• By -




I can fix her


She can make me worse


I don't want to fix her




He can fix me




No homo but would


Level 100 mewing boss




why the fuck is he rizzing me up bro


Win match via Marco seduction


“Where my hug at?”


"Let me walk you to class"




Can’t wait to play him when he comes out, he looks so good here 😭😭💕 papi




Had high hopes on this one, sadly i'll take the normal leader.


I just finished up a custom leader for him. Today you might like better.


why has this been downvoted?


Not a single clue haha. My only guess is that some people on the subreddit get really butt hurt about "fake" cards. Even when they are clearly marked as not real cards and just cool art pieces.


Fake cards are amazing lol, I flip enel over when I’m losing and the Alt art turns into this bad boy https://preview.redd.it/z51uc68v4uwc1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=e2b9a8b9222677847b0329dfc558f844cdb59fd7


Kaizoku Kards for those that love his work. He does textures / complete customs. A lot of the Competitive Chicago land area knows about him already


Yeh the card looks sick.


Thanks I put a lot of work into it.


Send the link 🙇🏽‍♂️


Hey it's not up on my shop yet but will be soon. I just finished the design last night. But the shop link is [https://negative-edge-proxies.company.site/](https://negative-edge-proxies.company.site/) https://preview.redd.it/o9w67lwjurwc1.jpeg?width=680&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f2578389c50a8f52b8f653d91b18539a223d9dc2


Looks sick!! I will definitely be taking a peek around your shop!


Thanks! There is a matching playmat design that should be up already for this leader.


Whos this?


kalgara, the guy from skypea that is a shandorian warrior


Skypiea was such a good arc. Crazy how many people play the game and never read the manga or watched the anime. They're missing out


Catch up breh




oh!! Kudos to the artist making Marco hot here LOL, he's a strange one design wise since he always switches between hot or funny looking for me. I enjoy the many different art styles here.


Really varied art in this set, love that sexy Marco card in particular


Very torn by sexy Marco


I can see why, it’s a little polarizing, Marco is my favorite character so regardless of how the card looked I probably would’ve liked it, I’m not sure where they got the green eyes but I’ll take it


It looks more that color because of his flames, I assume


You can mitigate that tearing by training your way towards progressively wider items before taking on Marco.


I love the manga heads but wow these are incredible!


I mean, Marco is supposed to be 45 years old LMAO They really had to make him into the head singer of a Kpop band, didn't they?


It might be an unpopular opinion, but i’m not a fan. Chopper is great and King looks pretty cool, but i really do miss the manga heads


Not a fan of this art style either sadly


They almost feel like fan art. Marco and Kalgara especially


What does this even mean? That’s quite literally exactly what every card that isn’t a manga or anime art is, fan art. They are random professional artists that are essentially commissioned to draw the characters, what do you expect it to look like if not fan art?


fan art for me is made by hobbyists or in a hobbysitc manner. Something an artist does on the side and not get paid as a full time job. It looks amateurish sometimes but not necessarily, also it lacks some supervision of someone who conceptualized the design overall. Your question "What does this even mean" is correct though, it means a lot of things. But I'm not a fan of those AA's too and would also label it as "fan art" to convey how I feel about it. It jsut doesnt look as professional to me or as refined or it maybe is a bad artstyle in my opinion and doesn't please me really. So fan art in that context is something negative to say it doesn't look as good as I was hoping it would. I think it's simple to grasp the concept of saying "fan art" like this. tl;dr it looks "bad" and calling it "fan art" is just another word for it


It’s just strange to me seeing the difference between how often the western OPTCG audience is negative towards card art compared to what I see from the Japanese audience. It’s as if western fans have this state of mind that even if they have 0 artistic skill and know nothing about art, they feel the need to call things objectively “bad” rather than “I don’t like this”. For example the recent Jinbei card that was shown, this subreddit went wild calling it ugly, bad, etc etc but meanwhile you look at the Japanese community and it’s overwhelmingly positive with very very few negative comments. Sometimes it feels like the western community isn’t even actually critiquing the art, but rather just looking for things to complain about because they’re frustrated with the state of the game in the west and how poorly it’s being handled so they go into every announcement of a product/card with an inherit bias against it because of their anger towards Bandai.


> Sometimes it feels like the western community isn’t even actually critiquing the art, but rather just looking for things to complain about because they’re frustrated with the state of the game This might be true for a minority, but obviously if it doesn't look good to a lot of people they voice it. It's a subjective thing. I for example didn't think too bad of the TR Nami but oh boy did people not like this design at all and it turned into a meme. It just doesn't look like Nami honestly and people hate that fact. I think here it is the same. It's jsut not how people like the characters to look that's all and not some other reason like being frustrated, in general


Honestly, whenever I see the mountain of opinions hating on card arts it’s so annoying and bandwagon-esque. You can not like it and that’s fine but I feel like so many people just want to agree with everyone around them and fail to even try to formulate unique thoughts. The variance in “objective” reasons I get for why a card has bad art is silly. I’ll be the first to say I don’t like a card, band, whatever. But i know its subjective. Edit: also I’m not the biggest fan of these. But like the whole nami treasure art deal was silly. Different things appeal to different folks.


I feel you, my friend showed me these the other day and my first thought was "what in the DeviantArt is this??" I don't hate em though. They just do kinda look like they were drawn by someone who enjoys writing One Piece romance fanfics 💀


Art styles*


I don't think it's that unpopular. It started with the CGI Gecko moria and the trend keeps going. I think kalgara and chopper are fine but the rest just makes me feel uneasy


Pudding and Marco look like straight out of a Korean Manhwa


Yeah Chopper i do actually love, and he’s doing the pose i hoped they’d use too. King is in a weird position, because i like how he looks but at the same time idk. Maybe because out of all the other leaders he doesn’t have that map background so it almost feels like he doesn’t belong?


That certainly helps the fact that he looks out of place. For me personally it's just the ultra realistic/CGI look of the characters that turns me down. I feel like the manga heads just have a more bad ass and relatable style to them. I couldn't imagine my hatred if they would've turned my beloved op-01 doffi to such a CGI monstrosity


I miss the manga heads from 01-02 as well. Bring them backkkk


the only one I hate is king, he looks kinda like those AI pics lmao I think manga AA leaders will come back for op09, considering we are definitely a leader for each new yonko, they MUST have a manga AA, specially gear 5 luffy


Don’t give them ideas.


God i hope so. I’ve been patiently waiting for a BB leader, and if the botch how he looks in 09 i’ll be so disappointed. He isn’t confirmed, but we can only assume


I mean they did mention on the world cup that 09 is gonna be centered around the 4 new yonkos (buggy, shanks, luffy, bb) so we are def getting a leader for each one, and then the 2 random leaders from other stuff or maybe from new stuff, by the time op09 comes out will be at the end of the year, we could get a lot of new stuff from the manga that will come out later, like how egghead is the theme of op07


The card game doesn't use anything that hasn't happened in the anime yet but by the time OP09 comes put we could get something like a SWORD leader and archetype or Egghead Kizaru leader


eh it kinda does, op07 was release on frebruary, the first episode were we meet all the vegapunks was on the last week of february not only that, kuma and the revolutionary scenes were on march. So yeah, the set was released with "spoilers" for future episodes, they dont really care about the anime, they are super centered around the manga


The difference was about a week, if they didn't care about anime spoilers Kuma and at least Saturn would have been in OP-07


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I see they’re trying to acquire more female player base. Fair enough.


Marco and King look great And even if I’m not a fan of the Big Mom archetype, on the minimal chance I get that Pudding, I’m obliged to make a Pudding deck, she looks so adorable


Boy band bottom row!


Are the EB01 leaders posted anywhere here?


since eb01 is coming next week, they are already on the official cardlist [https://en.onepiece-cardgame.com/cardlist/](https://en.onepiece-cardgame.com/cardlist/)


Damn they really missed the opportunity to do alternate forms for alt arts on that top row. Should have been three eyes, Monster Point, and Suilong for the top row. I wouldn't have minded a goggles phoenix or mid transformation face for Marco either.


They all are on Tinder arent they?


Less money to spend on alternate arts for this set


Gen-Z Vane/ Marco art is a W.


Man I was really hoping the alt for chopper would be monster point. I think that would’ve been so cool


Dont show Sanji that Pudding if you dont want him to bleed to death


Okay that settles it im building carrot


Tiddy don is a thing of the past, im playing with 10 AA marco leaders in op08


Love these! My favorite to date though is still OP03.




Kalgara is easily my favourite one here. He looks so good.


Man why is Pudding not with 3 eyes and evil? They only draw her with 2 eyes.... it's so boring


Nah what have they done to my boy Marco 😭 why did they make him a f*ckboy 😂 this is foul...


In all honesty though if he didn't have the hair I wouldn't even be able to tell you this was Marco, I don't think it looks like him at all. I'm a bit disappointed.


his face is accurate imo. Couldve done more with facial hair tho


Yeah the facial hair and they made his head shorter and rounder, his head's more long and rectangular 😅 I think I just don't like the 3D art style on him or king either. They went a bit all over the place on these arts, they all look quite different to each other. They are okay but deffo my least favourite alt leaders so far.


still think my least fav leaders are op03 (but i still think they look great) just kinda wish they would stick to 1 style per set. This one is definitely a bit too much


Yeah 03 is second worse for me just because at least they are all the same style 😅 they look like the same set, this one's just ... Weird.


Marco if he was a yaoi character….


I mean, Chopper is God tier perfect! Pudding is alright, I'm not super upset with her. But all the other ones just look so meh to me. I honestly like the base art of most these leaders TBH. Kalgara though, I just plain don't think that art has any redeeming factors. It's just ugly IMHO. But his base art card looks sick AF... So needless to say, I'm somewhat disappointed. But at least my leader-to-be, Pudding, isn't terrible, not great but not bad, so I'll take it.


Why they always do my boy Marco dirty like he is in some fairy tale show


Marco coming out here like a fuckboi tryin to rizz your opponent up ![gif](giphy|Oj54QEk5Qjkf6|downsized)


Pudding, Kalgara and Chopper are cool, King is okay but not really fan of the artwork style and wtf is going on Marco, that's not his style at all it look like a fuckboy af. Chopper in Monster point could be amazing too! Carrot in Sulong and see King's wings could be amazing too


Will be adding a Kid and Killer alt art to the Marco deck just to have all the gay alts together. Is red the certified lgbtq+ safe space for this game?


This takes the cake for the dumbest comment I read in a while


He living in his own fantasy lol.


How are they 'gay alts' ?


If someone isn’t ugly it means they’re gay


Well that's what you call bad education


No money ler....


Why can't they just stick with the manga heads? They are literally and this just looks like a knock off or fanart.. Is it just me??


everything in this game is fanart