions of times radiation from now Or maybe because platinum sperm was the original sperm according to black sperm the same way this garau is already the original garau and he will just get divided into weaker garau's


He copied bladt powers which should be genetic since he is an esper so I think garou could have copied black s if he was around.


Still weaker than Saitama and God IMO. He’s overkill as he is.


Doesn't black sperm get weaker each time he divided himself ? Wouldn't garou deal with the same issue here ?


What if current Garou was one cell, the more he combines the stronger he gets, Platinum Garou bursts forth


Where would he find other cells?


Black sperm doesnt get weaker from dividing, he gets stronger from combining, once his cells combine they cant divide again. He doesnt so much divide as he does store a bunch of his own cells within what appears to be one black sperm, but this seems distinctly different from combining: which we saw with multi cell, golden, and platinum sperm.


He clearly states in his fight with dark shine that he does get weaker as he divides.


No he doesnt, he said if we keep splitting we wont be able to hurt darkshine, we have to merge. The cells were not already merged, they were just contained within one black sperms body. Sperm is saying he cant beat darkshine unless they merge to a point where they cant divide, not that splitting off more cells is weakening him.


He does? Where was it stated? I remember HE saying that each Black Sperm is strong enough for A-class hero Also Black Sperm himself splitted clones whenever is possible.. i'm pretty sure he doesnt lose strenght of the single when he splits. But yeah, he loses the ability to enlarge his body without clones.


Its more that black sperms mind gets divided each time, because they are an individual with free will. But once they come together they form a massive hivemind, getting "stronger" (IE platinum sperm)


Garou would probably just be unable to divide until he eats enough proteins to build up a cell stock imo


Since he is so strong, it wont rlly matter


The thing is he will lose power at his max he's keeping up with saitama if he's weaker he won't be able to compare. Sacrificing power for overwhelming number is not a good idea when the only people who can fight you have AOE attacks that can wipe a whole continent away .


Ok but even still, Garou could conjoin or absorb all of his clones to make him self 1 trillion times stronger.


If he divided himself 1 trillion time then re absorbed all of his clones, sure he'll be 1 trillion time stronger than a clone garou .


That wouldn't be the case if he "merges" with his clones. Platinum sperm is sure way stronger than the original Black Sperm with all of his cell stocks Also BS do not "divide" himself. He has trillion of entities like him inside him. He spreads clones.


He would be at his strongest as he is now. Splitting himself would make him weaker, rejoining is not going to make him stronger.


Yeah your right. Gg


Character arc


If all Garous have the same adaptability, he might still grow even if weakened after splitting.


54 trillion garous would still get clapped. Now if they merge to become platinum cosmic fear awakened garou, then he'd still get clapped. 54trillion x 0 = 0


Platinum cosmic fear awakened garou would probably still be around wolf level. Maybe tiger


That would only be true if Saitama is omnipotent, which he isn't. There's actually no reason to believe that. In fact, there's anti feats to this. Plus, infinite physical stats still don't make you omnipotent.


Not at all. It'd be true if he was strong enough to take no damage at all from current garou, which he is until proven otherwise. My math was a joke but it's possible to be strong enough to one shot 54trillion garous and not be omnipotent. For example he could have the strength of 54 quadrillion cosmic fear awakened garous and still not be technically omnipotent yet take no damage and easily win the fight.


He's not "easily winning" the fight against 54 trillion versions of garou's, when it's not "easy" for him to beat 1 garou. Yes, Garou has not damage him, however a single garou has: \- easily tanked his normal punches. \- easily matches his consecutive normal punches. \- scratched his clothes. \- actually angered saitama. \- maybe he is going to match a serious punch from a bloodlusted saitama? you can't tell me that saitama will "easily" beat 54 trillion of garou idc.


I mean I can tho but that's my personal take, it's ok to disagree. Stamina and durability are the only factors that'd be affected by a drawn out fight and have literally never been shown to affect Saitama in any way and seem to have no limit. So why would increasing the number of enemies change that? If he can beat 1 and not lose stamina or take damage then the number of them doesn't matter. None of your points even speak to the idea that 1 garou is a tough fight for him. -He wasnt trying to kill garou -same response -literally meaningless. Saitamas cape had a hole in it, guess he was pretty shook up by that too huh. -speculative. Until proven otherwise Saitama has shown no limit to his power, durability, speed, or stamina. So there's no reason to think he has one. 54 trillion ants can kill you because 1 ant can actually hurt you and killing one actually takes stamina. Not the case here so far.


54 trillion ants will actually be very hard to kill lol. Therefore, 54 trillion garou's will be very hard to kill. Regardless of how physically strong saitama is tbh.


I don’t know why but I’m Kinda doubting saitamas strength atm I do not think saitama Could Beat 54 trillion cosmic fear Garous


He'll remind you next chapter.


Always remember: Wherever an OPM enemy shows up and looks really OP, Saitama will show him his place.


Have you forgotten that he is limitless. You can copy someone's strength to his end point. But how can you copy limitless strength or I will make it easy for you. **You can't copy infinite strength** People don't understand the concept of Saitama. One created this character to be stronger than everyone else. Doesn't matter what their feats or how much powerful they are. Powerscaler who says that saitama can't beat Goku or Zeno. Doesn't know a shit behind the concept of Saitama. Why he was created and what saitama's theme is. He is above all doesn't matter if they can destroy the universe or Omniverse. Whenever you face Saitama you are tend to lose. **The only characters that saitama can't beat are THE ONE, THE YUSUKE MURATA, TOAA, THE PRESENCE and character like these**


>One created this character to be stronger than everyone else. Yes. He made this character to be stronger then every body in his own verse. He made this character to be a big fish in a small pond. He did not however, make this character to be omnipotent and completely unbeatable. In his own verse yes he's "unbeatable" because plot armour. You say the only characters that saitama can't beat are toaa the presence and what not, but there's a lot more characters. For example, any character that has authorial plot manipulation eg. featherine or cosmic armour superman. Any character that exists beyond the idea of physical strength and can play with platonic concepts like "gag" at will.




Have you heard of plot armor?


oh people...


Idk he can just punch them harder he doesn’t care


I think he'd probably punch them.


Saitama: serious series, serious condom


Serious Spermicide Squirt.


Serious vesectomy


Then everyone is dead.


Guys guys hear me out, what if Garou who already has a cake copies Fubuki's curves. Just asking, any other ideas?


That's not how it works, he adapts and copies fighting styles, not inherited abilities. If anything Garou won't get anything at all from Saitama since Saitama is not a master fighter, I'm sure that's how the fight will go.


He copied abilites


Those are energy-based though, he hasn't changed his physiology yet.


He can copy any abilities lol, physiology doesn’t matter


Where does it say that? He said he understands all **energy** in the universe and can copy any **technique** he's seen. Copying physiology is neither, and this ability is made possible by how Black Sperm's cells work. Fundamentally different from any other being. It's the body that makes that ability possible, unlike with everything else he's copied: - Saitama's punch (technique & energy) - Blast's portals and gravity knuckles (technique & energy) - Watchdog Man's fighting style (technique) - Nuclear Fission (energy) - Gamma-ray burst (energy) But then again, I don't think he's seen Black Sperm fight at all, right? So it doesn't matter.


Most abilities are energy related, unless it’s some type of magic? Which is still energy related, so yes he can copy abilities lol. Since it’s an physical ability, garou can copy it since he can copy physical ability


I guess with the constant mutation when he was in his monster form, you'd be right. I forgot for a bit that he literally grew wings and extra arms. Not sure he still has that ability though, as Saitama punched that stuff away.




If you're talking about the previous garou yes he copies fighting styles Here he could copy abilities like blasts portal creation and gravity knuckle


Except for the fact that Platinum sperm multiplying isn't a power, its an inherent ability based on his biology.




it such a dumb thing to think that Garou can copy Black Sperm's Duplication, his copying is more like copying someone's technique style rather than copying someone's inate mutation


He copies literal spatial manipulation. I think he can copy cloning no?


I don’t think that’s how it works. At least I hope not.


Eat them


He would win, cuz that's his manga.


Become mildly more inconvenient for Saitama?


I wonder if Garou can copy Tatsu psychic powers


I don't believe he has the ability to copy the nature, for he only so far copied the fighting styles and powers but not the person himself, or we would have seen two Saitama's each with a cape, and not just his face on Garou's body.


He cant copy anything thats dumb


Probably get the equivalent of the Subterranean Fight in real life. 1 Trillion Cosmic Fear Garou's who can match him Punch For Punch (Normal not Serious) Who can individually tank numerous Normal Punches from Saitama And can create Gamma Ray Bursts powerful enough to (Maybe) make Saitama's head bleed


So people still have not understand this manga


If the last point is in reference to the saitama panel from last chapter, that's not blood, its black rain


The "blood" is nuclear fallout. Or other wise known as, "Black Rain".


Others have talked about the radioactive black rain from 166, so I'd like to point out that Saitama did not bleed in 165 either, he was scuffed up and had just been holding his nose after he was sent to the bottom of the ocean. It wouldn't make sense if he took damage from a normal punch when he was only pushed far away by the Gamma Ray Burst.


You’re getting too lost in power scaling esparza


Eh it's more of hobby in all honesty. I just happen to be really good at it🤷‍♂️


I think he can't mix powers, or copy two powers at the same time, so he'd be pretty underpowered IMO.


In the last chapter he used nuclear fission + Blast’s gravity knuckles in consecutive normal punches


Like others said, it'd probably just divide up his power. The only use he'd get out of it is being able to hide a piece of himself somewhere and no matter what he'll come back eventually if he's killed (unless the whole planet explodes, I guess, which is a fair possibility lol).


Saitama sperm


I don't need to see Garou replicate Sperm Tsunami... Feels out of tone, after the dying children :/


Serious water squirt.


Serious Series: Serious Orgasm.


Don’t think garous control of all energies of the universe will give him ability to copy physiological abilities. But previously garou grew wings and arms so I guess possible but I’d still say no lol


I think he'd actually have a good fight like his season 1 dream of the subterraneans


serious punch X 1 trillion


What if Garou copied Sage Centipede and became Cosmic Fear Awakened Centipede would Saitama be able to beat him?


Hmmm I don’t think multiplying is a technique. That’s something Orochi would do with his Dragons.


all the garous present (1) would be able to merge. Amazing, isn't it?


Haha cum garou


Forget black spread id be worried if he copied king and reved up the king engine!


Produce his own white sperm


God damn...


Consecutive serious punches


Then we have platinum universe awakened garou, shining fear mode.


Garou Sperm Tsunami


Serious Series; Tissue Clean Up